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/lit/ - Literature

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7529380 No.7529380 [Reply] [Original]

What ideology keeps you going?
Has a book ever changed your life in the long run.

>> No.7529394
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>> No.7530326


>> No.7530538
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>> No.7530545

My own personal idea of aesthetics drives me, in combination with Epicureanism.

I'm absolutely intolerable to be around.

>> No.7530699

vague belief in mysticism/theosophy/some nebulous idea that transcendence is possible with enough thought and all meaningful learning is connected (which basically rationalises living a life of "i find studying philosophy and science interesting lol" which freaks me out by itself because it seems to translate to "HEY YOU'RE ALIVE FOR A BRIEF MOMENT, SPEND IT DOING INTERESTING STUFF THEN FUCKING BE DEAD AGAIN!!!")

it's good because everything is just zen all the time, any time i read a new book that remotely deepens my understanding of man or the universe, even if indirectly or in a way i can't really pinpoint, on some level deep inside i'm like
>ahh yes mm, mhm, one step closer to being god
and it seems to make perfect sense

>> No.7530775

The Bible.

>> No.7530778
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Dilettantes! Dilettantes! – this is the derogatory cry those who apply themselves to
art or science for the sake of gain raise against those who pursue it for love of it and
pleasure in it. This derogation rests on their vulgar conviction that no one would
take up a thing seriously unless prompted to it by want, hunger, or some other kind
of greediness. The public has the same outlook and consequently holds the same
opinion, which is the origin of its universal respect for the ‘professional’ and its
distrust of the dilettante. The truth, however, is that to the dilettante the thing is the
end, while to the professional as such it is the means; and only he who is directly
interested in a thing and occupies himself with it from love of it, will pursue it with
entire seriousness. It is from such as these, and not from wage earners, that the
greatest things have always come.

>> No.7530834

Existentialism, especially the type written about in the Ernest Becker and Henry Miller (I consider him an existentialist).

I was driven to existentialism by a debilitating chronic condition that I still fight. It's definitely helped put things in perspective and helped me fight on.

Plus I get to feel real validated when people I talk to are dealing with problems that are existentialism 101

>> No.7530842
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Reminds me of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heiligenstadt_Testament

>> No.7530862

Asceticism, Stoicism and existential nihilism.

>> No.7530869

Care to recommend or elaborate?
Im heavily read in Nietzsche and know some Kierk, but I only know a bit of the existentialism of Sartre or Camus past that. Whats beyond "Existentialism 101"?

>> No.7530872

I'm Catholic so a continual reading of Catholic literature, philosophy, theology.

>> No.7530875
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>> No.7530877

>Im [insert ideology] so I read [works that never contest my own thought]
I dont mean to pick on just you; its already a pattern in this thread.

>> No.7530889
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I don't think an ideology keeps me going. I think I explain my going with ideology

>> No.7530894

who is this sea nymph?

>> No.7530896

dfw's niece. Mia Wallace

>> No.7530899
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whatever helps me get through the other end

i ALMOST think we must dig everything thats inside to reach it whole

but i dont have any specific ideology keeping me going, i am mostly self-made

>> No.7530906

Existentialism and a bit of Stoicism

>> No.7530917
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Don't know but I read Nietzsche and now I'm really happy

>> No.7530919
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Christianity and Ass-dead-dicks

>> No.7530921

This thread reminds me of the joke in Annie Hall where Jeff Goldblum is on the phone and says, "I forgot my mantra."

Now that I think of it, so much of /lit/ is really just a 2-second joke in a Woody Allen movie protracted.

>> No.7530936

Were you unhappy before mate?

>> No.7530943

a bit yeah

i moved to my own apartment though so that might have something to do with it

>> No.7531412

Yes, I recognize that as a 21 year old I don't have the experience or knowledge of a 2k year old tradition.

>> No.7531486

Hegel is why I get out of bed in the morning.

>> No.7531493

I just try to spread as much good as I can because I'd like to see a better world - that people dislike me for this is what actually keeps me going.

>> No.7531511

Me too anon, me too.

