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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 284 KB, 1161x869, SA Aristocrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7548226 No.7548226 [Reply] [Original]

Fess up, anons. Have you ever intentionally plagiarized something? This is an anonymous space, you can be honest.

>> No.7548245

Once I performed Pink Floyd's Hey You and claimed it was an original composition.

>> No.7548274

I regularly take popular/real author's styles and try to write something new in them. I think that's not uncommon.

>> No.7548305

I am in a constant state of paranoia that if I post any of my ideas online for any reason, no matter how vague or truncated, someone else will steal them and write it themselves.

>> No.7548310

I saw that movie

>> No.7548327

After writing >>7548305 I realized that I very badly want to do the exact same thing to a lot of posts I see online, especially on /tg/. I could make really good stories out of them.

>> No.7548505

Give us a /tg/ example.

>> No.7548533
File: 109 KB, 1157x772, 1451916312911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once found the answers to one of my undergrad college math assignments so I copied them out but made slight mistakes so I would still get 100% but not be found out. It was just proofs and shit.

>> No.7548555

No, but in college I let my roommate use an old essay in exchange for marijuana

>> No.7548582

I am in a constant state of paranoia that if I post any of my posts online for any reason, no matter how vague or truncated, someone else will steal them and write it themselves.

>> No.7548605

I regularly take real/popular author's styles and try to write something new in them. I don't think that's uncommon.

>> No.7548619

I regularly take popular/real author's styles and try to write something new in them. I think that's not uncommon.

>> No.7548639
File: 196 KB, 1066x761, breathe fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that guy, but I totally stole this sci-fi short story from /tg/ for a creative writing class prompt

I mean, my version was like 6 pages long and I put enough of my own spin into it that I regard it more as a homage than strict plagiarism, but still- I stole the general idea, and I did it consciously rather than unconsciously

No regrets tbqh, its a cute little story

>> No.7548642

Yes, sometimes I copy filenames and sometimes even entire posts

>> No.7548655
File: 125 KB, 400x388, 1451525719005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I use you guys' jokes to impress girls.

>> No.7548668

sometimes i download you guys rare pepes

>> No.7548675

I take core concepts and rewrite them in my style. Some times I translate stuff too.

>> No.7548677

I plagiarized Godzilla vs Kingghidora for an imaginative writing piece was a was a kid, I won

>> No.7548681
File: 888 KB, 1500x1500, blow_a_kiss_fire_a_gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's crawling out of his chest? Asking for a friend...

>> No.7548682

If that is plagiarizing, then so is Animal Farm.

>> No.7548683

A piece of rye bread

>> No.7548693
File: 148 KB, 1836x827, shards of freedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally writing this as we speak.

Gonna end the series with an older, wizer mentor figure who helped the mc out along the way being elected to government.
Yes a major plot point is the evil kings banning of swords after a false flag attack on a school.

>> No.7548698

Ah, at first I thought it was a kitty cat claw

>> No.7549935
File: 19 KB, 390x153, Kill me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7549938

plagiarizing about plagiarizing. i like your style, anon

>> No.7549946

so proud of you.png

>> No.7549950

Once I performed Pink Floyd's Hey You and claimed it was an original composition.

>> No.7549963

I bought an essay once for $40 because I was too bored to actually finish my own and I needed to not flunk that class to graduate.

Got an A-. Thank you based essay guy.

>> No.7549975

Go back to Reddit you fucking homo.

>> No.7549980

Once I performed Reddit's Go Back (to) and claimed it was an original composition

>> No.7549988

I got accused of plagiarizing myself. I had this one prof who was a real dick, for one he had a phd in anthropology, but he was teaching technology based classes, so you know there was something wrong with him.

Anyway, i kind of just made a term up to describe something, and i put it in quotes at first. So the fuck pulls me in his office and says I didn't quote that, and I'm like, "Oh no, that's not a quote, that's just a term that i made up for the purposes of this paper".

Then he's like, "Yeah, but you still have to quote it!" and i'm thinking, "quote what....? Quote myself making up this term that you just read?"

So there was a big confusing argument, he just kept saying i need to quote it and it's plagiarism if I don't, and I keep saying that he's accusing me of plagiarizing myself. It basically went nowhere.

So I went home and put a footnote on that, and for a source I just copy and pasted the exact sentence in question, and wrote my name and the time and date when I wrote it.

Turned it in and he never said a thing about it, because I later learned like most profs, he didn't even check the sources.

>> No.7550019

I feel that way. I used to never post any of my stuff online, until I got a little desperate trying to write a query letter, so I posted mine on this online forum. Everyone liked it, and said it was a really original idea. I think cool, and go about doing my thing. Then i checked the forum every now and then, and for one, after I posted it, i started to see like dozen of titles that sounded like mine. They never came out and stole mine, that I know of, but sounded really similar, used a lot of the same words which are really unusual, not well used words.

Also, I only write in a specific, kind of obscure genre, sure enough, everybody is suddenly interested in it and they're pitching ideas in that genre.

So i got off that forum and never posted there ever again. You can maybe argue that just because those losers debo'd my ideas, that doesn't mean they'll actually be successful with it, but another thing i learned is even published authors steal a lot of shit. I read ads for books all the time that sounds exactly the same as some other book written 50 years ago.

>> No.7550036

That's not rye, it's just whole wheat or something

>> No.7550044

I intentionally plagiarized Bowie's "Fame" to write a poem for HS Spanish

>> No.7550048

I've ghost-written for other people to plagiarize me but I've never actually stolen anything myself that I'm aware of

>> No.7550554

I have a collection of poems I've gathered from this board that I am always tempted to take credit for but never do because I don't talk poetry with anybody anyway. Would I if I had the chance? Probably not.

