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/lit/ - Literature

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761319 No.761319 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever said this phrase and meant it?

Are there any stories where the movie was actually better than the book?

>> No.761329

Fight Club.

>> No.761330

Battlefield Earth
Lord of the Rings
Fight Club

>> No.761332

Lord of the Rings

>> No.761334

Fight Club.


>> No.761336

All of them. Reading is a very inefficient way to receive a story.

>> No.761337


This. Although I love to read, it's a waste of time when compared to a movie.

>> No.761338

You sound straight from Fahrenheit 451, kind sir.

>> No.761339

Jurrasic Park

>> No.761340

The Hogfather by Pratchett, awful movie, funny book.

>> No.761342

all kubrick adaptations

>> No.761345


i read that Battlefield Earth, the movie, was a epic fail

>> No.761346


Pssst, reread what the OP was asking.

>> No.761347

Oh, and Harry Potter.

>> No.761348

Roadside Picnic

A Clockwork Orange

Also, what about books that were made as an adaptation of the movie?

>> No.761349


The movie is one of the worst ever made. The book was even worse.

>> No.761355

American Psycho was ok, maybe a bit better than the book because you don't have to wade through pages of music reviews and analyzing others' clothing

>> No.761369
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>> No.761396

>ctrl + f "jaws"
>no jaws

jaws was a movie that was better than the book

>> No.761407

you had to control f for....13 posts?

>> No.761413


>> No.761417


>> No.761434

Les Miserables was pure shit (the film)

>> No.761501

I thought the books were better even though Chriton was pushed into writing the second.

>> No.761522

fight club.

>> No.761535

All three Bourne movies. Way better than the books.

>> No.761537

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

>> No.761543

They are both awful

>> No.761556

2001 movie was better than the book.

>> No.761558

American Psycho, only because Bale is hot as hell, and it was short.

>> No.761580

happens all the time
some things just work better with visuals and sounds

>> No.761586

Not Lolita.

>> No.761587

Since the movies were spliced together from parts of different books, you can't really compare them.

But I agree with what you're saying, I thought that watching Jurassic Park was more enjoyable than reading Jurassic Park

>> No.761589

Blade Runner

>> No.761605
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>> No.761613

The Shining

>> No.761617


You just went full retard.

>> No.761618

The only known instance of this is "Fight Club".

>> No.761620


>> No.761628

Stir of Echoes.

>> No.761630

You mean he just went full Correct.

>> No.761644


I think you aspie types missed a turn on the way to /r9k/


Starship Troopers, American Psycho, The Shining, Blade Runners... everybody said most of those already but I definitely agree with them

>> No.761649

starship troopers and blade runner are so unlike their book basis i dont feel they are appropriate for this thread

>> No.761654

Il Gattopardo - Lampedusa

>> No.761660

The director supposedly stopped reading the Starship Troopers book half way through. Both are completely different and good on their own merits. I prefer the book, I just like the aspects of power armor of the body armor they wear in the movies.

>> No.761661


No, I meant full retard.

The Shining is one of the worst movies ever made, book aside.

True fact: Shelley Duvall sucked over a hundred penises to secure her role in The Shining.

>> No.761666

Yes, but he's saying that some things work better with the images/sound fed to you rather than trying to make you come up with your own.

>> No.761668

James Bond movies

>> No.761670



>> No.761676

Only if you're without any kind of imagination. Or you just can't really read.

>> No.761677

The Princess Bride

>> No.761680


>> No.761686

The Godfather

>> No.761687

Fight club.. movie was equally good

>> No.761692

Actually, Chuck Palahniuk feels the movie was BETTER.

>> No.761702

His books are done to make films. Graphics. Not much narration.

>> No.761713

Any Frankenstein movies.

>> No.761715

All of them

>> No.761727


>> No.761729

Stardust, and the shining depending upon your opinion of Kubrick.

>> No.761800


I thought Stardust was going to be kinda gay, but I watched it and it was actually very enjoyable.

>> No.761907

Pride and Prejudice.

>> No.761959

Lord of the Rings.


