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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 180 KB, 1156x823, harry-potter-series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7741813 No.7741813 [Reply] [Original]

we can all agree on this, right

>> No.7741817

Sounds about right to me

>> No.7741859


>> No.7741862

>anywhere near the top

fucking plebs lmao

6 > 1 > 7 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 5

>> No.7741868

4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 1 > 6 > 7
6 introduced this deus ex machina item hunt which soured the entire rest of the series for me.

>> No.7741926

4 > 3 > 6 > 5 > 2 > 7 > 1

i guess? i haven't read them in a very long time.

all i remember for sure was 4 and 3 being top 2

>> No.7741934

>basilisk tooth destroys a horcrux
>harry is bitten by a basilisk
>he is still a horcrux

>> No.7741967

3 was pretty dope

>> No.7741978
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>not posting the german covers

>> No.7741980

My fuckin nigga
Half Blood Prince is underrated

>> No.7741987
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>> No.7742016
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mein gott

>> No.7742171

Shit > 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7

>> No.7742195
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>> No.7742248

Ironically the worst movie(4) is the best book.

>> No.7742259

Don't understand the hate for 4. Iirc it's no worse than trainwrecks 1, 2 and 7

>> No.7742273
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>trainwrecks 1,2

>> No.7742280

I can sympathise with you having read them, but not in enough detail to actually put them in any sort of order. Embarrassing, all of you.

>> No.7742282


i cant really remember 5 or 6 desu but i seem to remember finding 6 extremely dull

>> No.7742352

4 and 6 are the bests /thread

>> No.7742401

Fuck off Harold

>> No.7742416


>> No.7742426


>> No.7742452


>> No.7742455

>all these kids that have read all 7 books

I read the books as they came out. By the time book 5 was released I was just starting highschool and had no interest in finishing the series.

/lit/ is underage

>> No.7742456

Shite acting, shite music, questionable plot, shite.

>> No.7742471
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They're all terrible. I get it, we all read some awful and embarrassing books when we were children. However, still rating or even caring about them as an adult just shows that you haven't really matured in taste. At 30, even looking back as recently as 25, I can safely say that 90% of what I read then was shit compared to what I read now.

>> No.7742485

>I went to the Yale University bookstore and bought and read a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I suffered a great deal in the process. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.

>But when I wrote that in a newspaper, I was denounced. I was told that children would now read only J.K. Rowling, and I was asked whether that wasn't, after all, better than reading nothing at all? If Rowling was what it took to make them pick up a book, wasn't that a good thing?

>It is not. "Harry Potter" will not lead our children on to Kipling's "Just So Stories" or his "Jungle Book." It will not lead them to Thurber's "Thirteen Clocks" or Kenneth Grahame's "Wind in the Willows" or Lewis Carroll's "Alice."

>Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.7742487


>> No.7742493


>> No.7742500


>> No.7742502


>> No.7742507


>> No.7742510
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Rolling for dubs 00, the true path of the patrician.

>> No.7742514

Good enough. Women drain your mana and make you complacent as a writer.

>> No.7742551


>> No.7742558


>> No.7742601


>2 - Holy shit, this is so good. Enough to keep me going but not too much that it feels forced. Fucking giant snake and spiders.
>1 - Still pretty fucking good. Sets shit up well. Snape is obviously the cock-nugge- OH SHIT, IT'S QUIRRELL MOTHER FUCKERS!
>4 - Man, it took too long to get some actual quidditch action. And those dragons are awesome. And there's Death-eaters!
>7 - Okay, it ended shit at least. That last part was unnecessary. So many people died. Fucking Hedwig, man. And Voldemort being his own downfall was good. But Snape hit my feels too hard.
>5 - Umm, okay, I guess. There's some rebel group and there's some prophecy shit, so a bit generic. Umbridge was just a bitch, but at least there was a semi-Voldy vs Dumbles fight.
>6 - I don't even. Barely anything to this. Dumbledore dies, big whoop. The fight against the Inferni was the only good bit. They made Voldemort seem to normal with his flashbacks.
>3 - Time travel shit. Seriously, nothing screams 'filler episode' like a plot that has no fucking change to the main story.

