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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 68 KB, 271x288, 1438325556307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7559404 No.7559404 [Reply] [Original]

>left wing nietzschean

>> No.7559413

that's only two terms you didn't understand, OP, you're not even trying

>> No.7559415

nietzsche was the first cultural marxist

>> No.7559416

Why is that anime girl so turned on by left wing Nietzscheans? It's pretty lewd.

>> No.7559420

she reads for prose

>> No.7559425

all wrong

>> No.7559430

nietzsche thread bby

>> No.7559434

nice ressentiment bro

>> No.7559436

there we go, OP, three terms you don't understand

>> No.7559438

Is that what makes you reach orgasm?
You're a weird fellow anon

>> No.7559441

life would be boring if we were all into feet and little girls, anon, don't judge.

>> No.7559455
File: 67 KB, 732x1000, Emma-Watson-Feet-1959893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true.

>> No.7559482

those look meh

>> No.7559711
File: 102 KB, 640x427, 1385261090017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right wing nietzschean
But yeah, left wing Nietzsche is also shit.

>> No.7559762

The one person I know who has any knowledge in philosophy(she took an introductory course at least) is repulsed by Nietzsche and is extremely right wing. I believe it has some to do with obviously wasn't schooled fully in Existentialism and Nietzsche despised Christianity. She loves all Judaic religions except for Islam. Anytime she gets buzzed and brings up a philosophical question, I just answer, "I don't know. Find out what Nietzsche would have said about it." She flips out. lmao

>> No.7560302

christfags btfo yet again

>> No.7560342

that foot is perfect

>> No.7560346

not all right wingers are nietzscheans, especially judeo-christian ones, but all nietzscheans are by definition right wing.

>> No.7560352

No, not at all lol

>> No.7560355
File: 1.54 MB, 1997x1230, Emma-Watson-Feet-1984733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7560361

If you're a full blown Nietzschean, yes you're right wing. But many leftists will take his epistemology.

>> No.7560371

>it's the straight part of the circle
even a sympathetic god wasn't this dumb

>> No.7560450

Nietzsche despised politics of all kind.

>> No.7560461

>universalizable anythings out of based fred hermeneutics

end thraad/go hame

>> No.7560489

>people are still taking the left/right dichotomy seriously

>> No.7560492

albanian dialectics

>> No.7560506

she's beholding the ecchi homo

>> No.7560657


>> No.7560685

>Not apolitical

>> No.7560707

>nietszche being anything but apolitical, or anti-political
where do you fuccbois learn your philosophy

>> No.7560717

>not realizing that being a "nietzschean" is in itself contradictory to his philosphy, regardless of what variety of nietzschean you claim to be

>> No.7560745

I don't think it is contradictory to use that word; although I do agree that to consider ones self "Nietzschean" is confused; as he suggests a rigorous sort of egoism. Nevertheless, one could be a "Nietzschean" writer...a sort of imitator or acolyte of Nietzsche...on their way to developing a more idiosyncratic system of belief...I think Nietzsche was a Wagnerian at least as far as "The Birth of Tragedy"...

>> No.7560755
File: 304 KB, 1148x1022, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you actually believe that hahahaha

>> No.7560771
File: 905 KB, 5616x3744, q9V5jTc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious, kiddo?

>> No.7560827

the pain in his eyes is just too real mang

>> No.7560836

>falling for the ideology pseud-crap

>> No.7561296

I laughed

>> No.7561302

that one strip from xkcd about being in neither side etc. Stop being dumb.

>> No.7561389

Fuck OP, everytime I see this art I'm reminded of this doujin in particular and return to it again and again.
Slutty girls have no business getting my motor running the way they do.

>> No.7561415

She's beholding the behold the man?

>> No.7561448
File: 429 KB, 1728x1296, demo0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit taste.

>> No.7561722

I like the seven goats one with the trap goat

>> No.7561724

>manly long finger


>> No.7561727


>> No.7561769

anyone who reads and understands some of nietzsche's concepts would be more left than right, if anything. his method of historical analysis (geneology) is antithetical to right-wing readings of history, which finds an absolute, universal, and progressive morality. right-wingers are always complaining that liberals support cultural relativism. this is however close to the view that nietzsche takes, not only on morality but any kind of interpretation: this is explicitly called "perspectivism" by nietzsche.

this is in alignment with post-modern left-wing academia which reject absolute truth, preferring instead a historical deconstruction to explain the generation of any given truth. foucault is the foremost disciple of nietzsche, he applied the geneological method to, among other things, the state's exercise of power. right-wingers, conservatives, nationalists, and all other sorts of reactionaries despise foucault (god knows why, it would serve them well to read and understand his critique of the state). nietzsche was the grandfather of post-modernism

>> No.7561786

Nietzsche is neither left wing or right wing. Nietzsche is liberating one-self from the slave ideology that dominates the modern world, and forging your own ideology, your own path, and your own identity free from the influence of the masses.