>> No.7531514

>asceticism and existencial nihilism
Literally wut?

>> No.7531515



>> No.7531525

>better world


>> No.7531533
File: 68 KB, 694x390, louchewarrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring becomes the rose

>Book that changed my life

A River Runs Through It by Norman Maclean
Acceptance by Jeff Vandermeer

>> No.7531538


It has been a guiding compass in ethics and mental health for me

>> No.7531553
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Christianity. Latin-rite style.

>> No.7531563

I care for everyone, if someone needs help I help them. I try to make the best out of people's environment and this is what I consider good. If everyone would do that, I'd consider the world to be a better place.

It's a one-sided thing and definitely unrewarding for me personally. You'd also find it quite ironic that I have this belief if you had any idea who I am.

>> No.7531565
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There is but one option. Todos con Fidel

>> No.7531575

Personally I find that zen buddhism is an incredibly solid ground to stand on when you delve deeper into philosophy. You get rid of the search for some ultimate answer and all that bullshit and you can focus better on improving your life directly. It's important that once you find "enlightenment" you don't get stuck there but keep moving forward.

>> No.7531582

So brainwashed you can't even have a conversation. You know if you look at it from the old age = superiority standpoint you're better off with Greeks or shamanism. Though I don't agree that old age = superiority in schools of thought.

>> No.7531589
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>> No.7531595

The absence of a personally satisfying ideology keeps me going- like a hunger. But for all I read I have yet to find a body of thought which circumscribes my being. The search continues

>> No.7531600


>> No.7531615
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pic related is my bible

>> No.7531645

epub pls

>> No.7531665

>If everyone would do that, I'd consider the world to be a better place.

this is very naive opinion

It would just shift the scales of what is bad and good

>> No.7531669


>> No.7531688

What conversation were you even trying to have?
If I ever read works that I don't agree with? Yes, yes I do. Heck I've read more things I disagree with and only started researching Catholic theology last year.
And another question. Are you fucking retarded? The fact that I said it's old adds to the authority and tradition meaning it's very rich with all kinds of works, ranging from philosopy to literature.
Greek religion also died in the meantime and shamanism, why the fuck would anyone go with it?

>> No.7531710


Literally atheistic nihilism; I'm being quite serious. (and with apologies to Mr. Zizek who is not a nihilist, the last time that I checked).

There is a deep peace that comes with the realization (of, given what we know of the world, the high probability) that everyone else, like you, will be dead within a few decades on the outside, and for each individual, that will be the end of it. No one "wins" the game of life by living well, or by reproducing "and so on" >>7529394 *sniff* :^) ; you lose that game at the instant of your death.

Death /precludes/ meaning.

This is a negation of almost all religion, in the sense that almost all religion prescribes some sort of /differentiation of status/ in the afterlife, or the next life, which is a projection of certain features of the current normie social order into the afterlife. Good people go to heaven or are reincarnated as brahmins, bad people go to hell or become cockroaches *sniff* and so on. These things are usually couched in higher language such as good and evil, justice and so on, but in fact what's really going on in religions is a projective wish to perpetuate the normie social order beyond death, and the mhost el-e-men-tar-y feature of the normie social order is that some are higher status than others, but this reality of "status-wish" is not spoken of in religious terms, because when put that way, it reveals the projection of the religion as ignoble. The normie social order is a high school; the workplace is a high school, the afterlife is a high school, without

That this high school does not proceed indefinitely is exactly what makes existence bearable; now if it should happen that biological immortality is implemented in the future, then we will have something truly intolerable, because then there will be real and meaningful differences of status, between the mortals and the conditionally immortal.

>> No.7531726

but how boys

>> No.7531737

Enlightenment is the end, the cessation of suffering.

There's nothing left but to physically die and never to return to the stream. (According to Buddhist mythos)

>> No.7531766

Determinism baby. If I have no meaningful freedom or power over anything, then it's not my fault.

>> No.7531860

youre a fool, determinism doesnt detach you from responsibility. I can acknowledge that all my actions are causally linked to everything that happened before me, but everything that happens after will be a result of my action.

