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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 618 KB, 1078x592, Screenshot_2016-01-07-19-42-53-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7556852 No.7556852 [Reply] [Original]

I think I'm in love

>> No.7556863

name? link? anything?

>> No.7556881
File: 25 KB, 253x320, 1306386156662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Booktubers' are mentally ill by default.

I know this one girl who started reading 3 months ago and now is a full blown 'bookworm' with a youtube channel and all the other shit.

They just do it for the attention and mostly read shit books

>> No.7556884

Yeah but R.G'sdevilship has hella good taste tho.

>> No.7556909

she's underage bro

>> No.7556932

That's why she's so cute

>> No.7556954
File: 142 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-07-20-06-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No she isn't you goon.

>> No.7556981

>DAE le 90s kid? XDXD
>love punk rock

>> No.7556984

this guy is pretty good and reviews a lot of /lit/core


>> No.7556995

who is this cumbucket?

>> No.7557008

Who are the most popular male Booktubers?

>> No.7557013

Shes ugly af u kissless neckbeard virgins.

>> No.7557014

Pretty much just Better than Food and The Bookchemist.

>> No.7557015

Shoo Shoo, Cliff

>> No.7557022

This tbqh she's a 8 at best

>> No.7557030

wow, way less views than i expected. the op grill too, most popular vids are about antidepressants.

>> No.7557036

I watched that video. She doesn't seem very smart and her analysis is basically worthless but she's got a cute face and a soothing voice, and generally good taste.

Maybe I'd masturbate to her if I absolutely needed to but really there's no reason to watch her videos in my opinion.

>> No.7557037


Don't do this.

>> No.7557041

What's the point of being a 'booktuber' it's such a shit niche, nobody cares about this people.
It's a waste of time

>> No.7557055


I get Will Ferral vibes from Better than Food, anyone else?

>> No.7557056


being a camgirl is profitable, whether it's video games, books, ASMR or sex

>> No.7557070

who is this tangy maiden i must masturbate in?

>> No.7557075



>> No.7557105

Isn't there one that yells David Foster Wallace at strangers?

>> No.7557113

Immediately in love. She hits all of my kinks

>> No.7557114
File: 1.02 MB, 212x212, mike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stupid-ass hot teenage girls in whore makeup give you flashbacks to narrowly dodging statutory rape charges

>> No.7557117

req'ing this pl0x

>> No.7557131



>> No.7557146


Could you imagine if he just started hurling copies of DFWs books like throwing stars at random people while yelling DAVID FOSTER WALLACE

>> No.7557150

yea but has she read the meme trilogy? At least infinite kek?

>> No.7557152

Lol he'd be my hero

>> No.7557160
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these normie bitches read more books than i do. in fact, i don't even think i have read a book this past year. I don't have the patience and motivation to read.

>> No.7557168


>> No.7557173


If they sexualize themselves like 20 year olds...they should be treated like 20 year olds.

>> No.7557175

you sound like you have a problem with that, are you not a true patrician anon-sama?

>> No.7557187



this bitch is terrible

>> No.7557202

Terrible, but I would fuck her so good. Mouth fuck her, specifically.

>> No.7557206

What a shit cover for Lolita desu and she absolutely doesn't understand a thing about the book. she called it gross.

>> No.7557214

death to america

>> No.7557218

What state can I move to to get as far away from this as I can. Holy Shit it's infuriating

>> No.7557224
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>only 80k views with xD and zany shit on an obscene level

>> No.7557226
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>> No.7557235

Fucking Americans.

>> No.7557243

I've considered myself a feminist before, but now...
What even are women


>Can only give 6 books that she read last year as good

>> No.7557253

shes damn great pornstar material

>> No.7557261


the martian was fucking terrible

>> No.7557264

She reminded me of Nikki Benz.

>> No.7557266

It's reddit-tier so of course she loved it

>> No.7557268

Wow, she's kinda totally great. Sort of like the Bill Nye of literature. I think I'm in love.

>> No.7557276

hmm not quite...

some other porn slut though

>> No.7557283

All her fucking videos are like this. Pretty impressive, seems exhausting

>> No.7557285

Kinda looks like Riley Reid

>> No.7557289

not her either.

I'm having trouble placing who I think she looks like. It's the eyes and mouth.

>> No.7557353
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Fucking clopper...

