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/lit/ - Literature

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7760054 No.7760054 [Reply] [Original]

>3-4 page essay on a summary
>due tomorrow at 11am
>it's 9:50pm right now
>haven't started
Lads, I'm finished.

>> No.7760059

>1 word shitepost due in 24 hours
>haven't started

Lads, I'm finished.

>> No.7760064

>not crossing the International Date Line to buy time

>> No.7760066

Why is writing essays so fucking hard. I hate this shit.,

>> No.7760070
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>9 papers to write this month
desu im going to finish the term with full effort but then im dropping out

>> No.7760076

Don't give up, never give up. We won't stop giving all we got!

>> No.7760080

>1-1/2 page reaction paper
>due in three years' time
>don't know what the topic is
>don't even know the class or instructor,
>or even where the classroom is
Dark times these, fellows

>> No.7760083

it's better this way. move back in with parents, last 2 years of rent + tuition will go towards funding my experimental film career, and if that doesn't work out i'll just kill myself.

>> No.7760093

>8-page paper
>try to expand to 30-page quasi-thesis
>not successfu
>hand in notes
>prof sees what I was going for
>doesn't fail me
>due 13 years ago
>still fodder for uncomfortable dreams

>> No.7760096

I'm fucked.

>> No.7760099

Spoilers: it probably won't.
Stay in school. Make your film while in school. You'll have a fallback if it doesn't work out.

>> No.7760100

>always have been told I have a strong voice in writing
>taking a journalism class this semester
>4 page article I wrote the day it was due
>three paragraph lead and nut graf I wrote 10 minutes before class

>> No.7760106

>nothing due in no time
>i havent started yet

>> No.7760107
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>paper due
>not sure when
>not sure how many pages
>not sure of the topic
>not sure to whom it is due
>mfw writing to ask for an extension

>> No.7760108

How the hell do you just write so easily? I have trouble thinking oh what to write and forming coherent sentences.

Help me.

>> No.7760113

my trouble is always deciding on an argument. my head is completely empty and i'll sit down and try to force an essay structure and it's just shit, and then usually 3 days before the paper is due by complete chance a fully formed argument pops into my head and i rattle it off in a night and edit the next day. but i live in cosntant fear of not intuiting any argument

>> No.7760122

>read a line of shakespeare
>am shakespeare all of a sudden
>now continually have looming every deadline he ever faced

>> No.7760134
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>life's worth of experience due in some number of years
>mfw haven't even started
not gonna make it lads

>> No.7760167


>need to take a "research writing" class as a prerequisite for taking the English major
>it's more of a political science/generic research writing than an actual English class
>have to introduce yourself to everyone on the first day
>reveal to everyone that I'm an English major
>not a single other English major in the class
>the other English majors are probably taking the honors version of this class
>professor is a graduate assistant
>can't help the feeling that if I fuck up an essay, professor will wonder what the fuck I'm doing in the major

>> No.7760173

>English major
I hope you like High schoolers...

>> No.7760179


What does that mean?

>> No.7760181

You're probably going to end up teaching English in a school somewhere. What else can you do with an English degree?

>> No.7760185

work at a video store ... sell cigarettes to teenagers ... be the President of Canada

>> No.7760188

found the american

>> No.7760196


Write novels, review novels, publish novels.

>> No.7760200

Ah, so become unemployed. You might as well have done Gender Studies, because then you might have a chance to get some pussy.

>> No.7760205


To be honest, I don't know. I don't think I'm a good writer, and anything I've written I refuse to reread after I get it back. I'm talking about schoolwork, I've never tried writing a novel or poetry.

It just comes as a stream of consciousness. I feel like the only thing that helps me for school is that I read a lot, I try to implement decent grammar, and I write folk songs.

What is the subject of your paper? For long papers I usually write a brief outline, just short sentences to understand how I want the paper to flow, then I just kind of improvise as I go along, and edit after for consistency.