Its fun to say "yea but like its not my fault", but you still have to make an action so youve got to use your better judgement. That step in my own existential crisis was hard to get past but let your discovery of your lack of free will be an asset, not a burden. Its just one more link in a chain of events

>> No.7531878

I've embraced Stoicism in the past few years. It's helped my life tremendously.

>> No.7531879

>but everything that happens after will be a result of my action
When a wave moves a bit of sand, the bit of sand moving is a result of its action. Is it however responsible for it?

Since we obey the same laws as waves and sand, we have no more agency or "responsibility" than they do. How can you have responsibility without free will? I don't get your argument.

>> No.7531881

I have similar feelings, anon, but I've never really laid it all out in such a way. Thanks

>> No.7531938

the difference is that the grain of sand chooses to move or not move. It doesnt actually have the choice, its an illusion, but the choice is still made.

What would a world where no one takes any responsibility for their actions look like. We find Mr jones not guilty on the basis of no one being guilty of anything!

>> No.7531952

You can still lock up people to keep them from hurting others, or as a dissuasive measure. You just remove the moral judgement from it.

>> No.7531963

are you me two years ago?

>> No.7531989

k heres a thought, in the wave and sand metaphor all the pieces move in very predictable patterns like balls bouncing off of eachother, all following the laws of physics.

While our brains may act in predictable ways, we dont have the knowledge or ability to predict them yet.

So for now, even though we know every other aspect of the universe is predictable and causally linked, our brain is unique in that rather than it bouncing off things in real time, we store our causal links in our minds and come to an action that way,

Still causally linked no doubt, but very uniquely free in that way.

>> No.7531993

im not trying to prove free will exists, it doesnt, but responsibility does. are they incompatible

>> No.7532008

There are a lot of processes more complicated and harder to predict than human thought (like complex systems, quantum interactions etc)

It doesn't make them "free" right?

It doesn't matter what humans can or cannot predict.

>> No.7532024

I said I would consider. Yes I think I have the right to propagate that I think I know the difference between right and wrong and even though I usually don't build my case merely on opinions and I may be naive but if there's little I know, it's about this.
>It would just shift the scales of what is bad and good
Yes it would. But we're not in that situation we are here. You're hungry sometimes right? Are you ever hungry compared to a starving African child? Take words as what they mean in the context and don't invalidate my argument because in another context the meaning or insensitivity of the word may become different.

Seriously, this whole "a perfect world is naive" or "we're just humans (not gods)" mentality. It's just an excuse to not take responsibility of what happens in your environment and how you control it.

sorry for the speech

>> No.7532059

I feel you man, but acknowledging your lack of freedom only goes as far as to distance yourself emotionally from the reality of the situation.

As long as you dont stop feeling at least partly responsible for your part you play in it, you do what you want. But the decisions and actions you take do matter, they do have an effect. And in that way, were responsible.

>> No.7532074

I agree that what we do has effect. I disagree about moral responsibility, I really don't see how you can apply that concept in a completely deterministic world. I also suscribe to eternalism ie. block time. Which renders null cause-and-effect logic. But that's another story.

>> No.7532079

Not that guy, but you might be confusing 'free will' and 'free choice'.

>> No.7532082

whats the difference?

>> No.7532094


Sorry for the link, but it'll explain the concepts better than I ever could. Read the comments, too.

>> No.7532100


>> No.7532110

This. Wisdom is the key to ultimate happiness, and once you acquire it, nothing can fucking phase you.

>> No.7532129

Fuck morals man this has nothing to do with it, im simply reminding you that even though everything you do is a result of other actions, everything that happens after you will be a result of your action.

Language is failing me here im having a communication break down. I can apply it to a deterministic world because i feel that once people lose their free will they think nothing they do matters. I think determinism is forever linked to nihilism and that plays a big role in why our world looks the way it does.

civilization is hooked in its edgy teen phase

>> No.7532142
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>> No.7532150

>everything that happens after you will be a result of your action
A domino standing in the middle of a domino line effects all the following ones by its fall. So what?

