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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 178 KB, 1200x720, George-RR-Martin-012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7538270 No.7538270 [Reply] [Original]

Has there been a bigger blunder in the history of literature?

He's figuratively being cucked/spoiled by a tv show about his own source material.

>> No.7538278


>> No.7538280

I was wondering the same thing in 2005. Now I think he is just a slovenly lazy old man. Just because the new internet outrage culture is screaming for him to shit out content now doesn't mean he hadn't been doing this for more than a decade.

>> No.7538299


Also, fuck Neil Gaiman for covering Martin's enormous ass. He may not be my bitch, Neil, but he's still a lazy sack of shit.

>> No.7538322

1. Why do any of you fucks give a shit about his awful books and the shitty tv show that's based off of them?
2. He missed a deadline. Get over it. Jesus Christ.

>> No.7538331

blame the redditor and imgurian influx

>> No.7538332


Because he was praised as the new big shit after Tolkien by one too many fags and that annoyed me, so I got satisfaction after finding out he will literally die before finishing the shit series

>he missed a deadline

He has missed every single fucking deadline you stupid shit

>> No.7539011

It's embarrassing to witness

>> No.7539024

I don't get how people enjoy his writing. It's really fucking flowery and boring to read 90% of the time. He could've cut like 50k+ words from each of those books and the story wouldn't be any different.

>> No.7539032

>doesn't mean he hadn't been doing this for more than a decade.
The second book took one year to come out, the third took three. Only the last two books have taken this long.

>> No.7539070


The proportions of his blunder are astronomical. He got his timelines fucked. He wanted his character be a certain age at a certain time, but realized it wouldn't make sense with the way he was writing things, so he just trudged along fhorribly.

He's the best example of a shit, loser writer getting way in over his head

>> No.7539088
File: 53 KB, 553x631, 3cff0d16255d5aafd47b4fc7988556be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you get arrogant and fire your editor. If George would actually humble himself and go to Bantam and say, "Look, I'm lost and a bit puzzled about how to move forward," I guarantee they would be able to help him get out of this mess.

Instead he thinks he's some literary marvel and doesn't listen to his critics any more. This is exactly what happened with Joyce, and Joyce was vastly more talented than GRRM. You never outgrow the need for an editor.

>> No.7539097

I think fantasy ought to be flowery.

>> No.7539114
File: 203 KB, 802x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can't be just me.

I actually found the show to be a bit more enjoyable then the book, something about the book seems so unrealistic. The writing, how it's composed.

At the beginning of the first book when caitlyn stark jumps out of bed completely naked in front of her maester and husband, ands all like "oh it's alright maester here has helped me birth all my children :)))" I was kinda looking at the book in disbelief

>> No.7539396


not only that, but later on in the series it seems so out of character for Caitlyn.

Same thing with Tyrion doing weirdly nimble acrobatic shit then not being able to walk up stairs in the 3rd book.

>> No.7539414

I didn't find that part too disturbing. She just doesn't care about frivolous things when she's trying to get shit done.

kind of like how she doesn't care her skin is sloshing off after being resurrected ... It's all about the bottom line for this hard bitch

>> No.7540096

>He has missed every single fucking deadline you stupid shit
Oh. Well that totally changes everything, my apologies. Fucking retard.

>> No.7540218

>Hey guys I promise I will write this book before Halloween
>Whoops to busy partying and traveling
>The same happens with the last deadline
I could see it coming. It's awful to promise such things to your readers and not expect them to not be angry.

>> No.7540229

I doubt a knife would make for a good conversation partner

>> No.7540268

People defend GRRM and say he's "taking his time to make the best series there is", meanwhile, he's decaying as we speak.

>> No.7540285

How do you even get that fat? Does he have some sort of disease?

>> No.7540299

If this were me I'd have crumbled by now. I'm also horrendous at getting stuff in on time and having a fucking tv series looming over me while millions of fans are all waiting for the next installment which you know you can't deliver is beyond stressful.

