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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 640x372, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7531343 No.7531343 [Reply] [Original]

What have people said about your writing?

>> No.7531347

nice one

"Symptomatic of something terrifying, probably sociopathy."

>> No.7531358

I've been compared to Salinger and Kafka, told that my writing has a surrealist dreamlike quality. I've also been told that my writing is plane, sparse, lifeless, devoid of imagery. I've also been told that my writing is overwritten, stuffed with purple prose, filled with the unnecessary personalization of the environment.

I guess what I'm saying is I don't really have a style yet, but I suck. I'm pretty sure the complements were just from people who wanted to fuck me.

>> No.7531367

>I've been compared to Salinger and Kafka

You realize his works have been translated into english, right? Goddamn, kill yourself.

>> No.7531371

And you can't spell good

>> No.7531377


I didn't make the comparison. It wasn't a prose comparison anyway.

>> No.7531378

congrats on your new job at costco. Call me when you're ready to write for the 21st century and we'll talk to some publishers senpai

>> No.7531383
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"Yeah that's okay."

"Yeah it looks nice to me but I don't really speak English"

pic related

>> No.7531385 [SPOILER] 
File: 243 KB, 1600x1200, 1451750544357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were Tauntaun u

>> No.7531400

Is it something short? I'd be down to critique a bit

>> No.7531447
File: 432 KB, 1209x741, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comments weren't all about the same thing, i think.

The comments in the pic though were about :
>pic related

Also realised only once i'd finished up with gimp how many other easier ways there are to make something readable on the internetz.

>> No.7531508

See, because you have autism, I'm not sure if you wrote it intentionally. Friend and "she" are fucking and they invited Ash to fuck as well. I think it's clever if you intentionally evoked /r9k/, but I don't think you did

>>explicitly telling the reader what a character represents

>> No.7531654

No they're not inviting him, the girl reappears later in the story and actually ends up being a trap. Friend guy is another unsuspecting innocent.

Also yeah i'll remove the epigraph if that's what you were referring to. Thanks for the crit though!

>> No.7531804

you know there are people in the world who can read german...

>> No.7531817


>> No.7531850
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>Wow this is good! It's like in a book.
I need new friends.

>> No.7531859

That's your self-sabotage talking. Maybe it is "like in a book"

>> No.7531894
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>and actually ends up being a trap.
c-could I have a preview version of your work f-for research pruposes?

>> No.7531928

>Hmm, very.. I hate to use this term, but.. Kafkaesque :P
>I really do enjoy your writing style. It has just the right amount of complexity, both in understanding the plot and words
>I have also noticed that in all of your stories there is no interaction of your narrator with other people and where it is it feels like it's all in his mind. it's vague
>philosophical and funny

>> No.7531957

I know shit when I see it, and this is definitely shit.

>> No.7532095

>>I have also noticed that in all of your stories there is no interaction of your narrator with other people and where it is it feels like it's all in his mind. it's vague
well, that could be usefull commentary depending on the material they are commenting and what you were going for.

>> No.7532165

>alone, yet surrounded by people
this has got the be the cliché that angers me the most

>> No.7532186

i know who you are

>> No.7532195

"pure shit, amusingly worthy of an asswipe."

>> No.7532217

You can hear the REEEEE

>> No.7532238

An otaku Alan Moore.

>> No.7532272

By and large,


The things other people say can be encouraging, but... I've grown to become more than okay with the silence.

I write for me. It's liberating.

>> No.7532283
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>> No.7532290
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"It has a texture to it."
"I think everyone in this class could pick your writing out of a lineup."
"It feels heavy in my mouth, like I'm chewing when I read it out loud."

I don't know but at least its distinctive. Sounds kinda brutal.

>> No.7532303

I will admit, though. Little else bothers me more than knowing something that I tried so hard to make beautiful has been seen or heard and then... nothing.

I think that's the worst thing any artist could ever feel. To know that not one, or two, but hundreds of people could look at their art and not even shit on it. Not even tear it apart.

Just... nothing. No reaction. N/A.

Someday I'll make something that means something to someone.

I hope that person's me.

