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/lit/ - Literature

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7546342 No.7546342 [Reply] [Original]

So now that "Hypersphere" is completed and has been published, when will we commence working on the next great novel?

How long did it take after "The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra" was completed for work on "Hypersphere" to commence? Is it too early to already start thinking about the next book?

What will the next book be about, and what will it be called?

I have a draft of about 18 pages of work saved that was previously created about 2 or so months ago by other anons on here that didn't take off, since "Hypersphere" was already nearly finished.

>> No.7546386
File: 109 KB, 1560x750, 1451036974444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah... take a breathe... let things percolate... maybe do a minor work, a novella or something, people were talking about doing a poetry or short story collection... do something different with it, maybe an agreed-upon theme or heavy quality control... then, at least a year from now, maybe then think about the next "big one".

That's a nice cover, though

>> No.7546394

I didn't misspell breath, I misspelled breather

>> No.7546409


What happened to lits old book ideas from pre 2012?

The Penis Was and some book about a Human Panda

Pls respond

>> No.7546410


Yeah, a smaller project is a good idea, instead of starting so soon on another major project.

A novella or short story collection would work pretty well with what's written so far.

>> No.7546421


How about a screenplay
Then we crowdfund some starving youtubers to put it on.

Sam Hyde could star and direct.

>> No.7546426

Do you think we could pull it off?

>> No.7546485


I would hope so
Any /lit/erati here with experience in tv/film?

maybe we could partner with /tv/ on it?

then again, it might end up with way too many bane memes.

>> No.7546489

Yeah, it would be filled with shit memes.

I've read quite a few scripts, and tried writing one once, so I could try to start us off.

>> No.7546503


What about The Triangle of Trilogy?

It would mostly be an attack on current popular culture

>> No.7546518

That sounds interesting. What kind of project would it be? A novel, short story collection, poetry, screenplay?

>> No.7546529


The cover could be the two previous books in the top right and left corners linking to the new cover, forming a triangle.

It would need to tackle a little bit of everything from mainstream culture, including pop culture, social media, etc.

The main theme would be about how we're in a state of post-depressing since the attacks of 9/11 and we're using the facade of the internet to cover up our grief.

>> No.7546560

Very interesting ideas, anon, would this be one continuous narrative, or multiple short stories that relate to the themes?

>> No.7546577


Probably short stories with a similar thematic theme would work better, parables too.

>> No.7546598

>too many bane memes
I know each of these words, but they don't make any sense placed together in that order.

>> No.7546606

Also just thought of something, the triangle could look a little like the Illuminati symbol.

>> No.7546635

If anyone is interested in what I've already got, here's the link to the google doc.

Although since we'll most likely be starting anew, most if not none of this will be used depending the themes we use.


>> No.7546660

I'm excited. I missed the opportunity to be involved in Hyperspace so I hope I can contribute to our next work.

Also, what's the talk about a poetry collection?

>> No.7546818

Never participated in a /lit/ project before. So, how does it work actually?
Is there a continuous story? Or does everyone add anything they want? If the latter is the case, can it be either non-fiction or fiction?

>> No.7546828

Everyone adds in whatever they want, but if we do it right, everything can be linked together somehow.

The Hypersphere had multiple continuous stories I think.

And whatever you add can be fiction or non-fiction.

>> No.7546965

I've created a strawpoll, so that you guys can decide on what kind of text you'd like this project to be. The poll will end in 24 or so hours.

I'll create another poll with the themes and topics of the project once we get some more suggestions.


>> No.7547004

editing moby's section

>> No.7547016

I've approved your editing.

>> No.7547018

Can we decide a title?

>> No.7547027

Sure, I don't know how I can put that in a strawpoll though.

We'll have to gather suggestions first.

>> No.7547028

course you did
>fuck boi
The Folly of Rain
Author: 9/11

>> No.7547033

yea but first we need to know what the main theme is

>> No.7547120

For you

>> No.7547131

>How long did it take after "The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra" was completed for work on "Hypersphere" to commence?
there were two novels that appeared after people were desperate to be part of the second Tundra. The very first sequel was made in a single night with a politic of "you weren't there, you don't get to contribute" that was a childish reaction of people butthurt for not being part of the original. Don't force this shit, wait until people care about it again. Please.

>> No.7547140

Yes, I remember this. The story that was being put together with the Tundra sequels was honestly no worse than the original Tundra (which, let's all agree, was total crap) but you'd have motherfucker coming in deleting the entire document every few seconds, making it impossible to work on it collectively.
I think for the next book /lit/ should do a whole bunch of short stories which will not be approved (added to the collection) unless they turn out at least vaguely coherent/readable. The main problem with Tundra was that there was no thread to carry it through. Some degree of hierarchy is required to make sure things turn out in a readable way.

>> No.7547153

Wow, I didn't realize there was this problem with Tundra.

Like an anon said at the very start of this thread, I don't want to start off something as big as Hypersphere so soon. Just something small, if it's a novella or a short story collection, it'd be no more than 100 pages long. Hopefully, if this kicks off, I can keep everything in order and not have people ruining it for the rest.

>> No.7547163

Is an audiobook version going to be published too?

>> No.7547174

The second one was 20% previous work people had already done, 20% love letter to some fuccboi who posted here once or twice and 60% clear improvised shit posting.
There was not even an attempt to a general story, there was nothing to make you read more than a single page of it. And people insisted it was perfect, some even bought it from Lulu. No one posted pictures, though. I feel that's what diferentiated Tundra and this last one from the others, at least people found something that could look okay out of context in a single pic.

