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/lit/ - Literature

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7543320 No.7543320[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come there are no good female writers?

>> No.7543321

how come you don't make good threads

>> No.7543323

I'm a woman.

>> No.7543329
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>> No.7543457

I haven't read many female authors, but Sylvia Plath is a fucking fantastic poet and I'll fight anyone irl who says otherwise.

>> No.7543460

because you have poor reading comprehension

>> No.7543465

>not reading Anne Sexton

>> No.7543473


>> No.7543481

Hey well what about Angela Dworkin?
Or Hillary Clinton?

Um...Emily Dickenson.
Simone Beauvoir
Mary Shelley
Ursula K. LeGuin
JK Rowling
Maya Angelou

...yeah, that's about it.

Maybe writing is specifically a "sad guy" thing. Writing doesn't seem like an evolutionary advantage to women (who only started becoming literate a few centuries ago)

>> No.7543489

There are plenty. Go back to /r9k/, I'm sure there are discussions about the size of labia that you'd enjoy

>> No.7543494
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>Ursula K. LeGuin
>JK Rowling

>Maybe writing is specifically a "sad guy" thing. Writing doesn't seem like an evolutionary advantage

cringe to the max

>(who only started becoming literate a few centuries ago)
>this is what plebs actually believe

l m a o

>> No.7543496


>> No.7543522

Bloom vs anon, who would win?

Q: Where do you stand on this dispute that's come up again, with the publication of "Birthday Letters," between feminists and Ted Hughes over the death of Sylvia Plath?

Bloom: Since I don't think either of them on their best day could write a poem to save themselves, I'd rather not talk about it.

Q: Really, you think neither of them is a worthy poet?

Bloom: No. I don't think either of them has ever written a poem. I'm sorry.

>> No.7543530

I used to think like the OP when I was 16 and i had not read shit. Then I began to read.

>> No.7543533

reddit pls

>> No.7543535

is that about when your menstruation started?hihi

>> No.7543544

OP made this thread to bait replies. Just stating the obvious.

>> No.7543578

If this is true, it makes me think Bloom is even more of an idiot than I already thought he was. Goddam why doesn't he just die already.

>> No.7543619

It is true, he also called Plath "an absurdly bad and hysterical verse writer"
Bloom just doesn't like resentment filled writing

>> No.7543645

Christine de Pizan
Moderata Fonte
Emily Dickinson
Virginian Woolf
Catherine of Siena
George Eliot
Tullia d'Aragona
Mary Shelly

>> No.7543652


Oh, and Hildegard of Bingen also comes to mind

>> No.7543673

Ok sure but he also called Ted Hughes not-a-poet which is just wtf

>> No.7543849

Nobody's going to mention Jane Austen?

>> No.7543850

she sucks tho

>> No.7543855

Women are basically not real people.

If you weren't memeing >>7543323, I'm sorry, but that's just the truth.

>> No.7543866

Because women don't understand men.
Some of them don't even understand women.

>> No.7543876

>Who is Sapho?

>> No.7543887

I don't know, did you mean Sappho?

>> No.7543896

No, Sapho.

>> No.7543909

In the case of Holly Black, she's shit.

JK Rowling is fucking brilliant

>> No.7543916

That's not a spelling I'm familiar with.

>> No.7543923

The same reason why /lit/ has been getting exponentially shittier since 2009.

>> No.7543932

I enjoyed Anne Rice's books as I was growing up, and obviously J.K. Rowling's. Emily Rodda's, too.
As far as authors writing for adults, though, I'm having a little bit more trouble coming up with names. Harper Lee, obviously. Mary Shelley.
I guess you could argue that Anne Rice's are aimed at adults but if you attempted such an argument I would laugh at you.

>> No.7543947

>JK Rowling is fucking brilliant

This is what women unironically believe

>> No.7543957

I'm a man. I don't know about the original, but the translation by Medek was fucking flawless.