>> No.7557357

we prefer the term horsefucker

>> No.7557373

guys I'm crying right now


>> No.7557425

aww what a qt, the accent is so nice.

>> No.7557439

i think i'm in love

probably just hungry

>> No.7557440

>Last Active
>2 Years ago

>> No.7557445


She's pretty cute.

>> No.7557459

kill yourself

>> No.7557461


>> No.7557468

Because you're fucking retarded.

>> No.7557470

who cares if the reviews/ books suck, she's hot in a porny kind of way. I recently was in one of those videos where the girl lets you cum inside of her but for the camera she starts screaming and acting like you knocked her up and it was pretty enjoyable. Would love to do one of those with her.

>> No.7557473


>> No.7557476 [DELETED] 

I wonder if girls on the internet ever oogle over relatively average looking guys and sheepishly grin as they imagine their futures with them

[spoiIer]I wonder if girls have ever oogled over me[/spoiler]

>> No.7557482
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>>7556852 (OP)
I wonder if girls on the internet ever oogle over relatively average looking guys and sheepishly grin as they imagine their futures with them

I wonder if girls have ever oogled over me

>> No.7557485

Anon, instead of typing out [spoiler and /spoiler], just highlight over the text and press Ctrl+S.

>> No.7557496


>> No.7557533

>not brainwashing her with 80's counter culture to obtain qt post-punk waifu

This is why you won't make it

>> No.7557652

gramps pls. you need to be at least 45 to experienced that directly.

>> No.7557658
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Literally not ever one time.

We are evolved to be looking at nearly all of them 24/7 and they are evolved to look at only the exceptional of us.

>> No.7557761


His general point is you are the one who needs to show them. Most girls who have decent taste only have it because they were shown by their last guy anyway.

>> No.7557826

Not a booktuber really, but this man lives the /lit/erary life we all dream of


>> No.7557827

>tfw keep watching videos from crappy channels because they only have 50 views per video so I'm basically 2% of their audience

>> No.7557834

why do people feel compelled to talk about books they've read like this

who cares about this

surely someone must but who

>> No.7557836

>why do people talk about books they've read?


>> No.7557837

Every time I watch these the I think, wow this chick has awful taste, they only read pop-adult fiction and normie tier shit, wheres the channel where the women talk about really patrician books like Maldoror or something by Voltaire? Not to say that the french were the best writers, that spot is tied between the Irish and Scottish. But are girls really this retarded? it cant be. I saw a vid of really sexy girls reading nationalist literature, it gave me lets say a little boner ayy lmao bitches

>> No.7557840

>like this

as in making a 6 minute just rattling off what you have in your bookshelf, you fucking inbred

>> No.7557844

>wheres the channel where the women talk about really patrician books like Maldoror or something by Voltaire?

that channel is called 'grad school'

>> No.7557845

I saw one teenage girl who was learning Greek and Latin and reading real lit and she was still basically an actual retard

Blame a culture that views women as Barbie dolls who wear interests and hobbies like fashion accessories

And I say that as a misogynist

>> No.7557846

read enough books to have a bookshelf and find out, you worthless afterbirth

>> No.7557848
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>And I say that as a misogynist

you dont say

>> No.7557850

>tfw Irish
>tfw going to find her on Facebook somehow
>going to show up where she does if she's in Dublin

Stop wanking over my future wife you cunts

>> No.7557852

women read books like you save pictures on 4chan


>> No.7557854

>hurr durr read more and you'll become a narcissist like me

fuck off back to your bookshelf thread

>> No.7557859
File: 232 KB, 1100x730, 1449411484858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm incredibly good at saving pictures on 4chan and always posting the relevant ones tyvm

>> No.7557861

I'm going to kill every single person who calls the most mundane and trite shit "a project".

>> No.7557862

I want to fucking bite her ass so my face sinks into her ass and her ass envelops my face

Ficl O'm angry abotui that ass

>> No.7557865

So you're going to start a murder project?

>> No.7557867

>hurr durr

I was wondering when Imgur would get here...

