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7753690 No.7753690 [Reply] [Original]

I just read this, would you convert to islam for the promise of prime 15 year old pussy?

>> No.7753691

france exports literature now? sheesh.

>> No.7753721

>would you convert to islam for the promise of prime 15 year old pussy
Yes, with no hesitation. Their wives are obedient too.

>> No.7753734

The only parts of that book I enjoyed were the times Houellebecq wrote about literature. Everything else felt like the political ramblings of someone who doesn't really follow politics.

>> No.7753746


Not to forget a 10K salary and cushy job.


>> No.7753759

I get the sense that Houellebecq is probably an anti-semite but hides it well.

>> No.7753760

Imagine how insufferable their feminists are going to be in a couple decades' time. Can't say they don't deserve it though.

>> No.7753761


>> No.7753762

In his Paris Review interview he says Muslims and Catholics will be able to make peace, but the Feminists? Nope.

>> No.7753777

God i love this book

And I love how MAD it makes reviews

>> No.7753782

Feminists get utterly btfo in that book. Women are removed from all state jobs.

>> No.7753786

>implying anyone here would be able to write a genius work on Huysmans
there would be no wives for you, faggots

>> No.7753789

I wasn't talking about the book though

>> No.7753828



>> No.7753860


how long this guy can ramble before starting the review...

>> No.7753869

I thought the same thing. The guy seems pretty obsessed with himself.

>> No.7754270

He spends all his time writing minute details about his life, what do you expect?

>> No.7754364

no he loves israel. makes a comparison with celine more interesting

not worth reading at all, completely terrible

>> No.7754403

Why is it okay for muslims to want their wives to be obedient but not Christians?

>> No.7754422

In the book it seems like they just want their wives to be young and sexually active, otherwise they let them be children and have servants take care of the big stuff.

>not Christians
I dont know what you mean, there are plenty of faith communities that stress obedience to husbands in America. Just maybe not in the north east or west coast

>> No.7754443

I'm a Canuck and any mention of "Obedience" when speaking about women is haram, I'm assuming this is true in most of the U.S. as well, yet nobody is allowed to criticize islam lest they be labelled as a racist redneck. Small scale religious communities aren't really what I'm talking about.

>> No.7754458

>Small scale religious communities
I was speaking of the entire southern US from Utah to Virgina and down to Florida.


>> No.7754465

I should probably move.

>> No.7754472

Mormonism, especially fundamentalist mormonism, might be for you, unless you like coffee.

I imagine converting to Islam and working in Morocco as a westerner is pretty balla too.

>> No.7754475


>> No.7754630

>would you convert to islam for the promise of prime 15 year old pussy?


>> No.7755154

I read one of his essays recently and it started with him describing how much he needed to shit.

>> No.7755178

Maybe I'm wrong, but.. Wasn't the main character someone who doesn't follow politics at all? I mean, he started being interested in politics and Islam only in the last chapters.

>> No.7755269

Morocco is known in the Arab world as as a degenerate Westernised druggy whorehouse though. No pure waifus.

>> No.7755277

Engaging in relations with pure waifus is greatly exaggerated. Ive dealt with 2. One had vaginismus, the other had a sexual aversion disorder.

The ideal would be some club whore whos father forces her to marry you under threat of honorkilling, along with her best friend.

>> No.7755289

15 isn't prime.

Anyway, I married my girl when she was 14 anyway; no need to deal with Mudslimes.

>> No.7755413
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I would try to kill as many of those fucking vermin as I could.

>> No.7755439

No, because I'm not a virgin.

>> No.7755514

Does Houellebecq actually have more than one character? I've read Soumission and Whatever, now onto Platform and the main character is pretty much the same dude in every one, just with different occupations.

>> No.7755530

That dude is the everyman of late liberalism.

>> No.7755594

I know that this is a troll thread but:
No matter how many times I re-read his Gerusalemme liberata, I never get bored.
Tasso sure is a fucking master of the Epic.

>> No.7755668

Yeah I like the character and thought it worked wonderfully as a critique of liberalism, I just figured he wouldn't keep churning out novels which are very similar to the ones that came before it.