>> No.7540316

He eats all the time, and he never does any exercise. Eventually you become this sort of roundish figure that gaits the ability of floating around. That's GRRM. He's actually been dead for a decade now. Imagine being so fat, that just physically moving is too much hassle.

>> No.7540401

It's not so much that he misses deadlines, more that he misses easy deadlines by years. He said in his blog that he is still months away from completion, even after having the deadline pushed back from October to now.

The book fans should be thanking their lucky stars that the tv series exists because without it GRRM would be writing even more slowly.

>> No.7540417

Terrible reads, not bad listens.

>> No.7540445

GRRM a shit anyways. Why don't you read a superior genre fiction writer like Gene Wolfe instead?

>> No.7540628


Honestly I can't imagine how I would feel at this point. He's well aware the internet thinks he will die before finishing his series. He told them to fuck off but the idea is already embedded in his head, making him all the more stressful. He's old, fat and stressed. He knows very well at this rate he won't be finishing the books before his death.

>> No.7540630


I seriously hope he dies in the next 3 years. I'm looking forward to it so much. The reactions of his fans who are telling him it's ok that he can't write a god damn page a day. It will be comical

>> No.7540633

>7 year deadline for a 1000page book that will earn you millions
>missing it


>> No.7540694

Why do you care if he fucks up his life? He'll probably die of a heart attack before he finishes whatever book you're all complaining about. Oh well, just another missed deadline for a shit-tier fantasy series.

>> No.7540714

Dude, I don't care that he fucks up his life, I'm saying that

>He missed a deadline, get over it

Is a stupid thing to say considering how fucking long he had to write the damn thing. I half agree that people should get over it but we should also point out how big a miserable hack George RR Martin is.

I personally want him to die before he finishes. I think it would be comical, especially since he claims he wont allow anyone to take over the rains and finish it for him.

The best part of this whole thing is that the work was coopted by HBO and that it will be the definitive version of it.

>> No.7540725

I used to have respect for him because I was so stupid to think that it takes him this long because he has so many characters. Then I started Malazan book of the fallen serie and released GRRM is just a fat retard milking that TV show money instead of writing.

>> No.7540742

the story of ASOIAF is literally this:

>girl gets married and raped by random hot guy
>random hot guy dies girl gets following
>girl randomly gets dragons
>girl uses dragons to get army
>girl uses dragons to get ships
>girl gets out of any trouble because "lol dragons are OP"
>girl takes over Westeros because dragons are OP
>girl defeates White Walkers because dragons are OP

yeah not to mention it was obvious that Jon, Daenerys and Tyrion were the good guys and will win in the end from the very first season.

>Daenerys is a typical Mary Sue
>Jon is the typical bastard who goes on to become the hero
>Tyrion is literally the embodyment of GRRM and I swear if he gets to fuck Daeny in the end I will literally puke

>> No.7540755


While I agree that ASOIF is shit, that sort of plot simplification could make any story look like shit.

>> No.7540762

the problem I have is that GRRM started out with a lot of grey characters and a story that was unpredictable and brutal.

now he slowly unites all the good guys like Tyrion and Daenerys. Also Jon is gonna get ressurected and will also go meet up with them because he knows only Dragons can defeat the White Walkers and that is what he cares about. It has turned into the typical good vs evil plot and honestly I'm really disappointed that happened.

>> No.7540764

>>Daenerys is a typical Mary Sue
>Daenerys is the good guy and will win
confirmed for hasn't read the books

>> No.7540767


People on Reddit have his dick shoved so far down their throats.

>> No.7540774

ofc she is gonna win with her flying plotarmor defending her. all we know the Targaryens were basically unbeatable because they had dragons. Guess what she has 3 of them.

>> No.7540789

This has to be the worst meme that has spawned in the past few years

>Let them take their time, they are making it better

Fucking bullshit, constraints are the mother of perfection.

>> No.7540823

He's just building tension by not delivering what the reader expects. Quite a typical narrative trick.

>> No.7540838

I'll always have at least a little respect for Martin for two reasons.

