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/lit/ - Literature

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7532461 No.7532461 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your favorite author(s), your favorite genre(s) of music, and your political compass

>classical, psych rock


>> No.7532503

These threads are getting more and more personal.

>anon how many girls you dicked
>what's your shoe size
>what's your social and how many books did you read?
>when were you born and what's your favorite short story?

Stop trying to make lists buzzfeed. We hate you.

>> No.7532514

I got mine middle left with a little bit libertarian. Interesting.

>> No.7532521
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>Lovecraft, Bukowski
>outlaw country, prog Rock

>> No.7532540
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>Mervyn Peake/Perec/PKD/Celine
>Musica Popular Brasileira, Post-Punk, Beefheart
>tfw shitty bourgeoisie quiz asumes everyone believes in private property

>> No.7532543


there is no discernible content in your post about literature, favorite authors is not a discussion about literature, and neither is music or /pol/
have a nice new year and please head back to what ever containment board you came from
or if you decide to stick around familiarize yourself with the rules before posting

>> No.7532558
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I can't be bothered to take the test again but I usually end up around here (Pic).

>Black metal, doom metal, death metal
>Schopenhauer, Stirner, Epictetus, Houellebecq

In before I'm called an edgy faggot. Such concepts are mere spooks.

>> No.7532570

This 2bh, thread reported.

>> No.7532573
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>Melville (only because of Moby-Dick)
>Rock, Rap, Classic Rock, R&B, Progressive Rock

>> No.7532591
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Jesus Christ, when did I become a libertarian?

>orchestral, fusion

>> No.7532612
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This test makes little sense for my result since I'm a conservative Catholic. The thing is I'm not an American conservative, I don't believe in the libretarian free market shit.
>Wolfe, Dostoevsky, Plato, Dante
>post rock/metal mostly these days

>> No.7532634
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>Welsh, Ellis, Masoch, Wallace, Camus.
>Industrial, anything experimental, Witch house(?)

>> No.7532640

The test is biased towards the left

>> No.7532665
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I'm an authoritarian-leftist by my results are the one directly below you...

>> No.7532676
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>Faulkner, Dostoyevsky, Flannery O'Connor, Borges
>Flamenco, Blues, Shoegaze/Dream Pop, Salsa, Hip Hop

>> No.7532685
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Jazz, Classic Rock

>> No.7532729
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>virginia woolf
>having a favourite genre

>> No.7532917
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>Roth, Pynchon, Marquez, Shakespeare, Nabokov

>Math rock, classical

>> No.7532953
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>Such concepts are mere spooks.

'tis true, indeed they are my dearest sir, naught but the spooks of lesser men, of small-minded herd humans, not at all for gentlemen sirs of refined taste and education such as ourselves.

>> No.7532966
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Hello, an edgy leftist here.

>Joyce, Beckett, Pynchon, Wallace, Gombrowicz, Milton

>prog rock, alternative rock, IDM, jazz, post rock, indie and so on

>> No.7532980
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How does it feel to be living the meme?

>> No.7533022
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what can i say im a very reasonable man

>> No.7533167
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>Zweig, Mishimia, Tolstoy.

Also this chart is bull shit, I'm a traditional conservative so why am I left wing?

>> No.7533178

It tastes fucking delicious. I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it". It is truly the greatest thing to do.

>> No.7533211
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>Szymborska, Gunter Grass, Chandler
>experimental jazz, alternative rock, IDM, experimental hip-hop

>> No.7533236
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>Robert Musil
>Hip-Hop, Psychedelic Rock

>> No.7533239
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>Dante, Homer, Plato, Thomas Carlyle, Tolstoy
>psych metal, 60s country, classical

I'm surprised that I'm officially the biggest shitlord on /lit/

get on my level fags

>> No.7533243

عد إلى >>>soc

>> No.7533268
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>Borges, Nescio

>metal, jazz, gamelan, most others

>> No.7533274

haha hit there cux hope u likin that bbc haha

>> No.7533307
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>favorite author(s)

Anais Nin, Anthony Burgess, Clive Barker, James Baldwin Slavoj.Zizek

>favorite genre(s)
>of literature
crime thrillers, metafiction, dialogues

>of music

electronica mainly, everything else is just a mess of artifacts I've collected from many genres, i still don't remember how i got "Hailu Mergia - His Classical Instrument" in my music folder, but it's there.