>> No.7557873

did i hurt your feeling ricky? don't shill your shitty videos if you dont want people to talk about them

>> No.7557875

assuming I'm that guy is definitely the most plausible way to defend the fact that you don't understand what it means to be on a literature forum

but I know you'll amount to nothing, so I'm not really concerned

>> No.7557882

sure thing ricky maybe next time be a bit more subtle

>> No.7557883

you couldn't think of a new comeback this time, I guess

must suck having such a tiny brain

>> No.7557887

the next person who posts is gay and loses the argument

>> No.7557891

fuck, almost got trips

>> No.7557893

youre both gay im willing to take one for the team (in my ass) just playin yall ayy lmao i love big fat titties

>> No.7557895

damn, thats one cutie right there
five bags of popcorn and maybe a little borges collection to give her for christmas

>> No.7557896

youre gay dude, saging

>> No.7557903

Has anyone ever fucked a sleeping chick before? Been trying to do it to my gf for ages but she wakes up every time. A couple times, while masturbating, I've blown loads on her ass while sleeping. Basically what I'm saying is I'd like to lube up and sneak my dick in this bitch while she's sleeping and blow a load on those Steven fry books

>> No.7557916

why not just throw her against the bookshef causing a wild roller coaster ride of emotions and books falling every where as you brutally fuck her on the toppled over book shelf. come on ladies, if this doesnt make your pussy super wet then what does?

>> No.7557918

i want to drink her piss while jerking off onto the floor, wait out my refractory period and do the same thing again while licking her feet, then tell her to leave so i can go back to reading my book

>> No.7557964

The_Bookchemist is my favorite, I would encourage /lit/ to check him out.

>> No.7557968


how long can you last

>> No.7557978

what a whore for real. if she'll sell her dignity like that she'll sell anything. or i guess if there's none to start with she's not really selling shit.

>> No.7557991
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly /lit/ related but there will never be a better YouTube girl than asmraurette. Sure, some of them may be "more attractive," but while you're forcing yourself to listen with the sound on at their inane drivel (just so you don't feel like a total creep) asmraurette will be lulling me to sleep with her perfect voice, talking about her love of Cat's Cradle and alluding to a life that neither you nor I will never know or understand.

>> No.7557992

Massachusetts most likely

>> No.7557993

Did i mention audible and how great it is?

>> No.7557996
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>tfw /lit/ has already forgotten about /lit/girl


>> No.7558017
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fucking pleb girls

nevertheless, pic related

>> No.7558020

Does /litt/ need reminder what happened the last time we went after booktubers?

>> No.7558021

>so this book, oh is so good, i read it and i loved it, i didn't expect to love it but whatever, you should read it, seriously, go and read it

these are not reviews

>> No.7558023

oh gosh

>> No.7558025

doesnt look like a girl

>> No.7558033

It's not like /lit/ is any better when they talk about a book

>> No.7558036
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I'd be impressed if someone breaks the blonde.

>> No.7558038

I think the whole affair was pretty funny

>> No.7558040

it is desu

>> No.7558083

>sporadic vocal tone
>dragging out words
>general tumblr I'm so quirkiness
>audible, audible, audible
>108,120 subscribers
Deer god

>> No.7558106

Pretty conclusive proof of just how much attractiveness matters in this world.

>> No.7558113

Pretty based summary of Bolano's background and good review.

>> No.7558115


>> No.7558121
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>> No.7558123

she's average at best and deformed and ugly when you view her holistically, which i do. wouldn't give this cunt the time of day if she begged me. not that i even wear a watch.

>> No.7558124


>> No.7558139


>> No.7558145

also have you seen her pointy elbows?

>> No.7558147
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abandon all hope

>> No.7558152


Real time commentary

0:01 Singing. Fuck you.
0:13 idiotic gesturing
0:22 Radio Jingle aesthetics are shit. If you ironically smear yourself with shit, you're still covered in shit.
0:29 Bragging about number of books, poshlost, vulgar, terrible
0:43 The frenetic pace of cuts is getting on my nerves, causing involuntary muscle twitches esp in right eyelid
0:47 Nerd meme. I fucking can't go on.

Terrible, like a bad acid trip.

>> No.7558153


Is Los Angeles the worst place in the world?

>> No.7558163

Brah, some of the books are bricks, but reading two pages of Absalom! Absalom! would use the same mental power as reading all 700 pages of a YA novel.

They probably use the Tai Lopez method anyway.

>> No.7558168

You know what, USA? Go ahead and elect Trump. Please.

