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768474 No.768474 [Reply] [Original]

Good evening gents,

I'm struggling a little with my Drama assignment. I'm looking for someone to explain some of the themes and ideologies a little more clearly than my borderline-retarded teacher.

Anyone help a brother out?


pic related.

>> No.768485

tl;dr: Marxism. Run with it, I'm going to bed.

>> No.768488


thank you for the response my good man.

Sleep well.

>> No.768493 [DELETED] 

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>> No.768495


>> No.768512 [DELETED] 

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>> No.768534

american dream, anxiety, marxism.

google it nigger!

>> No.768579

Yeah i've talked about those a bit. Was looking for substantial evidence in the play, like examples of it in a theatrical production, if any anons have seen one.

Symbolism and whatnot.

>> No.768582

Death of a Salesman - Death of the goods he sells

Lack of material goods - Lack of material world

Biff is the Anti-Christ. Happy is the second coming of Jesus taking us to the great beyond. Willy is the common layman seeking eternal paradise.

>> No.768588


How is Biff the anti-christ?
Also, that eternal paradise is representative in the American dream right? With the issue of classism?

>> No.768589

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>> No.768590

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>> No.768595


Biff takes what Willy failed at and becomes successful with it. He is the common man but on a pillar of perfection. He is not a holy man or of God but only a deception.

Willy Loman spends his whole life seeking paradise through capitalism and the American dream but only ends up broken. By investing his life in the material world, he has lost what is truly important; God and the world of faith.

>> No.768601

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>> No.768611


Wow, I completely missed that. What's the idea with that guy who pops up and speaks in cliches?

>> No.768628


You know what? I feel bad. I was completely pulling all of that out of my ass. I was trolling and I did it too well. Ignore everything I wrote about the Anti-Christ and the second coming of Jesus. Though Willy Loman's lack of faith could be a strong point. You could work on that.

And by the guy who speaks in cliches you mean Willy's brother? Willy uses him as an example of a successful business man. He projects everything he's ever heard about the American dream and being successful onto the memory of his brother in order to validate his ideals even though they've caused him to fail horribly in his life.

>> No.768637


Would have given the teacher a few decent lols. -___-

Cheers for being a moral-fag btw. Guess I'll just wing this shit!

>> No.768662

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