>> No.7543962

>I'm a man

Sure thing Annabelle :)


>> No.7543963

>implying translations can't be good
Fuck you, bro, I make my living doing this shit.

>> No.7543964

Yes friend, ale to je protože Pavel Medek je brilantní. Also I think you might have četl Harry Pottera jako dítě. Me taky, takže na to mám dobré memories, ale když si to přečteš dneska tak je to celý banální jak sviňa.

>> No.7543965

you've shitposted here before i remember you

get a new repertoire fgt

>> No.7543967

>people on /lit/ believe this

And for all that she is gifted enough in devising popular scenarios, the words on the page are flat. I think it was Verlaine who said that he could never write a novel because he would have to write, at some point, something like "the count walked into the drawing-room" - not a scruple that can have bothered JK Rowling, who is happy enough writing the most pedestrian descriptive prose.

Here, from page 324 of The Order of the Phoenix, to give you a typical example, are six consecutive descriptions of the way people speak. "...said Snape maliciously," "... said Harry furiously", " ... he said glumly", "... said Hermione severely", "... said Ron indignantly", " ... said Hermione loftily". Do I need to explain why that is such second-rate writing?

If I do, then that means you're one of the many adults who don't have a problem with the retreat into infantilism that your willing immersion in the Potter books represents. It doesn't make you a bad or silly person. But if you have the patience to read it without noticing how plodding it is, then you are self-evidently someone on whom the possibilities of the English language are largely lost.

This is the kind of prose that reasonably intelligent nine-year-olds consider pretty hot stuff, if they're producing it themselves; for a highly-educated woman like Rowling to knock out the same kind of material is, shall we say, somewhat disappointing.

>> No.7543969

>no mention of 桜井光

Some of her stuff is even translated to English.

>> No.7543970

>for a children's book
Czech yourself before your wreck yourself, anon.

>> No.7543987

Well, for a woman it's pretty good I guess

>> No.7544066

Because you're american and you don't know anything but your meme book and writers.

>> No.7544084


This, also she's my lit waifu
Look I get the humor of the "hurdur women can't write or understand lit" meme, but if you think about the number of male writers that excrete absolute shit on a page and then turn around, sell it, and other males come along, lap it up, and call it gold then you could easily make the same argument about males. There some absolutely mind-blowing female authors and poets guys, end of story. Did I mention that Anne Sexton is my wife? It's only when you start actually believing the memes that you become retarded.

>> No.7544092

Though Bloom will cover the usual suspects — Shakespeare, Cervantes, Tolstoy, etc. — his treatment of 20th-century authors may cause excitement. Bloom is reluctant to give details, but he does admit, ”I find myself in the position of criticizing a great many writers now exalted.” Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton, for instance, ”are not poets, merely case histories and hysterics. They could not write poetry that should matter to any serious reader.” And that, promises Bloom, is just an opening shot from his Canon.

Why is Bloom so based?

>> No.7544093
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Good to be posting in a troll thread

>> No.7544107
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An incandescent stamp on history that will never be forgotten. You, Anon, will continue to jerk it to your sister's friends, fall into a life of middle class mediocrity, and be forever known as the bitter one among your peers.

Hotter than anything you'll touch, too.

>> No.7544119
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>Maybe writing is specifically a "sad guy" thing.
Maybe publishers prefer sad, white dudes and give them more attention. If your meritocracy looks like a klan rally before the hoods are on, you either believe in genetic superiority (Stormfront is that way) or it's evidence for institutional patriarchy.

>> No.7544123

>"I will deny you vagina"

Classic women argument, but it's hardly like they can offer much more

>> No.7544145

>Maybe publishers prefer sad, white dudes and give them more attention
walk into a bookstore
look at the shelves
women get published
lots of them

>> No.7544147

c'mon now OP just because they're dykes doesn't mean they stop being female. okay, maybe in the case of orlando but that's just the character not the dyke he's based on.