> i feel that once people lose their free will they think nothing they do matters
So you don't have a logical reason to believe in free will or responsibility, but you prefer to because you don't want to be nihilistic? That's fine.

>I think determinism is forever linked to nihilism
I think determinism is linked to scientific knowledge. As for nihilism... meh. I don't see myself as a nihilist, I'm more of an humanist if anything.

>civilization is hooked in its edgy teen phase
Do you think our civilization is determinist? I feel like most people believe in free will. May depend on your country of origin.

>> No.7532156

Non duality

>> No.7532193

K heres my prob with the domino thing. No human action is as simple as pushed one way, fall that way. The human domino is pushed from a thousand directions and will fall based on its decision of which direction is best.

I see determinists as believing in that first, too easy view that results in hopelessness and nihilism, which i despise. The second one, while still following a scientific logic is more reassuring to me as it reminds me of my responsibility.

Clearly i need to refine the thought but im not against determinism, i think people need to complete the thought. Theres a limit to the merits of rational thinking, humans are not objective. We cant apply purely objective reasoning.

Just as a side tangent, if i gave a super-rational computer omnipotence and told it to solve the human problem, do you think it would come up with a solution any human would be satisfied with

>> No.7532209

sorry i didnt address your other points, I dont believe in free will, but i do believe in feeling with science cant really speak for.

You arent a nihilist but youve clearly spent the time to develop a more complete philosophical subscription so you hardly the average determinist. And as for whether or not most people are determinist, it is linked with the nihilism that is currently fucking our culture, which most people do subscribe to. ie, fuck le morals lets be degenerate. just because something is socially constructed doesnt make it bad people cmon

>> No.7532223

small addendum to the human domino metaphor, that "decision" about whats "best" will also be the result of all those determinist directions its being pushed in. But its conception of "best" will not be a direction but a giant amalgamation of all those directions its being pushed in, based on logic but also EMOTION, which is non-rational and non-scientific.

>> No.7532329

Ego and its own, but now i feel depressed

>> No.7532493 [DELETED] 


This post makes me want to throw up.

>> No.7532507

hope that following years will bring a big insight into nature of things

basically optimism I guess, even though I am probably clinically depressed

>> No.7532535
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At the moment, nothing. I'm trying to find a good way of ending it.

Although this is a very good post and food for thought. Thank you, Anon

>> No.7532601

Why mate?

>> No.7532620
File: 189 KB, 411x458, come to bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should check alt.hollidays for tips on hanging, if done well it's the cleanests and easiest way

>> No.7532631

Thanks m8. You're probably talking about the long drop method, yeah?

>> No.7532632

Just a Google search away.

>> No.7532642

partial hanging, properly done lets blood go out the brain and has minimal requirements.

>> No.7532646
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>giving tips on suicide
>not showing your fighting spirit and teaching how to enjoy all fate

>> No.7532678
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Ah, gotcha.

>> No.7532683

I'm just gonna go ahead and be the first one here to say Marxism

>> No.7532693

are you politically active? do you really believe the proletariat can prevail?

>> No.7532696
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I'm sorry marxist hibari, but original flavor will take her exit on her own terms

>> No.7532697

Amor fati friendo!

>> No.7532708


Literally this

>> No.7532716

Heidegger's authentic call of conscience fucked my shit up and changed me personally

>> No.7532731

>This is a negation of almost all religion, in the sense that almost all religion prescribes some sort of /differentiation of status/ in the afterlife, or the next life, which is a projection of certain features of the current normie social order into the afterlife.
is this your own theory or are you borrowing?

I could swear reading about this sometime during the last weeks but I was drinking.

>> No.7532788

Nietzsche said something along those lines.

>> No.7532797

Christianity was debunked by science.

>> No.7532801
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low quality b8

>> No.7532807

>Heidegger's authentic call of conscience
In a good or bad way?

>> No.7532811

>Take the question of God out of existence
>Goes on to talk about a bunch of bullshit that only makes sense if God exists
I wish I could be this delusional

>> No.7532820

Science still can't explain metaphysics.

