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/lit/ - Literature

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7526797 No.7526797 [Reply] [Original]

You are condemned to read one book for the rest of your life, name it /lit/?

>protip: don't think about it, just the first one that pops into your head

>> No.7526798

the bible

that was easy

>> No.7526801

war and peace

>> No.7526819

Don Quixote

>> No.7526824

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.7526838
File: 36 KB, 468x380, barthelme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60 stories

>> No.7526850

The Complete Works of Shakespeare. No question about it

>> No.7526901

Endless Eight

>> No.7527045
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The thing that immediately came to mind was The Divine Comedy. I'm allowed to get all three canticles, right?

Because I truly think I could read it for the rest of my life.

>> No.7527058

how is barthelme's 60 stories? i picked it up from a garage sale, and i havent touched it. what author would you compare him to?

>> No.7527093

>how is barthelme's 60 stories?
>posted in a thread like this
what do you think?

>> No.7527103

obviously, which is why i asked the follow up question
>what author would you compare him to?
i think someone who would want to have this book as the only thing they read for the rest of their life would be able to tell me a bit about why this is.

>> No.7527118

>>what author would you compare him to?
2 seconds on google https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Barthelme#Influences

>> No.7527126

If we all wanted to be googling on our own there would be no point in this board. People want to discuss things faggot.

>> No.7527127

oh, good. dodged a bullet there then. i'll be putting this in the thrift store box.

>> No.7527129

>googling on our own
do you need someone to hold your hand also?
what would be the point in "discussing" a book with someone who hasn't read it you lazy faggot? you have the book, why don't you read it instead of shitposting and then come back for a discussion

>> No.7527136

calm your bitch ass down.

>> No.7527137

Because somebody rooted in the same community as you might be able to give you a better opinion on what the content is like than a world wide search engine? Let's not go any further.

>> No.7527144

yes, let's not go any further. read the book and then come back to discuss it.

>> No.7527153

Different anon mate.

>> No.7527349
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Borges: Collected Fictions

>> No.7527351

the quran

that was easy.

>> No.7527680

The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil. I will probably never fully figure out what the hell he is saying throughout.

>> No.7527708

Encyclopedia Britannica.

>> No.7527712

If that was the only book I could read, I probably wouldn't.

>> No.7527721

Women and Men by McElroy

>> No.7527756

Any Playboy Magazine

>> No.7527762

Finnegans Wake.
Genuinely not a meme post. The more you read it, the more a coherent image of the scene forms from the language. If I can only read one book from FW then it'll be Book I: more content than any other, containing the whole rise/fall of HCE, the park incident, the trial, the arrest, the torment, the burial and the revival. The Buckley incident, the introduction of the hen and the letter, Shem and his fecal ink, and the goat scene of the book - the washerwomen on the banks of the Liffey.

I'll take up Joyce's wish for the reader to read FW for 17 years regardless. It's also a really fun book to read when high.

>> No.7527764


The Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.7527842

Why? Genuinely curious.

>> No.7527856
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>> No.7527923


Interest, coupled with a firm belief that it is one of the single books that could give me the most wisdom while also being the one I could spend the most time on.

>> No.7527925
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The Tunnel by William Gass

>> No.7527928


omg the lighting on his belly!

>> No.7527934


>> No.7527935

Science of Logic.

>> No.7527937

Beautiful, isn't it?

>> No.7527938

Has Hegel really influenced you guys that much?

>> No.7527939

Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece by Gustav Schwab

>> No.7528089

Yes, the only I'm studying philosophy right now is because of him.

>> No.7528094

Genuinely interested in this, what ideas of his is it that you find so alluring?