>political compass

if things need to be expedient : Red block

if we can afford to be beautiful souls : Green block

>> No.7533374
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>post-rock, classical

>> No.7533401
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>don't have one
>jazz rock

I was more to the center left a year ago or so

>> No.7533408
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Nice spooks Marx.

>> No.7533424
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I don't really have favorite authors or genres, so I'll substitute with my favorite type of cheese: Brie.

>> No.7533441
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>Pynchon, Cormac McCarthy, Gaddis
>Alternative, Metal

>> No.7533457

> Steinbeck, Kerouac, Brian K Vaughan (fuck you he counts)
> Classic rock, blues, punk

I don't have time to take the test but I'm moderate left.

>> No.7533472
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>> No.7533473


Disgusting, exactly what I'd expect from a Brie lover.

>> No.7533474
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I know jack shit about economics and don't care either

>Kafka, T.S. Elliot, Emily Brontë
>Hard rock/British heavy metal, jazz funk, '90s hip-hop

>> No.7533477
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Favorites include Dostoevsky, Bukowski, Twain, and Dickinson.

Music is post-rock (indie), Electronic (not big house), and atmospheric or movie scores.

>> No.7533483


We're twins

>> No.7533510
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>Li He, Shelley, Hopkins, Joyce, Pynchon, Bayer, Jasienski
>serialism, pop

>> No.7533514
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>Faulkner, Hemingway, Joyce, Kafka
>Slowcore, dream pop, free jazz, classical

>> No.7533533
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Joyce, Nabokov


>> No.7533554
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>> No.7533582
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>Camus I guess, I have a hard time picking
>Prog rock, metal, psych rock, punk

>> No.7533659
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i can be bothered to actually count but it does seem like there is more bottom-left green quadrant here than i would have guessed. /lit/ seems to talk a big game about being both facist and socially conservative (mostly racist comments, etc.) but it looks like this might just be a vocal minority.

>> No.7533660
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>Jack Kerouac, J. R. R. Tolkien, Mark Z. Danielewski, Philip K.Dick, Arthur C. Clarke, Lovecraft, C. S. Lewis, the writers of the New Testament
>classic heavy/blues rock, stoner/doom metal, black metal

>> No.7533711
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>Gass and Gaddis
>Jazz, Prog Rock, and Electronica

>> No.7533825
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> Camus, Mishima, Borges

> Prog Rock, Jazz

>> No.7533847


I was noticing this too. It's kind of weird. I think even r9k scored this way, too. I wonder if all of 4chan would fall in the same quadrant?

>> No.7533850
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>Proust, DeLillo
>70s R&B

>> No.7533882
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>Mark Twain, Thomas Ligotti, Dashiell Hammett

>Classical, New Orleans Blues

>> No.7533898

we're anti-capitalist, you're assuming fascist and socially conservative based on your warped burgerism

>> No.7533924
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>> No.7533925

It's even more interesting to me that only 4 authoritarians showed up to the party. I guess that's the appeal of 4chan though, being able to say whatever you like with little control over you.

(Am I reading too much in here? Probably. A good chunk of the sample size will be memes and piss-takes.)

>> No.7533928

Not that anon, but... what the hell is 'warped burgerism'?

>> No.7533933

I got a warped burger once. It tasted fine, though.

>> No.7533962

I can't imagine why people would want to go on 4chan if they weren't left-libertarian.

>> No.7534012
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I come for the bantz

>> No.7534109
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>Bolano, Nabokov, Gaddis, Hitchens
>Post-Punk, Ambient, Bluegrass

>> No.7534164
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>the one consistent part of my politics over the years has been my belief in a strong state
>end up libertarian somehow

Gotta love this test. I don't really have favourite authors exactly, but my favourite novel is Moby-Dick. And my favourite genre of music is EDM.

>> No.7534188
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I've taken this several times now and have gradually moved down and to the left.