>> No.7558169

>inner ear hurting
>inner ear hurting
>inner ear hurting
>inner ear hurting

>> No.7558173


Her voice was nice. too bad she's a raging dyke feminazi

>> No.7558175


I call it HelL A

>> No.7558180


>> No.7558193

tell me about asmraurette. Why doesn't she have a youtube channel anymore?

>> No.7558194
File: 547 KB, 678x678, r.g..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare with OP:
>Wade himself reminded me of like a chap that hangs out on 4chan all day; like I couldn't get that out of my head.


>> No.7558196

bookchemist pls go

>> No.7558199

People discovered her real identity and harassed her and so she quit. Probably people like this guy >>7558173

>> No.7558203


Good fucking riddance

>> No.7558210

Alright, the girl in the OP definitely lives in Dublin, so that means she's findable.
I could hang out in the book shops a lot but she doesn't put any info online so I can't get any farther without a bit of creativity.

>> No.7558212


implying she doesn't get everything off amazon

>> No.7558215
File: 57 KB, 321x240, chut up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7558217


>posted a selfie with some other Irish person on twitter
>Found the other persons facebook
>Their friends list isn't private

It's only a matter of time

>> No.7558221

Yeah, another socially retarded person who knows only way one to get attention...

>> No.7558222


Found her

>> No.7558225

sharing is caring

>> No.7558226

why do you say that, she was cute

>> No.7558235


Shit nigga it wasn't that hard. Took me like 20 minutes. She made the key mistake of posting something with an RL friend on Twitter with a distinctive name. A rookie mistake.

Her FB privacy settings are tanked anyway, so that's a brick wall.

>> No.7558244

Adorable AND she reads. Why can't girls like her live near me? ;_;

I hope to find a patrician qt like her someday.

>> No.7558252

>new video is practically inaudible
>still pleb scifi taste
Shit Oxford get it together

>> No.7558260


>Have a mutual friend with her
The game is on lads.

>> No.7558271

chris chan detected

>> No.7558296
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>> No.7558311



>> No.7558338

>wade reminds me of a chap who hangs out on 4chan all day

>> No.7558357


she used to be fat and then became kind of cute

>> No.7558364

Did I understand correctly?
She read half a book and tried to review it? And then made a list of reasons to read said book?

>> No.7558388

Tai Lopez can do that in like 10 minutes

>> No.7558417


>> No.7558418


Where do you think we are?

>> No.7558472

yeah man, that's what I was saying. She looks like a pornstar.

>> No.7558493

asmraurette wasn't just a stupid boring feminazi who read vagina YA like murakami, she was shit at ASMR

she just whispered in a raspy voice and she had a dumb pete rose haircut

the only reason people liked her was because she was part of the first wave of waifu "asmrtists" who cash in on being cute and talking to lonely faggots in a format that isn't more explicitly asmr/RP like haircuts or whatever, and now desperate pathetic people have nostalgia for her even though they've moved on to a thousand equally talentless girls

i hope asmraurette gets toxic shock but she probably freebleeds because the internet told her to

>> No.7558502


Your diatribe is out of all proportion to the matter at hand. Breathe deeply and quietly find a thread that does not cause you to embarrass yourself.

>> No.7558511

if i had any amount of political power i'd literally have both you and asmraurette killed

>> No.7558518
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>the gif doesn't move

>> No.7558520

You seem to be triggered, friendo.

>> No.7558524

Yeah m8, you got triggered. Go back to your "safe space" before somebody else mentions feminism and triggers you again.

>> No.7558527


You have my vote friend

>> No.7558528


>> No.7558530
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faggot fag

>> No.7558533

So there are two raving MRA maniacs in my thread instead of one. Fucking great. Die in a hole.

>> No.7558535
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>yes m'lady I do defend the honor of ASMR waifus

>> No.7558540

inb4 20 posts of "i know you are but so am i" /b/-tier shitposting

SAGE the dumb thread

>> No.7558549


>> No.7558562


>> No.7558564


Better than food is -as far as booktubers go- pretty based.

>> No.7558574

I love punk rock, the 90s, and I have Irish in my blood. I think we are mostly a match. The only problem is she likes to read... I read once in a while to say I read.

>> No.7558603

Hate this dumb bitch

>> No.7558607

It's trash overall. It's about as insightful as a wiki article.
Actually less. There is no reason to watch them, unless you are a fag or a girl.

>> No.7558621


Only because shes cute.