1. He likes Gene Wolfe and champions his work
2. Motherfucker paid his dues. Everyone forgets that he spent TWENTY YEARS writing science fiction and fantasy before "A Game of Thrones" was published in 1996. There was a period when he quit writing altogether because a planned sci-fi book series completely bombed and the publishing house dropped him. Having written for so long, I figure he deserves a little success. I wish all writers could get it.

That said, he needs to finish the fucking book already.

>> No.7542288

People shit in Martin's books, do they fart?

>> No.7542636


You're Patrick Rothfuss aren't you?

>> No.7542642

Why is this being discussed here?

>> No.7542649

/got/ general was banned from /tv/ because there's currently no game of thrones on television

>> No.7542658

ASOIAF is also a book series, and /lit/ is the book board.

Source: I was here when /lit/ was founded. Moot's words in the sticky at the top of the page were literally, "Here is your damned book board."

>> No.7542664

/lit/ actually stands for 'literature'.

this is not literature.

>> No.7542665

It's called "/lit/ - Literature" not "/lit/ - Books"

>> No.7542666


What have we learned? NEVER make a television series based on a book series BEFORE the book series is finished.

>> No.7542709

I bet you are philfags who say that art threads belong on /lit/.

>> No.7542722
File: 408 KB, 683x1024, alexis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus i was a fat cunt who sold out for tens if not hundreds of millions

hey little petite teen girl

kiss my belly

i'm paying tongue my belly button

smell my armpits lass

this is MY private island

do i have to call the guards??

>> No.7542723
File: 1015 KB, 1280x720, I'm sorry!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art threads were here for years and we can take better care of them than those newbies. so excuse me but we'll keep them were they belong, cutie.

>> No.7542732

you fucking pretentious cunts. we really need to get japanese moot to change the name so you faggots can't keep claiming that.

i know there will always be elitist pricks around, but seriously, this is the forum for the written word. no matter how pleb you want to whine that it is.

i'm trying to find where /sp/ went to convince him to ship rasslin' to /asp/. i thought it was /q/, but apparently that doesn't exist.

>> No.7542748


>> No.7542751

Make a thread then, it will be moved to trash, or you will be banned.

>> No.7542752

fuck off you fucking newfag lmao

back to reddit.com/gameofthrones

>> No.7542756

Are you the 15 year old that was banned last week?

>> No.7542764

fuck off lad, we don't need more genre fiction as it is

>> No.7542770

He's out of ideas. Plain and simple.

>> No.7542771

her arm is HUGE

>> No.7542782

Different Anon and I don't like GoT either but atleast he's actually talking about the content of the book. When was the last time this board had any threads about a book's actual content and not just memes?

>> No.7542783

>It's really fucking flowery and boring to read 90% of the time. He could've cut like 50k+ words from each of those books and the story wouldn't be any different.
so it is perfect for the entertainment industry, in which he belongs.

>> No.7542785

Why would you make a book series without having a clear end in sight? An end you like?

Don't these fuckers storyboard their shit first?

>> No.7542797

because we need room for 60 different ij maymay threads?

>> No.7542807

literally every day

better than fantasy shit

>> No.7542819

says who? you? cause i'd love a little more variety than the eternal self-feeding dfw/jj/tp circlejerk loop, spiced up only be anons intermittently jizzing themselves over lolita's opening line.

>> No.7542823

that's because you do not read literary fiction and philosophical non-fiction.

just upgrade your taste and you can discuss everything you want, m8. but fuck off with this hbo elves and knights shit.

>> No.7542830

Good point. Also, people only meme DFW because he was a loser and Pynchon because he looks like a literal retard. James Joyce is good and he is barely a meme. Ulysses is the background of the meme trilogy with tweedleshite and tweedledoubleshite holding the foreground.

