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/lit/ - Literature

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7775279 No.7775279 [Reply] [Original]

So, how does your day look like?

When do you read?

>> No.7775289

why do you ask

>> No.7775321

Not enough. I'm in dire need of adjusting my sleep schedule to open up time for reading and writing. I work 5-2 every weekday and am always too tired to focus and too awake to nap in the afternoons.

>> No.7775336

I go to bed late and sleep late, I drink huge amounts of coffee, I try to write and read every single day. Depending on what my circumstances are, I can spend a day either not writing at all or writing many thousands of words in the span of a few hours.

>> No.7775337
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I usually wake at 6 and get to uni by 9. I read the news as I eat breakfast. I catch the ferry into the city and get in about 20 minutes of reading there + however long I wait for it to come. In between classes if my there are no friends around I will read a bit more. I write in my diary and then read a bit before I go to sleep at 10

>> No.7775363


wake up, eat a fat salad
read on the bus to uni
take a shit there everyday
browse /lit/ during class
go home, stare at the wall
do homework, play guitar
take an uber to canter's
enjoy a reuben and tea
with a friend or two

>> No.7775807

makes me feel comfy

>> No.7775812

I'm on the bus for about an hour a day, I read then. Usually manage to squeak in a half hour of editing too if my workload isn't too heavy. I'm about as productive now as when I was NEET, surprisingly.

>> No.7776257

I work 58 hours a week. Running a lathe. I spend around 80% of that time reading. I don't feel bad about being a wagecuck because I make over a thousands dollars a week and would spend most of my time reading anyway. When I get home I usually play guitar. I turned a room in my house into a studio. Pretty comfy.

>> No.7778071
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>He doesn't feel bad about being a wagecuck.

>> No.7778219

Wake up
write in my journal
Read something light for a little while watching fishing shows
make breakfast around 5:30
take a shot
get in my car
go to work around 6:30
most days, finish most of my work in the first two hours, then spend most of the day reading heavier books
eat lunch around 11
come home around 3:30
shitpost on 4chan, read, play video games, write a short story or two once in awhile
feel lonely
take a shot
go to sleep around 10

>> No.7778251

I don't read

>> No.7778256

He practically gets paid to read by the sounds of it.

>> No.7778383

wake up at random hours depending on my college schedule: be it 7am, 11am, 2pm, but generally not exceeding 2. then i go to the damned college, listen to the teacher and stay about an hour an a half in average studying for my courses. then i come home on average at about 4pm and browse 4chan, watch stupid youtube videos, masturbate 1-3 times, and read about 1.5 hours.

>> No.7778895

Wake up at 9
Contemplate whether or not to go to classes
Go back to sleep
Wake up between 12 and 14
Coffee and cereal
Shitpost on 4chan for 1-4 hours
Read for a while
Alternate reading, watching netlix and shitposting on /pol/ for the rest of the day while drinking bottom shelf whiskey
Fall asleep in a drunken stupor between 4 and 6

I honestly don't know what I'm going to do once they start denying me student loans because I keep failing classes.

>> No.7778952

Wake up in the middle of a panic attack
Sit up in the bed and take several minutes to get some oxygen to my brain
Finally crawl out of bed
Take a look in the mirror and mourn the loss of my hair
Pop some happy pills
Drink some calories
Vomit my liquid breakfast due to anxiety or severe acid reflux, or a combination thereof
Pop more happy pills in case the last round didn't have time to make it to my digestive tract
Boot up my toaster oven of a computer and shitpost on 4chan for a while
Drink more calories
Read some McCarthy
Shitpost some more
Weep some more
Fantasize about the possibility of a nuclear holocaust

>> No.7778957

I wake up at midnight, and work until noon. The remaining time I spend, driving, eating, or kind of spacing out and fantasizing, which makes it hard to sleep because I regret how much time I waste. On the weekend I sleep for about twelves hours a day, and spend the rest of the time ruminating over how much I dislike myself or browse the internet because I find it comforting. About once a month everything comes into mental alignment and I'll hammer out a book, usually reading nonstop, and then I'll go back to being human garbage. So in short I'm a pleb and I barely read at all.

>> No.7779001

Start thinking about the debt you've incurred?

