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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 244 KB, 988x407, mmm yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7565253 No.7565253 [Reply] [Original]

This is the future you wrote

>> No.7565351

Nobody from Reddit browses this board

>> No.7565507

Hello reddit

>> No.7565884

its not too late to make /lit/ great again

we just have to be unforgiving with the plebs

>> No.7565889

Every single book has been shit. Its all just shitposting and gibberish compiled into a shitty google doc

>> No.7565890

Hypersphere was about 10 of us writing a funny scifi story
I'm sorry you weren't involved but there is no reason to be angry

>> No.7566528

It didn't help that an /r/4chan admin helped write it and then stickied it

>> No.7566551
File: 133 KB, 873x738, origami-elefant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should make a new hip meme on all the boards reddit doesn't normally care about

>> No.7566559
File: 370 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could post our fingerboxes I suppose

This is mine, bit of an oldie but it's solid and still works.

>> No.7566563

Damn, I lost mine when I moved.

>> No.7566577

Does Hypersphere have a story?

>> No.7566582

It's a sci fi story a la Hitchhiker's guide.

>> No.7566584

>Hitchhiker's guide.

>> No.7566593


Anybody actually done a review of Hypersphere so i know if its worth the time of Patricians like myself

>> No.7566725

You're forgetting Pictures of DFW

>> No.7566733
File: 3.96 MB, 250x259, 1445837719894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking disgusting /pleb/ tier reddit made book with a shady ass publisher and editor. Why the fuck did anyone give this guy so much authoritative control literally reeks of redditry and tarnishes everything that gave the previously mediocre books some shred of value, the equal and consequently chaotic nature of their making.

Do not buy this trash, it's not /lit/ canon, it's reddit /r/ writingprompts


PS kill yourself

>> No.7566735

sort of
it's more a fictionalized history lesson than a straight narrative which traces a chunk of "time" in the hypersphere and the various conflicts natural, supernatural, faction to faction and man to man that transpire in that time

the characters range from extradimensional politicians, to detectives, quick change artists, and literary figures

>> No.7566736

>worth your time
Have you read any of the other comments? This is shite. If you like Reddit then you will like this book.

>> No.7566738

You posted this in another thread.

>> No.7566742
File: 447 KB, 245x179, 110903787487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking disgusting /pleb/ tier reddit made book with a shady ass publisher and editor. Why the fuck did anyone give this guy so much authoritative control literally reeks of redditry and tarnishes everything that gave the previously mediocre books some shred of value, the equal and consequently chaotic nature of their making.

Do not buy this trash, it's not /lit/ canon, it's reddit /r/ writingprompts


PS kill yourself

>> No.7566743

hypersphere was our opus
~5 months in the making with lots of editing and rewrites

>> No.7566744
File: 23 KB, 250x250, shig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7566747

It's called a Copypasta. How's your first day on 4chan? Reminds you of Reddit, right!?

>> No.7566751

whats all the negativity man youre bringing me down
noone forcing you to read the book

>> No.7566754

>doesn't deny it
fuck off and make your shitty book on reddit or at the very least put in a 40 page disclaimer apologising to your parents and /lit/ and me personally

>> No.7567012
File: 63 KB, 500x411, pepe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pictures of DFW not mentioned

>> No.7567016

Your book is irrelevant mr author

Just like Quagga

>> No.7567026

The Reddit Scare

>> No.7567034
File: 1.50 MB, 250x233, hwat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking disgusting /pleb/ tier reddit made book with a shady ass publisher and editor. Why the fuck did anyone give this guy so much authoritative control literally reeks of redditry and tarnishes everything that gave the previously mediocre books some shred of value, the equal and consequently chaotic nature of their making.

Do not buy this trash, it's not /lit/ canon, it's reddit /r/ writingprompts


PS kill yourself

>> No.7567437


>> No.7567482

Nobody cares about those books between Tundra and Hypersphere, the Kolsti book especially is being forced by this one obsessed kid who has all the old abandoned lit projwcts saved (same guy behind the new one, Pictures)

>> No.7567491

Where are all the books stored anyway? I never got around to reading even Tundra.

>> No.7567494

what happened to The April Reader? did it died?

>> No.7567502

the bane of any successful 4chan project: territorial infighting based on ever-shifting goalposts

like someone who grew up dirt poor sabotaging themselves years later by refusing to take advice/a favour from someone wealthier, no matter how small, on the principle of "doing it themselves" and "not taking any handouts", when their greatest poverty of all is revealed: not knowing that the world is cruel and has no mercy for their attitude or self reliance

our greatest poverty is not knowing what tiny scraps of identity we are fighting over. to us, we see oldfag/wise ones/vets and tiny kiddies/reddit/cancer. but even months from now, we will all be "the old /lit/" to someone, a congealed mass of a golden age. and to the outside world, the divides between message boards where fuckfaces go to discuss books are about as concrete as the different rats in a writhing rat king.

so put down your guns, the fighting is useless. not because you aren't right, but because the bullets themselves are worth more than the flag that you fly. the best you can do is make something better underneath that flag, so that the world might look upon us like a weary mother receiving a mud pie from her 15 year old retarded child, that sort of deflated disappointment that just gives up and embraces the filth with a smile and a tear.

>> No.7567513

this is pathetic dude

>> No.7567538

I'm in tokyo drift.

It's not bad, I had some laughs. But 1/3 are the only ones even thumbing through is worth. The other are basically cancer. and hypers is neutered cancer, which only makes it worse.

>> No.7567568

Hypersphere is still legit, the redditors came in after. just be a bit more racist for the next couple of months until they disperse and then towards the end of this year we can do another shitpost book that isnt reddit trash

>> No.7567569

but hey
you get what you give


>> No.7567587

It's too late. Their fertility rate is much higher than ours. Within two generations we /lit/izens will be a minority in our own homeland.

>> No.7567591

Pictures is actually coherent-tier while being reddit. Tundra and Hyper are painful to read.

>> No.7567617

they're fun, even reading them is fun because you can see how much fun everyone had making them.

C:/ is soulless and horrible

>> No.7567620

I have to admit it is pretty souless but the best commercial product that was manufactured.

>> No.7567783

Sorry to hear

>> No.7567808
