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7536354 No.7536354 [Reply] [Original]

Would I be missing out on anything if I skipped The Part About the Crimes?

>> No.7536356

Obviously, you fucking pleb

>> No.7536363

Would I be missing out on stuff if I skipped stuff?

You tell me, mate

>> No.7536415

not much, just the whole experience of reading this book

>> No.7536434

>skipping the chapter with the thematic heart of the work

Pffft lol, skip it. You are a faggot anyway.

>> No.7536459

So the thematic heart of the work is anal and vaginal rape? Why did I even fall for this meme

>> No.7536465


>violence against women can't be a relevant theme


>> No.7536485

It can be a relevant theme, but this book is garbage.

>> No.7536492

You're a shit reader

Spend more time reading children's lit to level up your skills

>> No.7536493

If you're happy skipping bits of the text you may as well just skim it and read the wikipedia article.
>you fuckin pleb

>> No.7536496

Nah, I've read so many good books that the smallest discrepancies in quality can destroy my immersion and make me scowl in disgust. Needless to say I have scowled throughout the entirety of 2666.

>> No.7536505
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>my immersion

tell us more about how you're not a huge pleb

>> No.7536514

Why would you skip any part of a novel desu?

>> No.7536518

>129 million unique books in existence
>choose to waste my time reading 2666


>> No.7536549
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Holy shit OP just go back to reading YA

>> No.7536560

The structure of the rape pages give body and weight to the dull circular thud of life that this book lives. It sells life as monotonous and oppressive and violent and something not all together worthwhile. The rape pages give insight and meaning into Amilfatano's downward spiral into bleak nothing. They give direction to the chaotic lives of the critics. And they are what Archilboldi burdens and unburdens and burdens again. Without the rape pages there would be no feeling of lightness or escape in the sections where Archilboldi swims in the ocean. They give you some footing to push against. They let you imagine their oppisite. Or you can drown in them.

>> No.7536571

Read it whatever way you want, OP.

It's not going to make that much of a difference, in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.7536575

What a great book.

>> No.7536578


Go ahead, don't read it, in fact, don't even bother finishing if you're too dull to appreciate what Bolano was trying to convey

>> No.7536582
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>you're too dull to appreciate what Bolano was trying to convey

>> No.7536587

He's trying to convey how the extraordinary becomes ordinary when it's routine.

There, I saved you however many pages.

>> No.7536646

Thank you. There isn't enough time on Earth for me to wasting my intellectual energy on awful books.

>> No.7536670

If there is one word that this book screams it is entropy. Our rich inner lives are eroded by the disgusting events of everyday by those people who have already given up and so now they pass their disease on by as fast and multiple a route as possible, by the sun which is too hot and tightens the desert's skin, by our own tightening and aging skin. But we suffer in silence. We rearrange our disintegrating blocks into patterns of growing complexity and call it progress. I think his vision was not hopeless. I think he left a dim flickering candlelight to follow through the mouth of the chasm. Generosity and Sympathy. There are the elements which when introduced bring clarity to the chaos. They bestow a power that brings the drifting elements of life back together again, close enough to be stepping stones. Liz found happiness when she gave her love to moroni at last. Archimboldi wrote himself into the minds of others and was free. There's a beautiful scene in The savage detectives where belano fearlessly enters a mineshaft or chasm which a little girl fell into and saves her. A chasm where Satan is said to reside. A chasm which terrifies the villagers and which I took to be a metaphor for the minds of others. Bolanos hope is in the attempt. The attempt to bridge over an unfathomable distance into a chasm of unknown dangers. And his entropy comes from fear which causes revulsion which causes repulsion which causes distance which means unfamiliarity which leads to an altogether different kind of fear, not the former fear of an insurmountable task but the fear of the unknown, the fear which in us we have the instinct to dominate through violence and hate. A path to be avoided if I ever saw one. A darkness to be burned away by the light of love.


>> No.7536687

>missing out on the notorious church defiler and the two mexicans who rape each other
Theres fun stuff in there

>> No.7536696

all i got from it was
>critics make the art
>americans are dumb lol

its why i never got past the first part. someone let me know if this changes in the other parts. if not, im not gonna bother with this book.

>> No.7536704
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>Misunderstansing the part about the critics this bad

Damn sonny

>> No.7536713

Each part has its own structure and its own mood. Each speaking to each other and revealing the theme. Ideas gunk up your head if you let them.

>> No.7536716

This reads like an analysis of Gravity's Rainbow lol

>> No.7536737


1. Archimboldi
2. the Critics
3. Fate
4. Amalfitano


5. the Crimes

>> No.7536739

I've never read it. This is what happens though, themes are generational, authors don't create the theme they pluck it out of the air. Emerson's "Oversoul" would be an interesting read on that subject.

>> No.7536759

I actually have a copy of The Portable Emerson on the shelf next to me, ironically enough. Thanks for the rec. I'll read it tonight.

>> No.7536786

Crimes is best part, though

>> No.7536798

5.The Crimes

>> No.7536943

The Part About Fate was mediocre, brah

>> No.7537022

What's your favorite book? I found 2666 hard to get into

>> No.7537041

How do you pronounce the title??

>> No.7537074
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>> No.7537082

Dosmil seiscientos sesenta y seis

>> No.7537102


What's the deal with that church defiler guy anyway?