>> No.7558641

You seem spooked friend

>> No.7558647

She's very cute. She has a je ne sais quoi factor of like 9. Too bad she's mentally handicapped.

>> No.7558654

Well she exclusively reads YA fantasy shit so of course she's not the brightest. Still a qt though.

>> No.7558671

>it's a really amazing alt history book
>about if Hitler win the war
>empowered heroine races to win prize of meeting Hitler
>so she can kill him

People can get published with such hackneyed concepts? I somehow doubt the prose makes it worth reading

>> No.7558677

>People can get published with such hackneyed concepts?

They're the majority of people getting published.

>> No.7558681
File: 64 KB, 500x375, 1408690131281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else have pictures of qts holding Lolita?

>> No.7558704

>look at how long these books are!
>all YA fantasy type stuff
one day, sweetie...

>> No.7558722

she's not even that cute she just looks like the average girl in australia

>> No.7558724

yeah but she's young and not hideous so i want to coitus her face

>> No.7558725


>> No.7558740

That's Clover.

>> No.7558758

Would. But I'm a 29 year old perv who jacks off daily. She at least looks better now than when she started her channel.

>> No.7558761

What the fuck, America

>> No.7558770

I'm East Coast, she's West Coast. We're basically from different countries. Yeah, yeah her stupid description
>New Jersey girl living in Los Angeles
But people from the East Coast just aren't that fucking bubbly (thank god). She's abandoned the old ways.

>> No.7558773

Fuck off. She was born and raised on the East coast. Stop trying to pawn her off on us.

>> No.7558775

i'm a man from melbourne

>> No.7558779

Not him, but she really doesn't act like anyone from here would.

That's all valley girl, pal.

>> No.7558780

tell me about your cunny

>> No.7558785

Sorry she's an East Coaster no matter how much you deny it.

>> No.7558787

>Sorry she's a West Coaster no matter how much you deny it.

You're right, pal. I totally agree.

>> No.7558789

If you watch her 2012 best books of the year the books are equally terrible but at least she is a little more tolerable.

>> No.7558790

She's 100% New Jersey.

>> No.7558793

Your West Coast culture is shit and I hope one day an earthquake knocks you into that pathetic, irradiated ocean.

>> No.7558798

Yes because people from NJ are known for being super chipper, eager to please other people and wearing nerdy fashion. Oh wait that's fucking LA.

>> No.7558800

The PNW is literally the best part of the country. Stay jealous.

>> No.7558806

Except that whenever people refer to West Coast (in particular talking about this girl) we're talking about California, in particular LA. Obviously PNW is beautiful, but there's some really hipster infested parts that you need to root out. East Coast/West Coast dichotomy, when you boil it down is basically a SoCal/TriState dichotomy.

>> No.7558809

You're still saying NOBODY from NJ acts like her unless they move to CA and completely change. Which is bullshit.

>> No.7558813

I'm saying that the archetypal Jersey girl does not act like her. Which is true, at least seen from that video.

>> No.7558822

Maybe every person from every state isn't a stereotypical caricature.

>> No.7558825

Wow, nice feel good bullshit you posted there, too bad it means and adds nothing to the discourse.

>> No.7558828

Your whole argument is "people from the east coast DON'T act like that". From the get go you didn't have a leg to stand on.

>> No.7558839

My argument was that she's a product of West Coast culture. Which she is. Regardless of her origin, she's clearly thrown her hat in with the people of LA and embraced that godawful lifestyle. Literally look at my first post you illiterate >>7558770

>> No.7558843

>But people from the East Coast just aren't that fucking bubbly

So you were generalizing millions of people in your first post. Okay you sure proved me wrong...

>> No.7558868

They aren't though. I've never met someone that bubbly my entire life who's from the East Coast.

>> No.7558870

that's an anon seeking attention on /r9k/ and has a youtube channel somewhere

>> No.7558883

You do know youtube personalities gin it up for the camera right?

>> No.7558900

>theyre really long
>most of them up to 500 pages

>> No.7558902

You do know that the East Coast takes pride in being the dickhead side of the country right? Growing up in NJ it was great to see the vile we'd spit at anything west of Philadelphia

>> No.7558908

>i was maximum 7 years old in the 90s
>i totally lived through them
>90s kid 4ever!!!
just no

>> No.7558923

>not living in a poorfag household where everything was handmedown and old recordings
>Not getting the benefit of the 90s experience while also having a youthful appearance
>not slaying mad 90s nostalgia pussy with your surprisingly beneficial life experience
what's the matter, old man?

