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753252 No.753252 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /lit/, I know we're all about scrounging books on the cheap from various sources.

But! What was the last hardback book you bought brand new at the time of its release? What couldn't you hold out for, regardless of the bulky hardcover format and hefty price?

Pic related.

>> No.753255
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This has just been sitting on my shelf..worth reading?

Also the only hardcover books I ever bought was Harry potter.

>> No.753260

It must have been a Harry Potter, yeah. The fourth part, i think, because the first three parts I borrowed from a friend.

>> No.753263

sup Croaker, haven't bought a brand new book on release in ages. Read mostly old stuff these days.

Is the Carver any good?

>> No.753265

This has never happened to me.

>> No.753270

Exit Ghost by Philip Roth. I also got Death of Bunny Munro in hardback but I got it for a good price, It wouldn't have bothered me to wait for it. I wanted Exit Ghost though.

>> No.753273

Is it good? i mostly love roth's books, but I'll be honest, the incontinence scared me off....

>> No.753279


Yeah I though it was a really good end to the Zuckerman story, a lot of stuff from the previous books got brought up and I really liked the ending.

Not as good as Human Stain or American Pastoral, and nowhere near Ghost Writer, but I wasn't dissapointed. There is a little incontinence though...

>> No.753287

Harry Potter books. On the very first day. ._.

>> No.753288

last hard back bought at release?? blind willow sleeping woman by murakami (and carver is his fave writer btw). the last hardback i bought was temple of the golden pavilion by mishima. got it yesterday.

>> No.753314


Oooooow..... I will try to man up and read it.

>> No.753332

Pratchett's Making Money is all. I don't read many new releases.

>> No.753335

The Strain by Guillermo del toro

>> No.753411


Personally, I love Carver and would recommend anything by him (so long as you don't mind a slightly grim picture of ordinary people's lives).

WICF is a collection of his stories from across all his works, so it should be a very good introduction for you.

>> No.753426

Last hardback bought at the time of release?

The last Harry Potter book.

>> No.753441

Carver's works are kinda split into three stages:

You've got his young, alcoholic minimalism where his editor Gordan Lish basically micromanaged his text as well as his fame.

You've got his saved-by-AA, sober, more emotionally vocal stuff that begins with Cathedral.

You've got his Tess Gallagher period, where he finally gets his shit together, writes a lot of poetry, and then quickly dies.

I like the Cathedral short stories.

I also used to live in Arashiyama, Kyoto, right next to Togetsukyo (Passing Moon Bridge) which is one of Tess Gallagher's books of poetry. There really is six degrees of separation in this world.

>> No.753449

I don't think I've ever done that, OP. All my books are either from thrift shops, library sales, yard sales, eBay, surplus sellers, or other such sources. You can find a surprising variety if you look carefully.

>> No.753507


I'm big on all sorts of vendors for books but you've really never had a new release you've had to go out and buy brand new?

>> No.753825

last hardcover book I bought was Anathem - Neal Stephenson, next one i guess will be his next book, even while I can get the epub faster than the hardcover (where I live there's no libraries or bookstores that carry books in english and have to have books shipped to me from a Miami PO Box), I really like his stuff and there's no substitute to the feeling of a hardcover.

>> No.753898

Anatham-Neal Stephenson