>> No.7532308

that sounds like audible spamming

>> No.7532328

Sad autist

Angsty teens

>> No.7532376

"quench his thirst for her skin"

look homie, quit writing things like that you'll never be taken seriously with so many cliches. there's potential, things are a bit funny here and there, the forced candidness of the dialogue is witty but just calm it down a bit and lay off of anything cliche'd. remember "murder your darlings" (never write anything deliberately self-reflexively philosophical because it's just going to be laughable)

>> No.7532407

>making your friends read your shitty writing
that's just cruel

>> No.7532469

Five pages, unfinished unedited

>> No.7532478


>> No.7532512

This is awful. Really, really bad. Maybe you will pass for YA. But for anything else? No.

>> No.7532522

How many of you are under 25 and writing about a protag who is a lonely autist, with metaphors involving fecal matter?

>> No.7532532

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.7532534

>metaphors involving fecal matter
I hadn't though about this one, I'm gonna go exploit it right now.

>> No.7532539

why are you trying to show off in a site where people go to be intentionally agresive against themselves? don't you have better things to do than failing to catch social cues?

>> No.7532545

I guarantee I could fucking kick the shit out of you. I am not kidding. God damn you make me mad. Cunt.

>> No.7532551

Pointless and sesquipedalian.

>> No.7532562

someone hated what I'd written so much that they wrote their own parody story just to make me feel bad

>> No.7532563


haven't had this great of a laugh in a while, thanks

>> No.7532565

New copypasta?

>> No.7532567

this copypasta has never worked so well

>> No.7532577

"overly verbose"

>> No.7532581

that sounds hilarious, I want to be that guy's friend and/or bitch

>> No.7532583

& girl I was trying to woo with poesy gave me the high praise that I wrote like Carl Sagan. I only touched her once in 6 months dating

old Indian in my Native American literature class said my stuff reminded him of early Kafka, & my high school poetry teacher told me to never stop writing because I had a mythic consciousness (oh you better believe that I held on to that one!)

writers are vain, they remember everything that people ever say about their writing

>> No.7532584

"Have you considered looking at alternative careers? I mean, there's nothing wrong with digging ditches for a living."

>> No.7532667

Well, my English teachers said I was good. My friends say I'm too hard to understand, and that it seems like I use big words and complex sentences just to seem smart. My parents, who are both avid readers, but not of high-brow literature, say that I tell a good story, but am too long-winded.
This one really stupid girl once said my words were too archaic and my sentences too long, and then immediately said I wrote like Hemingway. So fuck if I know.

>> No.7532726

Basically all the different declinations of the word pretentious. When it's a compliment my writing "shows that you're really smart", when it's derogatory it's just pretentious

>> No.7532730

concensus seems to be on your sentences being too long, have you tried forcing yourself to make them shorter and see if you like it? i used to get the same kind of comments and found that i was actually underediting some stuff.

>> No.7532761
File: 517 KB, 750x656, I know there's some part of me that's dying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only ever been baselessly praised or just ignored

>> No.7533579

bumping for trap date material

>> No.7535177

"i like your style"
"funniest shit i've ever read"
both from people who don't read.

>> No.7535233

It reads like you went to a nightclub for the first time and decided to write something set in a nightclub. Which isn't bad but it's unbelievably boring and the writing isn't fabulous. But you should hold onto this because you might revisit this scene later or fit it into some other story.

>> No.7535251

I've been told a lot that it is highly visual, "like a movie".Also, all comments except one from a friend who is also writing, were really good. Then I guess people who did not like my writings prefered to shut up about it.
I'll try publishing and getting rejected à few times before starting self loathing I guess.

>> No.7535279

I used to post English snippets on /vg/ and French ones on a French imageboard. In both cases they were praised, especially the French ones.

>> No.7535291

I don't understand this comment. What did you mean?

>> No.7536044
File: 56 KB, 458x600, 1427893658839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of praise for my vocabulary and evocative imagery but i dont have any self-confidence so any time someone compliments me it just makes me think that they're retarded

i write and recite poetry

>> No.7536056

People usually just namedrop authors - I've been (kind of) likened to McCarthy, Tao Lin, Hunter Thompson, Giorgio Manganelli.

