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/lit/ - Literature

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7761694 No.7761694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>he thinks he's a true patrician yet he does not own a hardcover copy of the greatest work of literature produced in the 21st century

He will be remembered as the Camus of our time desu.

>> No.7761707

Kill yourself. That goes for the Hypersphere and Tundra faggots as well.

>> No.7761712
File: 26 KB, 480x496, 1456464695119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7761718

>he can't appreciate a true master of the absurdity of modern life who, using its own language, completely deconstructs everything about the modern world including children's movies

kys senpai.

>> No.7761747

>dies without ever putting it in
>anything to do with patrician
that's not how it works timothy

>> No.7761751

Nietzsche was also a foreveralone loser during his life.

Elliot will be remembered as the greatest philosopher of our times.

>> No.7761756

Different strokes and all that, but yeah, short of being deformed or actually autistic I'd have a hard time believing someone has a well-adjusted view of the world and a cultivated mind if they can't figure out how to do something as simple as getting laid.

And no, voluntarily celibacy at a young age is not patrician, you life-denying Christposters.

>> No.7761791

The greatest work of ironic philosophy since Conspiracy Against the Human race. My girlfriend and I loved the bit where he fell off the wall at the party!

>> No.7761932

I would call Elliot more of a postironic philosopher.

>> No.7762073

holy shit

do you think /lit/ could actually bump this too the best seller list on amazon? it really isn't that difficult to do

needs a better cover though

>> No.7762084
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who the hell is getting all the money?

>> No.7762093


why is this so hard to believe? many people struggle to get sex. it's clear that what makes people attractive is normally distributed, so there is going to be a clear set of the population who greatly lacks the qualities needed to be attractive. I don't know if this even relates to being well adjusted - there was a study that showed that the average MIT STEM PhD hadn't had sex

>> No.7762149
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 1448471052331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to stop for a moment at this line:

>This man we were talking to... he patted me on the back and told me that I have a great life ahead of me. With a grin on his face, he told me that "in the next ten years, you'll have a great time... a great time".

>> No.7762155

Pretty sure he fucked whores and had friends.

>> No.7762685

There is scant evidence he fucked whores. He tried hedonism for a year in his 20s' and hated it. One of his college friends wrote about how once they had attended a brothel together and Nietzsche became so uncomfortable that when women approached him, he sat down at the piano and played it all night without having laid a hand on a woman.

Another time, he had a female suitor who he shooed off by giving her a bloody handkerchief wrapped around a toad. Salome was his one and only romance and he was, after a time of writing Elliot tier letters about her, happy that it had not gone farther.

His friends vanished rapidly in the last decade or so of his life which is when he wrote all of his best work. Nietzsche was always a loner by nature and wrote even early in his life that he had always sought solitude.

Elliot is different though, because his solitude was also self-imposed, but in such a way that he couldn't even see that it was self imposed, he couldn't recognize it, he was brought up in a society that had so horribly lost sight of humanity that many young men cannot figure out how to perform the basic elements of social interaction.

>> No.7763139
File: 429 KB, 451x619, 1450041129334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just reached part 6, though I'll leave it for tomorrow. It's astonishing how some media websites portrayed him as a total mad man, he wasn't actually mad at all, if I had the same experiences as he did, well I wouldn't be surprised if I turned out the same: bad genetics, bullying, betrayal, constant humiliation and all the worst that could happen to an innocent boy; it seems almost like the world itself planned to make his life miserable. If there's a huge flaw I can point out in his personality, is that he's overly egocentric, at least that's how it sounds up to this part of the book, though this trait might as well be an after-effect of his shitty life experiences, he wrote all of this while he was already on the borderline after all.

>> No.7763155

This book is the ultimate meme. In other words, don't let anybody trick you into reading it, like I did.

>> No.7763181

Too late, already started reading. Still, how is it a meme? to me it doesn't seem any different than a generic dramatic auto-biography tbqh.

>> No.7763185

Of course it seems like the world itself planned to make his life miserable because that's all he's focusing on.
He wants you to believe he's the victim of a big conspiracy but at the end of the day, he was a kid who had every advantage but was on the inside, a fragile little bitch. He could not handle what life threw at him and selection removed him from the gene pool.