>> No.7779074

Wake up at 9
Contemplate whether or not to go to classes
Go back to sleep
Wake up at 11
Go to classes
Read and do homework for classes
Pleasure read some poetry and maybe a chapter or so from a novel
Bed at around 2

rinse repeat fucking kill me

>> No.7779091
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best in thread
! your life sounds very happy, good on you

>> No.7779110

How did you get that job?

>> No.7779111

I've seen this pic in the london art gallery, it;s a bit shit tbqh

>> No.7779371

Wake up, around 9:30am
Study my STEM subjects until 2:30pm
Cook my lunch, eat it
Drive to the gym, work out
Sit in the uni's square and read until 7pm
Go to classes until 10:30pm
Go back home, eat dinner and study a language
Read a little bit of fiction and go to sleep

>> No.7779393

Wake up at 7AM
Wake up at 8AM
Eat Lunch, listen to an hour or two of audiobooks.
Go to class
Come back to dorm at 2PM
Free time until 4PM, waste it somehow every time
Go to lunch
Start homework/study at 6PM
Bed at 10PM
Up until 12AM
Lay in bed at 2AM
Sleep at 3AM
Wake up at 7AM
Wake up at 8AM

>> No.7779413

Wake up at 9
Roll out of bed and hit the subway
Read for an hour while I travel
Finish work and go to the gym to lift
Read an hour on the subway home
Go for a jog
Eat some dinner then read all night before bed.

Fuck I read a lot. Usually 4-5 hours a day.

>> No.7779422

I wake up, eat, work, eat again, sometimes call the gf, then read at night time in my bed for ultimate comfiness to end the day

>> No.7779426
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>wake up at 11 or 12
>eat cereal or toast
>read the newspaper
>look out the front door
>take a walk
>go to a movie matinee
>listen to the radio
>watch sitcom reruns till 1
>usually fall asleep about 2

>> No.7779432

What happens when it's raining and you're in the square? Are there covered places that you can sit under and read comfortably, or do you go inside?

>> No.7779437

wake up at 11 am
play video games
play video games
watch tv show or movie while eating
play video games
sleep at 3 am

>> No.7779443

>wake up at 530
>go for a short 2 mile jog
>make some eggs
>go to school 18 yo seniorfag
>get home at 4-5
>too exhausted to read, sit on my ass and play vidya or shitpost
>if it's friday, maybe have some wine, beer, or weed
>go to my bed at like 10
>read a bit before bed
>fall asleep, often during the middle of a chapter

I need to fix this

>> No.7779452

wake up at 6am
unload dishwasher, eat breakfast, drink coffee
drink second cup of coffee
head to uni, get there by 8-8:30
classes from 9:25 til 1:30 on mondays and wednesdays, so read for an hour or so before first class
get home at 2ish
do homework
cook dinner
shitpost on the internet
go to bed
on days I don't have class I work for 8-10 hours making 12 dollars an hour. just barely leaves a little money to spare while covering rent and utilities but I like living by myself

only other day than monday or wednesday I have class is Thursday from 1:40 - 2:55, 4:45 - 7:20

>> No.7779453 [DELETED] 
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>go to class if awake early enough
>usually wake up 11 or 12 having slept through a morning of lectures
>bus somewhere for breakfast, either the beach cafe or a fast food chain
>read with breakfast, maybe go for a walk
>bus home
>catch up on lecture notes, maybe do some course work
>go for a smoke
>attend afternoon class if i have one
>make a can of soup for dinner or bus for some fast food
>eat outside with a smoke and a beer around sunset
>read outside for a while
>do some course work
>read, write, or watch films until around 2
>browse /lit/ in bed until 3 or 4
>masturbate a few times and fall asleep around 5

>> No.7779461

>gather myself up off the floor
>have a banana
>brush my teeth
>go toddling off to war
>have a banana

>> No.7779465

School days:
>wake up early feeling like shit
>slog over to class
>sit in lecture diligently taking notes, absorbing what i can, try to remember essentials
>so tired i can barely stand
>walk home
>collapse onto bed and try to nap
>existential dread kicks in and i'm reminded of my garbage life. can't sleep. nap for maybe 20 minutes
>resign myself and wake back up, still groggy
>try to read, can't
>kill time until bedtime