>Proust, Sebald, Bellow, Peake, Nabokov

>> No.7534223

my map looks just like this

McCarthy, Richard Bach, Mellville. i read a lot of nonfiction, don't have favorite nonfiction writers
Country and Jazz

>> No.7534242

Not a genre, moron

>> No.7534262 [DELETED] 

Huh. I figured I was pretty left, but not THAT left. A lot of the questions seemed to be based on fundamental issues, not fiscal ones.

>Stephen King, Hemingway, Jack London
>Prog metal, prog rock, post-grunge

>> No.7534264

I must let it be known that I agree with this post

>> No.7534269
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Huh. I figured I was pretty left, but not THAT left. A lot of the questions seemed to be based on fundamental issues, not fiscal ones.

>Stephen King, Hemingway, Jack London
>Prog metal, prog rock, post-grunge

>> No.7534860
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>Goethe, Mishima, Celine

>> No.7534935

Fuck off, /lit/ is slow.

>> No.7534946

The amount of leftist cucks in this board is sickening. No wonder you all get schooled when we have cross board debates with /pol/.

>> No.7534957

american tendency to see identity politics as left and an amorphous opposing team as right

>> No.7534960
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Hah. The right is here, and the right will stay. This isn't your liberal hugbox.

>> No.7534964

Good to see Hitler came to the party. Please balance out the rampant liberalism.

>> No.7534965

No, the test is really bad.
I'm just about as conservative as they come value wise and I'm a leftist according to this because I'm anti capitalist.

>> No.7534969
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>Classical (My favourite composers are Mozart and Offenbach)

>> No.7534974

It's kinda dumb.

>> No.7534979

Sounds like his favourite music genre I assume.

>> No.7534980

The great thing about being not intellectually but necessarily contrarily right wing isn’t beating the lefties, it’s showing everyone online that I did.

>> No.7534992
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andrea dworkin

>> No.7534995
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Kek/10 That's just beautiful.

>> No.7535010

God, yall some leftcuck boys

>> No.7535025

Far righties are the easiest cuck-converts of all time and deep down you know this.

>> No.7535048

>supporting the elite jew

>> No.7535092

you are the "liberal"

>> No.7535107
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>Dostoevsky, Lem, DeLillo
>Classical, jazz, noise pop/rock

>> No.7535127

Stay salty my friend.

>> No.7535159

political compass test is awful, I swear every time I take it unless I say corporations should rule the world and that niggers are objectively inferior to the almighty white man I end up on the left wing

some of the questions are really poor.

>> No.7535183
File: 120 KB, 2184x900, 24634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The test really is biased towards the left though (and I got blue quadrant). Post a better test next time. I like this one.


We have a test thread going, so we might as we do a better one while we're at it. Post results. Apparently I am a "Democratic National Liberal". Whatever that means.

>> No.7535184
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>What have the elite jew ever done for us?

>> No.7535185

It is garbage. Take this.

>> No.7535189

I'd rather be a regretful whore than a proud syphilitic.

>> No.7535193
File: 79 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-01-03-09-15-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of an anarchist here.

>Cervantes, Dostoevsky and Kafka

>Rock, from patrician tier to power metal and latino punk. Also, since I'm brazilian, Chico Buarque couldn't be out of the list

>> No.7535194

speaking as a massive cucklord my experiences are that women into cucking tend to be left of centre feminists, and men into cucking are far right ethno nationalists. It's pretty amusing.

>> No.7535196
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HS Thompson, Salinger, Kafka

>Musical genres
Noise, experimental, industrial

>> No.7535205

Lef/Lib master race.

Why is this so common?
Is it a /lit/ thing, or what?

>> No.7535206

How about being neither? Appreciate your support of my proving your obsession with cuckoldry either way though lmfao

>> No.7535210

people on 4chan in general tend to lean anti authoritarian, and this particular test puts you left wing if you're even slightly critical of capitalism.

>> No.7535211

Most sane people have a 'live and let live' and 'fun allowed' way of living which sums up pretty much the green area. To be honest the only board I've ever lurked that didn't have a majority of green posters was /pol/.

>> No.7535212

Oh and my comment goes for you too >>7535127
Sissy boy.