>> No.7742610

>Implying i read low tier fantasy

>> No.7742622


I was in that one as an extra. They had no fucking clue what they were doing.

At one point, they had a scene where, during the dragon fight, Harry was going to be knocked off of his broom and fall 50ft onto a rock. We all had to act like we'd seen something 'painful' and then lean over the bannisters to see if he was alright. Then he would whip his wand out and call his broom again. Luckily, they cut that.

With that sort of stupidity being considered, it's no surprise it was awful.

>> No.7742625

Rolling for a 7

>> No.7742663

You were an extra? Nice. What "house" were you in?

>> No.7742673
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fellow oldfag, cheers.

>> No.7742677

>underage when i'm born in 94

>> No.7742682
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Mostly Ravenclaw and Slytherin, depending on the day. At one point, they just shuffled us all around on the set and gave us different badges to wear, so I was a Hufflepuff for a day.

>tfw never a Gryffindor

>> No.7742687

nice. Very nice. How does it feel to know that, for all intents and purposes you were an actual wizard and forever a part of the potter universe? Also how hot were the chicks IRL?

>> No.7742708


>> No.7742717


It completely broke my immersion for every HP film from then on. I started just watching them thinking 'oh so they told them to act like this' or 'half of that set is just CG and I know which half'.

The girls were average girls. A little stuck up, but nothing special. I was in the camping scene for the Quidditch world cup and I met Robert Pattinson there. I had no idea who he was at the time, but another extra I was with was friends with him outside of it so I just guessed he was another extra and we chatted for a bit (he's actually a nice guy, despite the later film mistakes). A minute later, Daniel Radcliffe turns up (with tons of acne and standing about 5'4) and starts chatting with them. I can't work out what's going on at this point (mostly because he broke the illusion by being so underwhelming), but I realised all the girls around us were laughing at every little joke they made. After that, they got swarmed with girls looking for autographs and I was pushed well out of the way by on-set security.

But I can tell you one thing: Emma Watson was so up herself it was unbelievable. While people like Robbie Coltrane and the Weasley twins were stand-up people (really polite, up for a chat, getting drinks and hand-warmers for people), she would just skip passed all the people who were waiting for her autograph on set, with at least 8 bouncers, and just completely blank people even when they were right next to her.

The best part of it all was when I was walking up some steps behind Alan Rickman. The wind decided to whip up his robe and I was engulfed by it. He turns, pulls it back out of my face and says 'I do apologise for my... billowing cloak'.

>> No.7742737

>all the male actors were pretty much really nice and stand up while the females were not so
Why does this not surprise me. Sad to hear about Emma being like so, i've heard that she is on a high horse. Wonder why she was like so really, i know you get tired of autographs etc but i mean when the male actors are all really nice and did the things you say - It kinda breaks immersion to hear her not doing that.

I guess it makes sense it breaks you immersion of the other HP movies, i figure i would have done the same myself had i been you.

Glad to hear the weasley twins were actually nice, they do really seem like good people IRL. How were all the other male actors?

But >swarmed by people looking for autographs
was it extras doing that or "civilians" ?

>> No.7742739

>being engulfed by Alan Rickman's heavy cloak, so firm yet gentle
I will forever envy you

Lusting aside I remember some stupid tumblr posts about how some random extra was super badass for being in two different houses and some other situations. Guess that explains it.

>> No.7742740

very nice

>> No.7742779


I think she was 15 or 16 at the time, so she was still a kid, really. Hopefully, she's changed since then. The only other female actor we saw was Dame Maggie Smith, but she was hurried off of the set because it was too cold and they were concerned for her.

Rupert Grint was very mopey and quiet. I was expecting him to be jokey, but he was just alone most of the time looking glum.
Tom Felton seemed pretty normal, I didn't even realise he was behind me for two takes of a scene.
Brendan Gleeson was a bit grumpy, but he wasn't around much. They used a double in a bad mask for a lot of it.