Non-school day:
>wake up feeling like shit
>take 3-4 hours to get past sleep inertia
>read for 1-2 hours, 2-3 if i'm lucky and feel good
>waste time on internet
>read for another hour
>waste more time
>jerk off

>> No.7779499

Wake up at six
Record my dreams, drink coffee and smoke while catching up on 4chan
Go to work, eat my breakfast (granola bar, or yogurt) there
Ignore the ceaseless babbling of annoying co-worker while i browse /lit
Go insane with rage towards her as the morning crawls
Lose ability to concentrate on work or shitposting
Retreat to a park for lunch to read
Only have time for twenty minutes of reading, usually end up napping
Read when I get home to calm myself, or to kill time before visiting friend
Hour or more goes by in my big comfy chair; fuck, I'm hungry
Write afterwards if I'm not going out
Usually tired by this point and quit early to do something brain-dead, like play vidya
Realize i don't have the mental energy even for that
Attempt to sleep

>> No.7779503

>Non-school day:
>>wake up feeling like shit
>>take 3-4 hours to get past sleep inertia
>>read for 1-2 hours, 2-3 if i'm lucky and feel good
>>waste time on internet
>>read for another hour
>>waste more time
>>jerk off
there must be more to life than this anon. if you find out, tell me.

>> No.7779507

Wake at 8
Eat, clothe, coffee
Leave apartment at 8:55
Show up at work at 9 (yes, I live within a 5 minute bike ride of work)
Work until 1
Us my hour break to read in my office
Work until 6
Go home and read till 8
Watch tv with my roommates until 11
Shit post on 4chan until 12
Read until I pass out

>> No.7779509

>wake up at 8
>make some oatmeal
>work 9-5
>eat on the way home
>browse /lit/ and /r9k/
>cry and wank
>sleep at 2

>> No.7779510

One day I was feeling particularly horrible and I had a midterm so I decided to take adderall. It was one of the best days of my life. I felt determined. I felt ambition. I felt a desire to work, to get things done. I felt good about myself and about the direction of my life. None of the feelings were out of control or exaggerated, there was actually a calm and clarity among all this blissful purpose and energetic drive.

I thought to myself, "this is what life is like for successful people, for people who aren't always fatigued!"

I dunno if there is more anon. I wish I could wake up feeling good. I wish I wasn't constantly prone to procrastination. I really wish I wasn't so fucking tired all the time.

>> No.7779517

yea, thats what life is like for everyone fucking wired on amphetamines.

>> No.7779521
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one day we're going to make it out of this slump

>> No.7779529
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no we're not, people live entire lives this way or kill themselves first

>> No.7779535
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You must know this is nonsense though anon. Unless you're meme'ing. I know plenty of successful, ambitious, active, charming people who don't take pills. I want to pin it to some kind of rational explanation, "Oh they just have different chemicals," but I know that can't be right.

Anyway, whatever it is, they're out there and I continue to sit on my couch.

One day.

>> No.7779550

On weekdays:

For about 45 minutes on my morning commute.
Half an hour or so on lunch break.
Maybe a bit on the way to gym after work.
For a couple hours in the evening at a cafe or old uni library.
On the bus back home.


Two to three hours in the morning at my desk.
A couple hours in the afternoon at usual cafe.
Maybe an hour or so in the evening if I don't have plans (usually don't).

I hate work and all the hours it takes from my study.

>> No.7779555

a shot of what?

>> No.7779573



wake up
get to work (desk job, i do retirement plans) at 9, coffee
eat lunch
leave work at 6
cook or grab dinner and possibly watch a flick with my housemate
read or shitpost on 4chan
go to bed at 1 or 2

>> No.7779574

I go inside an empty classroom, the nearby café or my car.

>> No.7779577


Didn't mean to quote.

>> No.7779587

I sleep for 30minutes every 4 or 6 hours, able to read through the night, nap and then readmore until early morning, 8 hours of reading, uninterrupted and in virtual silence, get on it,
Its definitely worth the absolute exhaustion you'll witness in the first 2 weeks.

