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File: 140 KB, 330x498, anathem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
759950 No.759950 [Reply] [Original]

Just plowed through the last hundred pages of Anathem in one sitting on the toilet. What the fuck did I just read?

>> No.759956

You read quantum computing.

>> No.759963

I also read the last 100 pages on the toilet. Seemed like the book could have went further and just ended abruptly. Which happens in all of Neal Stephenson's books. I think he hits a page limit and just drops it.

>> No.759980

How can you read on the toilet? That has to be awfully uncomfortable.

>> No.759986

Snow Crash was abrupt but the primary conflict was resolved.
I haven't read the Baroque Cycle yet so can't comment there.
Anathem resolved the primary conflict and the last chapter was gave us a decent idea of where the characters went from there.

Now, The Diamond Age on the other hand. He didn't finish writing The Diamond Age, it just STOPPED two paragraphs after the main character rescued her mother, whom she was meeting for the first time in her life, from A CULT. I was literally angry with rage at the "ending" of Diamond Age, I threw the book across the room and stamped around the house being angry for the rest of the afternoon. The story had another two hundred pages to go.

>> No.759989

i was really urged to try some of neal stephensons stuff

i started with snow crash which was really cook but the ending and main plot got really dumb to me. but i loved the writing style and dialog.

then just recently read cryptonomicon, and again same thing, i like the characters, writing style, and dialog, but the story just goes derppppppppppppp.

anathem is the next book of his i would read, but any time i look it up and read a review or synopsis it sounds dumb.

so ive been putting it off and reading other books.

i will end up reading it tho and maybe then decide to swear off reading his stuff.

>> No.759994


me again, oh yeah ive read diamond age which was the most fucking awesome of the books and the story wasnt that bad, but i cant even really remember the ending without thinking hard, meaning it was dull.

>> No.760009

Stephenson is a big fan of Gainax.

*wink wink nudge nudge*.

>> No.760027

The ending with the most closure of anything Neal Stephenson's ever written. Even more than Cryptonomicon.

>> No.760036

Me too! in a park five days ago... wierd. I agreed with the ending so much and I never thought I would agree with her. Freedom from your brother, tell it sister, I try to run away from my friends all the time.

>> No.760041

^^^Wait I am sorry I thought you meant Anthem by Ayn Rand

>> No.760050
File: 57 KB, 416x431, 1274961787708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me say it.