>> No.7535214

Thought you was tallkin bout how right wingers use to come from a leftist youth lol

>> No.7535226

Just goes to show you're really that dumb

>> No.7535227
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Dostoevsky, Plato, Wolfe, Dante, post rock and metal, doom, classical
Did this test now, makes way more sense.

>> No.7535234

Much better test. Derailing this thread, fuck the original test.

>> No.7535237

The test is retarded.

>> No.7535252
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I landed towards the left of Ghandi, but this survey was frustrating in that of regards to questions involving the state, it never referred to whether it was speaking of the ideal or material.

>Does civilization require a commanding and submissive class?
>Yes... erm, shouldn't.... err does historically.... ugh.... no... yes-no?


>> No.7535253

Link to this?

>> No.7535258

Higher in the thread

>> No.7535260
File: 60 KB, 400x400, Political Standing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James Joyce
>Art rock, post-[punk/metal/rock]
>0 / gay
>10 UK

>> No.7535266


>> No.7535271
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>Plato, Nietzche, Dostoyevsky.
>Progressive/Alternative/Psychedelic/Indie Rock, Electronic

>> No.7535284
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predictably bottom left on the political compass one, -0.63 economic and -4.87 social

>Wilde, Wodehouse
>Psych-rock, hip-hop

>> No.7535285
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>> No.7535287

Fuck the music

>> No.7535294

Do better test.

>> No.7535302

Takes too long

>> No.7535305
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>> No.7535320

I can't even complete the political compass test, it's too spooky. My answer to the majority of the questions is either "I don't care," "the question is nonsensical/poorly defined" or "it depends."

>> No.7535329

the test is specifically biased towards leftism in how it asks the questions
note how it puts any right wing party far into the authoritarian sector while doing the opposite for left wing ones?
see >>7535260
the only people that take this thing seriously and have thus screencapped their results only understand politics on a very surface level and as such come out green

>> No.7535335

>note how it puts any right wing party far into the authoritarian sector while doing the opposite for left wing ones?
Hmm, maybe that's because, you know, right-wing parties are authoritarian and left-wing ones aren't?

>> No.7535336
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>classical, songwriter's music

>> No.7535338

can you please explain in what ways UKIP is more authoritarian than the Green Party?

>> No.7535341

I don't give a crap about bong politics, but isn't the UKIP stance about immigration pretty authoritarian in nature?

>> No.7535346

not really
the compass test doesn't even ask about freedom of speech or firearms laws
once again it is specifically set up this way so leftists don't have to face the reality of their totalitarianism

>> No.7535359

Firearm laws and freedom of speech aren't intrinsic to the left or the right.

>> No.7535363

It may have been like that 50 years ago, but leftism is now far more authoritative.

>> No.7535365

which is why I mentioned it in regards to the authoritarian/libertarian axis
politics might just be too hard for you man

>> No.7535380
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>>7535193 here

Well, makes sense.

>> No.7535381

>which is why I mentioned it in regards to the authoritarian/libertarian axis
You didn't though.
"What is well thought is clearly enunciated." -Boileau

>> No.7535392

Exactly how? Because they prevent you from saying nigger in real life? Does that account for all the abortion laws, drug laws, same-sex marriage laws, divorce laws, interracial marriage laws, segregation laws, birth control laws, pornography laws and suchlike that have been thoroughly enforced over the right wing's history?

>> No.7535395

It's limiting economic and political freedoms to satisfy its own ideology, hate speech is literally there to deal with ideological enemies.
Also all those laws you just mentioned are based and should be enforced. They aren't and the West will crumble in the following century.

>> No.7535397

>Also all those laws you just mentioned are based and should be enforced. They aren't and the West will crumble in the following century.
When will the traditionalist meme finally end?

>> No.7535403

>hate speech is literally there to deal with ideological enemies
Because the 50's witch hunt totally wasn't at thing.

>> No.7535407

When will narrow-minded plebeians realize that there is more than one way of looking at the world. For the supposedly "englightened" board, this place sure is full of fools.

>> No.7535414

Laws against hate speech are restrictive of freedom. Stop pointing to thr past to defend the present.