>> No.7763236

>He wants you to believe he's the victim of a big conspiracy
He really says that later in the book? I've not finished reading it all yet, but the bullying at school and one of his best friends basically calling him a loser for no reason I don't believe is ethically acceptable, nor someting that can be justified blaming the offended party. Bullying is technically illegal and punishable in civil court for a reason.

>> No.7763237

He got syphilis.
He didn't attend /with/ anyone, he regaled an old college mate with a story of how we went straight for "the only soulful thing" in the brothel - that's his story there were no witnesses.

>> No.7763291

You just described the childhood of a solid half of all americans. He is not special or unique and was only held back by his astonishing levels of autism and ridiculously inflated ego.

No, he isn't like neechee, he's a poorly-read autist and an embodiment of /r9k/. The fact that people here actually look up to him is just very telling of the fact that this board is and always has been infected with teenagers.

>> No.7763304

Bullying was never a problem. Ever.
The problem is how people react to it.

>> No.7763340

Articulate. Someone could amputate your limbs and stick a knife up your ass, even if you accept it wholeheartedly it still doesn't make it ethically acceptable to multilate other people.

>> No.7763344


Does anyone own a hard copy. I will almost certainly purchase one when I get paid monday.

>> No.7763512

/lit/ never memes anyone into reading bad books. This is a friendly board.

>> No.7763520
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I enjoyed it.

>> No.7763567
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Holy shit this picture is so surreal, the paper masks, the odd angles, all of it is just so off putting

>> No.7764316

holy shit the reviews. Two of them refer to him as a "gentleman." I've never seen a fedora so violently tipped

>> No.7764363

>related products
>a cup which says worlds okayest mom
Top kek

>> No.7764492


why do ppl pay for this when it's free online

>> No.7764497

Indeed: >>7764453

>> No.7764724

>muh memes

(I have the Wordsworth edition of Crime and Punishment, Hypersphere and Tundra)

>> No.7764785

Isn't it illegal to make money from someone's crime fame

>> No.7764828

It's illegal to make money from your own crime. He might get sued or DMCA'd by Eliot's family or the family of one of the victims though.

>> No.7764904


The undodgable.

>> No.7764909

>blaming society
Frankly tiresome

>> No.7764927

>there was a study that showed that the average MIT STEM PhD hadn't had sex

>massive nerds not getting laid

>> No.7764930

>he shooed off by giving her a bloody handkerchief wrapped around a toad

>> No.7764933

4chan for brainlets is this way:


>> No.7764957

I used to work in old person homes, only the truly demented allow this shit, every person who still has their faculties basically flips the Haitian nigger staff off.

>> No.7764968

Recently my friends and I went out for a girls night to see Magic Mike XXL. And boy did this film take us for a ride, and I don’t just mean a Pony ride! Once all of the hoots, hollers and gleeful giggles had subsided, we stepped out of the theater transformed. And stepped into a world where every man, busboy, waiter and innocent bystander, had the potential (in our minds) to break out in a seductive dance or hop onto a table and start stripping. We for a moment saw men the way that they must see women.

Not only did we get a glimpse into a man’s world but Channing Tatum, and the entire cast of MM, showed us a whole new way that women can be appreciated and adored. Which made me realize two things: One, woman have been objectified in our culture, in movies, ads, tv, etc. for so long that it has become common place for a man to look at her as an object, his own personal sex object. And Two, women are desperately lacking having our own desires and fantasies, catered to, and fulfilled. Magic Mike begins the conversation to filling that void.

Everyone thinks they know why women flock to see MM XXL (or 50 Shades of Grey for that matter)… People are under the impression that women are just like men, that we go to watch this movie for the mostly naked, buff, shaved, sexed up bodies. Don’t get me wrong they’re definitely impeccable but that’s not the only reason we’re here, if we wanted to that we could just go to a gym. We are watching this movie because the men in it know how to treat women. Know how to play into our fantasies tease us.

These men are strong, sensitive, and giving women their full attention. No age, color, or shape is off limits, each as beautiful and worthy as the next. Tatum knows what turns women on (being and emotionally connected to his body, mind, and spirit while fully engaging with us) and he exploits it to the fullest degree.

>> No.7764971

So, why do we eat it up?

Because women are hungry! Women have just as many desires as men but they are not often being met. Women are aroused by every single one of our 5 senses, and probably even our sixth. We long for multiple kinds of stimuli (not merely visual) and today we live in a very visual society that caters mostly to a man’s desires.