>> No.7547199

a boy called wolf was the name i think? anyway it had an amazing David foster wallace fan fiction at the end

>> No.7547366

For this project? We'd need to find someone who would be willing to read the entire thing once it's done.

>> No.7547391

/lit/ should come together and pick one figure, real or fictional, whom we all admire, and write a collection of short stories some how revolving around that figure. anons could work together in a google doc to try and thread their stories together, but they should all work independently, only tying it together in a single round of editing at the end, wherein everyone saves the whole document as they go so that no one can delete it. the stories don't even have to feature that figure as a character per se, just be related to the figure even tangentially. i'm thinking something like Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, different tales of the same people, strung together in time. only, given that this is 4chan, and we're writing on our owns, far more characteristically cockamamy.

>> No.7547402

What the fuck is the point of this rubbish? More PoMo literature to throw in the fire pit?

>> No.7547404

I responded

>> No.7547405

It's a fun activity, and something that the board can work on together.

>> No.7547453

honestly the hypersphere book has some gems in it

>> No.7547470

I actually like this idea.

even though you're a /tv/ migrant.

>> No.7547522

If we do this, it's going to end up being DFW, I guarantee it.

>> No.7547537


Thanks. Its sad to see that lit is filled with newfags now, and the originial members are long gone.

All hope is lost.

>> No.7547561

I was there when we cared about ZWG and couldn't get that Brownbear was being funny and I can't remember any of those things.

>> No.7547827

yo id be in for this shit if someone started one

>> No.7547870

If I started something like this, would anyone be interested?

>> No.7547911

This doesn't have anything to do with litwritesabook, does it? I wrote a bunch of stuff, but that project died.

>> No.7547932

I don't think it does, check out the Google doc that I linked, it's a copy that I saved from a small project that we worked on for a day or two but it never took off.

>> No.7547944

Great! I've linked a poll to decide whether this project will be a novella, poetry, short story collection or screenplay.

The vote will end in under 24 hours, and once it's been decided we can start voting on what the themes and topics of the project will be, but to do that we'll need a bunch of people making suggestions so I can add them to a poll.

>> No.7547998

make a second, approved story doc, like >>7547140 says

>> No.7548058
File: 27 KB, 500x278, Big Idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought: a series of short stories with titles from the CIA scene dialogue (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRCM0jWEQjQ).).
Now what's the next step of our masterplan?

>> No.7548133

Please, please no.

>> No.7548343

>all the Tundra books combined sold a bit over 200 copies
>this shitty book is already selling about that


>> No.7548349

the kids got Christmas money to spend on shit

>> No.7548352

But it's such a vastly inferior product, even the cover is disgusting.

>> No.7548400

It should be called "Why The Japanese Deserve a Third Nuclear Bombing"

>> No.7548428

A book looking at the cultural effects of 9/11 would be dope as. I would legitimately buy that sorta thing.

>mfw ratheists are a literal spawn of 9/11

>> No.7548475

Reddit: The Thread

>> No.7548587

I work as a reader for a literary magazine and as an editor for some university publications. I would be happy to edit and compile a series of short stories.

I also made the NYRB cover for the Kolsti story, if anyone remembers that garbage.

>> No.7548867

They make perfect sense.

>> No.7549062

tundra was shit

>> No.7549067


How do we contact Don DeLillo so we can get this written

>> No.7549090

it should be nick land

>> No.7549294

Alright, I'll make a second document.

What do you mean by approved?

>> No.7549510

I've created a new document, and have moved the work that some of you put into the old document into the new one.

If you want to check out the old document will all the work in it, you can still visit the link earlier in the thread. But for now, we'll be working from this document:


>> No.7549695

This is the best idea. Who should it focus on?

>> No.7549773


Nah, you're thinking of a completely different book. I don't know whatever happened to that project. It kinda' disappeared. Kolsti's Adventure in the Everglades is what they're talking about it. It was published in a 2 book Frankenstein's monster of a publication alongside The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra 3: Tokyo Drift.

>> No.7549776

yeah, go for it. we could have a round of nominations then a poll

>> No.7549782


Oh shite, maybe you're the same poster as before. And maybe the Kolsti novella became A Called Wolf. If such is the case...then shit, where can I find this? Genuinely curious now.

>> No.7549786

Alright guys, so there's still 6 hours left until the strawpoll ends, but, it clearly looks like "Short story collection" is going to win with 52% of the votes, with poetry coming in second place at 24%. So, it's been decided, this next project will be:


Now, what we will need to decide next is the theme and topic of this project. We have two suggestions that people have liked already, I will list them below:

1. "An attack on popular culture. The main theme would be about how we're in a state of post-depressing since the attacks of 9/11 and we're using the facade of the internet to cover up our grief."

2. "Pick one figure, real or fictional, whom we all admire, and write a collection of short stories some how revolving around that figure, tying it together in a single round of editing at the end. The stories don't even have to feature that figure as a character per se, just be related to the figure even tangentially. i'm thinking something like Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, different tales of the same people, strung together in time.

So yeah, if you want to make any more suggestions, please do. If you want, I can make another poll for this, or we can just go by who wants which one the most on here.

After we've decided the topic, and if it's one like number 2, we'll vote on who the person of interest will be.

