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7563399 No.7563399 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books about lawyers?

>> No.7563404

manhattan transfer by dos passos

only partially about lawyers

>> No.7563445

never read him, will try it out

>> No.7563452

To Kill A Mockingbird

>> No.7563489

So, how does /lit/ feel about the Avery case?

If you consider the fact that it's an undoubtedly effective move to get inbreds off the street.

>> No.7563491

A Frolic of His Own by the master William Gaddis

>> No.7563505


Better Call Saul is great

>> No.7563515

p disgusting to see what passes for a court in redneck county.


don't really care about avery.

>> No.7563550

Why does it seem like no one is watching that show? It was hyped up so much after the end of Breaking Bad and got good reviews, but no fans of Breaking Bad that I know actually watch it. da fuck amirite boys?

>> No.7563557

Because watching last three seasons of Breaking Bad was like reading the default subreddits.

>> No.7563565

everyone watched it, it's just that there's nothing to talk about while it's not on

desu i don't think the first season was that good but BB had a couple of mediocre seasons too. odenkirk is kind of punching above his weight acting wise, the romance subplot is trite, the yuppie couple subplot at the start of the season eyeroll inducing, mike overidealized, etc.

it's still pretty good tho

>> No.7563612


Agreed. I don't even have cable but I watched season 1 online. Honestly I loved it even more than Breaking Bad but hardly anyone I know is into it.

>> No.7563616

Seconding this. It might not be what you're looking for, but from the perspective of fiction based on legal writing the Szyrk V. Village of Tatamount Et Al.and other slip opinions are amazing.

>> No.7563647

Ken Kratz did it.

>> No.7563657

What does that even mean?

>> No.7563973

the trial

>> No.7564052

Why, really everything by the Lord of Law fiction himself, John Motherfucking Grisham.

His books are truly the patrician´s choice.

>> No.7564157


Avery probably did it but he shouldn't have been convicted based on the evidence presented in the case because the county botched the investigation so bad.

>> No.7564191
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A Naked Singularity by (Brooklyn Indigent Defender) Sergio De La Pava is the Infinite Jest of Lawyer novels.

>> No.7564205
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>> No.7564217

Making a Murderer made me realize that Phoenix Wright is a honest to God simulation of courtroom albeit with a judge that's not severely impaired.

>> No.7564221

got a link?

>> No.7564241

seconding this, it's fantastic

>> No.7564255

I've you post that a couple times. I'm going to read it, and if its shit I'll shitppst it for weeks.

>> No.7564266

apparently if you go to a Wisconsin state law school you don't have to pass the bar to practice law there. designed to keep JDs in Wisconsin

>> No.7564276

Maybe in Japan.

Making a Murderer leaves out a shit ton of incriminating evidence and testimony against Avery and Dassey, though.

People who use that documentary as an example of how fucked up the system are dumb.

>> No.7564339

>if its shit I'll shitppst it for weeks.
be my guest. I'm sure people will think it's shit, especially if they genuinely try to compare it to IJ. I'm saying it's like IJ because it's essentially an encyclopedic novel, and as far as law novels go it's certainly more interesting that the usual drivel that gets produced.

>> No.7564400


>> No.7564493


Meh...yes and no. A lot of that can be explained away. I'm not saying Avery definitely didn't do it, but there was just too much fucked up shit and the prosecution (including the stuff the doc didn't show) didn't prove shit.

Plus the defense had 4 other suspects and the police had a 5th that were not shown in the doc.

>> No.7564536

[citation needed]

>> No.7564544

On /tv/ I have linked countless links in 10s of these threads. I'm not going to do that here. If you want a link, google it yourself you lazy fag.

>> No.7564563
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I started off sympathizing with him, but as the show went on I started understanding and sympathizing with what (ostensibly) the police were doing.

>> No.7564573

that dude was like an adult Butters

>> No.7564698


>> No.7564721

is this the latest reddit/tv meme show thats leaked its way onto /lit/?

>> No.7564861

Dirty casual.

>> No.7564873

He[1] innocint.

[1] Stepvhen Amory, the co-star of The Making of the Murderers.