I didn't see many other actors beyond that. They either used doubles for wide shots, or they were moved off set in the opposite direction to us extras. The twins were awesome, though. At one point, they snuck off away from their 'handlers' and got under the tent wall we were all in, just to fuck about with us all. They tried to hide when people came looking for them, but they got dragged off in the end.

It was the extras that did that. I was amazed by this trained owl they had going back and forth over us, and they were all blocking the way for the crew, just to get near Daniel Radcliffe. Sat with a couple of adult extras eating Battenberg cake until they all moved on.


That's strange. When I was doing it, most of us were in multiple houses. They just swapped over our costumes whenever they needed some new background filler. Maybe it was different for the other films (I was only in the 4th)?

>> No.7742798

Interesting, thanks for the detailed answer. As for Dame Maggie Smith she seems like a really nice person, so i'm sure it wasn't any reason related to not wanting to talk with people she left the set. Glad to hear the other male actors were decent too. Funny to hear the twins were quite the same IRL too.

Shame the extras annoyed the actors like that, i'd try to behave as normal and gentle as possible around them, not treat them any special. Still, i do somewhat envy you as it must have been an experience for sure. I've been sort of thinking lately about perhaps trying to become an actor, though my looks aren't great.

Regardles, thanks for the stuff you've told!

>> No.7742806


>> No.7742822


Honestly, look into doing background work as an extra. It's a break from the norm, even if the hours are long (I used to have to be there from 6am to 8pm). Plus, you can meet people you wouldn't normally do, and get to know what they're like when relaxed. Your looks can only be a problem if you're too attractive; I got into it with a lazy eye, bad teeth, and a bit of a belly (they don't want models outdoing the actors, who are really just average looking in real life).

>> No.7742839

Yeah. Makes a lot of sense. Tbh pretty much all the males i saw in harry potter looked quite average. Still there were a lot of qt grills in harry potter, you should've tried hitting one up senpai

>> No.7742855
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rollan for 4 or 7

>> No.7742859


>> No.7742873


>> No.7742877

Shit, roll

>> No.7742892


>> No.7743152

1 > 2 > 3 > 4 >5 > 6 > trash > 7

>> No.7743155


nice ill take it

>> No.7743204

This board is for adults
Please keep your anti art shit on /v/ or /b/ anon

>> No.7743236


>> No.7743347


>> No.7743354

5 > 4 > 1 > 6 > 2 > 3 <POWER GAP> 7

I never even finished Deathly Hallows, even though I plowed through the other six and had a blast doing it. Fucking terrible finisher

>> No.7743383

please GOD roll me a 7

>> No.7743788

>The Tomboy
>penalty point: you become her trap GF
>implying that is the most perfect relationship ever

>> No.7743826

>/lit/ - Literature

Shitty thread anyway, may as well have a roll.

>> No.7743840

Same. I read the first four as a kid but by the time the fifth one came out I just stopped caring about the series.

>> No.7743843


>> No.7743985


>> No.7743993
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6 or 7 get

>> No.7743998
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>> No.7744033

yellen or ellison?

>> No.7744123

Absolute deviance

>> No.7744172

Speak of the devil...

>> No.7744210

3's the best though.

>> No.7744212
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Oh, you're right. I thought it meant she'd cheat on me and abandon me at any time.
Good call, I guess I should read the fine print.

>> No.7744780


>> No.7744805


>> No.7744843

Rolling for tomboy

>> No.7744847

three sluts and cero. We're all fucked mate.

>> No.7744878
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So i've been thinking, what's the logical next step for a hypothetical kid who just finished Harry P series? Something similar, but better in every way.

>> No.7744886

Why does everyone hate Goblet of Fire so much?

>> No.7745210


>> No.7745212

reroll wtf

>> No.7745216

roll for the jest

>> No.7745265

6 > 1 > 7 > 3 > 4 > 2 > 5

Chamber of Secrets is fucking shit.

>> No.7745320

wtf is the sorcerers stone?

>> No.7745337

The dumpy one aka 2!

>> No.7745347

American version.

