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7780158 No.7780158 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this considered a classic?

>> No.7780167

The red funni figure

>> No.7780184

it is pretty funni though

also give everyone eat

>> No.7780187

Sometimes classics are actually fun to read.

>> No.7780459
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>the part where a soldier straight up murders a servant girl for no reason the MPs come and arrest Yossarian while apologizing to the soldier.

>> No.7780464

He never paid for it :^)

>> No.7780524

that chapter was dark as fuck

>> No.7780529


Because it wasn't written by a roastie, and therefore, worth reading.

>> No.7780535
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>when the bombs drop on friendly troops

>> No.7780539
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>The part where Milo bombs his own men and is congratulated for it

>> No.7780542

>when that dood gets slaughtered by the propellers leaving only his feet

>> No.7780579


That fucking explanation of how he made money selling eggs to himself had me in tears.

>> No.7780611
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> the part where Yossarian's hanging out in a tree and Milo climbs up to give him chocolate covered cotton

>> No.7780615

it's weird. i went into GR hoping to get the same kind of experience, hilarity tinged with horror, and it just wasn't so. anyone else have a similar disappointment?

>> No.7780619

Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

>> No.7780621

Because it came out at a time when Dr Strangelove made anti military satire cool. Funny enough it was already really fucking dated since it dealt with WWII but that didn't stop the retards from latching onto it.

>> No.7780625


>> No.7780627

>party pooper
elitist patrol's here guys, pack it up. this is a gene wolfe thread now.

>> No.7780628


>Catch-22 is anti military

That must be why it's one of the most read books among the US military.

Because it's anti military.

You haven't actually read it, have you.

>> No.7780632

Yes, reading this after reading Gravity's Rainbow to find an unfunny mess of a book with shit prose and a teenager's poorly thought out "intellegent nihilist with a wicked sense of humor" worldview.

>> No.7780636

>catch-22 isn't anti-military

>> No.7780641

boy, you're no fun at all.

>> No.7780643


It's not. You would know this had you actually bothered to read it instead of just shitposting to ruin what was a good thread.

>> No.7780644

The entire premise is a dude trying to desert while his oh so wacky superiors are big meanie heads.

>> No.7780652

okay, would you mind elaborating on the pro-military themes i missed?

>> No.7780658

So you don't think that exposing the foolishness of the military apparatus is anti-military?

>> No.7780659


Yes and at no point does the narrator the side of Yossarian.

>big meanie heads

It's more complicated than that. But I'm wasting my time arguing with someone that hasn't even read the fucking book.


>it's not anti, this means it must be pro

I can see why someone who only sees black and white would not enjoy this book.

>> No.7780661


No. If anything, it's anti-foolishness.

>> No.7780663

Stop baiting

>> No.7780664

You are just digging yourself deeper and deeper.

>> No.7780668


>there are two shitposters instead of one


thread's over

>> No.7780671

>muh flash in the pan relic of the 60s

>> No.7780680

well there are plenty of anti-military themes, so i would imagine you might be able to balance those out for me.

>> No.7780687

Eh. Honestly I'm not seeing it. It might depict an excess in the system, but there is no alternative to that, except for even more foolishness. There are no redeeming qualities in the military in Catch-22.

>> No.7780691

even that meeting with the old pimp kind of shits on their entire involvement there, i'm hazy on the details though.

>> No.7780693

Yossarian is the only "straight" man in the book, everything else is a joke that happens to him. He's the sane one and everyone is stupid except him. You could argue for the chaplain if heller's fedora didnt treat him with "oh look at this adorable religious man isn't it cute that he thinks god exists if only he was smart like me"

>> No.7780701

i always thought he just wanted to fuck him.

>> No.7780719

Dr Strangelove
>I'm going to put representitives of cold war ideologies against each other which will create comedy from the human elements of the characters struggling to deal with the absurd circumstance
Catch 22
>I'm going to make the stupid military leaders say stupid things because they're stupid and the military is stupid and that'll show people they're stupid

>> No.7780769

>There is only one way to make satire

>> No.7780784

Should actually be
>making satire at all

>> No.7780788

it gave us the maymay of Catch 22

>> No.7780801

It's the knob jokes

>> No.7780805

I think the humor of the book might be lost on people who can't into an older comedic styles like the Marx brothers or Chaplin.

>> No.7780813

Every war book is pro-war, and every war book is anti-war.

>> No.7780814

On a vaguely related note, which of Hellers' books are worth checking out besides this and Something Happened?

>> No.7780822

i hear they're all shit after catch, though i hear catch is shit too, so who knows. i did read someone being saddened in the sequel by the aging of yossarian, and that in retrospect it was better for him to remember them as they were.

>> No.7781014
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>> No.7781066

I recognized the cadences of older humor, it's just that most of it has been done to death, and comparatively seems unoriginal or obvious today.

>> No.7781074

Vonnegut is actually better than Heller. That's the only time I think I'll ever say he's better than anything but fuck at least he has a sense of (simplistic) style.

>> No.7781352

Anything having to do with Milo's business exploits had me fucking dying. Seriously never laughed that hard at a book before.

>> No.7781448
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This is as good if not better.

>> No.7781461

Major Major Major Major

>> No.7781463
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>all of Clevinger's trial

>> No.7781467

That part made me feel kinda sick in my chest.
>that part where Major Major is ocstracised when he tries to play ball
>that part where Yossarian recognises that it's Dunbar shooting at him from bushes by the sound of his gunshots
>that part when Snowden's guts fall out onto Yossarian

>> No.7781468


>> No.7781484
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>when his father didn't tell major major or his mother what name he picked out
>when they both find out

>> No.7781595
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>moaning scene

>> No.7781706
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It seriously caught me off guard how dark the book managed to get.
It just crept up on you until you realized that almost everyone was dead or missing.

>> No.7781836

hahaha that was one of my favorite parts. major d'coverly

>> No.7782336

So, this or The Recognitions? It's a matter of money and demand.

>> No.7782416


I love that scene with Dunbar, two war weary veteran bastards who just want to go home independently going to shoot the new recruits who don't understand war. I just reread this book and, even though I knew it was coming, I was sad when Dunbar got disappeared.

>> No.7782428


The Recognitions is way better, but if you're the slightest bit pleb, I don't know if you'll get much out of it compared to if you read Catch-22.

Or just get both. Matter of money? How poor are you?

>> No.7782768


>> No.7782826
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I will import them and, well, Real to Dollar is 4:1 and any of these books will cost me about a hundred Reais. It's a question of floating odds and, you know, Brazil is going through a turbulence ATM. I don't plan wasting my bux due to poor exchange rates and I wanted to know which of these books is the "book"; as in "essential" or "prioritary", that's it.

>> No.7782840

>not reddit as fuck

>> No.7782848

>reading satire at all

It's like we're on Reddit 2.0.

>> No.7782862

The Recognitions x1000
Catch 22 is just cheap entertainment