I've been told it's "weird", as in "weird" fiction, funny, edgy, graphic. I've been told I'm a prose stylist, whatever that means. I really don't believe any of it.

>> No.7536077
File: 121 KB, 480x480, 1451277095208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It flows perfectly."

"You made a typo."

"You kinda write like Stephen King?" (this one when i was 15, i wanted to die)

"You REALLY like Fantasy, dont you?"

"I dont know if thats childish or insane"

"This short story is boring af"


"You repeat too much x word."

And more and more.

So far i assume im a 5/10 at writing.

>> No.7536086

i keep a narcissism text file where i save every comment i've ever received (by email or chat or whatever) on my writing. specific authors that have come up are bukowski and philip roth.

i think i have a pretty standard, not very distinct, 'contemporary' voice, as in similar to Keith Gessen and the less autistic alt-lit people.

>> No.7537230

I'm not being intentionally mean when I say this but you're a very bad writer. I'm not sure if this is a joke but it reads like the fan fiction of some Aspergers 14 year old and I couldn't stop cringing as I read. Writing isn't for everyone and it definitely isn't for you, at least not in this time of your life

>> No.7537253

Why do you lie on the internet? I bet you wrote this with a smirk on your face. fucking faggot

>> No.7537279

Why do you think I'm lying? It wasn't intended as bragging, or much of anything. I know I'm a bad writer. I was just reporting what others had said.

>> No.7537436

You compared yourself to Kafka.

>> No.7537442

I wasn't doing it fully intentionally but it fits well enough.

So do I.

>> No.7537449


No, someone else did. She's German too.

>> No.7537475


>> No.7537482

nothing, because i dont show people my writings
what am i a bitch ass nigga?

>> No.7537486

ive had someone in my critique class write a personal note to me saying how much they appreciated my professionalism. that was sweet and all, but it didnt mean much considering she wrote some pretty bland stuff. i could find some old stuff. my problem was that i was too lazy

and my class was too nice to say anything really harsh to anyone, so i really have no way of gauging my writing. thanks class..

>> No.7537494

"It's as if you started a single paragraph with a point; a clear purpose. Halfway through said paragraph, you begin a tangent that spirals out of control, and comes to an end somewhere after the climax of the piece. 9/10 - Would waste my day again."

>> No.7537509
File: 55 KB, 1253x157, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the nicer ones I've received. It made me happy for a week.

>> No.7537615

good joke, anon

>> No.7537623

You must be lonely.

>> No.7537653

Can't be lonelier than the guy that compared himself to Kafka and then made out a German girl did :^)

>> No.7537664

A few years ago an English professor of mine sent me an email that said my writing was "damn good" and "blew him out of the water."
I was NOT expecting it, I stayed up and did all four of them the night before they were all due, the last day of the semester. I printed out the email and put it on my refrigerator.

>> No.7537669

By all four of them I meant the assignments. Fuck, I'm drunk right now.

>> No.7537678


>> No.7537687

K gimme a second, no timestamp cause I don't want my roommate in the kitchen to see and ask wtf I'm doing
the picture of it existing will have to be enough

>> No.7537695

It better be you, or else it'll be shit

>> No.7537703
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>> No.7537742


I'm a girl though. And she's like 30 years old, she was my humanities professor junior year of college.

>> No.7537800

Stiff, unreadable

>> No.7537813

Let me read your work please.
lmao I highly doubt that you are female.

>> No.7537826

Post your feet

>> No.7537847

I can't, I'm not at my computer now. Also I'm a female too, why the female hate

>> No.7537858

>32 minutes in
1 second later I stopped reading

>> No.7537869

Post your feet.

>> No.7537870

>submitted to the paris review
>they rejected me but said that they like my work and would like to see more

>> No.7537878

No, neither of you are.

>> No.7537886

Can't, I'm in public

>> No.7537888


>> No.7537890

Yeah I am

>> No.7537892

Maybe in a bit

>> No.7537905
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>> No.7537906

Prove it, let me guess you're transgendered?