>> No.7549789


A Boy Called Wolf**


>> No.7549869


fucking yes, this board knows about nick land outside of his political writings?

>> No.7550054

how about we start a crowdfunding campaign to adapt The Legend of the 10 Elementary Masters? It's already a screenplay and it's fucking brilliant.

>> No.7550237

Here's a link to the "A Boy Called Wold" document, if you want it.


>> No.7550386

Hey, I'm little more than a bystander but I had an idea. Seems that, for the previous projects, there was a problem where any random hobo could come on here and delete entire chapters from the googoo doc. The project became a matter of endurance. Basically, you had to be stubborn and NEET enough to survive the purges. Do you believe it's possible to exchange the pointless cruelty of the random hobo for the lawful cruelty of the hive mind?

>> No.7550458


I like both suggestions a lot. But if I had to pick it'd be #1.

>> No.7550460

>Do you believe it's possible to exchange the pointless cruelty of the random hobo for the lawful cruelty of the hive mind?

What do you mean?

I've had the problem of some faggot deleting everything before, so what I've done is made it so if you add, change, or delete anything, I'd have to approve the "suggestion" for the action to take effect.

People may not like this, but I think it's better to be safe than sorry. And besides, I'm going to approve a lot of things anyway, it's just the idiots that want to ruin it for everyone that I want to keep out.

>> No.7550503

I think /lit/ should unironically write a stream-of-consciousness super hero novel.

Our protagonist would be a mild mannered philosophy student that is on a journey to find himself on a study abroad trip during his 3rd semester of university. He is studying at Universität Köln and feels a higher calling when he witnesses the influx of refugees.

He vows to use prose and logic to combat the inequality in the lifestyles of Middle Easterners, but little does he know, the shifting political climate in the west will soon create a paradigm shift that forces his hand in unexpected ways.

>> No.7550512

>shifting political climate


*turbulent political climate

>> No.7550513


So, is this >>7549510


the document we should start writing in?

>> No.7550517

Yep, that's the one. The text currently in it is just some that anons from this thread added to the old one.

I should warn you, we have yet to decide on a main theme/topic, so whatever you add may or may not be relevant in the future.

>> No.7550519

Why don't we just create the Pill Series. Start with Iron Pill as the first book, Green Pill as the second, etc.

I think the number of authors should be limited to those who have actually accomplished the official Iron Pill reading list. With that same pool of reference, it might add to the cohesiveness of the work.

>> No.7550528

I'll do the audio book anon

>> No.7550546

Sounds good, anon, this should be fun!

>> No.7550579

Having to complete an entrance exam based on the contents of the Iron Pill reading list as a pre-requisite to contributing?
>mfw student for life

>> No.7550663

What's the best way to do, give me a passage and I'll post a vocaroo test read?

>> No.7550667


if you had to give a ballpark estimate, when should we expect to know the topic?

>> No.7550692

Try this.

"The room was lit in halogen. Connected desks of uniform white, ducked by rounded swivel chairs with short supports, hugged to the side walls. A monitor-tower was front to each chair, and peripherals scurried out in frantic disarray, as if startled by a fearsome cavalry charge."

I'm trying to get a few more suggestions so that we can vote on it. Right now, we've only got two.

It's 9AM where I am right now, I expect we'll have the topic chosen by the end of the day.

>> No.7550715


How about the new new testament? could be written similar to the style of the bible or qu'ran.

>a collection of scriptures written at different times by different authors in different locations.

the general theme could be "what is the meaning of life? and how to live a good one" (but satire - - written from the perspective of depraved, horrible people)

>> No.7550740

Interesting idea, anon, I will add it to the current list of themes/topics.

>> No.7550752

Gimme a few to get back home and set up my mic and I'll post it

>> No.7550772
File: 544 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-06-22-18-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, maybe you can use this - I doubt I ever will. its a Mr Man story about a chronically depressed alcoholic called Mr Empty and his daily adventures in West London.


>> No.7550782
File: 31 KB, 502x432, 1423941143077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7550943

Alright guys, I'm going to be leaving for a few hours, so I won't be overseeing the document. If you can't edit it, that's because I've set it so people with a link can only view the document.

If it works like I hope it does, you should be able to make suggestions for me to accept when I'm back. Most of this shouldn't matter though, since the work currently on there may or may not be relevant to the topic we choose.

So, have a look at this post >>7549786
for the current topics/themes we have. You can make suggestions if you want.

We've had another suggestion, which I will quote below.

3. "How about the new new testament? could be written similar to the style of the bible or qu'ran. A collection of scriptures written at different times by different authors in different locations. The general theme could be "what is the meaning of life? and how to live a good one" (but satire - - written from the perspective of depraved, horrible people)"

So that's the third suggestion we've got so far. After the topic/theme is chosen, we will decide on a title (if need be) and we will begin working on the document properly.

Don't bother deleting everything or messing with the document, I've got multiple back-ups at hand, so you'll just be wasting your time.

>> No.7550975

Man, can I use this for an animated short if I credit you?

>> No.7550981

i like this third suggestion. we should do that.

>> No.7550983


knock yourself out. Credit me as "Feelgood", if you wouldn't mind.

>> No.7551203

I like this idea better.

>> No.7551209

If you do, remember to post it here.

>> No.7551365

I think this is a good idea. It is IRONICALLY good in a post-ironic sense

>> No.7551737

I think this is a pretty good idea.