>> No.7532825

Metaphysics is a memetic object.

>> No.7532828

You're a memetic object!

>> No.7532831

Science was debunked by everything.
God must exist

>> No.7532843

>reading comprehension

>> No.7532868

I advise everyone to stop responding to this guy and just ignore him

>> No.7532877

what does that mean?

>> No.7532878

God must exist for your psychological well being which unfortunately for you has no bearing on reality.

>> No.7532879

I just entered this thread.

>> No.7532888

Don't be fallacious.

>> No.7532913


I would put Mein Kampf, but that's trying way too hard to get attention.

>> No.7532915

I'd consider myself a realist, alright? But in philosophical terms I'm what's called a pessimist... I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself - we are creatures that should not exist by natural law... We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, that accretion of sensory experience and feelings, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody's nobody... I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction - one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

>> No.7532918


>> No.7532921

Interesting desu. Did hunter-gatherers have more egalitarian religious ideas because they weren't as hierarchical as agriculturalists?

>> No.7532928

I think it's safe to say you won't be splitting the atom.

>> No.7532930

Thomas Ligotti's not high-school level anon, it's pretty solid.

>> No.7532931

Well anon, I must tell you, for years I was on a quest of distancing myself from all ideologies in order to experience life as pure as possible. What I found instead that I became lost at sea, without a rudder nor compass. Slowly but surely, I started to form some form of what it means to live again, basically How to be a Normie 101. But, as before, realized there is no lasting sense of value or satisfying perspective in the keep my eyes forward and don't readjust the eye-flaps mentality. So since then I've started delving into a number of things: philosophy, meditation, getting fit, pursuing a valuable career, self-improvement. And although this seems to be enough to keep me afloat emotionally, I haven't quite found a fitting ideology since. Whereas in the past it was the pretty New-Age "oneness" or "non-duality" that was most alluring. So now I strive to form my own idea of life, gathering bits and pieces where I can, but not really in a serious manner. But what I have found is that if you commit to the pursuit, you make much larger strides than you initially apprehended. It just takes a little bit of effort.

>> No.7532959

>There is no skeptics itt

Wew lads, where you at my Pyrrhonian//Sextean brethen ?

>> No.7533058

did you miss the second post of the thread?

>> No.7533275

I follow no ideology.

>> No.7533284


>> No.7533303

This, I claim, is precisely ideology.

Ideology which really works never perceives itself as ideology.

>> No.7533386

A spurious combination of Taoism, Buddhism, Egoism, Amor Fati and Memetics.

>> No.7533390

i have a strong belief in myself and no other. fuck all else. individualism is the key.

>> No.7533391

Hurr durr, durr everyone follows an ideology dho, hyuecc hyuecc.

>> No.7533471


My thoughts are most directly influenced by my recent years of browsing /r9k/. (And once the room is done groaning...) I've never read any Nietzsche but I'm naturally pleased to hear >>7532788 that he may have had similar thoughts.

It is possible that you read a popular thread on /sci/ in the past several days, where I actually developed the ideas a bit better. If you are very curious, you can look for it. The thread is still live on that board.


Please expand your theme with the examples that you had in mind when you wrote it.

>> No.7533873
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>Please expand your theme with the examples that you had in mind when you wrote it.
Well, I was thinking about how people in hunter-gatherer nomad bands didn't have strict hierarchy or a sense of private property for that matter like it spawned later among agriculturalists and therefore I suspected their memes to be in accordance but I don't know very much about them.

I was hoping you did.

>> No.7533877
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Also yes I found out it was your posts on /sci/ I read in my holiday daze during a brown out I guess.

Pretty Kafkaesque.

>> No.7534232


>> No.7534247

hope you never need open heart surgery or a disabling condition

>> No.7534517
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Christian Existentialism; to bring glory to God and to make use of my talents. I had a run-in with my conscience recently and realized how shitty of a person I am, and that to redeem my soul I'm going to have to do a lot of good works. Faith w/o works being dead and all.