>> No.7779618

What do you need to fix? More reading? Any high schooler getting up at 5:30 to run consistently is already more motivated and getting way more shit done than 90% of his peers

>> No.7779810

get up at six am, eat oatmeal, maybe listen to some music, go to school, sometimes I go to the library before school
finish lessons around 2pm, if I need something I go to the shop, get back home, prepare dinner, rest a little while after, go for a run, get back home, browse the internet for a while, read, eat supper, go to bed, read, write some poems, think about her and go to sleep around 10pm

>> No.7779829

Get up
Alternate reading with study throughout the day instead of going to uni
Chill and chat shit with housemates when they get back and maybe get drunk if weekend.

End up reading 100-200 pages a day and alternating reading with work reduces the mind numbing boredom of my course.

>> No.7779841

Wake up at 6, get some breakfast and then hit the bus. To tired to read there. At school I sleep/read/pay attention depending on the class. Literature, philosophy and latin are the only one I usually pay attention to.
Then I get the bus, get home and eat. At 3 I sleep/read/study depending on the mood.
At 6 pm (some days 7 or 9) I have my Basket practice. Once home (could be from 9pm to 11 pm) I read or fuck around. Fall asleep at 1-2.

>> No.7779857

Im in my last year of high school. I dont talk to anyone at lunchtimes or in homeroom, this is when i read. I dont eat either i just go the library and read all lunch

Currently reading no country for old men. r8

>> No.7779889

>tfw older than people on 4chan
i will still never get used to this.. I started browsing when i was 13

>> No.7780028

I'm probably gonna get judged but whatevs. I can't remember the last time I actually read a book. I just listen to audio books whilst playing vidya or something like that.

>> No.7780030

They hired me to run the saw but found out I am good at math so they put me on a real machine. If you can do trig you can do anything on a lathe.

>> No.7780201

I read when I eat.

>> No.7780251

how old are you? - i'm in my last year also, but i am embarassed because i should have finished 2 or 3 years ago

>> No.7780387

wake up at around 12 and shower
essentially do nothing for several hours
eventually spend 1 - 2 hours studying or doing coursework
wish i had friends so i could actually talk to someone
make bad posts on 4chan for hours
try to sleep and just lie awake thinking about ways to change my life and be normal but just go further into misery until i get too tired to do so
fall asleep

>> No.7781449

Sleep. Eat. Get on lit. Ohh and courses and coursework sometimes.

>> No.7781517

> Wake up
> Go to college
> Read before and after class
> go home
> Video games
> Sleep

>> No.7781555

Wake up at 6am, get dressed, sometimes have breakfast if I can be bothered
Get on the bus, read for the hour and half journey
Read on the busride home
Get home and shitpost till 10pm at which time I fall asleep and repeat

>> No.7781690


How old are you

>> No.7781743

19, sadly. i hope you have it easy finishing this last year bud

>> No.7781827

Wake up at 7
Eat breakfast
Listen music on bus to uni
Play games and lurk 4chan in classes
Listen music on bus back to home
Play games and do homework
Take a shower and I never dry my hair
So I read while my hair dries itself

>> No.7781830

Exactly this, specifically Super Smash Bros Melee though.

also I watch an episode of some hbo show usually (rn I'm watching the Sopranos)

>> No.7781909

Wake up at 730
Shower, tea, work by 830
Work until 1045
Class 11-1215, eat lunch then read for an hour, class 2-315
Back to work monday/wednesday until 530, tuesday/thursday class 330-445
Go home, make dinner
Read for school, write an essay whether required for school or not
Bang gf
Watch a film or read recreationally until falling asleep befween 11pm and 1am

>> No.7783413

For a moment I thought I'd maybe glean a couple interesting details from one and then another, picking out from the many a portrait of one soul, some common /lit/ undercurrent that would point to some ideal, but then I realized all of you are boring.

>> No.7783466

Up sometime between 6.30 and 8. Depending on how many seizures I had overnight.
Walk dogs at 8, get hot chocolate at the cart.
Nap from 9am until whenever I feel like doing something.
Sometime between 9 and 12, whenever I'm not sleeping, tend garden. Water plants, harvest whatever needs harvesting, pull up weeds.
12 lunch.
12.30 walk dogs.
1 pm - 5pm whatever. Maybe reading, crocheting, sewing, drawing, writing, watching television, playing video games, or a combination.
5pm walk dogs.
Somewhere between 5.30 and 8, eat dinner.
8pm meds.
9pm walk dogs.
9.30pm more meds.
10pm bed.

