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7530048 No.7530048 [Reply] [Original]

rate my cart

>> No.7530051

17 year old US-American / 10

>> No.7530056

Maybe learning can be fun / 10

>> No.7530060

You're on your way, kid.

>> No.7530068

Drop Plato.

>> No.7530071
File: 177 KB, 540x401, rxn 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7530089

libertarianism is fucking cringe. Most fedorable of all ideologies to be honest, I have more respect for tumblrfeminists, Natsocs or unreconstructed tankie stalinists. thats how low you are

>> No.7530103

>purchasing mindfulness in plain english
it's available for free on internet
Save a tree and donate that money to a Buddhist society

>> No.7530106

otherwise purchase it from here, which is nonprofit and you get 20% off

>> No.7530109
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>tfw you realize you have barely read any books since non-physical books doesn't count

Fucking pleb

>> No.7530118

Basic Economics is equivalent to ECON 101 in that it's extremely basic and everyone who reads it either uses it as a crutch for the shitty ideology (positive if they're a libertarian, negative if they're a socialist) or already knew everything. Don't take him seriously but don't use him as evidence of the evils of spooky scary capitalism or whatever bullshit.

Hayek's political philosophy is dumb and everyone who likes it is dumb. He did some good economics though. See "The Use of Knowledge in Society".