>> No.7558924

Roya Golchini

>> No.7558935

what the hell are you talking about

>> No.7558953

found the first one next to /lit/girl that doesnt only read YA en genre fiction and childrens books

>> No.7558973

fb 100000098790502

>> No.7558979


would love to disappoint her sexually

>> No.7558990

she looks like the baby hybrid alien from alien: resurrection

>> No.7559000

You and me both. You after me. Wouldn't mind. She looks like she swallows.

>> No.7559011

I skimmed the video without volume, she is cute and her taste is total garbage. Not bad, for a woman.

>> No.7559020


booktubers? you mean attention whores that missed the boat on youtube and are looking for a niche?

>> No.7559023

Oxford is uploading another one right now but it's just more Q&A, not a book review.

>> No.7559028

attention whores? you mean women?

>> No.7559062

I'll go first. Sorry.

>> No.7559088
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>Skip about half way through
>"If you don't believe my opinion, John Green also read it and thought it was great!'

>> No.7559153

yeah pretty much.

>> No.7559196

I'd like to watch her barf on my dick if you know what I mean

>> No.7559211

>I have 22 books in here.


>> No.7559226
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She's a teenager, it'd be naive to expect some deep literary analysis or some shit like that.
This girl probably read more than most people here at her age.

You kiddos need to grow up.

>> No.7559361

Four seconds, it's a new record.

>> No.7559422


I agree.

>> No.7559485


>> No.7559500

Literally less than a second.

>> No.7559508
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>> No.7559517
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why are women so horrible

>> No.7559520


Here you go. Only slightly /lit/ related but at least the sound works.

>> No.7559531

>listening to underachievers reading DFW yelling at people

P patrish DESU family

>> No.7559546

10 seconds

>> No.7559549
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>> No.7559609
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agreed. would eat her ass 3 times a day. pic related: I understand you!

>> No.7559664
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>> No.7559696


>> No.7559710

>that ridiculously messy hair
Also, is that her brother talking?
she's literally Tomoko desu sempai

>> No.7559723

No. What is Tomoko desu sempai?

>> No.7559728

>new video 1 hr ago
so that's your channel then, yes?

>> No.7559738

>boyfriend of 4 years
>LA life
>ugly bleached hair
Whore confirmed

>> No.7559754

I'd let her read to me in my deadbed, even leave her some of my money.

>> No.7559775

you keep all your read books?

>> No.7559785

>taking new queens post-katie


>> No.7559796

>I have 22 books in here
Calm down there, this isn't a race

>> No.7559816
File: 84 KB, 366x488, disgust dante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will rot in hell

>> No.7559818

>you will never spend eternity with oxford girl paving an infinite plane with penrose tiles in gloriously recurring perfect autism because she can't in2 planes
this is why you don't get dick pics you got all the names wrong, you stoner, and lolita is dolores haze. that was cute as hell but more books and less drugs next time, before our waifu a shit, awoo-one

>> No.7559819

Will there be gassy lolis there?

>> No.7559839

>That pic.
That is the shit Jesus died for.

>> No.7559842

she tell peoples to download "free" books, report her channel and made yt delete it

>> No.7559855

That's totally a young man

>> No.7559862

No, just a coincidence my friend. I wish i was a cute 12 year old boy.

>> No.7559863

So that's a teenage boy right? Girls don't have voices that deep.

>> No.7559875

she's clearly a werewolf trying to put us off the scent

>> No.7559917

>tfw she'd probably be all over your dick if you were at least at little bit competent and have published even and trash tier YA lit.
>tfw you're a failure and even if you see her on the streets nothing would happen
>tfw you should kys because you'll never have a waifu like that

>> No.7559938

climbthestacks is the only good one I found. She's intelligent, not hyperactive, cute and reads literary fiction instead of YA.

>> No.7559941

>Tai Lopez method
u wot?

>> No.7559946

>She's intelligent, not hyperactive, cute and reads literary fiction instead of YA.


