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7752864 No.7752864 [Reply] [Original]

I will be traveling to GERMANY soon, and I'll be looking to visit the various antiquaries to scout after books.

What are some essential German books (literature and non-fiction) I need to look for.
As of now, I know I will be looking for a copy of the GRIMM'S FAIRY TALES as well as writings by SCHOPENHAUER.

What else do you recommend? Post essential German books here.

>> No.7752875

start with the greeks

>> No.7752885


don't fall for the meme

Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger
Goethe, Rilke

>> No.7752904
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>that pic


>> No.7752915
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The Goethe Eckermann Conversations is something else I'll be looking for.

>> No.7752919

Mien Kampf

>> No.7752960

Faust of course...

Durer wasn't born German, but The Painter's Manual nicely sets the tone for Mannerism, and especially the rigour of the Baroque.

>> No.7753137

this desu

>> No.7753144
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>/pol/tards can't even spell German

Anyway, here's the rec chart

>> No.7753146

You mean the Grimm brothers who plagiarized every single story?

>> No.7753148

Nice argument that disproves the poster's suggestion.....NOT.

>> No.7753154

It's spelled "Mein", not "Mien", not sure why you're waffling about disproving anything

Are you maybe in the wrong thread/board/life?

>> No.7753157

>Mien Kampf
What's that? The 13th century edition?

Anyway, Goethe and Schiller are obvious ones. Rilke is one of the best poets who ever lived. But my personal favorite is Heinrich Heine.

>> No.7753160
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I think you are being anal about other posters on this thread dude. Chill out, especially over such a minor spelling error involving a foreign language.

>> No.7753167

The Koran and a "Sand to English" dictionary.


This post feels like walking through the ruins... How many years until blasphemous books are literally burned in German streets? the absurdness lies in the plausibility, and an almost inevitability.

>> No.7753170

You must rate your own intelligence very highly.

>> No.7753172

>What's that? The 13th century edition?
It's the Walther von der Vogelweide edition

>> No.7753173

In defense of that anon: whenever it comes to Germany it's the same old nazi jokes. And if the person making the joke can not even be bothered to check his spelling it's a bit annoying . But hey, it's probably just us having no sense of humor, right?

>> No.7753179

Not to hijack the thread. But anyone got some suggestions for more of that sharp, steely German writing like you find in Jünger, Nietzsche,Stefan George, as well as older writers like von Kleist ?

>> No.7753182

Get on the Mann train, OP. Others: Hesse, Ranke, von Humboldt, Zweig (Austrian), and Brecht are all worthwhile.

Just a few to think about there that haven't yet been mentioned.

>> No.7753183


>> No.7753184

Thomas Mann (Buddenbrooks)
Joseph Roth (Radetzkymarsch)

>> No.7753185

Two questions, OP:
Where will you stay in Germany?
Do you speak German?

>> No.7753221

Well the post-war German intellectuals really hated Jünger. So he stands rather by himself in that period.
A well known poet that chose a way similar to Jünger’s for getting through WWII (joining the Wehrmacht artistically lying low) was Gottfried Benn. He’s an expressionist, his poems are often rash and morbid. But he’s no right-wing thinker.

Another poet who, curiously, was (at first) eschewed by the post-war literary establishment is Paul Celan. His dark and mythologic tone were deemed to reminiscent of Nazi ideology.

>> No.7753224

Not sure if there are any good translations of him but check out Wolfgang Borchert.

>> No.7753252
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Not an essential one but If you're interested in post WW2 Germany I can recommend "Pigeons at the grass" by Wolfgang Koeppen

>> No.7753376
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Mein Kampf is overrated.

Read his Collection of Speeches 1922-194, his Second Book, and his Table Talks...

Say whatever you will, but the man was perceptive.

>> No.7753380

Thanks. Hopefully other posters/threads in this thread head your advice.

>> No.7753442


>> No.7753465

Spring Awakening - Wedekind

>> No.7754218
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This is great

>> No.7754224


>> No.7754254

Don't want to hijack the thread but there's probably a lot of German speakers ITT.