>> No.7745353

3 and 4 were the worst. 3 is completely forgettable and there way too much quidditch in 4. Who gives a shit about some made up sport? It's like 500 pages of quidditch.
Don't understand the hate for 5. That chapter where harry learns how his dad cucked Snape, the order, shit was cool. Movie was shit though.

>> No.7745417

fuck it, roll
this thread is shit anyway

>> No.7745462

please respond

>> No.7745587


>> No.7745593

what do you mean. its what the first book was calle

>> No.7745643

thanks for the detailed responses! After I found out about how Robert Pattinson was so explicit about cashing out with Twilight to reach life and artistic freedom, and how he recorded for Death Grips etc, it's hard not to see him as a cool person.

sucks about emma watson though. Apparently at Brown, she was nice and people stuck up for her and stuff.

>> No.7745672

Give me your email. Or a temp one. I can send you something.

>> No.7745709


>> No.7745745

Fucking krauts never4get never4give

>> No.7745767

>Brendan Gleeson was a bit grumpy
I'd be disappointed if he wasn't.

>> No.7745795

7 > 3 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 4
But the reason I like 7 so much is probably because I went to the midnight release with a girl I had such a crush on. We sat together by a lake after buying the books, not reading, despite us both loving Harry Potter so much.

We rode the bus holding hands, reading about the Malfoy house together. Then she went home, I went home, I stayed up until 10 reading the book in my little brothers bed.

>> No.7745838

quality post

>> No.7745849


>> No.7745861

let's go

>> No.7745876

Order of the Phoenix was by far the best one and poorly adapted on film. Don't dare to argue. :P

>> No.7745888


>> No.7745895


>> No.7745899


>> No.7746264

2 > 3 > 4 > 1 > 7 > 5 > 6

>> No.7747385

They see me rollin'

>> No.7748869

Late to the thread but as long as 3/4 are top teir and 5/2 are bottom then that's alright

Apart from those relative ranks it's more or less up to subjective taste

>> No.7748885

>2 first
What's wrong with you?

>> No.7748887


>> No.7748896

Why the fuck didn't you read A Cadmean Victory yet?

It's pretty much the best anti-hero Harry story out there. And before you cucks cry that it's fanfic, just know you wouldn't be able to write anything better in a hundred years.

>> No.7749086

0 recs
oh well...
I guess you'd simply graduate to Cyberpunk after finishing harry potter.

>> No.7749094

why does each one have to be a fuckin selfie

>> No.7749106

Save me

>> No.7749111


>> No.7749146

I liked it but the end felt too rushed. There were a few lame bits (I do not forgive I do not forget) but it was enjoyable. Wish he would do another one instead of an ASoIaF fic.

>> No.7749172

Yeah, the ending was weak. Not as a plot development, that was okay, but in execution.

Personally I think he came up with the end as one of the first things for the story and decided to keep it. Otherwise he would have to see it doesn't fit with the rest of the work he ended up writing.

>> No.7749214


>> No.7749232


>> No.7749238

oh boy!

>> No.7749327


>> No.7749420

OP is pretty close but the last few sucked


>> No.7749438

> 5 > 6
are you out of your mind?

>> No.7749455

He's right
>shitty romance
>Harry is useless the whole year while it's revealed how badass Snape and Voldemort were at his age inventing advanced magic and becoming immortal while he's farting around doing nothing

>> No.7749505

Yeah, I was pretty disappointed at 6 when it was new.
>>it's revealed how badass Snape and Voldemort were at his age inventing advanced magic and becoming immortal while he's farting around doing nothing
Those were the only good parts.

>> No.7749680

>520,268 words
>About 900 pages
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.7749702

Hey, it'll help him become a better writer.

>> No.7749705

But not a better editor

>> No.7749825

True, but that's not a good thing.

>> No.7749862

recommend me some good fantasy stuff anon kun
im always willing to expand my horizontals
bonus points if dark fantasy and not just generic high fantasy / Y.A. shit

>> No.7750042

As books? I actually like 6 the most. 4 was great until the end as it takes like 150 pages just to close up, it simply goes on too long. 1-3 are really concise, but there's just something about 6 that I really love. 5 and 7 are a total mess though, some good moments, but so many pants on head retarded ones.