I used to do writing in the evening dog-walk slot, but I'm on a medication that's making me restless and pacy at the moment, so I tend not to settle in to much writing at the moment and prefer to do practical things with my hands. I should re-teach myself how to knit, and would if I knew where my needles were.

>> No.7785225


>> No.7785233
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>Bang gf
Hahah sure you do.

>> No.7785463

>up at 6
>shower, makeup, hair, grab a coffee and a bowl of fruit and fibre in time for 7
>browse lit til 7:30, then leave house to catch the bus
>bus journey is ~30 minutes, have to catch a coach with fucking 11 year olds so depending on how irate i'm feeling i'll either read or listen to music
>school til 3:30, read in any free periods
>30 min bus journey, never have the brainpower to read without 2nd coffee to often just listen to music
>4:20 arrive home, coffee, tidy up the mess in the kitchen
>kill time doing pointless shit and no homework
>read in bed at 10
>sleep just before 11 most nights

even though my schedule doesn't sound like i read a great deal i often end up reading a fuckton at school on my kindle and often read about 100 pages or so during that time.

>> No.7786791

god damn you have SUCH a crush on mosely

>> No.7787150

whats there to fix? thats amazing an amazing routine for anyone, let alone a high schooler.

>> No.7787162

What do you do for work?

>> No.7787209

i knew that lifestyle. You gotta change it yourself mang, forget the friends they'll come to you. And if they don't more time for you to perfect a craft. Physical activity is the best way to start making yourself feel better btw. Just go to the fucking gym, I'm telling you it'll work.

>> No.7787276

Wake up at 7, get ready, feed cats
Read until 7:45, go to work.
Get back from work around 12pm.
Eat lunch, do vocal exercises (have trouble speaking loudly so I'm taking singing lessons... speech therapists don't teach adults).
Read or clean until bf comes home at 5-6.
Eat dinner.
Watch anime or bf playing video games or read.
Write at 9.
Sleep at 11.

>> No.7787281

wake up at noon, browse internet, sleep around 3am. i take the last class that i need to graduate on tuesdays and thursday, that's literally the only thing i do other than browse internet and sleep all week. i quit my job a month ago because i hated it even though i'll have no money left by the middle of april. i wish i could kill myself.

>> No.7787321

>all these students

A-am I really getting too old for 4chan? My day is I get up at eight, play video games, shower and write until 1, when I go into work and teach until 9 (I read on my breaks, or sometimes in-lesson if it's a writing one). Then I get back, crack open a beer or two and contemplate women/do some more writing before bed. I guess it's kind of a literary life.

>> No.7787355


ayy let's high five while we piss our lives away and our families off.. together!

>> No.7787430

Where do you teach? Tutoring or college?

>> No.7787438

I can only read at like 10 PM to 3 AM

>> No.7787505

I go to sleep between 4-6am, wake up at noon-2.. Sometimes later. I drink coffee and don't eat for a good chunk of the day. I have about 3-4 large cups a day. I read throughout the day in short bursts, and have 4-5 books on the go at once.

I don't really do anything in a typical day. I don't even accomplish as much reading as I should. I used to work out a lot, I was a big guy, but I've withered away over the last year and a half of post-graduate NEEThood. If I wasn't so indecisive I'd probably have killed myself by now. I'm also a virgin. Missed my chance in uni so I don't think it'll ever happen. Only a few more years till I become a wizard

>> No.7787612

wake up
get dressed
eat oats and drink coffee
go to class
go home
browse /lit/, watch a film and/or read
eat dinner
see my psychologist
browse /lit/, watch a film and/or read
contemplate life

>> No.7787629

can't you get a job?

>> No.7787631

>seeing your psychologist everyday

>> No.7787662

Wake up at random time
Sit in bed with laptop until hungry
Go to 24 hour grocery store to pick up binge items
Binge whilst watching netflix and the like
Lie in bed with laptop until feeling sleepy
Masturbate and fall asleep

I only have showers and brush my teeth if I have somewhere to go where there'll be other people

>> No.7787781

Not really. The only work I've ever had were labor jobs given to me by relatives. I have worked 'real' jobs at chain restaurants and whatnot, but I have a terrible, unlikeable personality and don't last long working with others. I have been fired from places that hire mentally retarded people. I think I have a few undiagnosed neurotic pathologies.

