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/lit/ - Literature

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766667 No.766667 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a "books to read at different parts of your life" thread?

Read in middle school or younger:
Where the Red Fern Grows
Ender's Game
Read before high school:
Looking for Alaska
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Read in high school:
Ordinary People
Read before college:
Johnny Got His Gun
Read in college:
The Iliad and Odyssey (some high schools have you read, but its better when you're older)
Read after college:
Read when someone has died:
Read when you need to get motivated:
Assault on Lake Casitas

>> No.766680


>> No.766686

>middle school
>Ender's Game

>high school

interesting combination. Sadly I can't say same thing - during my middle school I was wasting my time with generic fantasy novels.

>> No.766697

I'm not saying that's the order I did read them in, that's just how I would have.

>> No.766708

bumping for more ideas

>> No.766733


Oh sorry I overlooked first sentence, and I thought this thread is about different kind of books, which somebody have read during his life.

>> No.766759

Read in middle school or younger:
Das Kapital
The Lord of the Rings
The prince
The Theory of relativity
Read before high school:
The wheel of time
Thus spoke Zarathustra
War and Peace
Crime and Punishment
Read in high School:
The great gatsby
The World as Will and Representation
critique of pure reason

Of course i read a lot more, but these were some of the most important/ my favourites

>> No.766772

Thought the same as some of the others, that this was about what you read, but that`s pretty much the same, i would`not change anything

>> No.766781

ITT; Fags who pretend the read books instead of playing with pokémans.

>> No.766797


>> No.766799

I started the wheel of time series in high school

>> No.766809


>Hurr durr, hurr durr nobody on /lit/ actually reads they just look up obscure sounding books on the internet hurr durr


This troll is old as the hills. Shit, people were saying this when /lit/ was conceived.

>> No.766810
File: 30 KB, 450x448, aaawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>middle school or younger
>das kapital

>implying you don't need a college education to understand das kapital

>> No.766823

I`m not implying that i understood it all, but i got the basic idea by reading some essays as well.

>> No.766825

this list is stupid

>> No.766840

You SUCk at this

>> No.766846


What, being taken in by shitty trolls?


>> No.766886
File: 38 KB, 265x302, ragen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry Potter.... Harry Potter? HARRY FUCKING POTTER!?!?! AHHHH!!! FUCK YOU! Everything else is fine, but why did you have to go and fuck it all up by putting that garbage in there? You'd best be trolling!

>> No.766889


Let's be fair, the first two books weren't half-bad.

The rest is garbage.

>> No.766926

anyone know any books similar to "looking for alaska" ?

>> No.766950

Read in middle school or younger:
Ender's Game
The Giver
A Wrinkle in Time

Read before high school:
The Great Gatsby
Animal Farm

Read in high school:
The Virgin Suicides
Never Let Me Go

Read before college:
Fight Club
A Handmaid's Tale
The Metamorphosis

Read in college:
Dante's Comedia
Slaugherhouse Five
Paradise Lost

Read after college:

>> No.766956

Actually they were all terrible, and OP's entire list is bad

>> No.766976
File: 74 KB, 407x405, Foul-Bachelor-Frog-good-good-let-the-butthurt-flow-through-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.767033

Read in middle school or younger:

Ready before high school:

Read in high school:

Read before college:

Read in college: Twilight

>> No.767107

I doubt you've ever even read or heard of "assault on lake casitas" you fuck

>> No.767110 [DELETED] 

i found sum child porn made by christopeher poeale hear tinyurl dot com / 39dasqb d9a51050dc003c815cc3423921a9e686

>> No.767125


>> No.767126

Probably the only honest person in this thread.

>> No.767132

what do you guys think of orson scott card? (didn't want to start a thread dedicated to him and saw a lot of you read ender's game)

>> No.767191

Middle School -:
Tripods Trilogy
Harry Potter
Phantom Tollbooth
Marvel Adventures
Animal Farm
Soon I Will Be Invincible

High School:
Slaughterhouse Five
Ender's Game
Lord of the Rings
Short History of Nearly Everything

College +:
Book of the New Sun
The Selfish Gene
Whatever you want

>> No.767197

congrats, spambot

>> No.767198


I hate him. But... I enjoy his books, even as I hate some of the things he does in them.

>> No.767205

Hes a great writer. He gets allot of hate cause hes got crazy political ideas, but he doesn't let them overtly influence his works. As in, whenever a character is backing up some form of political idea (which doesnt happen that much) I can believe its coming from the character, not the author. Although I haven't read any of his recent stuff, I stopped at Shadow of the Giant I think it was. I keep in mind that most writers (or directors, or actors, or artists) are usually nuts or disgusting, keep the art separate from the artist.

>> No.767211

When I was in primary school it was mainly Robin Hood, King Arthur, Ivanhoe, and Robert Howard.

High School I read exclusively Forgotten realms /dragon lance novels and RA Salvatore.

Now I read a mixture of classic literature/ fantasy/ Sci Fi/historical fiction.

Feels good that there's so many good books out there that I have yet to read.

>> No.767220


I hate that he only writes about geniuses, but shows nothing that convinces me his characters are actually intelligent. They figure out things anyone of normal intellect could, they just do it a bit quicker, which is because he has the benefit of taking time when he writes.

I also disagree that his political and religious views don't taint his writing. Sometimes I find myself wanting to stab him for some of the things he writes.

That said, I DO enjoy his books. He's, mostly, a very good author.

>> No.767509

Read when someone has died: The Death of Ivan Illych - Tolstoy

I like the idea of this thread, but it needs more "parts" of life that don't relate to education.

Books to read when you're/want to be depressed:
Books to read when you want to get out of depression:
Books to read outside:
Books to read when you're in love:
Books to read when everything in your life is going perfectly/god-awful:


>> No.767547

Read in Primary/Elementary School:
Swiss Family Robinson
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Fountainhead / Atlas Shrugged

Read In Middle School:
The Giver
A Clockwork Orange
Gravity's Rainbow
Finnegan's Wake

Read in High School:
Journey To The End of The Night
The Scarlet Letter
The Tempest
Crime and Punishment
Tropic of Cancer

Any philosophy in Greek and Latin

After College:
Anything you want.

>> No.767566

did anyone here ever read "the curious incident of the dog in the night"? i really liked it and want to see what you guys thought of it

>> No.767585

Middle School: Sherlock holmes (C. Doyle), First Love (Ivan Turgenev)
high school: crapload of books, really started liking to read. ex: Lolita, Midsummer nights dream, What is property?, das kapital, the sorrows of young werther, lots of lovecraft and poe, schopenhauer, nietzche, kafka.
College: Divine comedy, War and peace, Anna Karenina, brothers karamazov, lots of byron, The Lusiads, Beowulf, lots I didn't write.

>> No.767615

>Read In Middle School
>Finnegan's Wake

Nigga be trollin

>> No.768616

bumping for interest

>> No.768620 [DELETED] 


lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq 7330707b4f8ff72f39e9e204d0fbac38

>> No.768965


No, it's just a really good book.

>> No.768968


Yeah, it was alright. I read another of Mark Haddon's recently though and it was complete drivel.

>> No.768974

fuck year, go books
nice collection OP

>> No.768979


Freakonomics? After college?