>> No.7542843


>> No.7542863

nope. i like to read popcorn shit, because it's fun, and i read to be entertained by wild escapism. i don't give a fuck about reading about sad people in shitty countries to "expand my understanding of the human experience". and i know i'll never have a deep philosophical conversation about the themes of martin, or king, or crichton, but i'd still like to discuss the books i liked or didn't like, and why, and what else other anons think i might like based off that, without you smarmy fucking cocksuckers shitting up every thread about a book you don't deem patrician enough with "muh /lit/erature" every goddamn time. sorry you might have to share your board.

>> No.7542877

You seem like an expert on memes.

>> No.7542878

>thoroughly enjoy both of the authors
>Love watching game of Thrones
>Loved King Killer Chronicles
>lol at the fact that /lit/ jerks off esoteric bullshit to make themselves seem better

>> No.7542937

It's okay anon, you and I know what's best in life. Most people just can't get into Gene Wolfe because his writing forces your mind to expand in order to be able to comprehend it.

>> No.7543101

I might as well just become a full blown showfag. I was going to fininsh Dance but what's the fucking point anymore? The show is going to become canon soon

>> No.7543116

>The show is going to become canon soon
I'm gonna let you know a little secret, are you ready? It's a fictional story, it doesn't matter what story line you prefer because it isn't real nor objective.

>> No.7543132

wow there really was an influx of reddit users to lit

>> No.7543715

This board is easily triggered. I'm making a GRRM thread everyday. Fuck DFW.

>> No.7543726

I know I won't be reading the last 2 books anymore. The show is too large, and the internet too gay. The worthless fuck doesn't deserve it anyway.

>> No.7543841

Djw stories are also fictional, they don't matter because they aren't real nor objective.

>> No.7544054


>feel exactly the same way I do and then you'll finally be cool

>> No.7544059


I'm the anon that suggested >>7540838 might be Rothfuss. I was joking, but I saw an interview with Rothfuss once where said almost verbatim what >>7540838 said.

>> No.7544165

Jorah mormont will kill Dany before any of that shit happens and will become the prince that is promised rather than Jon. And Jon, Bran and Arya will warg into the dragons.

>> No.7544179

What was /lit/'s first reaction when he announced the delay?

>> No.7544193

My cock is too right now tbqh familiar

>> No.7544199

came here to say this

>> No.7544218

This is the smarmy cocksucker board. I unironically recommend that you go to another place, perhaps like Reddit, where discussing this trash is more part of the board culture.

/lit/ may often be shit but at least it's tastes are above /tv/ tier shit.

>> No.7544223


>> No.7544229

you know, you could say the same of Proust

>> No.7544321

>esoteric bullshit
This is not /mu/, patricians here have actually good taste.

>> No.7544379


Just stick to your fantasy books, lad.

>> No.7544480

>green comment

Single sentence.

>> No.7544491

Honestly, I would put the debacle with Raymond Carver and his editor well above this.

>> No.7544597


wait a minute...explain the Joyce thing?

>> No.7544622


You can say the same about any writer. Even Hemingway.

>> No.7544627


Explain? Are you talking about the claim that his editor was the talented one who basically wrote all his stuff?

>> No.7544712

The books are completely different from the TV series

>> No.7544885
File: 67 KB, 622x640, wpgBnR2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's under a lot of pressure to do something virtually unimportant for the world

>> No.7544899

>have watched every episode of the show
>no idea who 'L' is in R+L=J

>> No.7544914

Probably this:
>genre fiction

>> No.7545204

Why you guys don't consider ASOIAF literature?

>> No.7545288


>his biggest mystery is "Who is Jon Snow's mother?"
>this was literally the question he asked D&D before allowing them rights to make a tv show about his series
>he had no idea it was fucking obvious to everyone on the internet
>his biggest mystery is pointless, what fucking difference can it make that R+L=J
>nobody even cares about that lineage anymore
>nobody will recognize his right to the crown
>he's still a bastard

Not to mention nobody will buy his books after HBO has aired the tv show series, except for hardcore fans. What's the excitement of a new book when its story will already have been told by D&D, it's not as if they'll make up everything from this point onward. They know how the story ends.

This fat cunt has failed so fucking bad, there are no words to describe how bad of a fuck up he is