>> No.7537940

>every English teacher I've had since high school has told me how skilled I am at writing
>I always end up hating everything I write a couple weeks after I write it
>my writing has improved in the last few years, but it's still miles from where I want to be

I'm terrified that I'll never be up to the level of the writers that I admire. I only ever pass along the stuff I write to my mother for editing and a few close friends. I know I need unbiased criticism to really start improving, but the few times I've shared something I've written online, it's only ever been completely shit on (fair enough, it wasn't particularly good). I need constructive feedback, but I'm such a thin-skinned chicken-shit that I can't deal with the unmitigated hate long enough to find it. I really wish I had a writing coach, but all I have is you faggots. I want nothing more than to write a good story. I just need someone who can point out the things I'm doing wrong and help me figure out how I can do them right.

Or I guess someone to tell me to stop being such a fucking pussy and suck it up.


>> No.7537972

Your 'dialect' is too course. You don't have the personal grace and sophistication to be as good as the writers you admire.

You can romanticize your heroes, you can think of them as 'down to earth like you,' but they were all incredibly sensitive aesthetes. No good writer ever casually used the word "faggot" after high school. To do so would have been beneath their ability. Beneath their tact.

>> No.7537995

your affected style is terrible though

you are actually a faggot

>> No.7538007
File: 25 KB, 480x449, anime doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't seriously think my prose is anything like my 4chan blogposts, do you? Shit, I'm not THAT bad.

>> No.7538135

not the person you're responding to, but why do you care if they're trans?

>> No.7538163


I've always found the works of bigots to be quite dull for the most part. Perhaps that has something to do with why your work is being received rather poorly?

>> No.7538176
File: 53 KB, 768x302, comments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got posted on a cracked list once. i've never written anything since.

>> No.7538181

Nah, this board is just full of pretentious faggots like you who take themselves too seriously. Maybe try lightening up a little.

>> No.7538185

I was just giving you some advice.

>> No.7538197


>> No.7538234

I already said my writing is nothing like my posts on 4chan. That would be terrible. Unless I was a blogger, but holy fuck I can't think of a more embarrassing career than that.

>> No.7538338

this is great.

>> No.7538344

How'd this come about? Mind sharing the link?

>> No.7538409

After I posted the first part, the comments are what kept me going until I lost motivation.

It's mlp fanfiction. but if you're still curious.


I just like reading the comments from time to time desu.

>> No.7538415
File: 113 KB, 260x199, evaspook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mlp fanfiction

>> No.7538424

here's the cracked article on it


>> No.7538437

Well, consider me thoroughly scarred for the night. Have a good one, /lit/.

>> No.7538524

>Dude this is great!
>man, you're so good at writing
>why don't you write more

Literally everyone else
>fucking garbage

>> No.7538538

Emailed the first thing I ever wrote to a friend of mine some days ago. He complimented the very first sentence, then hasn't responded since. I'm not really sure what to make of this, but other people commented on my 'voice' in the piece some years back. Pretty sure they weren't being completely sincere though

>> No.7538595
File: 870 KB, 500x375, no feet zeeburg!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying to make this an orange board.

>> No.7538601

maybe that's why you're not the next Tao Lin

we seem to have a celebrity among us

>> No.7538621

This blows.

>> No.7538625

Does /lit/ get audience pussy?

Writing has got way more chicks into me. And I'm not even that good.

>> No.7538629

very old copypasta

>> No.7538721
File: 106 KB, 286x289, cole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

henri cole said I have talent

>> No.7538810
File: 996 KB, 290x231, 194[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you use a female pen name for maximum $$$ and will therefore never reap the sticky pink rewards of the frumpy audience you cater to

I get better pussy pretending the money from my writing comes from "dealing drugs out of town" tbqph senpai

>> No.7538832

I've been told that I possess the prose of inner city black children.

What does this mean?

>> No.7538875

I've found germans to know as little about their patron literary saint as americans

>> No.7538878


>> No.7539003

I've been told that my ideas and plots are interesting and have had people ask me for links to my work online, but I'm too lazy to put that much effort into it.

>> No.7539075

How do you get money from your writing? Are you published?

>> No.7539080

That you're retarded