Ideally, I'd like to start an orphanage and raise the fatherless as my own, bringing up a generation of learned, cultured, and empathetic people. I'd take them fishing. I'd show them the beauty of our existence. I'd lead them on the straight moral path and send them into the world to do good and to share what I shared with them. Of course, this is all presuming I'm published and successful and yadayadayada

I want to be the best dad ever desu

>> No.7534601


mm, ego-stroking, nice big screenprints.

Not that any of this matters. :^)

>> No.7534615


Thirded, add antifragile to the mix senpai

>> No.7534624


Well, then it seems that neither of us has a trained or concrete historical/anthropological understanding of what these pre-historical times were actually like, beyond what we can glean. Your own image choice is telling in the sense that it is perhaps a romanticized wish of a kinder, gentler world apart from the circumstances of the ancestor's deaths, where any sort of closeness in death is understandable to us. I am given to understand that daily tribal life was in actual fact incredibly violent relative to our present standard of living.

My read on things is bound up in "modern" history (the history and memes less than ten thousand years old), meaning materials that you can actually read. We are on the /lit/ board, after all, but this conceit relates ironically to my earlier thoughts in the sense that I look down my nose at the human need to "tell stories", but of course this applies to me too. Here I must explain my need to frame and couch things in narratives.

>> No.7534968

how do I get into aesthetics. Ive been interested for a while, does anyone know of a book that is like a brief survey of aesthetics?

>> No.7534971

donald? is that you?

>> No.7534988

Memes at this point. I live for memes, and they live for me.

>> No.7535006

>The truths of some guy suffering from anhedonia are the supreme truth of the universe

Okay, then.

>> No.7535011

highly admirable

>> No.7535030

Not within zen buddhism. Having reached enlightenment, most zen buddhas use their knowledge to teach others. Zen buddhism is much more based in reality than other schools of buddhism, and it's more akin to a philosophy than a religion. It's mostly about finding inner peace and spreading love.

>> No.7535322

Highly naive that is.
Try your hand at any form of social work in serious way and try not becoming cynical.

Being a father for the fatherless. Man, i hope you're trolling.

>> No.7535340

Basically this. When you strip it all down, every ideology, every tradition, every bit of knowledge is just memes. Language itself is a meme. We all live, feel, and feed on the memes. We are the memes. Memes are life, and life is memes.

>> No.7535355

Life is pointless and no one will remember any of us in a few decades

>> No.7535366

all mahayana has the concept of the bodhisattva, not just zen. 'finding inner peace and spreading love' is a bit of a new age misinterpretation though.

>> No.7535683


>> No.7535698

You get it, brother

Life is nothing but avoiding negative experiences until you die

>> No.7535706

Read Thus Spake, you fool.

>> No.7535718

So existentialism?

>> No.7535773

Yes, but zen does not contain the traditional buddha who ascends into nirvana. All buddha within zen are technically bodhisattva, but that term isn't really used. The 'finding inner peace' part is naturally just what an outsider who doesn't actively practice zen sees a the goal, and the real "goal" is of course of a more abstract nature; it's indescribable.

>> No.7535774

Read Schoppy, silly boy. :)

>> No.7537062

this me too

>> No.7537093

Left fascism, the idea of existing as a political being within the context of world history and creating meaning through political struggle.
That and daydreams about the ISIS style decapitations of Exon CEOs that are surely just around the corner of the modern world hasn't lost its mind and balls

>> No.7537218

if you are still here, well.
For start, after reading Stirner's magnum opus i felt liberate from everything, you bust spooks from your life, at first atempt to be free.
After that becomes something else the conscious egoist. Living that way is potentially dangerous. And in the end nothing holds value, not even money can motivate me. What do i mean by this? I feel no pride, no anger, no hate. Thus resulting in something nauseating

>> No.7537274

>tfw every time I mention nihilism normies think I'm edgy

>> No.7537413

I just pretend that I'll live forever and that I can become a better person tomorrow.

And yeah, I've read a book on classical mechanics by Lev Landau in high school and it was the main reason I decided to study physics. I would have been an accountant otherwise.

>> No.7537434


Money isn't what motivates you. It's what you can get from the money.