>> No.7551435

the squid and or the whale

>> No.7551500

Once, in grade school I wrote a piece for my portfolio that was essentially Back To The Future meets Jurassic Park about a wacky, loveable scientist and his teenage friend who go back in time to clone dinosaurs and extinct species so that they can display them in a futuristic zoo.

I knowingly copied scenes from both movies and made them in to one short story. I even remember thinking, "As long as I don't use specific names or use exact phrases, I couldn't get in trouble."

I think my teacher was more concerned about a scene in which "Martin and Dr. Delorian" had a discussion regarding evolution, and how their actions of bringing the dinosaurs meant that they were given a "second chance" at proving their natural dominance over the human species. (That was my legitimately the conflict of the story. The debate of whether man's manipulation of nature was spitting in the face of god, and whether we should accept our destruction via dinosaur tyranny as a due punishment.)

>> No.7551516

Where from. I'm at uni. Asking for a friend.

>> No.7551529

You're the reason why I never share my shit on 4chan. Good to know my paranoia isn't unwarranted.

>> No.7551983

It was pretty early in my college days (first semester) that I found professors never look for sources, just that you formatted and quoted everything correctly. So from there on I just looked at personal views of people and put that in my essay when I was stuck. I believe I used someone's opinion from this board on a book that I used since it was pretty well written and opinionated and I didn't even make the thread. I've been trying to limit it all since I mostly paraphrase from what I get on the net, but there are times where I am just stuck so I use someone else's shit to get me going

>> No.7552000

A friend of mine plagiarized the plot of Fallout New Vegas and won a high school creative writing comp, i was so pissed he won but i couldnt bring myself to rat on him

>> No.7552027

did it ever worked?

>> No.7552029

according to my inbox it was from 123helpme.com

>> No.7552041

Why would girls be impressed by a picture of a retarded guy (Thomas Pynchon).

>> No.7552052

Was in a similar situation in a first year course, writing a "response" to another paper. There was only one reference, and used block quotes. She insisted on a new footnote for each blockquote quoting the single paper that was the topic of the assignment. Completely asinine.

>> No.7552078

I would rather fail than plagiarize. Any gratitude, acknowledgment or praise I would receive from plagiarized work would be riddled with guilt. Absolutely not

>> No.7552282

i like this anon

>> No.7552318

I don't think it's rare to regularly take known authors notes and attempt to write something new in them

>> No.7552356

I always laugh how picky professors are about quoting, then when you get into graduate school you figure out that they themselves are terrible at it, and nobody ever checks sources anyway, and tons of profs use quotes just because they used it before and nobody said anything but if you look it up it's about something entirely different than they think it is.

It's been a while but I read a study that something like 80% of sources use in academic papers are fraudulent, or misquoted, and the profs don't even realize it.

I had this one laugh when I was talking about and say "Come on, you want me to look up every single source and verify it?" and i was like "Uh...YEAH! ISN'T THAT YOUR FUCKING JOB?"

>> No.7552393

I remember I had this speech class my freshman year. This was this 40ish lady in the class with a bunch of us 18 year olds. Every single speech she did was about her little chud of a son. I mean she never cared about what the topic was about, she just went up there and talked about her son. This kid sounded like the hugest loser, and she kept talking about him like he was the second christ.

One thing she said was he failed 8th grade twice and they were about to expel him from school (unjustly of course, because he never did anything wrong, his friends just framed him for something, as she said). So he was in this creative writing class, and even though he never produced anything creative before, he magically wrote this amazing poem, and turned it in, and saved himself from getting kicked out of a school.

So, all proud, she passed out copies of the poem. It was the lyrics to an ICP song called "Nothing Left."

I didn't say anything, but this lady always got bad grades because she never followed the assignment, she was real pissed over that. So one day I did a speech that I got an A for, immediately after she started bitching about it, and criticizing me and saying I was just exploiting a popular topic to get people's interest and i'm like, "Uh....yeah, that's generally how you make a good speech."

We also had this comment cards you can anonymously give to students about their speech, so I filled one out for her that said her son stole that poem from ICP lyrics.

Still....to this day, one of my biggest regrets is I didn't say that right to face, in front of the whole class, when she was giving me shit for making a good speech.

>> No.7552408

So, in sum, you shattered an elderly woman's delusions about her failure of a son? You took her only solace of mind away from her because she called your speech derivative and cliché?

>> No.7552422

Yep. Only regret is i didn't do it more harshly.

>> No.7552430

you're an idiot

>> No.7552433

Yes, an assignment for a writing class was to plagiarize an essay. Is that postmodernism?

>> No.7552442

Your speech was probably shit m8

>> No.7552445

Hey, I got an "A", faggot. Suck it.

>> No.7553575

You're both wrong, it's neckbread.

>> No.7553939

Yes of course, half of my novel is either translaten or any other way directly taken away from another novel, because A) I'm lazy as fuck B) le intertextuality maymay

>> No.7554904


Yes. Sometimes I subtly ask for help on my essays for school and I just copy the help I get on here.

>> No.7555074

plagiarize as much as you can, original thoughts are for sale

>> No.7556061

I've never plagiarized anything, but I've been plagiarized. Feels bad, bro

>> No.7557048

In second grade our teacher said we had to write a poem about winter before we could go out for recess. I plagiarized that song that Kevin and his choir sing in Home Alone.