>> No.7551746

how does this sound?


>> No.7551874

This whole thread feels like reddit trying to get in on hypersphere after it's already too late.

It's like what Miami was to the first Tundra book.

>> No.7551989


your whole post feels like some redditor trying to derail the thread after it's already too late

kill yourself ;)

>> No.7552076

Hey, I'm not currently at my computer, or even in a place to be ab to listen to this, but I'll be sure to check it out once I'm home.

Thanks for taking the time to make a sample of this, I appreciate it!

>> No.7552089

I've contributed to Hypersphere, and it's in the final copy, so I'm not trying to get into anything. I just saw how the last few books were a success and I wanted to be at the helm of one of these and to enjoy making something with other anons here, albeit a much smaller project than something like the 700 page Hypersphere.

>> No.7552103


Ever since Tundra, every /lit/ book has been written by idiots who thought Tundra was gay and felt left out.

I remember while writing Tundra reddit was all over the fucking place. Apparently, they never left and now you have all the shitty hacks and plagiarisms that came after Tundra.

>> No.7552111

What is the source art for that cover OP? I really like it

>> No.7552183

only until you've finished reading hypersphere like a good boy

>> No.7552327

I like this idea greatly, one issue is that we will never be able to agree on anyone. DFW is over used. Who will we select

>> No.7552332

Hopefully never. Whenever stuff like that happens we get reddit influxes like we're seeing now.

>> No.7552520


I wish you guys would prove you chops by writing some average pulp.

>> No.7552807 [DELETED] 

Hey anon, so I just listened to the audio, and it sounded great! Thank you for making a sample. I hope that you'll be with us until the end so t hat you may voice the audiobook!

Sorry anon, I don't have a source for the art, I got it from another anon who posted it on a google doc over a month ago.

Alright guys! So, we've got some great suggestions now, and I will list them below for you guys:

1. "An attack on popular culture. The main theme would be about how we're in a state of post-depressing since the attacks of 9/11 and we're using the facade of the internet to cover up our grief."

2. "Pick one figure, real or fictional, whom we all admire, and write a collection of short stories some how revolving around that figure, tying it together in a single round of editing at the end. The stories don't even have to feature that figure as a character per se, just be related to the figure even tangentially. i'm thinking something like Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, different tales of the same people, strung together in time.

3. "How about the new new testament? could be written similar to the style of the bible or qu'ran. A collection of scriptures written at different times by different authors in different locations. The general theme could be "what is the meaning of life? and how to live a good one" (but satire - - written from the perspective of depraved, horrible people)"

4. "I think /lit/ should unironically write a stream-of-consciousness super hero novel. Our protagonist would be a mild mannered philosophy student that is on a journey to find himself on a study abroad trip during his 3rd semester of university. He is studying at Universität Köln and feels a higher calling when he witnesses the influx of refugees.
He vows to use prose and logic to combat the inequality in the lifestyles of Middle Easterners, but little does he know, the shifting political climate in the west will soon create a paradigm shift that forces his hand in unexpected ways."

NOW, from the amount of positive replies that the ideas got, it seems that suggestion NUMBER TWO has FOUR votes for it, and NUMBER FOUR also has FOUR votes for it. NUMBER ONE and NUMBER THREE have ONE vote each. So it seems to be a TIE between TWO AND FOUR.

I will make a strawpoll for you guys to pick which topic you'd like: http://strawpoll.me/6471600

And, here is the link to the current GOOGLE DOC: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L10Cbgj7CUEAe1-LwwNfYY1BkVaO8x976IkAtcL1Ll4/edit

>> No.7552818

Hey anon, so I just listened to the audio, and it sounded great! Thank you for making a sample. I hope that you'll be with us until the end so t hat you may voice the audiobook!

Sorry anon, I don't have a source for the art, I got it from another anon who posted it on a google doc over a month ago.

Alright guys! So, we've got some great suggestions now, and I will list them below for you guys:

1. "An attack on popular culture. The main theme would be about how we're in a state of post-depressing since the attacks of 9/11 and we're using the facade of the internet to cover up our grief."

2. "Pick one figure, real or fictional, whom we all admire, and write a collection of short stories some how revolving around that figure, tying it together in a single round of editing at the end. The stories don't even have to feature that figure as a character per se, just be related to the figure even tangentially. i'm thinking something like Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, different tales of the same people, strung together in time.

3. "How about the new new testament? could be written similar to the style of the bible or qu'ran. A collection of scriptures written at different times by different authors in different locations. The general theme could be "what is the meaning of life? and how to live a good one" (but satire - - written from the perspective of depraved, horrible people)"

4. "I think /lit/ should unironically write a stream-of-consciousness super hero novel. Our protagonist would be a mild mannered philosophy student that is on a journey to find himself on a study abroad trip during his 3rd semester of university. He is studying at Universität Köln and feels a higher calling when he witnesses the influx of refugees.
He vows to use prose and logic to combat the inequality in the lifestyles of Middle Easterners, but little does he know, the shifting political climate in the west will soon create a paradigm shift that forces his hand in unexpected ways."

NOW, from the amount of positive replies that the ideas got, it seems that suggestion NUMBER TWO has FOUR votes for it, and NUMBER FOUR also has FOUR votes for it. NUMBER ONE and NUMBER THREE have ONE vote each. So it seems to be a TIE between TWO AND FOUR.