>> No.7535416

read between the lines
>Does that account for all the abortion laws, drug laws, same-sex marriage laws, divorce laws, interracial marriage laws, segregation laws, birth control laws, pornography laws
UKIP has nothing against any of these, in fact they support more relaxed drug laws
please explain to me how UKIP can be so far up in relation to the Greens

>> No.7535420
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Stendhal, Goethe, Boccaccio, Jack London
Classical, baroque mostly

>> No.7535424

The bias towards the left is everywhere. Whether you're on /lit/ or reddit, people will consistently accuse of you of being old-fashioned, narrow-minded, racist, or extremist.

>> No.7535428

Try this.

>> No.7535430

>When will narrow-minded plebeians realize that there is more than one way of looking at the world.
Yes, I know fascists, radical conservatives, redpills, /pol/tards, national socialists, and other Evolian memesters are a thing. Thanks for reminding me of that fact on a board where people are literally whining that they can't say nigger in a socially acceptable context.

Where did I specifically mention the UKIP in that post? Can you read?

I agree that free speech shouldn't be restricted, how does that contradict in the least that the right wing has always been enforcing far more authoritarian schemes than the left along its history?

>> No.7535438

>Where did I specifically mention the UKIP in that post? Can you read?
the original post in this conversation was asking this and I still want an answer

>> No.7535440
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Dostoevsky, Mishima, Sebald
Post-punk, slowcore, indie folk

>> No.7535442

Fortunately we have /pol/ where people will constantly accuse you of being a libtard SJW cultural marxist cuck.

>> No.7535444

how masculine

>> No.7535447
File: 91 KB, 759x428, HailStalin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No favourite author
>Modern Classical, Jazz, Prog

>> No.7535452

If you insist, we will look at the past.The Soviet Union and Communist China don't seem authoritarian to you?

Perhaps you were thinking of libertarianism and liberalism and general as the left, and conservatism as the right?

Free trade is less restrictive than socialism. Free speech is less restrictive than anti-hate laws. Keeping your money is less restrictive than taxes. Being able to choose who enters your country is less restrictive than letting everyone in. Yes, conservatism and the right seek to retain more traditional values and social norms. This is another way of looking at the world. If you believe that the "right" is more authoritarian than the "left", unless you're speaking of anarchism, you're simply wrong.

>> No.7535456

I distinctly remember telling you I didn't give a crap about bong politics. If the UKIP is all "peace and love, 420 blaze it" so be it, maybe it shouldn't be considered right-wing. Are you trying to allude to the fact that (the horror!) media depiction of left and right don't match their original definitions and history? Or that the test doesn't assess all the facets of the left and the right? Talk about a shocking discovery.

>> No.7535460

A grain of sand on the beach of political bias. Eh.

>> No.7535463

>I distinctly remember telling you I didn't give a crap about bong politics
then why bother responding?

>> No.7535470

You triggered him by saying that anything but modern liberalism is viable.

>> No.7535471
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Well meme'd.

>> No.7535477

*Tips Neo-Conservatism*

>> No.7535481
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>Antonin Artaud, Saul Bellow, Homer
>Folk, Outsider, Baroque Pop

>> No.7535484

I'm not genuinely curious as to how the two tests match up

>> No.7535485

Well, because you asked me twice. Do you have amnesia or something?

>If you insist, we will look at the past.The Soviet Union and Communist China don't seem authoritarian to you?
You may have noticed that China lapsed well into the economical right but remained as authoritarian. Are you trying to say authoritarianism isn't tied to the left or the right (you know, what I just said a couple posts above)? Or that somehow the 70-year existence of the communist block makes up for all of traditionalism?

>Free trade is less restrictive than socialism. Free speech is less restrictive than anti-hate laws. Keeping your money is less restrictive than taxes. Being able to choose who enters your country is less restrictive than letting everyone in. Yes, conservatism and the right seek to retain more traditional values and social norms.
Ah, so you simply redefined the word "restrictive" so it fits your view of the right as less authoritarian. At this point we can just agree to disagree and leave it at that.

>> No.7535493


>> No.7535498

China is still communisty friend. Read about its history before posting. I know this isn't /his/, but it went economically right as a conscious decision while attempting to remain left in value. The country's leadership took a new ideological stance. Will you also say that the NEP established by Lenin was due ti authoritarianism? Let us separate left/right economic politics from authoritarianism and libertarianism. If you think those are tied, you are a fool. A true "free" society is right wing economically and left wing socially. Libertarianism. I can agree to disagree. This is the internet after all.