>> No.7537754

No Anon, you don't understand. It's spooks all the way down.

>> No.7537785
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>tfw you try to explain nihilism, absurdism, and Camus to your normie friends and they just laugh

>> No.7537809

>normie friends

you're a normie m8

>> No.7537817

In my life I have been tolerated, not accepted, I suppose friends was the wrong word to use.

>> No.7537915

no man escapes the day of his fate.

>> No.7537941

>ynw ejaculate into alexis ren

>> No.7537974

It's pretty similar both to Marcus Aurelius's Meditations and Emile Durkheim's Elementary Forms of Religious Life.

>> No.7537996

Hinduism is thousands of years older and has a longer continuous history of philosophical inquiry.

>> No.7538060

No ideology keeps you going. Ideology is a crutch for decrepit men. The free individual does not depend on it. But this is not to say that he gives into his every desire, since that would be giving into the ideology of hedonism. The free man needs no spiritual or material crtuch.

>> No.7538729

not even that familia, maybe i should give a try to buddhism or stoicism

>> No.7538739

What differentiates a Buddha from Arahant is that the Buddha decides to teach and help others with his knowledge.

An arahant may be enlightened like a buddha, but he/she will keep it to herself or likely help only those who are closest to them.

>> No.7538748

What if he gives into every desire while denying he's a hedonist?

>> No.7538758

>The free individual does not depend on it

As a Buddhist I agree.

But I am a man. And a empty void finds a way to be filled. I am imperfect and rely on support (the crutch) until I am ready to walk.

I would rather be filled with the Dharma and to guide me to liberation. I would rather attach to Dhamma than the Hindrances or the Poisons.

It is a neccessary "crutch" and thus one of the essential elements of enlightenment is release and thus once you have reached Nirvana, you are to discard your crutch (or in most analogies, a raft or kayak).

>> No.7538773

Everyone depends on ideology. Your notion of 'the free man' is ideology.

There is no escaping ideology.

>> No.7538959

This is /lit/

>> No.7538974
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the ideology of cold hard cash and gettin that

>> No.7538976

I suppose the ideology that I don't know everything keeps me going.

>> No.7538986

spooks keep me going

>> No.7539010

I guess what drives me (albeit very poorly) is that the pointlessness is the point. Doing something because it's meaningful, not because it's useful, is what humanity is to me. An animal doesn't look up at the stars in awe because there's no reason to. They're just lights, y'know? But to us they're stars, places to be explored, and it's exciting and scary and wonderful all at the same time.

That's what being a person is for me and that's what keeps me going. Knowing that it doesn't matter, but the fact that we're raging against that by being thinking, feeling animals is what makes ti worth it. We get to decide who and what we are.

Juvenile, yeah but I don't know. Curiosity and passion, especially for stuff that has no practical purpose like the arts and a good chunk of science is the biggest celebration of being human I could think of.

Religion fixates on pushing ourselves away from our humanity to transcend it, but that's not going to happen. All it gives us is people who cry when they fap and and homophobia. I think that (to some degree) embracing those things, rage, sadness, whatever in moderation is wonderful and again part of what being human is about.

I'm very very very far from being the happiest man on the planet or really even all that happy but I don't know. This just feels like the right thing to me, deep down.

>> No.7539052

I was once asked if I believed in Religion. I said, "I believe in religion so far as that it exists", implying the idea of religion in the minds of folks and the material ritual of it, and then was categorically mocked by trite, petty catholics and mediocre yuppies.

It's weird when you bring philosophy to a table of unexamined lives.

>> No.7539066

I also feel the same way.

>> No.7539072

Stoicism, intellectual beauty, general Eastern ideologies (taoism was my big one back in the day).

Reading Hesse and Alan Watts in high school were what made me to have faith in my own intuition and get the hell out of Catholicism finally.

>> No.7539214

I hear you, brother. In this moment we are euphoric -- not because of some phony god, but because we're enlightened by our own intelligence.

>> No.7539412 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7540518


>> No.7540543

I want to be a hero and protect everyone I care for.