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File: 39 KB, 700x406, pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7529893 No.7529893 [Reply] [Original]

do you think he can crack open beers with those tusks

>> No.7529900

he got em fixed

>> No.7529903

he should get dentures like pig

>> No.7529954

How big you think his dick is???

>> No.7529962

at least 6.5"

>> No.7530000

Weight: 12,500kg (27,600lb)
Length: 14m (45ft 11in)
Diameter: 1.65m (5ft 5in)
Warhead: 1,000kg (2,200lb) Amatol
Detonation mechanism: impact

>> No.7530028

He's pretty tall and the legend goes that he was always stealing his friend's girlfriends... so...

>> No.7530043

There should be a Thomas Pynchon bottle opener.

>> No.7530049

Get your ass on kickstarter and I'll throw five bucks

>> No.7530091

This. Pynchon looks like a doofus and probably talks like a spaced-out stoner, so the only reason he's cucking anybody is a Louisville Slugger in his Kenosha Kid boxers.

>> No.7530115

this is brilliant

>> No.7530131

what are the odds we get a Pynchon remix of Migos' Versace in his next novel?

>> No.7530148
File: 140 KB, 600x400, easy on the bananas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking queer

>> No.7530174

>probably talks like a spaced-out stoner


>> No.7530194
File: 29 KB, 245x368, 23-thomas-pynchon-2.w245.h368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7530203

holy fuck this can't be him

>> No.7530207

>A promotional video for the novel was released by Penguin Books on August 4, 2009, with the character voiceover narrated by the author himself.[49]

It is.

>> No.7530223

The absolute madman.

>> No.7530245

Strange he's willing to show off his deep goofy voice but not his face.

>> No.7530256

You can almost tell what he looks like by his voice alone.

>> No.7530257

>tfw I'm pretty sure I spotted Thomas Pynchon at Bill Burr's Madison Square Garden show.

>> No.7530272
File: 277 KB, 870x790, 1445212368241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe you'll just wanna read the book: Inherent Vice, Penguin Press, $27.95-- $27.95? Really? That used to be like, three weeks of groceries, man. What year's this again?

>> No.7530275

Classic Pinecone.

>> No.7530296

If that were five 0's I would have thrown my laptop in the bath and moved to the country for a few months

>> No.7530302

he's blurring the line between literary artist and performance artist

>> No.7530309

he's got kids right? you think they ever got to have friends over to the house?
maybe pinecone would hide under his bed when his offspring's acquaintances perused his abode?

>> No.7530329

Probably just locked himself in his room and tried to be as silent as possible.

>> No.7530337

hard to be silent when you're roasting joints and watching cartoons

>> No.7530338

apparently he stopped having friends around on the holidays because Tom would wheel in food and drinks on a remote controlled tractor

>> No.7530349

I'm sure he has a good lock on his study/bedroom door so it doesn't even matter if he makes noise.

>> No.7530362

i was told that at cornell he painted his dorm mattress black and would sleep under his bed

>> No.7530369

Is he autistic?

>> No.7530371

heard that too

my favourite is that he would air freight himself in a wooden box to third world nations and randomly appear at peoples weddings

>> No.7530375

classic tommy p

>> No.7530380

i think he's just on acid as much as tolerance permits of the time

>> No.7530387

Where the fuck can anyone get acid in 2016?

>> No.7530391

I shit you not there is a tribe in Papua New Guinea who worships Pynchon for "apparently" curing them of disease the moment trekked there

the clarks desert boots he left there are worshipped by the sick

>> No.7530405

I've gotten my hands on some but most psychedelics I find are research chemicals. Out of the 16 or so times I've taken "acid" it's been real about four times. Other times was nbome for the most part

>> No.7530409

Is acid hard to make? I wonder why more people don't produce it.

>> No.7530415

Who knows, I imagine it isn't easy. I wouldn't be surprised if Pinecone made acid desu

>> No.7530417

Pynchonio would be proud of this thread

>> No.7530420

I know kids at Brown who get no-shit LSD from Jeebus only knows where. Probably the CIA. It's tricky to make but the procedures are publicly available and the equipment and supplies for certain approaches aren't more exotic than you'd find in an organic chemistry lab, so somebody's probably making it in a trailer somewhere.

To be honest, if you got involved in a seriously subversive kind of activism I would bet on someone offering you the real deal. Acid neuters activism and that did not go unnoticed in the Vietnam era.

>> No.7530421

I hope he sees it

>> No.7530431

I live in a tiny rural town in Washington where the only available drugs are meth, and weed which is legal. I wish they made acid here in the quantities that they make meth.

>> No.7530435

Why would you say acid neuters activism? Maybe a realization that the goal one is working for is unattainable?

>> No.7530446

By "somebody's probably making it in a trailer somewhere," I mean I would be shocked if there were more than two LSD labs running in the states.

People who do acid with some intensity tend to focus on the internal state and super big picture stuff like moving into communes to set an example for future generations, rather than strategically manipulating the media to change public perception of a medium-sized war in Southeast Asia.

Activism is, at heart, power-politics, which the psychedelic perspective can make seem inconsequential even when millions of people are involved.

>> No.7530455

Right, so shifting focus from some big unattainable "good thing" to something that can be attained, in a realistic and impactful way. I see what you're getting at and agree.

>> No.7530465

I don't actually think the psychedelic perspective is healthy for a large percentage of the population to experience. If every American dropped a heroic dose of acid right now we would be a Chinese colony next week.

However, I think it can be thrown into the mix in a positive way.

>> No.7530469
File: 29 KB, 468x560, 1430616398666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I googled "Thomas Pynchon 2015" and this was the first result

>> No.7530493

It's great for certain individuals, fun for others, and bad for most. Those that have the psychedelic perspective and are positively thrown into the mix were probably different prior to the psychedelic experience anyway.

>> No.7530535

Pynchon would've been a 4chan shitposter

>> No.7531321

he still could be

>> No.7531568

you do know thats not an actual photograph? there are no current photos of pynchon, which for the life of me i dont know how the other dude knows he got dental work done

>> No.7531569

There are no photos of pynchon because he's a made up persona.

>> No.7531704
File: 72 KB, 347x450, 1450342166068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know that's a render right?

>> No.7531924

Do you have sauce for this?

>> No.7532115

You'll have to find the tribe yourself.

>> No.7532602
File: 1004 KB, 2458x3000, 1445644420389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7533162
File: 49 KB, 562x562, wink31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7533198

All personas are made up by definition.

>> No.7533231

>having a big dick makes girls throw themselves at you

love this meme

>> No.7535162

>denies all media coverage since 1963
>denies everything else but to be on the

>> No.7536014




here is what he sounds like In the inherent vice video he was playing a character

>> No.7536030
File: 238 KB, 900x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a New Yorker raised on Long Island. The Simpson's voice would be what he sounds like.

>> No.7536042

Yeah he takes me as the type of guy who can do a lot of voices.

I don't know why I think this.

>> No.7536052

Cuz he dont giv a fugggggg