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7564969 No.7564969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does it say about our society that conservative neosincerity is the primary political force of our time?

>> No.7564997
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>primary political force of our time

kek, more like a relatively-unknown internet subculture

It wouldn't even exist if there wasn't a Democrat in the White House which itself is ridiculous as Obama is basically a neocon insider disguised as a progressive.

>> No.7565002

>Gavin McCuck
>ideologically inconsistent and purely reactionary morons like him, that british poof at Breitbart and (admittedly funny) comedian Sam Hyde represent a movement

>> No.7565019
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the whole super traditionalist dark enlightenment ultra right wing conservatism is a underground niche, a majority of people are sjw idiots, the hippies of the 1960's became the establishment, the universities brainwash generations of people into leftism, the media is a leftist tool.

The new counter culture is right wing because the majority are self hating leftist faggots

>> No.7565020
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It's going to get Donald Trump in the White House.

>> No.7565038

Most young and metropolitan conservatives can't just be normal conservatives because their friends will make fun of them for being brainded conformists so instead they have to signal conservatism as trendier than boring old postmodern liberalism.

>> No.7565043


The 60's were great, but that pendulum was gonna have to swing back eventually. There's no approach that's going to work all the time, as good as it makes you feel to do.

>> No.7565056
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>The 60's were great

>> No.7565135

I wouldn't say it's the primary political force but it's the one with the most traction
as long as Muslims keep killing and raping (which of course they will) then they will keep making gains
the left has totally collapsed and there's no way out at this point, it's now a race between how many people the New Right can convert and how many Muslims the establishment can import

>> No.7565141

it's because the ideology it's fighting against, illiberal social progressivism, is even worse.

>> No.7565145


>> No.7565149
File: 150 KB, 427x427, racism smasher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah woah, watch it there HITLER, or I'm gojng to have to call my ANTIFA friends on you!


>> No.7565154

I think most of the neo conservatives are fairly moderate relative to traditional conservatism. Though, I'm not sure what they do that merits so much butthurt among internet folk.

>> No.7565172

I'm hoping fascism makes a comeback.

>> No.7565180

>neo conservtive

Zionist jew ball sucker chicken hawk Trotsky fuckers.
Georg w bush ruined any relevancy that ideology had for at least the next 100 years

>> No.7565182

that's quite a stretch. for every sharp yet mediocre autodidact there are ten thousand loudly screaming pseuds.

>> No.7565186

but the New Right aren't neocons

>> No.7565187

I'm not talking about the average /lit/posting hipster, I'm talking society at large. The average man or woman is someone who wears their heart on their sleeve and lets people know what they think. They're conservative because they enjoy their lifestyle, not because of ideology like you guys.

>> No.7565195
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>> No.7565207


>> No.7565211

society at large will still ostracize you for right wing beliefs
they'll allow a small amount of cuckservatives to exist but that's it

>> No.7565219
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Fascism is too moderate.

>> No.7565223

Right-wing beliefs are now laughed at and ridiculed. I live in Vancouver, and they literally teach liberalism in high school.

>> No.7565228

don't worry you imported Muslims recently it will start changing

>> No.7565230

>fascism and American conservatism are synonymous
The economic policies alone are completely antonymous. Not to mention the approach to citizens liberties.

>> No.7565235
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>Literally just re-purposing the "reality has a liberal bias" meme

>> No.7565236

Canada and America were founded on liberalism.

>> No.7565241


>> No.7565245

I wish

>> No.7565254

Canada and America were founded on classical liberalism.


>> No.7565271
File: 53 KB, 372x512, tedk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was reading unibombers thoughts on leftism and as he explains it the left fashion themselves as rebels.
The ones fighting against the man, fighting racism, and misogyny and other isms, but the reality is they are just helpers of the establishment, the powers that be, the capitalists want a status quo and extremism is bad for that status quo so fight against racism and other such things isnt rebellious, it maintains the status quo of the establishment.

Another thing the powers that be will do is introduce a controlled extremist and then offer up a centrist to make the idea seem better.
Like malcom x and mlk.

Ultimately the liberal has become the igor like helper of the capitalist and no longer fights for workers rights but rather to flood the country with niggers and lower wages, helping the capitalist make more money while keeping everyone poor.

Identity politics is a tool of the upperclass to divide the lowerclass.
Instead of us banding together to kill the rich they just make us argue with each other about racism and misogyny and cultural appropriation and other sjw garbage.