Of course most people haven't read a lick of Nietzsche, so they'll all be waffling about what a eugenic edgy nazi he was instead of basically preaching self-affirmation.

>> No.7561788

lol this is exactly the kind of mental gymnastics leftists do when they want to absorb nietzsche into their queer neurosis club for shy tender boys

nietzsche's reading of history is not explicitly right or left. you weirdly mutilate intellectual history to fit dichotomies based on shit you see housemarms say on the internet or something. in fact the main reason he's of so much interest to the althusserian AIDs machine foucault is that his reading of history isn't just RELATIVIST but explicitly focused on power, because he believes power is the only meaningful basis of the creation of culture, ideology, belief, therefore history. the history of thought is the history of power relations. the bald fister turns that into a leftist critique of those power relations but nietzsche is way less easy to read this way unless you claim his ouevre is outright exoteric and he was SECRETLY JUST JOKING ABOUT THE WILL TO POWER ALL ALONG

>this is in alignment with post-modern left-wing academia which reject absolute truth,

nietzsche rejects absolute truth because he advocates the self-conscious or at least unburdened creation of new values by masters, not the milquetoast leftism of modern tenured twinks who can't eat a banana because they deconstructed that banana consumption is capitalist ideology designed by satan

> right-wing readings of history, which finds an absolute, universal, and progressive morality.

many conservative readings of history are explicitly anti-teleological and conservative BECAUSE of that, not in spite of it. so are many left wing views. and how can you say the left wing has no fucking teleologies, that it's perennially relativist? almost ALL left wing historians and philosophers of history until the 60s were more or less orthodox economic marxists looking for data to understand and/or prove historical materialism

>> No.7561793

>ight-wingers are always complaining that liberals support cultural relativism
Right wingers don't know shit, if anything leftist values are not pliant enough.

>> No.7561797
File: 811 KB, 2048x1365, 1450402341565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow if I had a nickel for every time /lit/ argued about Nietzsche I would be pretty rich. What is it that is so contentious about this one guy?

I don't know fuck all about philosophy. Is Nitchy pretty important? I've never seen so many posts about say, Descartes or Spinoza. Feet are nice though for me they have to be attached to a body in the picture.

>> No.7561867
File: 654 KB, 940x538, samhyde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do leftists have some sort of pathological need for everything to serve their ideology

>> No.7561904

In 1886 Nichy publishes a book called "Beyond Good and Evil". He spends huge portions of all his text's explaining how we need a new philosophy of the future.

How retarded are you fucks to be talking about left and right wing 130ish years later

>> No.7562356

You've no idea what left and right means. It's timeless. And it doesn't have to do with being progressive or conservative.

>> No.7562638

Nietzsche was explicitly apolitical.

>> No.7562652

because you group everything you don't like with the word "leftist"

>> No.7562663
File: 97 KB, 640x560, ^9AA27C731F782B62DC55C5F4AF5A30DB0AF70B013C69211BB8^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite the memes

>> No.7562687

The true inheriters of Nietzche practice metapolitics

>> No.7562702

actually no, nietzsche isn't anything, in a manner of speaking, because nietzsche's philosophy is descriptive not prescriptive

i really wish more people would catch on to that. it's kinda important

>> No.7562706

the true inheritors of nietzsche practice metashitposting

>> No.7562772

explain pls

>> No.7562849

>nietzsche rejects absolute truth because he advocates the self-conscious or at least unburdened creation of new values by masters
Okay, so like someone else already said, the left adopted Neitzsche's epistemology but not the authoritarian bent of his positive politics--which is obviously extremely untenable in the post-Christian and more importantly post-Enlightenment age. Your post, besides making me embarrassed for you when you use words like "twink" and "housemarm", was useless.

>> No.7562871
File: 47 KB, 700x452, qqzbkx_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking the Royal Toe

No my friend, it is you who is the plebeian.

>> No.7562938

>post A: nietzsche was leftist
>post B: no, the left was interested in some of nietzsche's ideas, not all
>post C: uhhhh the left was interested in some of nietzsche's ideas... not all... useless...

learn to read, you unnecessary em dash using tryhard zilch

>> No.7564499

hard bop

>> No.7564519
File: 64 KB, 800x765, someone tripped on his shoelaces - twice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing, Breivvik!

>> No.7564561

>unironically taking syphilitic degenerates with daddy issues that are literal cuckolds seriously

>> No.7564575

Nietzsche was a highly educated, perpetually triggered permavirgin with delusions about his own worth. Sounds a lot like the modern leftist