>> No.7760209

it's pretty easy to apply any research and writing skills to literally any job that is based around writing words in any capacity. studying a subject doesn't mean your work has to revolve around that subject. you pick up other skills and not just specialist knowledge

>> No.7760216

Sell me this pen.

>> No.7760220


>> No.7760248

you'll need it to draw up the plans for the bridge you will build

because we need more bridges STEM-gineer

>> No.7760256

I didn't fall the the engineering meme. I almost did though, but I came to my senses.

>> No.7760265

Bro, this is where champions shine. Don't quit unless you're a quitter. But if you're a champ, like your boy here. Crank up the volume and churn out a masterpiece.

>> No.7760268

Thanks I needed this.

>> No.7760273

Pretend you are constantly replying to posts with your shit posting and you'll be fine

>> No.7760303

OP here, well I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not finishing this bitch tonight. I'm not too worried because it's just the peer review tomorrow and not the actual final submission.

Yes, I realize I just fucking tried to rationalize my procrastination. I'm working on it.

Good night lads.

>> No.7760305

what's it about

>> No.7760310

I have to summarize an essay written by an SJW african american studies major. I basically have to agree that white people are the devil and are the cause of all the problems in the world.

>> No.7760312

link to the essay?

>> No.7760316


>> No.7760319

you probably don't have to agree/disagree. you can just report the arguments back in short form with sentences like "the author says ...".

>> No.7760329

yeah summary is easy its just restating an argument/paper in your own words with occasional citation

>> No.7760331

>he can't shit out a decent 3 page paper in less than 2 hours
absolutely disgusting

>> No.7760353

It's okay you will never use those essay skills in real life for anything practical anyways

>> No.7760360

That's just wrong. You practice observation, rhetoric, and bullshitting in every essay.

>> No.7760366

All useless literature degrees are memes only STEM is useful

>> No.7760390

Is the Spongebob episode about essay procrastination the most Kafkaesque thing Kafka wrote?

>> No.7760394

I don't know, but it hits so close to home.

>> No.7760404

This. I can write any number of pages extremely quickly and always put off my assignments until the very last minute and then just speed write something that is somehow flawless and I always get an A. On the SATs I wrote the entire essay by hand with no outline in 15 minutes. It just comes naturally I guess.

>> No.7760417 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.16 MB, 2797x1865, 1456811068090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ambient voices tell me to write
>been writing the same genreshit schlock for a decade
>when will it end

>> No.7760418

>On the SATs I wrote the entire essay by hand with no outline in 15 minutes
Can you type it or something now?

>> No.7760421

were you guys never forced to time write?

desu honed my skills quickly

>> No.7760452


>> No.7760454

you think that's not a meme your using now?

>> No.7760472

My best teacher was a sophomore teacher who made us do about 15 timed writes in a year. That man fucking destroyed our papers, he treated us like we were suppose to be collage ready. One of the best teachers to ever exist.

>> No.7761779

>Be me
>4 page essay due in
>Procrastinate to the fucking max
>End up on the bus to school with nothing
>Half an hour bus journey
>Get out notepad and pencil and write it on the bus
Got a high B and she said 'some of it was impossible to comprehend, almost as if you'd written it going over a speedbump'
This was in secondary though.

>> No.7761846
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>1 MS-paint meme due in 16 months
>dont know whether to do a ses variant or try something more avant garde like "le curved line" or just a 1x1 pixel

>> No.7762927

OP here. I just straight up skipped English class today.


>> No.7762934

>high school.

>> No.7762943

At Uni.

>> No.7762949

Ok. Then, I don't see how skipping is going to help you. Unless you sent in wail and tale about how you were sick and couldn't work.

>> No.7762963

stop wasting time on /sp/

>> No.7762973

>calling yer mates any but lads
Yer a real King.

>> No.7762977

It wasn't due today but the peer review was today

>> No.7764460

an esteemed poster here