>> No.7535505

From my poiny of view I don't think a person should be able to live a life off of welfare.

>> No.7535512

>A true "free" society is right wing economically and left wing socially

How can society be "free" when the majority of its citizens are poor and miserable? Every economic winner in a capitalist system is propped up by scores of losers. It's inherently imbalanced.

>> No.7535524

Not even a disabled person? What about a person who gets 'welfare' in the form of a family trust? Should they have that seized?

>> No.7535526

Capitalism is simply being able to freely trade. The midern version is not necessarily the purest form. It's very corrupted, in fact. To become rich, you need to first be rich. I am not even fully capitalist. I believe in a free market, with the government's role to make sure that the most powerful do not infringe the law. The bastardization of free trade we have today is a sorry sight.

>> No.7535527
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Here you go qt

>> No.7535532

I can expand. Some should be able to, yes. But the current system of welfare is very broken. For many, there is no pressure to find work or do anything but sit on their NEETbux. The statistics are shocking. I can't bring up sources right now, but something like 40% of all Americans on welfare were not doing work related activities; searching for work, working, applying, or anything else.

>> No.7535535

thx bb
Leftist bias confirmed.

>> No.7535544

Well, I hope that /lit/ will someday realize that our ideologies are diverse. Night all.
Thx for reading diary

>> No.7535558
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Favorite author depends. For non-fiction stories I would have to go with Richard Laymon with my favorite genre being horror. For philosophical books I'd probably say Ayn Rand.

My favorite genre of music is folk punk, with my favorite artists/bands being Pat the Bunny and Days n Daze.

>> No.7535564

>Capitalism is simply being able to freely trade.
No, that's any free market economy. Capitalism is the ability to accumulate wealth indefinitely.

>> No.7535572
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>Keats, Dazai
>Classical, Post-punk

>> No.7535574
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Synonyms: free enterprise, free market
Stop playing with words. You know what I mean. If you want to be nitpicky, that's what I mean.

>> No.7535576
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>Most sane people have a 'live and let live' and 'fun allowed' way of living

>> No.7535578

>I wish fun weren't allowed and people all conformed to my preferred way of living
t. average authoritarian

>> No.7535583

My way is better.
I'm morally superior.

>> No.7535593

Authoritarian compared to what, exactly? The current system of immigration is entirely organised by the government. UKIP wish to maintain government control of immigration policy, although they also wish to reduce the amount of people who enter from (x) to (x-y).
If (x-y) is more authoritarian than (x); then (x) must be more authoritarian than (2x); and (2x) must be more authoritarian than (3x). In reality, they are all equally authoritarian so long as immigration policy is defined by a central body.

>> No.7535600

Because authoritarianism is obviously quantifiable and linearly scales with population. Dude, what the fuck. Stop trying this hard to be smart.

>> No.7535625

Of course it isn't. I was trying to provide a basic example for someone that claimed to be totally ignorant. UKIP on immigration is essentially no different from the other main UK parties (in that they want immigration to be state-controlled). Most complaints of their 'authoritarianism' is due to their desire to reduce net immigration.

>> No.7535634

Tree hugging dick licking freedom of speech advocating book reading circle jerking fart sniffing liberal plebs.

>> No.7535638
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BTW my preferred author is Emerson

>> No.7535665


>> No.7536223
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>Hesse, Camus, Gibran
>Psychedelia, progressive, impressionism

>> No.7536233

Gibson, Camus, Homer

IDM, Heavy Metal

From memory, my score is the same as this >>7536223 except one tick to the right.

>> No.7536265
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Political compass sucks.

>Dazai, Mishima, Dostoevsky, Kosinksi, Kafka, Celine, Calvino
>post-punk, jazz, industrial, noise, minimal techno

>> No.7536286


>> No.7536292

I kinda don't trust that compass anymore
Basically, unless you're a /pol/ tier retard you'll be left libertarian

>> No.7536382

I'd really like to take the new test but it comes up as an unreadable blob of squashed together text on my browser. As this is not a problem I encounter on other sites (and not here at all) I must conclude the problem is on their end. Get them to hire a student web developer for a few hours and I'll take a look at it again.