I will make a strawpoll for you guys to pick which topic you'd like: http://strawpoll.me/6471610

And, here is the link to the current GOOGLE DOC: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L10Cbgj7CUEAe1-LwwNfYY1BkVaO8x976IkAtcL1Ll4/edit

>> No.7552821

Whoops! Sorry guys, I seem to have made a mistake. For the STRAWPOLL, the second one is meant to be NUMBER FOUR, not NUMBER ONE.

>> No.7552952

Can I still buy hypersphere somewhere? Pls link

>> No.7552957

Here you go anon, this is the Fourth Edition, a.k.a the edition you'll want to buy.


>> No.7552959

Oh by the way, don't forget to use the promotion code "LULURC" to get 25% off the purchase and also free shipping.

>> No.7553068

Thank you friends

>> No.7553077

If Tundra was Infinite Jest and Hypersphere was Ulyssess, then the next one is going to be in the vein of Gravity's Rainbow, right?

>> No.7553170

Bottles, are you tripfag?

>> No.7553176 [DELETED] 

Does anyone here know how I can use a tripcode, just so it can be easier to identify myself for later threads and such? I don't think I understand the instructions in the FAQ.

It says that a secure tripcode can be generated by placing two hash marks in the [Name] field, as opposed to one as with a normal tripcode (ex. "User##password").

So, do I put the desired name before or after the ##? And what do I put before or after the ## if it's not the name?


>> No.7553178

>So, do I put the desired name before or after the ##?

>And what do I put before or after the ## if it's not the name?

a password

>> No.7553179 [DELETED] 

So, the password can be anything?

So, in the name section it'd be something like this?



>> No.7553181 [DELETED] 

hi newfag: it's "Name ## Code." The 'tripcode' is what 'secures' the tripname, so that other people cannot post as you. The name shows up as "Name !!(some random string of characters)." Have fun being obnoxious!

>> No.7553184 [DELETED] 

Going to test this, hope it works.

>> No.7553187 [DELETED] 

Oh hey, it worked. Thanks anon!

>> No.7553277

Okay guys, I'm heading off now, so I'll approve any additions/changes made to the doc once I'm back on.

We've got a poll for which topic to decide, it's between two choices now, here's the link to the poll: http://strawpoll.me/6471610

Again, you'll notice that the second option is "Suggestion Number One", like the idiot I am, I rushed it and didn't notice the mistake. It's supposed to be "Suggestion Number Four".

Also, as you may notice, I've got a tripcode now, to make it easier to identify myself for later in this thread and future threads. We'll also need a title, can't make a book without a title!

And one last thing, I'd like to thank you guys for showing interest in this small project, it won't reach Hypersphere levels, and I never intended it to, just something light that we can work on together and we're making good progress so far.

>> No.7553612

I want to do the cover, Im p good. Ill do it for free niggers.

>> No.7553647

Don't tripfag unless you need to. If you promise to do something like editing (looking at you bottleman) of fixing covers it can be a good idea to do it.

>> No.7553694

Voting on short story collection revolving around NEETs attempting suicide.
All the suicide attempts become bungled by other Anon's attempts.
For you see, all these cases of attempted suicide have a political motivation.
Fed up with the ideals that media portray, they go about trying to make a statement through their suicides.
The attempts can be clever, but always public, and thereby open to broader bungling, invariably always accidentally by another anon attempting a similar act.

Just thought of that on the fly, so it's undeveloped as all hell, but if anyone wants to run with it. Please, it would be an honor to me.

>> No.7553714

hypersphere was published at the start of 2016 and TLOTIAT was published in mid 2014

>> No.7553718

I think the short stories should revolve around Bane from Batman.Rises

>> No.7553802

how are you even connecting those books

>> No.7553927

Highjacking thread for a little bit:
Rate it

>> No.7553983

No. Bottleman vouched never to make profit off the book.

>> No.7553992

Gimme it straight kids, is the deluxe version of Hypersphere worth it?

>> No.7554004

Just to add, I mean does the colour add that much to the book as a whole?

>> No.7554160

why would you spoonfeed someone on /lit/ how to use a secure trip

jesus christ

>> No.7554177

I personally think it distracts

>> No.7554415

With the voting at 8 to 2, it looks like the topic will be:

"Pick one figure, real or fictional, whom we all admire, and write a collection of short stories some how revolving around that figure, tying it together in a single round of editing at the end. The stories don't even have to feature that figure as a character per se, just be related to the figure even tangentially. i'm thinking something like Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, different tales of the same people, strung together in time."

I nominate Trump.

>> No.7554451

I nominate Anonymous.

>> No.7554482

woah, that was actually one of the decent ones. I feel it should be either someone we sort of love like DFW or someone that we love to hate like BEE or Tao Lin.
Actually, a fictional novel about Tao Lin would be an interesting commentary on his production (taking himself out of his own experience and so on)

>> No.7554529

Alright guys, I'm back. So, the voting seems to be in favor of Suggestion NUMBER TWO over NUMBER FOUR, and it's been 11 hours since the voting started. Should we wait a little longer, or is this the topic you guys want?

Here's the strawpoll, to save you time looking for it earlier in the thread.


>> No.7554598

Which one is which m8?