>> No.761963

I prefer the One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest movie to the book.

>> No.761965

A Clockwork Orange

>> No.761977

The other boleyn girl, Movie was much better than the book

>> No.761989


>> No.761999
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>those harry potter movies are retarded
>my face

>> No.762003

Apocalypse Now.

I'm sure someone will force me to explain this but until then I'm not.

>> No.762009

I agree with the people who say Stardust

>> No.762013
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While The Great Gatsby was a wonderful book and complex... The movie.. And Robert Redford... Nmmm...

>> No.762014

Aguirre was better if less directly an adaptation of Heart of Darkness.

>> No.762017

Amadeus directed by Milos Forman

>> No.762024

Wtf are people saying Stardust for?!
The book >>>>>> the movie

>> No.762026
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Sometimes literary adaptations can be visualized in such a fashion that they really transcend the images that come to your mind when reading the books.

>> No.762027


Neither one was good.

The book was typical Gaiman garbage and the movie felt like cheap Syfy shit.

>> No.762029


What's your problem with Gaiman?

>> No.762033

IMO the book was good, but the ending was terrible: the ultimate KTHANXBAI.

>> No.762035

A clockwork orange

The movie is a masterpiece

>> No.762053

the movie doesn't approach the themes as well as i thought the book did.

to each his own.

>> No.762059

Well, he's gay, man.

>> No.762062
File: 24 KB, 235x274, What.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are the people that keep saying Lord of the Rings in these threads repeating some kind of /lit/ troll-meme...

...or are they all born after 1990?

>> No.762065

Please. Just leave /lit/.

>> No.762066

>The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

That movie only had a superficial resemblance to the book.

>> No.762070

The latter.

>> No.762071

Neither the books or the movies are that good, who cares?

>> No.762072

its not even a book.

>> No.762073

I was born post 1990 and I prefer the books over the film

>> No.762076


I agree with this. The book tackled the themes: coming of age, suppression of will etc etc a lot better than the film did, although the imagery in the film was IMO a lot more striking.

>> No.762080

You shouldn't tell someone else to do what you should be doing yourSELF

>> No.762081

Fight Club
The Shining
Lord of the Rings
Princess Bride

>> No.762097

The Chronicles of Narnia
His Dark Materials
Harry Potter

>> No.762099

It wasn't. More bittersweet than any shitty scifi tv stuff.

>> No.762107

His Dark Material ? HOW DARE YOU ? The movies are absolute shit !

>> No.762109
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>His Dark Materials

>> No.762123


There was only one that I ever heard of.

>> No.762131

There will be more..
Just wait.

>> No.762133

Battle Royale.

>> No.762141


>> No.762150

Forrest Gump, hands down.

The movie makes me cry and always manages to 'get me'. The book was okay, but just not as engaging or beautiful.

>> No.762152

movies? There was more than one?

>> No.762168

Apparently not. I assumed so, but for god sake it appared not.

>> No.762176


>> No.762178

There is only one.
So far.

>> No.762183

All the movies based on books I really like a lot I haven't read the book of, but from what I have heard Altered States the movie>>>Altered States of Consciousness the book. Altered States is one of my favorite movies despite being cheesy and hammy, like a ham and cheese sandvich.

>> No.762190
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>> No.762193


>> No.762204

lol never heard of it.

>> No.762336

It's your loss.

>> No.762340

Seriously. That's such a good movie.

>> No.762616

This is true for any book that has a movie made from it. The movie is always better.
Reading is pointless and archaic. It's pointless in the time we live in. We have television now so there is no need to read.
The last book I read was To Kill a Mockingbird in seventh grade. After that I swore I was never reading another book and I made it all through high school without being forced to read anymore bullshit.
I don't know how much longer you people think books can survive. They should be phased out already by now with radio, movies and television etc. Fags like you keep books and awkward librarians in business; barely scraping by with their out of date fancies.
I can't wait for the day, which I am sure is coming soon, when books are finally recognized as nothing more than the antiquated relics they are.

>> No.762619
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>> No.762621

Get off my /lit/, you troll.