>> No.7536406
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Kafka, Nabokov

Hip-hop, classical

>> No.7536539
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>Wallace, David Foster and Homer
>Classical, Jazz, Classic Rock, and some alternative
I'm Anarcho-Communist, but I answered these questions in the context of modernity.

>> No.7536547


Why do you hate freedom tho?

>> No.7536551
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>Neo-liberal Democrat

>> No.7536597

I don't hate freedom, I just don't consider sane to reduce everything to subjective matters. I don't think the person who spends all day learning and/or working stands on the same level that a person who spends all day partying or in idleness. The conditions for 'live and let live' are hard to met, because although each person hardly makes a difference, the whole do affect society to some point. To avoid these issues, fun needs to be restricted to certain limits.

>> No.7536609
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>Political Compass
It's basically impossible to get Authoritarian-Right.

>> No.7536645


So if a bunch of homos want to bang each other and snort MDMA off each other's assholes while getting married, you don't have a problem as long as they are serious students outside the weekend?

>> No.7536745

I did it. Also, apparently David Cameron=Hitler.

>> No.7536748
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>ecological leaning capitalist

>> No.7536775
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libertarian left on the compass

Camus, Lobo Antunes
Fado, accoustic music in general

>> No.7536777
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Apparently I'm a "liberal patriot"

I guess it makes sense

>> No.7536791

Any poll/survey that doesn't account for "shy tory factor" is useless, professional pollsters and market researchers can't even fully adjust and normalize their results to account for this and they spend a fortune on this kinda thing.

td;lr massive adjust your political compass to the right.

>> No.7536793

also forgot

>Tolstoy, Nabokov, Conrad
>stoner rock, 60s pop, 60s country, art rap

>> No.7536806


Why are you nationalistic?

>> No.7536809

>massive adjust your political compass to the right

Why? I answered everything truthfully, I usually place near the center-right on these things, so it makes sense. I'm pretty reasonable, I'm not an extremist by any means.

>> No.7536826

probably because I answered that one question that was like "Some countries are better off due to their gene pool" as a strongly agree and put emphasis on it.

>> No.7536851

Pride in ones nation and people is a beautiful thing. In a proper homogenous country your nation is an extension of your family and yourself.

>> No.7536854
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>Dostoevsky, TS Eliot, Goethe
>Romantic, especially Wagner

>> No.7536877

>I answered everything truthfully
No you didn't, that's the problem. People even lie to themselves when there isn't a outside observer.

>> No.7536888

I never felt this, and I live in a rather homogenous country.

>> No.7536897
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>pushkin, euripides, dos passos
>don't listen to music. i liked some drill someone played to me once.

im kind of disgusted at all the reactionary faggots on /lit/, i knew this place had been infected by /pol/ but not to this extent.

where's stalin when you need him?

>> No.7536909

t. newfie

>> No.7536910
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>Pynchon, Annie Dillard, Charles Wright
>Folk, Trap, Blues, Jazz

>> No.7536917

>Pride in ones nation and people is nonsensical tribalism to which pathetic, primitive peoples cling instead of having an identity

ftfy fäm

>> No.7536931

>>Pride in ones nation and people is nonsensical tribalism to which pathetic, primitive peoples cling instead of having an identity
You can have both, comrade

>> No.7536937
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>> No.7536944

i was here during rand spam and de shitposting, but that was different. guess all the non trash left with the tripfags. rip i guess

>> No.7536949

Yes you do, you just don't express it outwardly/differently.

Ever wondered why the British have such high support for the monarchy? Or why Germans literally never mention anything negative about Germany ever and insist that absolutely everything is fine?

>> No.7536953
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programming manuals, contemporary political theory, biographies. Last piece of fiction I managed to finish was on the road like three years ago

how do people even know we newfies exist

>> No.7536967
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>Cosmopolitan Social Democrat

>What is read

>> No.7536972

you got some bourgeois on your shirt, 'comrade'

>> No.7536999

"Class-shaming" only works in marxist echo-chambers, not when you're trying to argue with non-communists.

