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File: 43 KB, 433x648, oreilly-book-for-kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
767853 No.767853 [Reply] [Original]

You Rage You Lose

>> No.767872


I laughed and then felt bad for doing so.

>> No.767877

My grandma bought me that when I was a kid. I thought it made me so smart. I guess I've been a pseudo-intellectual my whole life.

>> No.767883
File: 131 KB, 500x333, 3368425688_49d0b8cf0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I thought it made me so smart

>> No.767884
File: 45 KB, 484x318, happiness-come.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Survival Guide for America's Families

Sounds handy

>> No.767890

I felt smart as fuck when I was six and I learned that 10 times 10 was 100.

Dumb shit makes kids feel smart.

>> No.767897


>> No.767914 [DELETED] 


lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq b664029ff86cf831bc1feeb4fe5b8053

>> No.767916
File: 203 KB, 1200x795, 1261691222553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chapters 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8: Loofahs.

>> No.767918


No, that's Chapter 9.

>> No.767926

You call this rage material?

I call this comedy!

>> No.767933 [DELETED] 


lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq e757130e56ea3a9f9a5309196061dee2

>> No.767932
File: 19 KB, 288x358, Ayn_Rand1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.767965

All republcunt literature is rage worthy.

>> No.767967


>> No.767972
File: 38 KB, 512x779, bringing up boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My aunt picked this up in the bookstore, read the back, and dropped it on the ground in disgust right then and there.

>> No.767973



>> No.767976
File: 62 KB, 334x500, Liberalismisamentaldisease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I win. Becasue I read stuuf like this

>> No.767988

I read The O'Reilly Factor for "Teens" or whatever.
It wasn't that bad.

>> No.767994

I rage at basically all political books.

>> No.768001


lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq 7f1b9707678699250f07fb99e4fbfaf9

>> No.768002


I lost in two seconds.

>> No.768010

Why are all the summerfags know-nothing liberal teenagers?

>> No.768016
File: 1 KB, 100x100, teeeeheeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.768020






>> No.768043

I remember being interviewed for admission to private school when I was like seven and being asked "how high can you count" and answering "as high as I want".

I don't know why I remember that.

O'reilly would approve that kind of arrogance.

>> No.768872

I lost at O'Reilly Factor

Chapter 1: SHUT UP!!
Chapter 2: SHUT UP!!
Chapter 3: Cut his mic

>> No.768916

What is this book about?

>> No.768920


And I lost. This man makes Beck look reasonable.

>> No.769018


Amazon summary:

>Dobson, a psychologist and family counselor, takes a decidedly conservative approach to the "special challenge of raising boys." Celebrating the natural differences between boys and girls, Dobson outlines biological differences, particular issues in disciplining boys, and the different roles of mothers and fathers. He scoffs at those who attribute differences to social factors. Dobson is particularly critical of feminists and their influence on American culture, for example, the advent of nonsexist toys. Dobson sees the "future of Western civilization" dependent on how we handle the "crisis" of raising the next generation of men. Much of his advice on boy-rearing issues, from discipline to attention deficit disorder to coping with divorce, is biblically based. Each chapter ends with a question-and-answer format. The most controversial chapter examines the origins of homosexuality, calling it a "disorder" that can be cured. Conservative and Christian readers may enjoy Dobson's book; other readers are likely to take issue with some of his observations.

Basically, how to brainwash your kids into fundamentalist Christian carbon copies of yourself. Guaranteed to turn your kid into a self-hating homosexual or a serial killer. Possibly both.

>> No.769022

as opposed to liberal androgynous carbon copies
both sides of this debate are fucking retarded

>> No.769026

dat picture on the cover...priceless..honestly o'reilly isn't threatening in the least. parents will give this to kids and 4 or 5 years later they'll read rand, and then Hayek (glenn beck approved) and before you know it, they will be leading a sexless, barren existence. i'd say overall this is a good thing, weeding out people from the intellectual discourse.

>> No.769028

You are a liberal if you think o'reilly, michael savage and ayn rand are shit? I thought that just meant that you arent necessarily stupid.

>> No.769029


A wild conservatroll appears!

>> No.769031

ITT:16 year old suburban democrats

>> No.769035

and one overweight, would be robberbaron who would be on top of it all, if it weren't for the damned state! one day you'll emerge from the basement my friend, and teach the world your conservative ways. and the forests will echo with laughter.

>> No.769038

excluding dobson's christian garbage, his book is just parroting the very real science of biological gender differences
to deny that there are differences in male and female psychology that go beyond skin deep is just as ignorant as oreilly or beck because you are deciding objective reality according to the bias you hold.

>> No.769045

and you are a scientist? seriously, are you are biologist or geneticist? this is why i don't meddle in questions i can't answer like are there real differences between the genders. all i (or you) could offer would be empirical, superficial anectodes.

>> No.769049

hahah i meant anecdotes of course. i was thinking of battle toads and just misspelled the fuck out of it.

>> No.769052

so no one should say anything about anything unless they have been studying that subject for years and years?
sorry, that goes against everything human culture has been for thousands of years

>> No.769054

repeating arguments and discoveries made by scientists =/= meddling
lrn2 communication

>> No.769061

why would you form any opinion on something as complex as the differences of gender without knowledge of it? That isn't what human culture has done for thousands of years, that is what human culture has done for a few decades since ''news'' has become nothing but opinions and polling, and people think they are celebrities when they post a video on youtube. Seriously, this kind of shit is a serious downturn in culture. It would be best, when people start to admit again that they don't know enough to form an opinion on everything, and focus on what they do know.

>> No.769064

so the publis shouldnt know anything scientists are doing and also shouldnt talk about it?
what is this, the medieval catholic church?

>> No.769070

first, you didn't cite any science. secondly, no without studying and foreknowledge, scientific data can mean very little to you. pop-science may be interesting, but you don't have to form an opinion. Seriously, it's this entiltlement kick where people think they must have an opinion on everything, it's bourgeois dinner culture ad nauseum.

>> No.769071

>i hate bigoted conservatives
enjoy your liberal dark ages

>> No.769074


okay i just wanted to confirm that you think the public should remain scientifically ignorant and subjected to the whim of their betters

yeah, real egalitarian of you

>> No.769079

you are just arguing for its own sake now

>> No.769083


PROTIP: The person you're responding to is a troll. Don't respond to trolls.

This advice has been brought to you by the Society For Troll Containment And Eradication.

>> No.769085

>anyone who doesnt swallow the gender studies myth of biological sexual equality is a troll
sorry no

>> No.769088

That's not what i'm saying at all, I think that forming badly informed opinions for the sake of argument is the height of ignorance. The drive to have opinions regardless of true understanding is corrosive to culture. The point is it is better to study, to know, than to have an opinion. Read some Epictetus on this subject.
And to you, I am as far from liberal as it gets. This affinity to appear intelligent with half-baked opining is as prevalent with liberals (perhaps even more so) as it is with conservatives. Honestly, it has redifined those terms, to where so-called liberals and conservatives are hardly what they say they are, they simply have opinions that reflect a certain outlook, which isn't even their own. ffs it is better to know and to appear dumb to the rest of the world than it is to form endless opinions and to know only what you skim from others.

>> No.769095

sorry asshole but the public sphere of debate will keep going without you, no matter how many tears you tinkle

>> No.769096


>Anyone who disagrees with me is identical to a strawman that only exists in my head.

7/10 if you're really trolling, 0/10 otherwise.

>> No.769099

Have fun with the pigs at their trough.

>> No.769159

i lost