>> No.7559948
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peeping foot game hol up

>> No.7559958
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toe cleavage 2+

>> No.7559967
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>> No.7559969

Or rather, that's her preferred genre. Singling out something doesn't help your case, go look her book shelf video up. Majority is memoirs and literary stuff. She's even read Infinite Jest.

>> No.7559970

>waifufags on being delusional
she even overuses jumpcuts

>> No.7559979

>She's even read Infinite Jest.

Is that why it's on her unread bookshelf?


>> No.7559986

You can stop pretending to be retarded now m8.


>> No.7559990

I literally lasted 4 seconds. Seriously, who is even like that?

>> No.7559992

So it took her two years to read it? That's not helping your case.

>> No.7560061

you can tell she's an avid guitar player because she leans it against the radiator

what is it with girls and having guitars as room-props?

>> No.7560189

anon 2016

>> No.7560452

>astral plane is real?

>> No.7560544

gianna michaels?

>> No.7560624

American women are the worst

>> No.7560660
File: 23 KB, 150x150, haHAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>punk rock

>> No.7560693

Problem? Fuck off.

>> No.7560706

>he didn't listen to black flag and shoot heroin in highschool

>> No.7560708

Probably just fallin'.

>> No.7560720

xXfuck youXx

>> No.7560721

lol pls every single teenaged girl has read or at least watched lolita by now since 'ddlg' is 'cool' and 'trendy'

>> No.7560779

of course she loved the martian. fucking kek.

>> No.7560834

she looks like an actual pig. the makeup is the only thing propping her up to a 6.

>> No.7561746

Stop shilling Rick

>> No.7561765

It's amazing how women are even mindless hiveminding drones in their sexual choices

>> No.7561808

3 seconds. Cannot.

>> No.7563056

Taking Ian MacKaye so seriously you turn it into a fascist movement.

>> No.7563076

I want to feel her beautiful arm around me

>> No.7563425

this went sour really fast for me.

>> No.7563449

This fucking thread again

>> No.7563474


Hardcore. I shut it down after hearing one second of her ear-piercing, brain-damaging shrieks.

>> No.7563480
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>> No.7563512


This man was one of the first people that made me realise I was bisexual.

>> No.7563541
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>> No.7563674

You make me sad.

>> No.7563728

Is that you bookchemist?

>> No.7563854

taking 16 yr old ian mckaye seriously no less

straight edge is a classic tom-sawyer esque child's gang

>> No.7563864

>all punk rock is straight edge

>> No.7563867

but no one said that

>> No.7563905

I'm just a fan you guys, gosh.

>> No.7563911

I'm certain that that isn't true

>> No.7564479
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Recent research using DNA analysis answered this question about two years ago. Today’s human population is descended from twice as many women as men.

I think this difference is the single most underappreciated fact about gender. To get that kind of difference, you had to have something like, throughout the entire history of the human race, maybe 80% of women but only 40% of men reproduced.
For women throughout history (and prehistory), the odds of reproducing have been pretty good. Later in this talk we will ponder things like, why was it so rare for a hundred women to get together and build a ship and sail off to explore unknown regions, whereas men have fairly regularly done such things? But taking chances like that would be stupid, from the perspective of a biological organism seeking to reproduce. They might drown or be killed by savages or catch a disease. For women, the optimal thing to do is go along with the crowd, be nice, play it safe. The odds are good that men will come along and offer sex and you’ll be able to have babies. All that matters is choosing the best offer. We’re descended from women who played it safe.

For men, the outlook was radically different. If you go along with the crowd and play it safe, the odds are you won’t have children. Most men who ever lived did not have descendants who are alive today. Their lines were dead ends. Hence it was necessary to take chances, try new things, be creative, explore other possibilities. Sailing off into the unknown may be risky, and you might drown or be killed or whatever, but then again if you stay home you won’t reproduce anyway. We’re most descended from the type of men who made the risky voyage and managed to come back rich. In that case he would finally get a good chance to pass on his genes. We’re descended from men who took chances (and were lucky).

>> No.7564665

Who is this?

>> No.7564674

Italian guy, you need to improve your pronunciation.

>> No.7564821
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Tfw you'll never see one of her videos...

>> No.7564830

Literally fucking why

>> No.7564847

why didn't anyone archive them

>> No.7564958
File: 44 KB, 355x388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't bully

>> No.7565067

bitch aint reading. bitch is on instagram

>> No.7565466

Seriously who is this girl? she's adorable.