>> No.762628

forest gump

>> No.762637 [DELETED] 

Why should anyone waste their time reading a book when they can watch the movie in an hour or two?

>> No.762641

Why should anyone waste their time reading a book when they can watch the movie in an hour or two and get even more entertainment value from it?

>> No.762653


>Decries reading on a mostly text literature image board.

Good one.

>> No.762669

>implying books aren't generally more fun and engaging to read than movies are to watch
I know you're a troll but damn, u mad?

>> No.762664 [DELETED] 

Of course I have to read something to get by in the world. DERP DERP DERP
I read textbooks when I had to, signs, instructions etc.
I stopped reading novels in seventh grade after To Kill a Mockingbird and I don't see why anyone in the world would read a book for entertainment.

>> No.762675

Of course I have to read somethings to get by in the world. DERP DERP DERP
I read textbooks when I had to, and I still read signs, instructions, the internet etc.
I stopped reading NOVELS in seventh grade after To Kill a Mockingbird and I don't see why anyone in the world would read a book for entertainment.
If it was pre-radio I would read. But in today's world there is no reason to.

>> No.762677

Fight Club
Battle Royale

Only things from this thread I agree with

>> No.762678

If plays count then A Streetcar Named Desire

>> No.762697


>Of course I have to read somethings to get by in the world. DERP DERP DERP

>Of course I have to read somethings



Fucking seriously, now.

Shut up you illiterate.

>> No.762712

I take it you can't come up with a logical counter-argument.

>> No.762722

The Amber Spyglass is an absolutely awful movie

>> No.762723

>I was born post 1990


>> No.762724

It's better than wasting your time reading the book.

>> No.762725


>> No.762737

What about the Shawshank Redemption?

>> No.762740

I use my imagination all the time watching tv and movies. I just see no reason to waste time reading a book when you can watch the movie.

Great movie!

>> No.762747

Let the Right One in.

>> No.762750

If plays DO count, The Lion in Winter. One of my favorite movies

>> No.762759


>> No.762760

>I use my imagination all the time watching tv and movies

How? Most of the experience is already made out for you. Try making EVERYTHING in a novel (characters setting action), with the given descriptions, using your imagination. It's rewarding.

>> No.762762

Fight Club

>> No.762763


>I am mentally inferior, which makes me unable to read at anything more than a snails pace. This makes me feel bad so rather than confront my inadequacies I will simply insult reading and anyone who partakes.

>> No.762790

Rewarding how?

>> No.762803

Its an exercise of your imagination and creativity. Plus, its your personal and ideal experience of that story.

>> No.762866

So you like reading because it is harder? Do you churn your own butter and clean your clothes on a washboard? That would be harder too, but nobody does that if they have access to a store and a washing machine.
And tv and movies are subject to interpretation so you get a personal experience with them also.

>> No.762871

even the author said it

>> No.762900

Its not THAT much harder to read a damn novel. It takes years to make the movie, in which time, you could have read the novel dozens of times over. Also, its YOUR ideal vision. No matter how open to interpretation a movie can be, its already the vision of the director in charge.

>> No.762914

Reanimator. No knock on lovecraft, but I found the movie better than the book.

>> No.762922

I have never seen a stage production of Shakespeare that I enjoyed more than reading the play itself.

>> No.763336
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Everyone keeps saying Bladerunner, but the book has nothing to do with the movie at all. The book was about a crippled man who smuggles medical supplies, they just bought the rights to the name for the movie.

>> No.763594

And how is the author much different from the director?

>> No.763616


>> No.763634


You mean Isinor? He's not exactly the protagonist.

>> No.763639

A Scanner Darkly.

>> No.763642

Naked Lunch

>> No.763875

>A Scanner Darkly
No. No. No. The book has a coherent story and doesn't have Keanu Reeves.

>> No.763893

Any movie based on a Stephen King novel that wasn't absolute and utter shit was better than the book.

inb4 >implying Stephen King writes absolute and utter shit
He fucking does! Or did -- when he actually WROTE his own work!

Fucking hack.

>> No.763903

Maybe The Shining, The Green Mile, and the Shawshank Redemption... but It?