>> No.7554603

The first one is:

2. "Pick one figure, real or fictional, whom we all admire, and write a collection of short stories some how revolving around that figure, tying it together in a single round of editing at the end. The stories don't even have to feature that figure as a character per se, just be related to the figure even tangentially. i'm thinking something like Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, different tales of the same people, strung together in time.

And the second one is:

4. "I think /lit/ should unironically write a stream-of-consciousness super hero novel. Our protagonist would be a mild mannered philosophy student that is on a journey to find himself on a study abroad trip during his 3rd semester of university. He is studying at Universität Köln and feels a higher calling when he witnesses the influx of refugees.
He vows to use prose and logic to combat the inequality in the lifestyles of Middle Easterners, but little does he know, the shifting political climate in the west will soon create a paradigm shift that forces his hand in unexpected ways."

>> No.7554852

WHY do you CAPITALIZE your KEYWORDS? We are a LITERATURE board, most of us are not RETARDED and can actually READ a sentence without having the IMPORTANT WORDS screamed at us.

>> No.7554856

Just in case, didn't mean to offend you or anything anon. If I did, I apologize.

>> No.7554889

how about FUCK YOU mate?

nah, just PLAYIN' ya.

>> No.7554949

What about Zizek?

>> No.7554975

It could end up with people imitating imitations and ruining the joke, but if every thread had videos of Zizek to inspire us I would enjoy writing and reading Zizek's adventures in simulacra land or whatever

>> No.7555021

I know the prompt says one character, but what about a pair or trio? I bet anon could come up with some fun combinations.

>> No.7555047

Alright guys! So, the voting seems to be in favor of topic number two, which is:

2. "Pick one figure, real or fictional, whom we all admire, and write a collection of short stories some how revolving around that figure, tying it together in a single round of editing at the end. The stories don't even have to feature that figure as a character per se, just be related to the figure even tangentially. i'm thinking something like Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, different tales of the same people, strung together in time.

So, yeah, we have a topic now! But seeing as it's this one, before we can start working on this properly, we will need to choose the person we want to talk about. I will now list the suggestions people made:

>Nick Land
>Donald Trump
>NEETs attempting suicide
>David Foster Wallace
>Tao Lin

Here's a strawpoll to make the voting easier: http://strawpoll.me/6476027

And, right above me, and anon suggested we could have a pair, or trio. I don't know how I can make that voting work with strawpoll, so if you want that, just say it on here.

>> No.7555138

If we are going the Pulp Fiction route, we could make it interesting by having the three top-voted characters have interweaving stories. I want to choose Donald Trump, but he was such a prominent character in Hypersphere, so I think the interwoven stories idea would be a good option

>> No.7555317

Enough, Bottles. Just stop

>> No.7555338

I'm not Bottles, f͏͏a͏͏m.

>> No.7555387

You're Bottleman.
We're Bottleman.
I am Bottleman.

>> No.7555399

>>Nick Land
>>Donald Trump
>before actual suggestions
>no zizek or chomsky
if you're so new that you don't know the /lit/ culture and memes don't try to direct projects, thank you

>> No.7555406

Voting for short story collection

>> No.7555408

I just put them in the order of the time they were suggested, the list doesn't mean that one person is better than the other, anon.

Nobody suggested Chomsky, and I seem to have forgotten to add Zizek to the list, but he's in the strawpoll.

>> No.7555421

Short story collection has been chosen as the type of text that the project will be.

>> No.7555422


>> No.7555474

I'm being vague. Basically, hive mind judgement would require repeated mini contests. Not a few strawpolls to set a theme, but rounds of heavy voting on the best short stories available at a time. Turn this shit into a brutal meritocracy where the unfunny gibberish is purged so the somewhat-amusing gibberish can prosper. Losers are allowed to recycle their content for the next round but obviously must compete with completely new stories entering the race.

This is all very cumbersome but it might be better than relying on a benevolent dictator to control the doc. I'm just thinking aloud.

>> No.7555488

Hmm, you know what anon, this could be a very good idea, voting on the work added to maintain a standard of quality based on the majority's opinion.

If /lit/ likes the idea, then we could work with it.

>> No.7555723

I like it. I like it a lot. It's a nice break from the chaos and disorder of tundra and hypersphere

>> No.7555798

Guys, I'm pleading with you. Do NOT do this. Just ignore the urge to meme on google docs and publish your shitposting. Hypersphere got popular on r/4chan and reddit is itching for a chance to come here and meme it up, thereby ruining this board. Just forget about these kinds of projects, for the greater good.

>> No.7555813

/lit/ first -timer here , could you bring me up to speed on this? Was it a board collective effort or the work of just one anon? What was it about?

>> No.7555816

I'm not making this with plans to make another huge book filled with memes, since one was just published.

It's just a small project that I'd like to work on with other anons on here that we can take seriously, while still have some fun. I'm going to take precautions to make sure that reddit doesn't fill it up with what they think are funny memes, and so that we can actually have a comprehensible narrative.

>> No.7555823

Tundra and Hypersphere? They are a collection of works from various users on this board.

This one will be the same, but I'm going to be making sure that it isn't a complete pile of shit that people will want to get in on just because they weren't part of Hypersphere after it gained popularity on /r/4chan.

>> No.7555838


>> No.7555977

>/lit/ first-timer here

Go away, reddit.