>> No.7755721

He's the Haruki Murakami of alt-right

>> No.7755729

I was thinking exactly the same thing earlier 2bh.

>> No.7755943

he wants to provide for a woman who will be fucked by plenty of other providers.

>> No.7756458

Is houellebecqs writing any good?

>> No.7756465
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>> No.7756514

I think you mean Dissident Right

>> No.7756835

Is it white pussy? Then yes.

I don't know about you guys but have you seen a brown or black 15 year old pussy? They look like miniature horse cunts. White pussy is great pussy. Redhead's pale pussy is best pussy.

>> No.7756872

What kind of Gospel are you witnessing if obedience is taboo? Yes, including of women to husbands. That's right there in Ephesians.

>> No.7757018

>t. cunt connoisseur

>> No.7757205


Lol you think they're just following in the footsteps of our superior civilization eh? What you don't realize is that nobody will in fact be following us. The Asian world, The Islamic world, the niggers in Africa, none of them are going to follow our footsteps in this shit pit of modernism. If anything the entire world will look at our era and use it as the prime example as to why women need to be kept out of politics and in the kitchen.

>> No.7757210


>sexual aversion disorder

What the fuck. Fucking liberals and their bullshit made up terms. Women shouldn't want sex outside of marriage, that's not what God made them for.

>> No.7757213


15/16 is about the average time a girl hits her physical peak. Definitely not prime for relationship or companionship material, but for looks yes.

And why the hell did you marry a 14 year old? Are you Islamic?

>> No.7757217

I would love for Houellebecq to write a book of aphorisms.

>> No.7757219

Mormonism isn't Christian.

>> No.7757260

Why did you skip Elementary Particles? I've read Soumission and Whatever as well and Elementary Particles is the best of the three by far.

It has two dudes, half brothers, one very caught up in the trappings of liberalism and the other quite detached.

Good stuff.

>> No.7757447

>their feminists
Nigger, muslims don't allow feminists. They murder them if they try to protest.

>> No.7757449

>the entire world will look at our era and use it as the prime example as to why women need to be kept out of politics and in the kitchen.


>> No.7757452

No. There's more to life than barely-legal pussy.
>What is Kurdistan

>> No.7757480

>Women shouldn't want sex outside of marriage, that's not what God made them for.
women are not meant to be prude, they say so themselves.

>> No.7757764

is EP different from Atomised?

>> No.7757890
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>During an interview while promoting Platform, Houellebecq made his now notorious statement: “Et la religion la plus con, c’est quand même l’Islam.” (An unsatisfying mild translation is “Islam is the stupidest religion.”) He was sued by a civil-rights group for hate speech and won on the grounds of freedom of expression. “I didn’t think Muslims had become a group that took offense at everything,” he explains. “I knew that about the Jews, who are always ready to find a strain of anti-Semitism somewhere, but with the Muslims, honestly, I wasn’t up to speed.”

>> No.7757908
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>> No.7757933

A few times been around that track so it's not gonna happen like that

>> No.7758281

One is the British and one is the American translation I believe.

>> No.7758685
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White men can't keep getting away with this!

>> No.7758693

it's truly a sign of complete western cultural dominance when the battlecries of fat feminists and ISIS-supporters are the same
I am oppressed, I am oppressed

>> No.7758717

so if I'm Amerifat I should go for the US one?

>> No.7758733

Someone got no play in school and needs to get that out of his system.
oh wait, that's 90% of 4chan

>> No.7758759
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Now read this next and you are good to go.
Whoever is the biggest victim wins. Read The Holocaust Industry by based Finkelstein.

>> No.7758906

>Whoever is the biggest victim wins

Surely this must be the final incarnation of Christianity before we all move on to something better... right guys?

>> No.7758980

I don't know mate, I've read neither of them.

>> No.7759430


Reposting cuz I like seeing how you guys respond

>> No.7759440

>Trevor Bailey 2 months ago
>Marine Le Pen was very recently defeated when the Left threw their support behind Sarkozy's centre-Right party.
>Perhaps the Left had read Soumission as a manual.