>> No.7787854

Private language school. Nothing prestigious or anything but it pays the bills (which I don't have because I live in a hotel room).

>> No.7787876

get diagnosed
they may be able to treat you so you can integrate back into society (if desired)
and hey if it fails you may be eligible for additional autismbux in some countries
also how did you graduate from uni? they usually involve some degree of group participation. if you can pass uni you may have potential anon.

>> No.7787878

>Wake up around noon
>turn on computer and make tea
>Check regular websites to see if anything important has happened
>Open WIP and leave it open on second screen
>Watch Youtube for a few hours
>Stand up and walk around randomly as I try to think of something better to do with my life
>Consider doing something important like apply for jobs or get around to setting up a writing blog
>Do nothing
>Browse the internet for a few more hours
>Only want to do something productive when I have to head out for whatever reason

I usually read during one of the days when I'm not stuck on 4chan. Some days are better than others but I still waste a lot of time doing fucking nothing and wasting potential.

>> No.7788359

I'm on a semester break right now, so usually, my days go like this

>wake up whenever; current sleeping schedule is surprisingly great and I get up by around 10AM
>usually read a bit in bed before leaving it - it's located under a big window so it's all sunny and bright there in the morning
>get on PC afterwards to check messages and shitpost a bit
>watch a bit of animu whilst eating breakfast
>rest of the day is spend alternating between shitposting, vidya, watching various shows, and reading

I also prefer to read in daylight, so I try to adjust accordingly.

>> No.7788508

>wake up at 6:30
>make breakfast and coffee
>feed cat
>go to work
>come home for lunch break
>eat lunch, surf web, or read some passages from non-fiction
>go back to work
>get home from work
>work out
>make dinner
>play video games, read, or watch a film
>hit the hay around 10pm

>> No.7788516

I would usually figure out some way to do group projects alone. Usually everyone would group up and I'd be next alone, or anther straggler would be forced to pair. I felt bad for them. I have been diagnosed with depression before but the meds made me lose my obsessive mind which, I learned, I kind of enjoyed about myself. I seemed to be more forgetful on SSRIs.

>> No.7788686

>wake up at 9am
>make bacon, eggs, toast, coffee
>read twitter and 4chan all day
>read a few pages of a book
>go to bed at 12am

>> No.7788733

recently I'm trying something different. Instead of reading x hours every day, i choose a day to dedicate completely to a book, and finish it off from start to end (of course within limits, if it's over 400 pages I continue the next day). single-handling, uh? more immersive and less tiresome that I thought.

>> No.7788813

Yours looks pretty similar to mine from last semester.

I wake up at 9, work out, shower, prepare oatmeal, eggs and tea, check mail before heading off to uni at 10.
If necessary go to the classes. If not, go to the library. Spend most of the day in uni or the library preparing for classes and exams in order to head home early. On weekends same but at a coffee shop instead.
Browse the internet, maybe read a book in the afternoon before it's time for dinner.
If sports practice I'm usually away from home between 8 and 11. If not, do my homework or read.
Go for a walk around the block when feeling tired, usually around 11. Go to bed at 1 after browsing 4chan and doing some pleasure reading.

>> No.7788824

>wake up at 9am
>read till 11am
>pretend to go to a job that I convinced my parents I have but really go to the library and read/4chan
>play video game/watch tv/ read
>go to bed

>> No.7788962

Wake up, stretch, pound water, huge breakfast, take meds, feed/let out dogs, tend to garden
Meditate, read, study
Music, drawing
Screens cut from here on out, so a lot of reading
Shower, come up with ideas

>> No.7789462

Often times when I get home from class around mid-day I lay down and actively imagine that I'm with the girl I wish is in my bed. I always end up waking at around 9pm with a muddy desire to masturbate--insatiable beyond the obvious course of action. Once the tissues have been flushed I either begin reading or continue to shamefully placate my libido. Through inspiration or disgust I usually end up devising some kind of idea through which I plan on changing my life for the better. It's usually forgotten within the hour and I shitpost on 4chan until I'm required to go outside again. I forget to eat and compulsively touch my nose.