I've been learning German for a year or so and I would really like to start reading some simple stuff with the aid of a dictionary. Are Grimm's fairytales a good place to start? I was thinking about picking up Momo because I really liked it when I was a child, but I'd like to start off with some shorter stuff. Any recs would be appreciated

>> No.7754573


>> No.7754608

I'm not sure if the politically motivated literature of the 60s is interesting to people who aren't German, but I really liked "Ansichten eines Clowns" und "Die Blechtrommel".

>> No.7754617

Some Brecht
Whatever the proper name is of The Royal Game.

>> No.7754651

Yes, Grimm's is a perfect choice.

>> No.7754722
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Kurt Tucholsky is really interesting >>7754254
Momo is great, other easy books would be pic related

>> No.7754754
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The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass.

>> No.7754778

I've actually been taking a German's children's literature class at school. It may sound plebby to read books written for kids, but they really are a good place to start.

>> No.7754779

A Thousand and One Nights

>> No.7755738
File: 262 KB, 736x1125, Goethe - Italian Journey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goethe's Iphigenia in Taurus! Perfect.

Picked it up for a dollar the other day. I hope the translation is fine. Fancy looking old book.
Still want pic related

Memers go home.

>> No.7755772
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How do Krautfans feel about Böll? Where does he rank?

>> No.7755795

>Berlin Alexanderplatz
like a lot of Jewish authors, Doblin had no appreciation for the more positive aspects of national socialism

>> No.7755799

lame-ass bait

>> No.7756899
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>> No.7756954
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and don't forger your Holderlin and Hegel

>> No.7756963

>Nietzsche without Schopy

>> No.7756965

Astrid Lindgren isn't even German.

I don't know if there's difficult editions of the Grimms. Should be fine. I'd also recommend Momo, Krabat and Die Unendliche Geschichte.

>> No.7756967

Die Blechtrommel
Der Zauberberg
Also sprach Zarathustra
Effi Briest
Wilhelm Tell
Der Untertan
Der Sandmann
Der Steppenwolf

>> No.7756970

Oh and:
Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge

some may say Buddenbrooks instead of Zauberberg but personally i find Zauberberg to stand above anything else that Thomas Mann had written, and standing above anything else written during that time (that i've read so far).

if it's not just german but german-language literature, you need to add

Der Mensch ohne Eigentschaften
Kafka's Kurzgeschichten + Der prozess

>> No.7756979
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Lebens-Ansichten des Katers Murr nebst fragmentarischer Biographie des Kapellmeisters Johannes Kreisler in zufälligen Makulaturblättern

>> No.7757000
File: 12 KB, 220x297, Zettelstraum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only book you'll ever need, my friend

>> No.7757023

>Walter of the bird pasture

What a name.

>> No.7757031

Anyone here read Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod?

Seems like it'd be a good read, especially for those interested in language.

>tfw my German isn't yet at the level for this

>> No.7757044

Read Hermann Loens. For history I like Treitsckhe and Otto Seeck. There are many other great examples, and feel free to add to them, but these are the ones on top of my head right now.

All true German writing has an edge to it.
Some German names are really beautiful and interesting.
I once knew a guy named Aufderheide.

>> No.7757484

The translations are really good though, this goes for most books translated to German. Not that it really matters for children's books.

>> No.7758122

Mien Prügle - Wiet de Jud allet zerstoben hat

>> No.7758470

>good list. I would add all of Kafka. The Gesammelte Werke is a good investment.

>> No.7759977


>> No.7760974


>> No.7761279

21th century
W.G. Sebald
Rainald Goetz
Frank Witzel
Peter Handke

20th century
Thomas Bernhard
Heinrich Böll
Elias Canetti
Uwe Johnson
Heiner Müller
Ingeborg Bachmann
Bertolt Brecht

Also second everything that has been mentioned before itt

>> No.7761625

Start with the Greeks OP.