>> No.7537109

Two triple six. The devil two times over.

>> No.7537117

Seven, triple six, five, forked tongue

>> No.7537119

twenty six sixty six

>> No.7537144

Two thousand sixty six

>> No.7537169

>The guy who gets castrated and raped with a broomstick in prison.
The description of the castration was so different from the police-report style of the other murders.

>> No.7537178

I like the black panther and robert Rodriguez speeches, but id consider dropping it to 2nd or 3rd, Amalfitano is based tho

>> No.7538719

I liked the Robert Rodriguez speeches too. I want to watch the porno he directed.

>> No.7539181


>> No.7539202

the critics
the crimes


>> No.7539206



>> No.7539244

tfw you get so memed by the publishing hype machine you read a 1,000 page unfinished book that needed to be completely rewritten

>> No.7539941


>> No.7539997

two six six six

>> No.7540137

it's Bolaño irl

>> No.7540252

>not appreciating Amalfitano
the Amalfitano section is the best, the others are around the same level then a slight gap then the crimes

>> No.7540281


>> No.7541154

That essay was beautiful. Emerson was a very deep and intelligent man for all the flak he seems to get.

>> No.7541614
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>> No.7541683

You'd be missing the point m8

>> No.7541686

Oh I'll bet you furrowed your unibrow the entire time, you undeveloped mongoloid pseud

>> No.7541690

>two & six & six & six

>> No.7541700

The first part is like 100 pages. You didn't finish it.

The Part About the Crimes would vaginally and anally rape you. Just stick to King and Martin tbqfh senpai

>> No.7541719

quit projecting

>> No.7541730

Oh goddamn I didn't think there would be such a brutal, spine-shattering retort. Jesus fucking christ m8, im signing off. You won this time

>> No.7541731

For me, 2666, and much of Bolano's other work, is there to intimate a sense of a concealed doom. The key word is "convergence," where the various parts of 2666 all converge, whether overtly or indirectly, towards Santa Teresa. The events of the novel, and what came before, and even elements of Bolano's other works, all hurtle together with irreversible force towards an ultimate conclusion, to be resolved in the enigmatic year 2666. However, (and I understand this might be the part that gets iffy), it is not our providence to understand in a logical or coherent way what that conclusion is.

Nor is it the providence of Bolano himself. Bolano stated that the entire work is narrated by Belano, his literary alter ego. And it is the cast of the novel (and by extension the world) who is speaking through Belano, who speaks through Bolano. What we get in our hands is the distilled essence of Belano's vision, something that hints at an apocalyptic vision but does not narrate or explain.

(There is also another case of people speaking through others through narrative with the Soviet authors, whose manuscript interrupts the Archimboldi narrative. Story within a story within a story, woo!)

You can look towards globalization and the influence of Nazis/WWII for some more mundane themes, and the idea that Santa Teresa/Mexico is a microcosm of the world and human history/future (both geographically and temporally) is certainly valid. Personally, I read it as a representation of, or perhaps more accurately as signs indicating, "chaos." There is a fundamental, dare I say visceral, sense that something is wrong with the world being described in Bolano's work(s). At times apparent and wide-ranging (the horrors of WWI, the grotesque murders) and at other times personal and obtuse (the chaotic personal lives of the critics, Fate's descent into the chaos of Mexico from sheer coincidence).

I am reminded of the Second Coming:

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight:
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

The difference is that instead of the age of Christ coming to an end in the year 2000, it is the age of [whatever Bolano saw] spiraling towards chaos in the year 2666. You have the similar sense that a revelation/cataclysm shift/change is at hand, and you get a vast, ancestral image from the collective unconsciousness manifesting itself in the events of the novel as well as the thoughts of the authors/writers, real and fictional, that inhabit his world.

>> No.7541768

You'um pale face miss everything anyway.

>> No.7541801 [DELETED] 


what did he mean by this

>> No.7541818

what did he mean by this?

>> No.7541993

Just letting you know that I appreciate this post, anon. Good analysis.

>> No.7542006


>> No.7542467
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1. Archimboldi
2. The Critics
3. The Crimes
4. Amalfitino
5. Fate

>> No.7543113

Do you advice me this book /lit/ ?

>> No.7543154

Arguably the current masterwork of contemporary Mexican literature.

>> No.7543182

pleb ranking definitely.

The Crimes
The Critics

>> No.7543185

much appreciated. The Second Coming connection is a great one.

>> No.7543292

Correct answer

>> No.7543305


>> No.7544156

Chile, Mexico. Same difference.

>> No.7544183
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>> No.7544568

First part is "look how dumb and ignorant these gringos are. And these ones even have phds!"

>> No.7544624

Why does no-one like Amalfitano :(

>> No.7544635

i liked it. the diagrams were maximum kek

>> No.7544839

muh geometry books

my favorite part was when those old men academics get btfo by the young handsome American

>> No.7545095

I think it was more of "even educated sophisticated gringos and europeans can be savages."

>> No.7545540

Why do you have a picture of a man taking a shit saved on your computer?

>> No.7545668


LOL, you don't faggot? 2016 and this homie don't have a picture of a man taking a shit saved on his computer. smdh.

>> No.7545719


>> No.7545774

You won't see me knocking him, transcendentalist thought is a worthwhile thought if there ever was one. Glad you enjoyed it!