>> No.7556010

don't ask to be spoon fed, lurk and learn like we all did.

don't spoon feed, you're making it look okay to stop everything to explain ourselves.
>collection of works from various users on this board.
or you're horrible at explaining or you weren't there for them

>> No.7556022


I like this a lot

>> No.7556029


Elliot Rodger would be funny

>> No.7556048

Where can I read this

>> No.7556059

What we're currently working on, or the Hypersphere/Tundra?

Here's a link to the current google doc of what we're working on:

>> No.7556065

Alternatively, we can do a chapter for each figure we want and eventually a big finalle with everyone getting in a gun fight.

>> No.7556070

i've read tundra. I meant where I can read Hypersphere

>> No.7556105

This is a good idea, anon. If we write a chapter each for about five or so characters, with each having 25 or so pages, that'd make a good 100 or so pages.

But, it'd have to be 25 pages of good content.

I can't seem to find the link to the pdf file that was on the website for the book.

>> No.7556130

I don't know how new to this you are. Everyone writes at most two pages, maybe add 3 more among other chapters. No one is gonna make it 25 pages of real content. In a month, MAYBE each will write 10 pages around the whole book. With 22 anons you get over the 200 mark.

>> No.7556142

Very new. Yeah, I didn't mean that 5 anons would write 25 pages each, that definitely wouldn't work.

I also wanted to keep it to about 100 or so pages, something small. Doesn't really matter how many "figures" we talk about if we end up with your idea, but we'll want the sizes for each of their chapters to be evenly split.

>> No.7556155

this is like v a p o r w a v e ~~ literature

>> No.7556203

Memes are monetized by talentless capitalists who exploit stupid laborers and turn /lit/ into a factory; tripfags profit off anonymous, lauded and supported by reddit; Hypersphere killed 4chan

>> No.7556214

I don't plan on profiting off of this, just a fun project to work on with you guys.

And if we actually get to the point where I actually publish this and people buy it, I'll gladly donate all the profits to whatever charity you guys want me to.

>> No.7556415

I like this. I really like this. All the stories overlap at the same time frame, just from each character's perspective, and it ends with them all coming together in the last chapter or whatever and some sort of fight ensues. It's like a Tarantino movie, not that Tarantino deserves praise or anything, but it would be a lot more coherent and interesting than the previous /lit/ books.

>> No.7556416

Don't know if you've already found it or anything, but here's a dropbox link to the pdf.


>> No.7556418

>All the stories overlap at the same time frame, just from each character's perspective

Go away, George.

No but really, it's a nice idea, I can see it working.

>> No.7556765

But what would we write about if the figure is, well, us?

>> No.7557061

Tundra was donated to autism, which seemed completely fit.

>> No.7557192


>> No.7557246

So this book was a collaborative effort, how did that work exactly?

>> No.7557249

Are you talking about Tundra/Hypersphere?

>> No.7557302

Both I guess, I apologize for being a little out of the loop.

>> No.7557311

I wasn't here for Tundra, and I was here half-way through Hypersphere.

I don't know how it worked for other people with Hypersphere, but I simply put my work into the Google Doc and it just stayed there through to release. So I guess it's a collaborative work, and that's how this will one work.

>> No.7557318

>I wasn't here for Tundra

Hello Reddit!

>> No.7557326

Alright, so I guess you have to try and stay within the frame work of the story form then on. Must be hell to edit.

>> No.7557329

No need to resort to reddit-posting, anon. I just didn't visit this board until the start of 2015 because I never noticed it.

>> No.7557332

Yeah, I hope it won't be too difficult. I want to keep it small, and try to keep the standard of quality above shit.

>> No.7557339

what about a wiki-like infinitely scalable post-literature kind of project.

>> No.7557341

Very true. Well Hell next project that happens I'll see if I can tag along.

>> No.7557592

Alright guys! So, this might be the second last or last update in this thread before making a new one, because after deciding what type of text the project will be, and what the topic will be, we are now voting on who the figure will be.

Now, there have been some suggestions to discuss more than one figure, or have multiple and have their stories weaved together by the plot.

Here's one post with the idea: >>7556065
And here's another adding onto the first post >>7556415

As for the current strawpoll, David Foster Wallace and Anonymous are at a tie, with 4 votes each. So, you guys can decide whether you'd want short stories dedicated to one figure, or short stories, each as a chapter, dedicated to a different figure, and of course we can have the same figure in more than one short story/chapter.

Here's a link to the strawpoll: http://strawpoll.me/6476027

>> No.7557634

Strict and harsh meritocratic culling of shit and plain passionless pastiches of straight memery should excise that swiftly.

>> No.7557651

I agree with you

>> No.7557791

Please for the love of god can we leave anonymous out of this. Don't accept any votes towards it, don't read any submissions containing references to them, just avoid it like the plague.

There's only one way it can end with people actively writing a story about anonymous and it will be fucking embarrassing for the board as a whole.

>we are le 4chan legion!!

>> No.7557794

I'll admit, I'm at a loss as to what we could possibly write about Anonymous that won't be full of memes and just look plain terrible.

At least with DFW, if I can maintain a level of seriousness, we can write something worthwhile about him because he's a genuinely good author and something can definitely be written about him, especially by /lit/.

>> No.7558009

I think Zizek is probably the best thing we can do, considering there will be no shortage of things we can write about. Plus, whatever we produce, however terrible it is, probably won't be as interminable as Zizek's five massive fucking tomes a year or whatever the fuck.
Overall though, I really like the idea of basing it all around a theme, because then it's actually "about" something, and those interesting in the subject might legitimately be fooled into reading it. Sorry for all the adverbs guys.