This is true now that I think about it. They are actually doing what he predicted.

>> No.7759450

Don't read his latest Paris Review interview.

>> No.7759479

It's amazing how he can call contemporary western intellectuals a bunch of stupid, lazy, weak pieces of shit and it's like they're completely oblivious he's writing about them.

To be fair I won't watch all of it. I'm assuming it's a cringe-fest.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.7759491

no it is a cringe-fest

at one point the one running the running the panel

says he is wrong about islam because he does not talk about the crusades

>> No.7759538

>What prevents me from reading Houellebecq and watching von Trier is a kind of envy — not that I begrudge them success, but by reading the books and watching the films I would be reminded of how excellent a work of art can be.

And this fucking pleb is considered europoors greatest contribution to contemporary literature? Yeah, I think I'll stick to my Gass and Delillo.

>> No.7760121

>von trier
holy shit this guy is a massive fucking pleb

>> No.7760202

the alt-right and new right are different

>> No.7760217

It should be conne, not con.

t. baguette-eater

>> No.7760229

>Redhead's pale pussy is best pussy.
second. Particularly with the firecrotch pubes

>> No.7760241

does real life have more than one character? think about that...

>> No.7760264

people never consider criticisms of their groups as including them
see: any course that teaches Orwell's essays

>> No.7760846
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Anyone have an epub of The Camp of the Saints by any chance?

The Holocaust Industry is a pretty interesting book btw.

>> No.7761064

You can't blame him, he's never seen it. He just anxiously avoids everything that gets praised.

>> No.7761213

>people never consider criticisms of their groups as including them

pretty accurate

But, I mean, he's been ripping into intellectuals as early as The Map and the Territory.

>> No.7761218

You read this?
I feel sorry for you

>> No.7761223

Did you live in a cave the last 2000 years?

>> No.7762182
File: 1.50 MB, 2012x810, soumission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

François has to be the most unengaging main character I've read in a while. His only purpose seems to be wandering around France during what is arguably the biggest event in history of the Fifth Republic not giving any shit whatsoever to what's happening while talking to people that only give a marginally bigger shit. I'm sure that this is supposed to be some deep commentary on the "pandemic state of liberal ennui" but the slightly interesting plot is completely wasted on these characters.

t. muslim in western-europe

>> No.7762231

All of his novels are like that.

Love it or hate it, if you were looking at the western male from a bird's eye view, you''d say they're pretty boring as well.

>> No.7762330

By western male you mean slightly different little nuances of huellebecq himself.
I like him but I find him too emotionally manipulative at times to get his point. Not every western male is a deeply damaged fucking manlet.

>> No.7762580

> Prime 15 year old pussy

> Against the Law.

Render unto Caesar, faggot.

>> No.7762634

Isn't that the whole point of the novel though? The fact that nobody gives a shit while everything is crumbling down?

>> No.7762643
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After the initial knee-jerk (cock-jerk) reaction, if we think about it a while, who really wants to live with teenagers, as wives, and have screaming children with them? Unless there is a bunch of servants to deal with the babies.....and then there are the in-laws. Really, after the sex there comes a significant load of bullshit. Teenage boys are excused from responding to this because Hormones.

>> No.7762650

get the fuck out of our continent you fucking subhuman piece of shit

>> No.7762651


You didnt? I feel sorry for you.

He ends up with a 60k dollar raise and two 15 year old wives, and all he has to do is teach western /lit/.

>> No.7762660

no u

>> No.7762664

looking forward to seeing your head on a spike in the near future, rapist invader

>> No.7762668

>Unless there is a bunch of servants to deal with the babies
yes they are called "women"

>> No.7762674

you forgot the whole caliphate thing m8

>> No.7762675

If only I could become civil like you and post death threats to anonymous users on the literature section of a chinese cartoon website

>> No.7762680

Teenage girls are not mature women. Teenagers are not mature anything. They couldn't take care of a pet fish.

