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/lit/ - Literature

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767834 No.767834 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: genres of books and why you like them

i'll start: Sci-fi (specifically outer space). I'll most likely never get to experience what lies beyond the Earth's atmosphere and the mystery of the possibilities of alien life forms/unending deep space entrances me. I love any creative views on what it's like out there, so i read to compensate for what i think i will never experience, unlike fantasy it is something i can look up at and wonder. your turn.

>> No.767837

Literary fiction because it makes me feel smarter than genre-fic readers

>> No.767849

Literary Fiction: Aside from the fact that I'm pretentious, I love literary fiction because of how much emphasis is placed on the craft of writing in itself and how the most important part of the story isn't the plot or genre it fits into, but the characters who the stories are about.

>> No.767850
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>> No.767855

Literary sci-fi.

>> No.767858


>> No.767866

non-fiction. because they're educational.

>> No.767864 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq e09ed9a6e880f73e890a052a50834f2e

>> No.767870


non-fic ftw.

>> No.767895
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typed out a few points on how hypocritical and disgusting you are as a person, then i took a deep breath.

>> No.767899 [DELETED] 

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq f898edec80f36547f84b54fb391fe6d7

>> No.768256

Soft vintage sci-fi and magic realism I guess the world's just a magical place for me.

>> No.768283

I'm gonna sound really pretentious saying this, but I love books that really show the universality of the human condition. Books that have really relateable characters despite being from a very different time or place. As far as the actual genre it can vary around quite a bit, to my right on my bookshelf closest to me I've got Taiko by Eiji Yoshikawa, complete works of Tacitus, and a couple Haruki Murakami novels. I've still got a heap of regular ol' sci-fi though, too.

>> No.768314

Literary fiction, mostly from the 20th century.
Prose is better, characters are interesting, situations are typically compelling, and you usually learn a few valuable lessons.

>> No.768326

I like the Gothic novel- everything about it- the dreary atmosphere, the anguish of the situations that the characters find themselves in, etc

>> No.768355

what IS literary fiction?