>> No.7751953


try 6>5>7>1>4>2>3

>> No.7752337

what the actual fuck
Who thought this was a good idea? Did someone really approve these designs? I don't believe it.

>> No.7752356


>> No.7752368

Well did you get her number fag?

>> No.7752576

5 was aight, but it was the first time in the series besides when Hermione gets Harry's Firebolt taken away that I started to rage (granted the only reason I raged in 3 was because I knew Sirius was innocent and the broom was fine)
But Ron getting made a prefect pissed me off
Snape's lessons that seemed not to provide any real benefit
Everything Umbridge did pissed me off royally, which even though that was the point I was still pissed they went with that.
Harry stupidly refusing to talk to Sirius the entire book, and when he did every other character did their damndest to get in the way and prevent him from bonding with him
Mrs Weasley losing her collective shit about Harry having a Guardian to care for and about him because apparently that's her job
Ginny waiting until Harry's most desperate moment (when he thinks Sirius is about to die) to pull her whole "I'm not a little girl anymore." shit
And then Dumbledore telling Harry he's the chosen one to defeat Voldemort (which we already assumed) but leaving the question of why the fuck hadn't he been training him (it got answered but I was pissed while reading it

The main saving grace was Luna because I wanted to fuck the shit out of Evanna Lynch at the time

>> No.7752584

my life is good

>> No.7752628

No wonder there are so many fanfics where Dumbledore, Mrs. Weasley and Ginny have a sinister plot to keep Harry complacent so he'll sacrifice himself to kill Voldemort.

>> No.7752802


>> No.7753147


For movies: 3>1>6 then the rest are trash

>> No.7753678


>3 was the best movie

The fuck are you on? 1 and 2 were clearly the best films.

>opening scene Harry keeps using magic when he obviously isn't allowed
>made Sirius bark threateningly at Harry when he clearly wouldn't
>whole knight bus scene being fucking retarded, with forced Lenny Henry
>wizard reading physics book and two people using magic without a wand like it's nothing
>retarded hunchback
>Flitwick gets a bowl cut
>"something wicked this way comes" added and sung for no reason
>Michael Gambon as Dumbledore (like some moronic farmer)
>fat lady turned into a joke
>random forced fat black kid that wasn't in the books constantly getting speaking parts (clearly his mum sucked some mean dick to get him that)
>fat lady attacked during the day, not at night when it would be more obvious as to why Sirius would be stalking about
>weird massive pendulum constantly getting shown to give the whole 'hurr durr this is time travel one'
>said that werewolves can only respond to another werewolf's call, but then has Hermione bring Lupin over with a faked howl

Gary Oldman, David Thewlis, Timothy Spall and Emma Thompson were the only reasons to watch it. The director just had no fucking clue what to do.

>> No.7753793

Your post > shit.

>> No.7753798

Don't say fml

>> No.7753818
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ITT fags who can't handle 6
true pottery

>> No.7753836

>Lenny Harry
What does this mean? I've not heard of it before.

>> No.7754874

4 > 6 > 1 > > 3 > 7 > 2 > 5

4 = 3 > 6 > 1 > 2 > 5 = 7.1 > 7.2

4 had the best writing and best 'twist' by far bookwise. movie was pretty solid but they cut out important bits. last movie was a disgrace, terrible cgi, terrible blockbusterization of an okay book

>> No.7754881

>, shite music,
bad bait

>> No.7754898

>way too much quidditch in 4
There is one game at the start, less than all the other books you a fucking idiot. Opinion disregarded

>> No.7754944

It is trite, sentimental garbage my friend. You could not possibly appreciate it unless you were a child.

>> No.7755924
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>The best part of it all was when I was walking up some steps behind Alan Rickman. The wind decided to whip up his robe and I was engulfed by it. He turns, pulls it back out of my face and says 'I do apologise for my... billowing cloak'.

I'll remember that this happened, it will stay in my heart

>> No.7756668

Excuse me for not reading harry potter since it came out because I'm not a manchild

>> No.7757345

Is Harry Potter a lesbian?