>> No.7762688

There's no use in being civil to animals

>> No.7762689

Under a patriarchal distributist traditionalist republic? that will almost certainly be run by the French and Germans?

Somehow I doubt that stone throwing poor people from the Paris slums or Palestine are going to be the leaders of this new state.

>> No.7762690

t. yiff master

>> No.7762695


when you become a muslim you stop being french or german tho

>> No.7762700

rich coming from a fucker of goats

>> No.7762707

well in a traditional family structure I guess the older relatives would help care for the children

>> No.7762713

Not how it works, since Germany has been pagan, arrian, chalcedonian christian, catholic, protestant, secularist, nazi, and social democratic.

>> No.7762724

There's no use in being civil to animals

>> No.7762726


>> No.7762736

oh, look, it's trying to ape civilised language! how fascinating

>> No.7762742

Did you read the book? A 40yo wife in the kitchen, a 15yo wife in the bedroom.

>> No.7762752

only the nazis were true germans

>> No.7762753

do i get to indulge my spanking fantasies as well

but yeah duh

>> No.7762754

No I didn't read it....I just wandered into this thread from the first page of 4chan. And I think I'd want both the 40 yo and the 15 yo in bed. Experience counts. Ok back to /tv for me.

>> No.7762765

You sure are civilised and stuff and totally not being some idiot spending his time online getting angry about nothing

>> No.7762766

You're allowed to fuck both of them m8

>> No.7762769

>the "refugee" crisis isn't something
Whatever you say Achmed.

>> No.7762772

Jelly I fuck more white women that you'll ever do. Those hoes crave masculine men and they won't ever find it in you faggets

>> No.7762775

/b/ is down the hall and to the left

>> No.7762784
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Can't wait till the president finally sends you and your ilk back to Africa.

>> No.7762793

Throwing hissy fits on Polynesian Basket weaving forums will surely do it's part in solving the crisis

Godspeed you! Autistic Emperor

>> No.7762796

>muslim scum is also a /mu/tant
I thought enjoying things was Haram or something, shuffle off to your mosque and complain about the persecution of pederasts in the west or something you non entity

>> No.7762808

Be a man and give me your location. Wallah well comme for you fagget

>> No.7762811

>I thought enjoying things was Haram or something
Then I'm going to hell for reading your posts

>> No.7762818

Godspeed you! Black Emperor was originally a Japanese motorcycle gang documentary.

>> No.7763163

funny how you just have poke muslims a tiny bit for them to show their true nature

>> No.7763475

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." - Twain, Voltaire, Colbert, Lincoln, Marx, Wilson, Thoreau

>> No.7764699

>Not every western male is a deeply damaged fucking manlet.


>> No.7764726

>No alcohol or pork
>Mandatory prayer
>Need to associate with savage morons

It's a tough choice, family

>> No.7764759
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How many muslim men in Europe even have more than one wife, let alone an underage one?

>> No.7764766

This, I'm 190cm.

>> No.7764929

Lol I just saw this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t97G3gRH_Rg

The interview starts at 2:30

Huelbek literally goes "hurr, hurr" all the time

If this is the pinnacle of western civilization then I don't really care for the sharia thing. Let the mussos do what they want, nothing of value will be lost

>> No.7765009

I'd rather kill myself t_b_h

>> No.7765065

>>Need to associate with savage morons
Lets not pretend that some Bedouin is going to be in charge of Paris. Baguette culture will never die, and the French will never give up cheap red wine, even if they pray 5 times a day and have 15 year old wives.

>> No.7765104

Bollocks, you can't fall if you're sitting.

>> No.7765283

Gonna start reading it today. What am I in for?

>> No.7765369

Not sure, because with 75 virgin wives come 75 Mothers-in-law too.

>> No.7767116


>> No.7768825

College professor gets constant tail but he still hopes senpai Huysmans will notice him

Also the Muslim Brotherhood takes over but lol who cares when you've got beurettes

>> No.7768842

Very few, since they are not yet represented in government. There needs to be a certain tipping point first for the Mohammedan to show his true colours.

>> No.7769029

kek, this is really accurate

>> No.7769246
