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/lit/ - Literature

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768181 No.768181 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me how you fell in love with books and writing, /lit/. For me it was the best high school English teacher in the world who showed me the majesty of words.

>> No.768195

My mother encouraged me to read when I was a child. I was young when she died, and one of the few things I really remember vividly about her is that she read often. Its something I know I have in common with her, and I will be forever appreciative of her that she instilled in me the love to read.

>> No.768296

Orwell probably. William Blake maybe (I had the latter for a memorable art assignment, alongside Goya).

Of course, before that was a lot of horror and gunk directed at kids or teens, which probably had a greater accumulative effect.

>> No.768299

i've never had friends, and i taught myself to read when i was in preschool. so, i read books, alone, under my bed. life has not changed much :/

>> No.768298

I just liked reading stories.

>> No.768301

I read Pollyanna. I never thought a book could make me so happy.

>> No.768305

I had a gargantuan crush on my 5th grade teacher. When I couldn't spell "four" correctly (I had a distaste for u's), I knew something had to change. I picked up some books to impress him . . . thus my love of reading, and learning.

>> No.768308
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My parents were both shy kids who spent a lot of their time reading. While they were raising me, that's what they taught me, because it was all they knew. I found it beautiful, and I still do, though since I found the internet, I spend a lot less time doing it.

>> No.768311

Honestly it was my competitive streak. My older sister liked to read, and I wanted to read what she was reading to prove I was equal to her. She read things that were advanced for her age, and I read what she read... so, I was reading full-blown novels in grade 1.

Continuing on, I wasn't very popular as a kid. I was bossy and overbearing. So, whenever I didn't have anyone to hang out with, I'd read. Books became my companions.

>> No.768575

I do not love reading, I just need Books to escape Reality because everything else on this planet, besides deep woods, fucking sucks and bores me to Hell.

>> No.768581

Care to explain your capitalization issues?

>> No.768591

Reading is okay. Writing is a creative experience and far more rewarding.

>> No.768597


I think that their horrible use of commas is a far more pressing issue.

>> No.768600


Oh, wait, I thought that you were referring to


>> No.768603

Books: Wizard's First Rule

Writing (aside from reading): hip-hop

>> No.768613 [DELETED] 

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>> No.768612

I used to play D&D when I was 12 and my GM was like the coolest nerd ever. He borrowed me his complete collection of Sherlock Holmes stories, and that really got me hooked.

>> No.768639 [DELETED] 

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>> No.768638


Not natively english here but english was my best class. Though I've always been a slacker in highschool, I needed to be the best in one class to sort of prove myself, when I had competition I decided to actually read a book, animal farm, instead of just bullshitting my way trough it. I loved it, read 1984 afterwards, then brave new world, then some Asimov and before I knew it I was hooked.

>> No.768648

All of my grandmothers' eight children went to college so she had at least four bookshelves in her den; I grew up in what felt like a library. I've been reading since I was three years old and I can't shake the habit.

>> No.768654 [DELETED] 

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>> No.768660

I've been reading since I knew how. The women working in my school library were apparently really familiar with me.

>> No.768663 [DELETED] 

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>> No.768672 [DELETED] 

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>> No.768683 [DELETED] 

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>> No.768705 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.768704

I started reading in order to control my anger management issues.

>> No.768719

>borrowed me

>> No.768721

My 9th grade teacher, Mrs.De Groff was the main person that really encouraged me. Another reason is my brother told me to look smart all you need to do is carry around a book and not talk to anyone. Unfortunately he was right and I ended up reading non-stop through high school without any real friends :(

>> No.768755

the pokemon yellow walkthrough. first damn book i ever read and loved it.

>> No.768760
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awesome parents and family, been reading novels since 5 or 6
pic related, one of the first books i remember reading.

>> No.768782

I remember my mother reading Thomas The Tank Engine books to me as a child, and I have been an avid reader for as long as I can remember. The earliest book I remember reading myself is Treasure Island.

>> No.768793 [DELETED] 


lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.768827

Had few friends in elementary school, so I just read books.
My brother read a lot, too, so it sort of solidified it.

>> No.768835

My mom bought me a shitload of picture books when I was a kid, and as a consequence, I learned to read as a 5 year old.

The fact that I can know the mindset and thoughts of someone who has been dead for millenia still blows my mind. Writing is truly the greatest invention of the human race.

>> No.768838

if you extend writing to be language in general, sure.

>> No.768848
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I remember this as the first book that I really loved.
It's mostly drawings but it was great.

>> No.768864

Words just make me happy.

>> No.768870 [DELETED] 


lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.768874

I picked up a book one very early, boring morning when I was 8.

I read it all the way through that day and went in search of other books.