Men are bombarded with sexually explicit images all day long; See a woman walk down the street, she’s scantily dressed, it’s suggestive to the male brain; Watch a TV commercial and there’s a woman looking at you while eating a burger like she wants to f*%k you; Not to mention the porn that is readily available on every single mobile device. Men are overloaded with images that have the potential to get them off.

So where does that leave women? Frankly we’re bored, and a little uncomfortable. We know we have more to offer than this, and we’re dying for you to know it too!

Women long to have an entire world to play in. One with a beginning, middle, and end. Where sight, smell, taste, touch and sound all come together for one uniquely, explosive and memorable experience. And guess what ladies, that’s not too complicated, it’s just who we are! We want all of our desires fulfilled during one experience!

We long for adventure, mystery, the unknown. We want to be teased, maybe even tortured a little- in a good way. We want to be tied to a bed post, role play, be put in a sex cage/swing thing (Whhaaat is that amazing contraption, and where can I get one now?!). All the while knowing we are safe during the process. We want to explore what we’ve never experienced before…

Since the beginning of time women have been described as goddesses. Harnessing some unknown, deeply seductive, power that cannot be defined or tamed. In America 2015, we have somehow lost that knowledge and our flames have been squelched. Whether it was forced upon us historically by the male species, or self induced by us because it’s easier than standing in our own light, doesn’t matter. It’s time to embrace our radiant femininity, own the powerhouses that we are, and share our divine selves with the world!

If we want to see what the male and female species are really made of, then we must learn to co-create with one another- in the bedroom, and everywhere else.

Ladies, if we want men to help fulfill us, we must be willing to open up and share ourselves! It’s up to us to get in touch with our deepest desires, then invite men to join us for the ride.

The more we are each willing to openly embrace and nurture this deeply raw, primal, sensuality inside of ourselves, the happier and more fulfilled we will all be.

So thank you, Magic Mike, for forging the way.

>> No.7764975

The average STEM PhD isn't what I'd call a patrician either. They may be extremely clever and knowledgeable in their fields, but that tends to couple with a blindness to the rest of the world.

I guess someone with good taste and wisdom to me is a person who can appreciate many different facets of life.

>> No.7764980

>that many young men cannot figure out how to perform the basic elements of social interaction.

That's called stupid.

>> No.7765007

>be me
>went to highschool for computer science, only guys
>only hobbies were playing computer games
>studied CS afterwards, only guys
>pizza-face, chubby, 20yo ("handholdless") virgin, no friends
>went to /fit/, learned how to train, trained for half a year
>went to /fa/, learned how to dress
>read 'The Game', started approaching women, awkwardness overload
>failed, tried and tried again
>got laid eventually
>got even more laid, pulled some real hotties in crazy situations by now while still being a CS student with NO FRIENDS

I wasn't self-absorbed. I accepted my faults, and worked on them, I still do to this day. Everyone does. The 10/10 girl only looks so good because she watches very carefully what she eats, works out every second day, and knows a great deal about dressing well. Everybody who wants something from society, must give something in return. Conform to this, or live as a hermit - but don't go whining about "muh unfairness", unfairness doesn't exist.

>> No.7765032

What's the point of this?

>> No.7765036


It sounds like you failed to develop a personality, bud. Or at least, you failed to relate your personality (CS, vidya, etc) to other people. You can make friends!

>> No.7765053

life is a video game to you
that's pretty interesting
you should write a book

>> No.7765096

How's your first exposure to irony been?

>> No.7765117


Well, at least all 3 reviews gave it 5 star

>> No.7765133


Please someone post a timestamped image of the book IRL

>> No.7765146
File: 125 KB, 222x319, 1423217859010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find myself saving pictures of this guy to use in funny or akward situations on this website. He has achieved full meme status.

>tfw he will probably be remembered forever for his heinous crimes and god-tier spaghetti while everyone else here becomes wage cucks

>> No.7765158

We meet again, Mr Bond.
>while still being a CS student with NO FRIENDS
And this is supposed to be a success story? "I have no life but I occasionally ejaculate inside women" yeah you sure learned how to adapt to society.

>> No.7765378

I think this might be one of my favorite pictures. There's such a theme of neglect and sadness in it.