>> No.7558064
File: 19 KB, 468x44, Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 12.51.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me doubt booksales as a whole

>> No.7558448

this is much better but no /lit/ work will ever beat flashbird the vampire. Also tundra was absolute /b/ tier and not even funny

>> No.7558688


I think that the best ideas so far were an expression on the post 9/11 depression and the role of internet in repressing/exaggerating it and a collection based around DFW.

But, behold! I have an idea!
We should collectively write an antology of short stories, poems and essays centered on the theme of a faux /lit/ philosphical system, which would in reality be an expansion of nietzschean thought and translation of it to the language of dank memes and 4chan. For example, we could describe a dichotomy between the plebeian and the patrician dichotomy and build an epistemological theory on the basis of the veil of Memes (very much like the veil of Maya).

>> No.7558694

I meant "the patrician and plebeian MORALITY"

>> No.7558797

Super heroes.

>> No.7558811

We need a better system for writing than a open google doc anyone can fuck up at anytime.

How was Hypersphere written?

>> No.7558814

with an open google doc anyone can fuck up at anytime.

>> No.7558817

/Lit/ memes are the best memes

I just dugup the initial flashbird thread...

If anyone else wants to laugh out loud: >>/lit/thread/S4693828

>> No.7558819

Why would we wait the write the next book.

Someone start a google doc.

>> No.7558829

I literally just bought that piece of shit for 22 bucks AUD.
Thank you /lit/, it'll be sure to entertain my father if not myself

>> No.7558833

Well Zizek pretty much in our equivalent of a superhero. He is our saviour and our leader, our Muhammad and Allah

>> No.7558876


You're the captain, how come your tripcode isn't Ahab?

>> No.7558881

zizek is crap *sniffs* and i don't understand your obsession with him *touches shirt* after all he is more of a /tv/ man

>> No.7559081
File: 47 KB, 501x525, strnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what 'bout choosing a few (at least two) characters, which we could connect in a parallel like way?
For example, w could include both Max Stirner, Slavoj Zizek and so on and then find a unifying theme (something like NEETdom, 'post 9/11 depression) to connect the stories in a labyrinthine manner?

>> No.7559095

it's perfect, did you know he's continued the saga on tumblr? unfortunate but still consistently funny

>> No.7559137
File: 281 KB, 638x434, 1450136504652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7559142

literally the only option

>> No.7559175

I've made it so you can't simply edit anything without needing my "approval". That way, I can stop anyone from deleting everything or adding stupid, irrelevant things.

We already have a google doc open, here's the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L10Cbgj7CUEAe1-LwwNfYY1BkVaO8x976IkAtcL1Ll4/edit

My real name is Ishmael, and I liked him more than Ahab t͏͏b͏͏h.

Yeah, we've had that idea talked about. It could be very interesting and if we do it right, it could end up looking good.

>> No.7559265


The guy with the poem Internet nerd becomes becomes john milton should keep writting, don't be sad!

>> No.7559288

Alright guys! So the poll has been up for some time, and David Foster Wallace is winning by one vote, with Anonymous coming second. Now, people have expressed their opinion that we should do Zizek, and others said that we shouldn't have Anonymous in it at all.

I personally agree with the second opinion, but if you guys don't just let me know. I'll create a strawpoll here, and I'll ask you guys whether you want to have the book be about one person, or more than one.

Here's the strawpoll: http://strawpoll.me/6482990

So yeah, there's that, although a lot of the votes are all even, so if we want to talk about, say, DFW, Zizek, and Tao Lin, Lin will need at least one more vote since he's tied with Trump, Bane, and NEETs. Here's the strawpoll for deciding who it will be about: http://strawpoll.me/6476027

>> No.7559339
File: 42 KB, 500x329, wllace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man.
I am sad because it is unable to footnote footnotes.

>> No.7559342

*I am unable.

That's why I am sad, too.

>> No.7559367

The name should be The Labyrinths of Minotaurs.

>> No.7559418

Woah this is cool. Wheres the link to read the first two?

>> No.7559426

fuck off reddit

>> No.7559502

Remember the Quagga.

>> No.7559845

Alright guys, so for the strawpolls, it seems that DFW is going to win. Although, people have voted that they want two or more figures to talk about in the book, that has 4 votes in the poll whereas the option to talk about one person has three.

People have expressed an interest in Zizek, so I think that we'll most likely discuss DFW and Zizek, as they seem to be good choices.

We will need one more though, and Tao Lin is next on the list of people that have a background in literature, and he's got one vote.

I've decided that the figures of interest will be David Foster Wallace and Zizek. We can add a third person if you guys want, but as of right now those two are the main guys.

Here are a few posts showing the type of project this will be:


So this means that now we can properly start writing this thing! I will be making a new thread very soon dedicated to the Google Doc and I will prove all the information necessary.

The last thing that we need, but isn't terribly important right now, is the title of the book.

>> No.7559908


>> No.7560088


>> No.7560142

I think that this might be a book title proposal.

>> No.7560149

Oh, I see, very interesting title.

>> No.7560173


Thanks for organizing all of this. Will you link the new thread to this one?

>> No.7560181

No problem anon.

And yep, with every new thread I make I'll add a link to the previous one.

>> No.7560322

New thread


>> No.7560881

Anonymous as the green man, not the group silly.