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/lit/ - Literature

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7548591 No.7548591 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to create the perfect novel?

>> No.7548596

Fuck you, anime faggot

>> No.7548598
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It has already been done, animeposter.

>> No.7548607

DB is an anime for people who despise anime. In my country it is every Chads favorite cartoon.

>> No.7548653

Not on purpose.

>> No.7548704

Are you unironically saying 'chad' outside of your containment board?

>thinking 'Chads' watch cartoons

Tears buddy

>> No.7548923

>Ayn Rand

>> No.7548929

Brits used chad well before that, you know
Probably because it sounds like chav

>> No.7549007

Write two original novels of your own that are actually pretty good. You'll probably need to create an army of short stories and several lesser novels before you can makes two that are actually good, I'd say at least sixteen novels, so these two pretty good novels will be numbers seventeen and eighteen.
After you do that go back to the former champions of literature that you can think of to create the structure of a new novel, at least 5-7 of the greatest novels ever. This newly crafted novel of yours is not the perfect novel yet, what you need to do next is carefully analyze the current zeitgeist and takes bits from it, though you have to be crafty about this. Once you have done this the next step will be to fold into this new amalgam novel the two previous novels of your own devising, this will definitely be the hardest task to achieve but once you have finally seamlessly folded in novels seventeen and eighteen this new monstrous tome will be, dare I say it... perfect. None of the other champions of literature will be able to stand up to this new monstrosity you have created.

>> No.7549340
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>> No.7549357

No we didn't.

>> No.7549388

No we didn't lad.

>> No.7549399
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>> No.7549588

Britfag here.
Yes we did.

>> No.7549617

this isnt pasta?

>> No.7549633

You're pasta

>> No.7549634

no, I am beans.
a real human bean and a real hero.

>> No.7549639

>Those fingers. Absolutely hideous.

every time i see this cover.

>> No.7549647

Not a britfag here, but web-brits at least did. A bit like Kevin in France and Germany. Probably before your time.

>> No.7549661
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Is it possible to create the perfect shitpost?

>> No.7549664
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Been there, done that

>> No.7549871

>this new monstrous tome will be, dare I say it... perfect
Holy shit, what the hell are you?

>> No.7550287

Question 1: Should I make the seventeenth and eighteenth novels direct sequels?

Question 2: When picking the overall structure of the tome, should I just borrow elements and simply add them in (say from Oliver Twist, taking the rags to riches story arc) or should I 'retell' the story like a hollywood reboot?

Question 3: What parts of the seventeenth and eighteenth novels should I integrate? I'm guessing I don't need to bring too much, just the somewhat original content I made.

Question 4: Should I publish the seventeenth and eighteenth novels as well, or should I keep them hidden?

Question 5: What about just one more novel and then a Autobiography? Would using those be better then just seventeen and eighteen?

>> No.7550295

fuck off reddit

>> No.7550557

Yes, let Tolstoy tell you all about it.

>> No.7550559
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>Not realizing this is the /lit/ version of the Cell Saga from Dragonball Z