>> No.7757346

uhh yeah its 2016?

>> No.7757354


>> No.7758391

>Harry Potter thread
>Approaching two hundred replies in three hours
>All other threads with similar reply counts have been up for days
>All of this reddit-tier posting
Jesus fucking christ, this board is officially irredeemable.

>> No.7758423

It's always been an issue m8. Threads that don't require one to read literature results in lurkers participating. You used to see the same thing in Nietzsche threads, Christfag threads, and Ayn Rand threads.

Also, the most despicable, John Green threads

>> No.7758467

Books 5 and 6 didn't have much of standalone plots like the others, they were pretty much fillers.

Despite that, imo 3>5>6>1>7>4>2

>> No.7758482

Kek, Rowling made some stupid excuse for this and told fans to stop asking her about that. Someone about the Phoenix coming and curing Harry's would before he would explode or something.

>> No.7758489

To appeal to today's youth.

>> No.7758505

7 as a film was great. Amazing atmosphere, top notch cinematography. 4th was fucking awkward. Awkward acting, awkward angles, shitty atmosphere. Maybe that's just me though.

I think the best film the 3rd, which literally no one can agree with me on. It was the most creative of all the films, and they made sure to (subtly) not let any negative space go to waste. Fuckin genius movie. Plus, it was a step up cinematographically from the first two, which were kind of bland and had no real style.

>> No.7758747

>the title of the third book

Germany pls

>> No.7758761

i still was an autistic hp fanboy in high school

>> No.7759899

The 4th movie was even clunky in terms of narrative structure. The other movies, when they cut out parts from the books, you could at least tell they'd tried to smooth those cuts over.

Goblet of Fire didn't even try to hide its awkwardly removed portions.

>> No.7759909

>7 was great as a film
I stopped watching after part 1 because it was so fucking bad. I've yet to finish the films.

>> No.7759995

he looks smug and edgy, fucking german why are they always like that

>> No.7760281

What was bad about the 7th part 1? In terms of film, not as far as being faithful to the book.

>> No.7760291

But they didn't have one single scene involving Quidditch in the 5th. Like, what the fuck? I don't even the fucking word "quidditch" was even used. That would even confuse people who hadn't read the books and only watched the films, it's like what the fuck about quidditch, did you just fuckin forget about it?

>> No.7761620
File: 16 KB, 292x425, snap-cover-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related best Harry Potter book

>> No.7761628

>I went to the Yale University bookstore and bought and read a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I suffered a great deal in the process. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.

>But when I wrote that in a newspaper, I was denounced. I was told that children would now read only J.K. Rowling, and I was asked whether that wasn't, after all, better than reading nothing at all? If Rowling was what it took to make them pick up a book, wasn't that a good thing?

>It is not. "Harry Potter" will not lead our children on to Kipling's "Just So Stories" or his "Jungle Book." It will not lead them to Thurber's "Thirteen Clocks" or Kenneth Grahame's "Wind in the Willows" or Lewis Carroll's "Alice."

>Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.7761639

5 looks like the album cover for R+7
Harry Potter und der Oneohtrix Phoint Never

>> No.7762956

>a small, mole-like man recanting his childhood enjoyment under piles of sweaty clothing and sauce-stained anthologies
*vigorous clapping*

>> No.7763642

>5 days
just fucking kill the plebs mate

>> No.7763671

Students are allowed to practice their homework at specifi times throughout the day in the Summer
Sirius barked to warn Harry he was about to be hit by the night bus
Some people practice wandless magic

>> No.7763953


>> No.7764600

I love this pasta so much.

>> No.7764867

Order of the Phoenix didn't try to hide the fact that they awkwardly forgot about quidditch either, so.

>> No.7766236

I can't actually find an argument against this. People can denigrate fanfiction all they like, but this thing was actually solid, at least compared to the material it was building off. Sure, it thinks it's deeper than it actually is, and there are fuckloads of plot threads that just...disappear, but I would certainly consider my time spent reading this to be better spent than the time spent reading the original books.

Fuck that was a bad sentence now I read it.