And then the capitalist will throw the liberal a scrap of false progress through the media like an all girl ghostbusters, or more niggers on tv.
Then in reality the police state keeps killing niggers.

The factories have been moved to the their world, the unions have been busted, the immigrants will keep flooding because the elite who control the politicians tell them too because it makes them money and they dont care about the destruction of their countries

and Hillary will get elected because the idpol obsessed idiots of tumblr will vote for her vagina.

>> No.7565277

see >>7565254
Damn straight they were. People came to the Americas to escape religious persecution and the shackles of semi-feudal economics. The frontiersmen, merchants and pilgrims came first, the soldiers only came later.

>> No.7565304

If this is a surprising statement to you you likely don't know enough to be in this conversation.

>> No.7565307


That's because you equate conservative values with calling everyone a nigger.

>> No.7565367


But that is a conservative value: the right to treat non-whites, non-Christians, women, the gays, the trannies, and the poor as pieces of shit without social censure or reprimand.

>> No.7565374
File: 319 KB, 1202x1600, mishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only straight white men can be right wing

everyone look at him and laugh

>> No.7565376

Are you implying that it's ok to ridicule conservative values as a whole because some of them are bad?

>> No.7565381


What do you mean, "some"? What I said is the conservative value: the right to treat the "outgroup" like shit and face no social consequences for it. That is the only conservative value. Everything conservatives do is predicated on that one value. Look at Trump.

>> No.7565408

and being a leftist is about being a whiny self hating bitch.
I can play the ignorant game too

>> No.7565422


See? You get it.

>> No.7565432


You make it sound barbaric, and it probably is, but think about what that outgroup wants to do to you.

>> No.7565446
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Hey guys, let's compose a list of the most conservative, tradional countries.
I'll start, all of Africa, the middle east, most of Asia, South America, Middle America, eastern Europe.

How fucking white and christian.

>> No.7565450

So to be conservative you don't have to be straight and white, but you do have to be a fucking retard?

>> No.7565451

it says this thread has nothing to do with literature

>> No.7565454
File: 56 KB, 660x330, Obamas-Split-Screen-Ferguson-Speech-Reinforces-His-Weakness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, all of America was watching Obama give a positive speech about non-violence as the first gas canisters were hurled.

Identity Politics Activists, especially blacks and transgendered, and Salafist Muslims have pushed many people past what they could reasonably deal with.

>> No.7565457

most of the free world outside of Americia and Europe is retarded?

Sounds pretty /pol/

>> No.7565460

>The world outside of America

>Transgendered people have pushed anyone anywhere
How much of a pussy can you be?

>> No.7565465

Fukuyama thinks that the left as a force for progresive good has been splintered by selfish activists who focus on local identity politics and issues rather than mass politics.

IE what used to be a movement for workers rights and the general welfare state within a capitalist society has been shattered into everything from PETA to Enviro-terrorists to Bruce Jenner and varied angry niggers.

>> No.7565467

I dont particularly care about them.

But go to Alabama and you will find it to be quite true. The idea of men in dresses in womens locker rooms rile up the good ole boys.

>> No.7565471

to be fair, nobody wants their little girls ogled my mentally ill tranny men in public bathrooms

>> No.7565479

Look a shitpost

>> No.7565483

how often do you think that situation occurs

>> No.7565488

>I'm totally ok with mentally ill male sex perverts not only making a mockery of femininity and womanhood
>but also having them imposing, exposing and forcing themselves on our mothers, sisters, wives and daughters
Disgusting. Why do you hate women so much?

>> No.7565494

How many times is acceptable, fuckface?

>> No.7565495


>> No.7565499

are you fucking retarded

>> No.7565502

how often do you think it would happen in co-ed locker rooms?

all the fucking time

>> No.7565512

This fucking thread. I get that /lit/ is 1/3 /pol/, 1/3 /leftypol/, and 1/3 reddit, but reddit needs to fucking leave.

>> No.7565517

I'm legitimately retarded. I drool all over myself and moan when I get upset, aroused, or generally excited. I'm not even offended.

But when a girl gets followed into the loo by a mentally ill banana waving cross-dressed Caytylyn Jenner? I start writing less and less coherently, wiling drool from my face, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.7565522

>This thread

>> No.7565524

thanks for clearing that up

>> No.7565544
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That's because half of the population of Vancouver is made up of immigrants.

At least Indian food is pretty tasty, whatever happens we'll eat well.