>> No.768878 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.768900

One night in first grade, Pocahontas was on on The Disney Channel. It bored me, so I grabbed a few volumes of an Encyclopedia and read some of those. A few weeks later, I read Swiss Family Robinson. I was hooked to books by then. I became addicted to writing in Eleventh grade when my teacher said I had natural talent, and that I should write novels for a living.

>> No.768902

13 years old: I was helping my older brother move out of our house, and into an apartment a good 40 minutes away. While looking around I found a stack of Anne Rice novels that the previous person had left behind I suppose. I took them home, and read them. That eventually lead me to other books, and eventually to the classics. And eventually to /lit/ ~

>> No.770146

My family were wolves. I hid in books.

>> No.770173

My mum gave me a book when I still didn't know how to read. I got curious learned to read and kept going ever since.

>> No.770174

I read The Good Guy by Dean Koontz and loved it so much that I've now read about 15 more books by him and I have a new pile waiting. I have also as a result of this read some classics and a lot of other books too. I now read mostly anything except political and philosophical shit. This is my great love story.

>> No.770197

My parents were absent from all of my childhood, I had to take care of my five siblings at a really young age. Reading let me escape that, and writing let me deal with it.

>> No.770203

Two words,
Harry Potter.

>> No.770206


lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.770368


>> No.770371

I... liked reading? I don't know, I don't have a story or anything that inspired me to read, I just learned to read at an early age and never stopped.

>> No.770396

My dad read to me constantly from the time I was born. I could read when I was three. It always annoyed the piss out of me how slow the other kids read in first grade. They would literally spend two minutes reading a page that had ten words on it. It drove me insane.

I've never really loved writing though. Apparently I have a knack for it, as my teachers have always praised my works, but, compared to what my classmates were turning out, it had to have seemed amazing.

>> No.770403

I bet you get made fun of in high-school. Enjoy the summer. Too bad you have to go back for three more years.

>> No.770406


If that was some sort of crack at the way I worded my post, it wasn't terribly funny. I don't have to worry about sounding eloquent or any of that mess for at least two months.

I was actually made fun of a lot in high school. I'm glad it's over with.

>> No.770405

i actually hate books, i only read the cream of the crop[

>> No.770409

pretension all up in this thread

>> No.770417

I was taking a crack at your arrogant tone and your disgusting pride over your accomplishments at three years old.

You've been told you were special your entire life and have believed it, hoping that the praise from your parents and teachers will help you float through life without effort. It won't. Take this summer to get serious and learn to work hard before college starts, or you're screwed. I was in the same place you were and school caught me off guard. Your three-year-old self won't help you if you're attending a real university.

>> No.770429


lol, arrogance. You're reading far too much into, friend. Also, you're getting way too sore about it, particularly in the region of your behind.

I did work hard, pal. I didn't really care about the stuff I wrote and I know my classmates didn't either. I apparently was just able to shit out marginally better stuff than them. I never said my works were great, just that they were apparently better than my classmates. Derp.

God, you're so mad. It's cute. Adorable even. Are you one of those kids who trips over words more than two syllables long? That was half of my class. It was sad. Most of them just didn't give a damn about school. Maybe you should have, you lazy fuck. :)

>> No.770435

here we go again

>> No.770441



>> No.770452


Samefag detected

>> No.770463


No, he's just right. I was in the same position. Everything was easy and I was always told how smart I was, then in college I actually had to work hard and I was unprepared for it.

>> No.770479

I agree.
Although they may write with eloquence, that can not, and will not ever justify such childishness.

Opinions of other anonymous posters can only effect them momentarily, or briefly if they allow it to do so. They have no identity. They should not be afraid of judgement.

>> No.770480

Family was pro-reading, I eventually picked up some amazing books and just never stopped

>> No.770489

My interest in literature stemmed from my love of film. In high-school, I couldn't be bothered to read anything on my own.

>> No.770487

9th grade English teacher, Mrs. Suzuki. She was fantastic. I went back to my Jr. High when I was a senior to see my old teachers. I found out she had died in a car accident the previous year.

>> No.770570

I'm not that anon, but I have a question that's a little hard to phrase...
When I was young, I was firmly convinced that I was absolutely average. Absolutely, completely average, except for a few trivial differences. I wouldn't hear of being praised and I resented anyone who accepted praise. I was disgusted with anyone who unapologetically did things differently. It was something like insecurity, except using my group identity as a comfort blanket. Does this sound anything like a past version of you?

>> No.770582


That you have to work hard in college? Of course he's right about that. What sort of retard wouldn't know that? Derp de fucking derp.

>> No.770591

No, it doesn't sound like me when I was young. You're on your own with that one.

>> No.770594


>> No.770605

> I am a person who has always loved reading and worked hard in school. I write more coherently than the people in my classes who play videogames and watch TV all day. This must mean I have a knack for writing.

>> No.770730


>Apparently I have a knack for writing

Derp. I've never thought my writing ability was great, I've only been told that it is. Fuck, are you retarded or something?