>> No.7537014
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>John Donne/G.K. Chesterton/Dante/Calvin
>Prog/Classical proper/Folk/early Romanticism (minus Liszt, Chopin, and their circle)

>> No.7537051
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you guys seem okay

>McCarthy, Lovecraft, Vonnegut, Camus

>post-hardcore, math rock, post rock

>> No.7537180
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>the only people that take this thing seriously and have thus screencapped their results only understand politics on a very surface level and as such come out green

As opposed to deep thinkers like yourself

>> No.7537222
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Nabokov, Salinger, Burroughs
Experimental, hip hop, anti-folk

Okay, okay, but what does it all mean? (The graph)

>> No.7537258
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I'm this guy

>> No.7537275
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Shit the pic didn't save heres another

>> No.7537300
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>> No.7537654
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Cioran, Camus.
Shoegaze, dream pop, ethereal wave, experimental, noise, black metal, post metal, slowcore, alternative, indie rock.

How bad did I do? I expected the cosmopolitan bar to be 100%, so I don't know if I'm either stupid or the test is inaccurate.

>> No.7537812

That's quite interesting.

>> No.7537820

Most people inaccurately assume which axis some of the questions pertain to, leading to skewed expectations.

>> No.7537836
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>> No.7537846
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>Folk, Funk

>> No.7537854


Get out tankie!

>> No.7537876
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>> No.7537904

Go read a book, fatty.

>> No.7537975
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>Hemingway, McCarthy, Ernst Jünger, Saramago
>Classic Rock, Folk, MPB

>> No.7538127
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>Hip-hop, Psych/alt-rock

>> No.7538169
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>mfw mistaken for a tankie

>> No.7538200
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>Orwell, Wilde, Calvino
>Beatles, alternative rock I guess

>> No.7538220

Are you asking if liberalism is a /lit/ thing?

>> No.7538235

Why do poor people deserve money?

>> No.7538248

They don't, that's why Charity>Welfare
If there is an issue with unemployment, and homelessness the system is not what's flawed, it's the people.
Though I suppose this can be said about any system, economic, or otherwise.

>> No.7538261

Because they're the ones creating wealth

>> No.7538262
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>Cormac McCarthy


You'd think there would be some overlap, but I didn't care for Rand... or folk music.

>> No.7538268

Sure is sheep in here

>Faulkner, Blake, Yeates, Machen, Kipling
>stoner rock, black metal, liquid house, 90s alt-rock

>> No.7538273 [DELETED] 
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and chart

>> No.7538279
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>> No.7538309 [DELETED] 

where can I find this quiz?

>> No.7538433
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>C.S. Lewis, Aldous Huxley, Neil Postman, Ray Bradbury, Louis L'Amour

>Classic & Acid Jazz, Funk, Soul, Blues, Folk, World beat, Dad rock, ironically listening to Pop but secretly enjoying it

>> No.7538564
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>Nietzsche, Plato, Evola, Frank Herbert, Brent Weeks
>Post-bop, Black Metal, Neofolk, Noise-rock

>> No.7538566

t. Hassan Mahamadou

>> No.7538570


>> No.7538577

But muh communism...
>Has never been tried
Kill self.

>> No.7538675

>Ayn Rand
>not outside of the bottom-right corner

You ain't a good Objectivist.

>> No.7538816
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If you don't like Travis Scott's future horror, Thug's melodic lyrics, or Future's lean ballads, go fuck yourself.

>> No.7538822

>desperate urban white kid tries to act cultured by listening to awful music.jpg

>> No.7539509

Capitalism is the ability to create poverty and hopelessness in others.

>> No.7539514
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>Capitalism is the ability to create poverty and hopelessness in others.
This isn't even trying any more.

>> No.7539515


>> No.7539609
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>Nabokov, Mishima, Eliot, Chesterton, Mann, Lawrence
>Classical, plainsong, folk, americana, ambient, black metal

>> No.7539844

I think we would be friends anon. I'm in the exact same spot.

>death/black metal, rock, jazz, blues, mongolian/tuvan throat/overtone singing, classical chinese music, ambient, industrial, a tiny bit of psybient, electronic, hip hop, rap, k-pop...