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/lit/ - Literature

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766454 No.766454 [Reply] [Original]

"American Literature" is an oxymoron.

>> No.766461

Either you don't understand what oxymoron means, or you just best explain yourself!

>> No.766458

babbys first troll

>> No.766463

There's too much American Literature on this board.

>> No.766472

Which is why this board sucks.

America is the literally asshole of the world.

>> No.766473

Ok. What country's literature should we talk about instead?

>> No.766475


>> No.766476

England, Germany, France, Russia, Spain, etc..

Any country with actual culture and real history.

>> No.766477


Harry Potter is British literature,

>> No.766484


>Implying we don't always talk about the same 3 or 4 Russians writers cause they are so deep

>> No.766489

Maybe we should stop saying stupid shit about eachothers countries and actually talk about literature.
Just a thought.

>> No.766490

And? A fucking book for children has more depth than the entire American canon.

Americans should not be allowed to be writers.

>> No.766494

The idea is that /lit/ talks about it all the goddamn time you numbskull

>> No.766496

I respect your opinion and agree wholeheartedly.

>> No.766525

Psssh American Literature can destroy any other countries literature. Doesn't matter what genre.

What the fuck do Eurofags have except ancient classics that people don't want to read but do so anyway so they can seem cultured? Joyce=shit. I'll give you fucking Orwell and Burgess, but that's your only redeeming factor.

And Europe can't rely on Russia for decent literature, so that's out.

>> No.766523

Holy shit, dude. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you my country isn't a shithole now, but you're a fucking fascist.

>> No.766529


>Joyce = shit

You're done.

Get out.

>> No.766533

>Joyce = shit


>> No.766536

Find someone who actually enjoys reading Ulysses or Finnegan's Wake and you win.

>> No.766541

Oooo, looks like I hit a nerve.

>> No.766544

Amerikans don't scibe literature. They can make movies with roboţ, but they cannot possibly write a book.

When Amerikans diskuss Amerikans' literature they are trying to convince their selfs how they are a very proper people with a very proper culture.

To any man of taste it is evident from afar that they are not.

The only book that is genuinely Amerikan is that psihological tractate on how to be a smiling carcass with no soul. it was written by Dale Karnegi and is now repeat by every school child like buddhist mantra.

So everything amerikans contact becomes Karnegian. A real Amerikan can turn even the biblia and the principele into truly amerikan books.

Unforget the amerikan pornographical scriptures. you call them beatniks but they are actually pornography with no feeling, depth or story behind. it is pretentious anti-karnegian pornography. they became anti-karnegian when they copywrite hesse listening to jefferson airplane.

their klassikal literature is when they write about either how badly negros need masters or how badly masters threat negros. their great modern novels is where some college educated not-a-girl-any-longer tries to emulate dostoyevski because they are verry fond of dostoievskiy

sometime a man tries that swapping a landowner or tradesman for a financist.

i have known amerikans up close and i must say their way to treat books is more interesting than any book. a book for an amerikan is an object of pride from which he sneers at negros and white trash.

he is not to be fascinated by what is in within the book but what for what books are within his head.

you stick to watching amerikan zombie movies and pornographic films. each people excells at a different thing.

>> No.766548

>Find someone who actually enjoys reading Ulysses

Can I help you?
What do I win?

>> No.766549

Two tripfags, one whose name is a reference to an American novel, the other whose name is a reference to a Japanese porn game. Wow, I'm totally going to take you guys seriously.

>> No.766556 [DELETED] 


Like anyone would take someone who un-ironically used the epithet 'Eurofags' and calls James Joyce shit is going to be taken seriously in the first place.

>> No.766558


As if anyone would take someone who un-ironically used the epithet 'Eurofags', and calls James Joyce shit, seriously in the first place.

>> No.766559

What did I just read? Kapital!

>> No.766572


Reading the summary on Wikipedia doesn't count, you uncultured swine.

>> No.766585
File: 132 KB, 667x872, melville-745333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck you on about kid?

>> No.766581
File: 89 KB, 322x210, 1273082258417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dissing the classics and Joyce, trying to argue that some of Russia isn't in Europe, and expounding regionalism?
Continue being condescending love.

>> No.766608 [DELETED] 

It's pretty fucking sad when Americans think a book about whale anatomy is "classic" literature.

>> No.766607

It's pretty fucking sad when Americans think a book about whale anatomy is "classic" literature.

>> No.766617

I was thinking more like The Confidence-Man, but yeah, Moby Dick is fantastic.

>> No.766623

Everyone knows that Canada is where the modern shit is at.

Australia=below shit

>> No.766625

Wow OP is so random xD

maybe you should read a book instead of browsing /b/

>> No.766649

Just came in here to say America has owned literature since WW2. Pynchon, Barthelme, McCarthy, Roth, Miller, Mailer, Bellow, Burroughs, Vonnegut, Wallace, DeLillo...

There isn't even any contest. Not hating on other countries' literature, just saying it's been all about the USA for a while now...

>> No.766661

You get points for mentioning Barthelme, I'll give you that

>> No.766663



Also, posting in an obvious troll thread.

>> No.766664

Your face is an oxymoron.

>> No.766666
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Shit, you're right.

Here's the pinnacle of American Literature

>> No.766713

O' Henry

>> No.766732
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that was some get.

>> No.766743
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>> No.766749

I'm agreeing, but lest we seem have our America blinders on, let's mention some of the other great writers elsewhere: Mervyn Peake, Rushdie, Bolano, Marquez, Peter Ackroyd, Pamuk, etc.

>> No.766751


>Twilight GET

Oh God, what have I DONE

>> No.766752
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>> No.766756

Now, whenever I see your name, I'm going to hear "Ave Satani".

>> No.766758


and John Fowles

I'm a 'Murkan and I love 'Murka, but John Fowles gets overlooked so often by so many people. He's great!

>> No.766763

Hemmingway and Rand. You're wrong, get the fuck out.

>> No.766768



This is now my /lit/ theme.

>> No.766774

You really fell for this bullshit, /lit/?

Fuck you.

>> No.766777


>Misspelling Hemingway's name
>Quoting Ayn 'Bullshit' Rand as a good author

You are DONE.

Get OUT.