>> No.7544209
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>Guys guys, this fat curmudgeon has read so many books and has really strong opinions, he's so based

>> No.7544220

i just wanted to let y'all know that this is a fucking cancer thread

>> No.7544221

Murasaki Shikibu, both historically important and damn good. OP is a faggot as usual.

>> No.7544224

Thanks Nancy

Really good writing you did there

>> No.7544225
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The problem with women and minority writers is that they lack the capacity to get past the "this story is about a woman/minority". Those that get past that create fantastic work. It's a shame they're few and far between.

Kaitlin r keirnan
Anne rice
Mary Shelley

Oh, and fuck maya Angelou. Her shit is pleb tier inane garbage. To the back of the bus it goes.

>> No.7544237

The cool kids ride in the back of the bus you nerd

>> No.7544247

recommendation on which of her books should I start with.

>> No.7544250

Evelyn Waugh

>> No.7544267
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they are art so they can't make art

>> No.7544293



>> No.7544339

very deep.

>> No.7544348

Has anyone mentioned Erich Maria Remarque yet?

>> No.7544350

who has read sharon olds? how good is she? i just got satan says in my haul with the last of my rent money so i hope it's ok at least.

>> No.7545083

>that front chair is blocking the view of her toes

>> No.7545093

that's a great book. she doesn't pull any punches. she's one of my favorite poets.

>> No.7545094

Because of dead white men.

>> No.7545114
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Reading this next, or mebbe after Submission. Pretty excited. Ive noticed that many of the people who say there are no good female authors tend to be into beginners /lit/core

Atwood, Plath, Munro etc.

>> No.7545151

He may be a little bitch compared to Jünger but it's a bit harsh to call him a girl.

>> No.7545160

Evelyn Waugh is a damn good writer

>> No.7545177

Arandati Roy's "God of small things"

>> No.7545248

On the back cover, one of the critic calls the writing "not elegant" or something like that, and it is true. The prose is not great, but the story is. I enjoyed it.

>> No.7545273

I have heard it is extremely melodramatic

>> No.7545279


Why do you keep making this shitty thread?

All the bitter misogynist replies are in the archive. All the cuck whiteknight replies are too.

>> No.7545289

Because publishing houses are male cabals. I haven't met a bad female writer.

>> No.7545557

I'm not even the kind of idiot that thinks all women writers are shit, but White Teeth is fucking garbage. Zadie Smith is part of the reason why people think all women are shit writers.

>> No.7545565

>more and more women get published
>have made great strides towards closing gap in publishing
>use their new numbers to demand special treatment

>> No.7545605

Was this an excuse to have a Virginia Woolf thread? Because we really need more of those. I fucking love Virginia Woolf.

>> No.7545624

Virginia Woolf
Margaret Atwood
Katherine Anne Porter

>> No.7545628
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Pic related gave me terrible feels

>> No.7545637
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>> No.7545652

She's not trying to write incredible prose, she's trying to tell her story in a way that will be relatable to her audience (who are mostly children). For this target audience, she's about as good a writer as it's possible to be.

>> No.7545696

Eh we don't all feel that way. I have a female friend who lives for HP and a few other series. But then, this weird latching onto 2-3 fandoms thing is a plague many people suffer from.

Her world building was done in a way to grab a huge market of readers, I'm impressed by that... but overall execution is lacking. Prisoner of Azkaban was a really well-written book though, that one was the grail of the series... though I enjoyed the Orwellian qualities of OotP.

>> No.7545726

Story is just a buzzword for when you can't think of any actual reasons as to why the novel is good, don't use it.

>> No.7545955

Emily Bronte
Mary Shelley
Virginia Woolf
Alice Munro
Sylvia Plath
Toni Morrison
Zadie Smith

>> No.7545961

>toni morrison


>> No.7545968

even the people defending women have shit taste in women authors baka desu senpai

>> No.7545969


Clarice Lispector, too

>> No.7545983

What good stuff has Emily Bronte written beside Wuthering heights?

>> No.7545991

she wrote one book senpai