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/lit/ - Literature

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768627 No.768627 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.768630

I know plenty of people who read regularly. Move out of your shitty community.

>> No.768629 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq 170d1a03e17cc666ab573203e64c06cb

>> No.768641




>Why don't you have a girlfriend?

>you will never have a fulfilling life

>Why are you such a Failure?

>Look at you, wasting your life reading books



>> No.768644


>> No.768645
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I suspect being forced to read things you find uninteresting at a young age is a major cause.

"Just as eating against one's will is injurious to health, so studying without a liking for it spoils the memory, and it retains nothing it takes in."
- Leonardo Da Vinci

>> No.768649

Except that eating against your will isn't nescesarily injurous to one's health, quite the opposite.


>> No.768653
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You aren't this stupid... are you?

>> No.768659

Books were the norm because that's pretty much all we had.

We've since diversified out entertainment options, and most people decided they liked something else better. Free Market of Ideas. Nothing to be done.

>> No.768664

Because new forms of entertainment popped up.

For the price of one new hardcover, you can watch two movies or buy 25 songs. For the price of two, you can get a video game.

>> No.768666

Partly because they are being forced to read, and partly because of the increased speed which people require from most things, making books 'obsolete'. It's easier to watch a movie etc.

>> No.768669 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq f076cb9ea028695af7d4f735a245d7d2

>> No.768685
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>> No.768700
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>> No.768702

public education -> more people who read -> more retards destroying the market -> book shops become giant self-help sections and harry potter warehouses.

>> No.768703
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>> No.768711

Here are some of my suspicions:

- People are forced to read books they hate in school and it completely puts them off. I'm very sympathetic to this
- Related point to the last, books are constantly being associated with education and 'smarts'. Advocates think this helps but I think it's seriously backfiring since it takes the focus off books as a recreational activity available to everyone, which is what people should be seeing them as.
- Regarding young readers, books just look old fashioned. It certainly doesn't help when you have these middle aged to elderly faggots on TV comparing now to their day, discussing the horrors of new media and how we should all read books instead. These people are old fashioned, completely out of touch with current society and they refuse to change, and this image is passed onto the traditional media they advocate like books.
- New forms of entertainment. More options to choose from results in fewer people picking books
- Books can be quite expensive and take up space
- Another hunch of mine, book pirating hasn't quite caught on yet, at least not to the extent of music, films and video games. Despite ebooks existing it doesn't occur to a lot of people that you can pirate a book. People these days like to be able to try before they buy, I know I do.

>> No.768980

Book pirating has been around for years. Back in the early 2000's you'd most probably find .txt files instead of PDFs, hand typed and distributed but personally I hate them. Not only reading off a screen is incredibly uncomfortable, the copying quality is just horrible (lots of typos, ENTIRE PAGES MISSING) and the presentation can be appalling (formatting very lacking, no paragraphs, pure wall of text).

I know I sound like I expect too much from a bootleg but putting up with these niggles just turn me away. Where I'm from, new copy of books are expensive, second hand copies are pretty much non-existent. Good thing I moved to the UK. Plenty of cheap books here. =3

>> No.770115

The great thing about books is the personal experience and the relationship with the characters, your working imagination and knowing the thoughts and feelings of the characters. No other source of entertainment can capture this. I can't stress this enough, but the close and personal relationship you build with characters is unlike anything else. And the way books make your imagination work! Let me take LotR as an example: walking through the idyllic Shire, venturing into the Mines of Moria, battling on the epic battlefields of Middle Earth -- the movies and games can never capture the true feeling of going through all this... living it in your imagination.

But since most people are forced to have these unwanted experiences at a very young age, they resent it and will most likely not return to it later in life, and turn to the easier options instead: watching a two hours film instead of reading the fifteen hours book.

Most kids don't like mushroom and therefore they don't eat it until they are older and actually enjoy it. However, if they were force-fed mushrooms they would learn to hate it and even if they could have liked it later on, they wouldn't eat it because of the hatred. This is what I believe has happened to books.

>> No.770130


>> No.770431

Movie versions of books are the cancer killing the literary world.

>> No.770438

You could argue, though, that movie adaptations of books encourage reading the source material.

>> No.770446

I agree with this completely

>> No.770457


It encourages it, yes, but most people would rather spend 2 hours watching it rather than 10+ hours reading it.

>> No.770608

Not cool.

>> No.770612


Movies fund authors. They get paid royalties which keeps them in business. Movies also inspire authors.

>> No.770619


You've just read too many books before seeing the movies. The movie is always disappointing, then. I find it's much more enjoyable to see a movie, then read the book it was based on, that way both seem good. And yes, if I enjoy a movie I usually do go read the book.

>> No.770621


>> No.770771

Books were never the norm. I'm pretty sure worldwide literacy is higher now than it ever has been in history.
For most of history drinking was the norm for recreation. Now its drinking and TV, but at least those people know HOW to read. Progress.

>> No.770795

Reading books is only "uncool" among young people.

Adults tend to be less idiotic.

>> No.770809

Hollywood executives read books to look for films to make. They're people. And they read.

>> No.770848

I don't think that books were ever considered the "norm" maybe the academic norm, but not in terms of something the every man does. Books had always been associated with some sort of higher culture. lolz

And public education shoving terrible books down the throats of kids while ignoring / banning much better examples of literature.

In addition to this, I believe our current lifestyle just doesn't accommodate reading anymore. We're in an age of instant gratification, where we're always rushing to do the next thing. Most people just don't take the time to just sit down for a few hours and read anymore.

Not to mention the moment you talk about book people yell out "pretentious" like its a magical word that makes money fall from the sky.

It's just not as attractive as playing a video game for example as a form of entertainment like posters above me have said.

>> No.771400

books = tv = anime = comics

is all the same shit

>> No.772803

Dumbest post I've seen in awhile.

>> No.772804
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