>> No.7528140


>> No.7528142

It is really hard to put in a single post but I quote a passage that might throw some light for you:

It has been shown above in reference to the existence of Spirit, that its Being is its activity. Nature, on the contrary, is, as it is; its changes are thus only repetitions, and its movements take the form of a circle merely. To express this better, the activity of Spirit is to know itself. I am, immediately, but this I am only as a living organism; as Spirit I am only in so far as I know myself. Know thyself, the inscription over the temple of the oracle at Delphi, is the absolute command which is expressed by Spirit in its essential character. But consciousness really implies that for myself, I am object to myself. In forming this absolute division between what is mine and myself, Spirit constitutes its existence and establishes itself as external to itself. It postulates itself in the externality which is just the universal and the distinctive form of existence in Nature. But one of the forms of externality is Spirit, and this form requires to be farther examined both in the Philosophy of Nature and the finite Spirit.

This Being in existence and therefore Being in time is a moment not only of the individual consciousness, which as such is essentially finite, but also of the development of the philosophical Idea in the element of Thought. For the Idea, thought of as being at rest, is, indeed, not in Time. To think of it as at rest, and to preserve it in the form of immediacy is equivalent to its inward perception. But the Idea as concrete, is, as has been shown, the unity of differences; it is not really at rest, and its existence is not really sense-perception, but as differentiation
within itself and therefore as development, it comes into existent Being and into externality in the element of Thought, and thus pure Philosophy appears in thought as a progressive existence in time.

>> No.7528178

Cent mille milliards de poèmes by Queneau. More then enough for a lifetime.

>> No.7528197

It doesn't seem very practical and difficult to understand, but I guess I don't have the proper backing. But his ideas all add up when you follow the proper procedures?

>> No.7528208


I've got a bad feeling about this one. What's the concept?

>> No.7528242

Of course is not practical (in the vulgar sense of the world), this is philosophy.

>> No.7528246

Is English you second language?

>> No.7528253

Shit yes, where did I fucked up?

>> No.7528255

of course It is not practical

>> No.7528258

>Of course is not practical
>is not practical
>no subject

>> No.7528264


>> No.7528268

So 'it is not practical" is the correct form

>> No.7528271

>Raymond Queneau’s A Hundred Thousand Billion Poems or One hundred million million poems (original French title: Cent mille milliards de poèmes), published in 1961, is a set of ten sonnets. They are printed on card with each line on a separated strip, like a heads-bodies-and-legs book, a type of children's book with which Queneau was familiar. As all ten sonnets have not just the same rhyme scheme but the same rhyme sounds, any lines from a sonnet can be combined with any from the nine others, so that there are 10^14 (= 100,000,000,000,000) different poems. It would take some 200,000,000 years to read them all, even reading twenty-four hours a day. When Queneau ran into trouble while writing the poem(s), he solicited the help of mathematician Francois Le Lionnais, and in the process they initiated Oulipo.


>> No.7528273


>> No.7528289


>> No.7528292

The Hero With a Thousand Faces. I picked it up because the cover looked cool.

>> No.7528299

Sorry if Joseph Campbell is pleb tier for you guys because of Joe Rogan. Or maybe I shouldnt assume so much?

>> No.7528301

This is a weird gif

>> No.7528306

Watership Down

>> No.7528310

Such depth.

>> No.7529309

In Search of Lost Time

Will probably manage to read the whole thing by my 60ies.

>> No.7529527
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“Twenty-two months are a long time and a lot of things can happen in them- there is time for new families to be formed, for babies to be born and even begin to talk, for a great house to rise where once there was only a field, for a beautiful woman to grow old and no one desire her any more, for an illness- for a long illness- to ripen (yet men live on heedlessly), to consume the body slowly, to recede for short periods as if cured, to take hold again more deeply and drain away the last hopes; there is time for a man to die and be buried, for his son to be able to laugh again and in the evening take the girls down the avenues and past the cemetery gates without a thought. But it seemed as if Drogo’s existence had come to a halt. The same day, the same things, had repeated themselves hundreds of times without taking a step forward. The river of time flowed over the Fort, crumbled the walls, swept down dust and fragments of stone, wore away the stairs and the chain, but over Drogo it passed in vain- it had not yet succeeded in catching him, bearing him with it as it flowed.”