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/lit/ - Literature

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768392 No.768392 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /lit/ simple question with a massive list. I just finished The Satanic Verses and reread Othello. What should I pull from my pile next?

Another Country by James Baldwin, The Magus by John Fowles, 2666 by Bolaño, Voice of the Fire by Alan Moore, Libra by DeLillo, Things Fall Apart by Achebe, The Book of Other People (collection edited by Zadie Smith), One Hundred Years of Solitude by Marquez, Suttree by McCarthy, Tales of a Punk Rock Nothing by some dudes, Mason & Dixon by Pynchon, The Man With the Golden Arm by Algren, Portnoy's Complaint by Roth, Juneteenth by Ellison, The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon, I Am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe, or the complete EA Poe.

Phew. tl;dr throw a book at me to read
Also, I know: a picture of the stack would be simpler

>> No.768411

Mason & Dixon.

>> No.768447

That's one vote for the toughest book on the list.

Anyone else?

>> No.768454

I thought The Magus was really good. If you're like me, you'll spend the first half wondering if the meandering story is going anywhere...and then suddenly, everything comes together, and you'll finish the last 300 pages in one night.

>> No.768457

2666 was a great read.

>> No.768458

DeLillo, haven't read Libra but most of his other books are great. Go with DeLillo.

>> No.768460

one hundred years of solitude

do it

>> No.768486

Yiddish Policeman's Union is pretty good, but it helps to have some knowledge of Yiddish culture beforehand.

>> No.768487


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>> No.768622


>> No.768626


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>> No.769339

100 Years of Solitude

>> No.769347

Suttree. my favourite McCarthy book out of all I've read so far.

>> No.769349

Portnoy's complaint. Also the Chabon one. And 100 years of solitude. Burn Charlotte Simmons.