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/lit/ - Literature

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7564366 No.7564366 [Reply] [Original]

*record scratch and pause*
You ever have one of those BAD days? And I mean really bad? Well it turns out you're not alone. Even wizards have their ups and downs now and again...
Hi. My name's Gandalf. I'm an istari from Middle Earth. You see the poor chump clinging to an outcrop of rock, dangling off the side of a collapsed stone bridge in the dwarven holds of Khazad-dûm? Yup. That's me. You may be saying "what are you doing there"? Well, to really understand, we need to go back a few years...
*rewind to third age of the sun when the five Maiar take human form*
We came to middle earth many years ago as the istari. We were young and bright eyed back then. Those were the days...
You see that handsome spirit on the second left? That's me! Man, I looked good back then! The guy next to me is Saruman. We'll get to him later. Okay, lets skip forward a bit...
*fast forward to gandalf graduating hogwarts*

>> No.7564372


>> No.7564373
File: 12 KB, 320x320, tumblr_inline_nvfy02Z6pO1ty4hms_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I love memes.

Do you love memes?

>> No.7564649
File: 72 KB, 960x960, 1452113515637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7564741

Take your shit memes back to /tv/ or Reddit.

>> No.7564749

While reading this I smiled and began to open my mouth to laugh, but I did not laugh because I didn't want to disturb my mother who sleeps in the room above me. She is a light sleeper. But thanks OP, and have a good night

>> No.7565373
File: 91 KB, 240x255, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fucking gay holy shit kill yourself

>> No.7565384

So does Scotland exist in the star wars universe?

I like to think that shortly after gaining our independence, we developed our own space program (free from the perfidious hinderences of england).

With the now unfettered genius of Scottish science, we launch space colonists looking for a new life beyond the stars. The journey is perilous, and scant few Scots are braw enough to take the risk. Most end up as two bit gangsters like this bloke.

Also what's this ''kanji club''? Kanji is a japanese writing system. Does this mean Japan was also colonising space alongside Scotland?

>> No.7565430

Image saved and loled