>> No.7565554

Are you?

>> No.7565566

>Liberals actually believe this

>> No.7565570

Takes one to know one durrrr

>> No.7565587
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>> No.7565595


>> No.7565598


I consider myself conservative, and people have absolutely no problem with me voicing my pro-white, pro-west opinions. It's only people like you, who absolutely MUST use the 'nigger' word, who I ever see meet with ridicule and disgust.

>> No.7565602

Liberal arguments in a nutshell

>> No.7565607

What? My post was referencing the fact that liberals think that being conservative equates with calling people niggers. What are you trying to say?

>> No.7565625


I'm trying to say that conservatives who claim persecution are always the ones who insist on calling people niggers.

>> No.7565628

>Using liberal as an insult
You probably unironically believe that being a social conservative makes you less retarded than being a social democrat

I'm going to read The American Conservative until I can forget retards like you exist.

>> No.7565631

Wrong. Wide appeal with the working classes is going to get Donald Trump in the White House.

>> No.7565640
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Nothing at all. Trump is only getting headlines due to his demagoguery. The mainstream is eating it up because it goes against the narrative of a more a recent amount of progressive politics scoring headlines as of late.
Trump is an absurdist-quasi Obama, just 10 years later. However, I do not believe he can claim the Presidency. Hes far too dangerous for the Establishment. He'll be a meme, nothing more.
As for Gavin McInnes, fuck that loser. The man is a fool

>> No.7565654

Those weren't both my posts.

>> No.7565671

>Being a conservative
>Not being a social conservative

>> No.7565679

>thinking 'the working classes' are part of the 40% that vote

>> No.7565685

They don't vote but they'll vote for trump.

>> No.7565692

They don't vote in most elections. They're gonna vote in this one m8

>> No.7565701
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I sincerely hope Trump will be the next American president. 1/3 of my support is for his policies; there are other candidates that I could stand by policy-wise. Another 1/3 of my support is for his personality and attitude; no one has as much drive as him. The final 1/3 of my support is for the butthurt it will cause. :^)

>> No.7565708
File: 158 KB, 489x501, trump hat frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the white working class have gotten the shaft from both the left and the right and they are excited about trump because he tells them its going to be okay, you will get your job back, america will be great again, we are going to win.
And who knows if he really means it, at least trump would be a funny president, it doesnt really matter who wins in a plutocracy

>> No.7565711

This t b h f a m

>> No.7565722

I understand why Trump appeals to the working class, but I don't understand why they trust him to do what he says he will.

>> No.7565733

>even if he isnt telling the truth he will be a meme president and it will be a fuck you to the elite

>> No.7565737

I just thought people would be more wary after nearly 8 years of campaign promises: the president is all

>> No.7565738

Pretty much this.

>> No.7565742

If he's a liar, he's the best liar out of all of them. Hillary is an actual confirmed crook.

>> No.7565744

Atleast we have q chance with him compared to establishment shills. Trump may not do everything he promised but atleast we finally have hope to improve America.

>> No.7565747

>If he's a liar, he's the best liar out of all of them
He's a sucessful businessman. He's where he is because he's good at saying what people want to hear regardless of whether it's true or possible.

>> No.7565748
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I view Bernie and Trump as basically the same thing, with the same appeal, except for different groups.

Bernie pulls the SJW/minority/psuedo-intellectual group, and Trump pulls the rednecks, poor city whites, etc.

I'm more partial to the latter group than the former, so fuck it, if he wins the nomination, I'll vote for him. Worst case scenario we get a funnier version of the same neocon shit that's been ruling America for the last 30-40 years.

Oh, and the mexicans. They're kinda shitting up my area, it would be cool if he actually built a wall. Plus, imagining how utterly butthurt my SJW profs and classmates would be makes me very, very happy.

>> No.7565909

I was in a blue collar barbershop and overheard some guys talking about how much they wanted Trump to be president. One was a former construction worker, and he said that Trump frequently put them to work. According to him, all of his old friends from the job agreed.

I don't like Trump at all, but I could at least see his appeal after that.

>> No.7565945

Is it bad if I vote for trump because I want to see things get shaken up a little? Like if he wins id be ecstatic because we'd be in for 4(8) crazy years

>> No.7565959

if you want to see things get really shaken up vote for Hillary
4 years of a worse version of Obama is liable to start a revolutionary nationalist movement in the US

>> No.7565964

it wouldn't be as funny