>> No.763910

Shitty movie, shitty book.

>> No.763920



>> No.763942

Absolutely true of the Lord of the Rings, which is an abysmal, dull, drudge that only the lamest of hardcore nerds could find interesting, much less take pride in finding interesting.

Plus Tom Bombadil. Jesus. What a mess.

>> No.763943

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.763948

Everyone will probably shit on me for this, but i liked bladerunner better than do androids dream of electic sheep.

>> No.763950
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Yeah, LOTR was a real work of art. Here, let me simulate the entire series for you:

"They walked. They walked. They walked. They walked. They walked. They walked. They walked. They walked. They walked. They walked. They walked. They walked. They fought. They walked. They walked. They walked. OH MY GOD THEY SANG! OH FUCK ME JESUS, THEY SANG! ARE YOU SEEING THIS SINGING? THIS IS THE SHIT RIGHT HERE! OOOOOOOOOH GOD THEY SANG! They walked. They walked. They walked. They walked. They walked. They walked."

>> No.763952

thats fine

>> No.763970

How to train your dragon

>> No.763983

How has no one said To Kill A Mockingbird yet? The book was dry, rambling, and that shit's not groundbreaking anymore. The film is cohesive, keeps all the points of interest and maintains the themes without making you wade through some retarded bullshit tangent about making costumes for the school pageant or riding your fucking bicycle or whatever. And Gregory Peck makes Atticus even MORE amazing.

>> No.763994

Absolutely not.

>> No.763996

Being different isn't necessarily a bad thing. Novels and film are different media, and different things work well in them. An intense psychological novel that focuses heavily on the thoughts of the protagonist-narrator probably won't translate to film well without heavy adaptations, for example. Blade Runner was fantastic for its medium, as was Do Androids of Electric Sheep? (I wasn't the person who said the movie was better. I think they're about even, myself.)

>> No.764000


And Fight Club. Fuck, Palahniuk can't write for shit.

>> No.764006

That's ironic considering most of the writing in that film is from the book...

>> No.764018

Mysterious Skin, the film, is apparently better than the book.

>> No.764020

Circle jerk Kubrick, Fincher, & Ridley Scott.
Seriously guys this is pathetic.

OP, I'd say the Twilight films are far better than their written counterparts.

>> No.764021

The direction was awesome and they filled in a bunch of plotholes. Also, a lot of the dialogue was written for the film, and the plot was altered some.

>> No.764024

the prestige

>> No.764035

I'm sorry, but no, people saying Starship Troopers was better in film form are straight up wrong; the same goes for people talking that way about Battle Royale. Both films were entertaining in their own right but the novels were personal affairs based on intense glimpses into the characters. The films had NONE of this.

>> No.764042 [DELETED] 

The Grapes of Wrath was a great adaption. Anything by Ford is guarenteed to be great.

>> No.764045

The Grapes of Wrath was a great adaption. Anything by Ford is guaranteed to be great.

>> No.764074

Thats only because the director is good. The plot is horrible still.

>> No.764101

i, Robot

>> No.764112

2001: A Space Odyssey. The book wasn't bad, but the story was far less interesting and left you thinking less than the movie did.

>> No.764113


>> No.764119


Also, much of it relied of visuals and Arthur C Clarke just is not that good at imagery.

In the book, the journey in the stargate essentially boiled down to "there were a lot of ships and lights and stuff", whereas the movie had a stunning scene that was engraved into my mind since the first time I watched the movie and is probably more recognizable than anything else from the movie.

>> No.764134
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Planet of the Apes.

>> No.764350

Lord of The Rings

>> No.766018

I'm not sure if this counts since it was a short story, but "Lord of Illusions" was much more enjoyable (and made more sense) than the Clive Barker short story that it was based on, "The Last Illusion."

>> No.766026

The Godfather

>> No.766673

Forrest Gump

In both books: something awesome happens, he fucks everything up, runs into an old friend (usually Lieutenant Dan), meets a new person...and it continues.

At least he smoked a lot of pot and fucked Jenny a bunch of times in the book though.