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/lit/ - Literature

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7526806 No.7526806 [Reply] [Original]

Happy New Year's guys! I just wanted to let you know that this is my favorite board on 4chan and to give you some advice (and to shill my philosophy as well lol).

There's been a lot of talk about me being dead, but I'm okay. I've been holed up with a third cousin in the Hamptons and taking a break from silly computer games and mean internet arguments (they hurt my feelings just as much as my opponents', believe it or not, although I am stronger and can take it better). I even have found a girl that I'm semi-settled down with. She's a bit older than me, 43, but super hot for her age. Her name is Sarah and she is a killer cat under the blankets. She is very smart but has an arrogant and agressive person---like a mini-me. It's like I regularly have sex with myself which is awesome (I KID, see I don't always take myself so seriously).

Yeah so the reason I wanted to stop in and write you a friendly note is because on my break from video games I wanted to broaden my education and I wanted to become more of a "patrician" (I was the realest patrician man since the day I was conceived on a beach by the Mediterranean Sea). So to do that I needed to read many many books, fiction, and non-fiction. I've read all the philosophy and all of the well known classic literature, but beyond that is not easy to find good books. I go to Barnes and Noble or a library and I am like "What de FUG Mann! I cannot tell if these boogs are going to be goob!" and I sure as all hell am not going to waste dozens of hours finding out when I could be yachting or learning to play the violin. So I spent 30-45 minutes on /lit/ every day researching what book I want to read next. And since I am an web-savvy young guy, it is easy to tell by others reactions when you are bullshitting or posting memes. For me, /lit/ is the best possible resource. If I had a network of "patrician" friends and author acquaintances that would be better, but I don't.

>> No.7526809
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I'm actually scrapping culture.vg and the orgyoftgewill.net forum hiring a company to make Insomnia 4.0, which will do a small amount of advertising. It will also have a tiered forum structure. In this case that means there will mean there will be a GOLD forum which will be moderated like any other forum, but I won't be giving the scary beatdowns to retards that even make the good posters uncomfortable to post. Then there will be a PLATINUM forum which is like a combination of the current culture.vg and orgyofthewill.net forums and will cover advanced topics and will only include the most well-respected members.

So anyway thanks you and happy New Years guys! I'd be remiss if I didn't use this post as an opportunity push my philosophy on you folks. The following passage from Orgy of the Will is pretty fitting.

One can see everywhere in the slave society habits and attitudes which betray what the slaves really think about themselves. Take the first day of the year. Why is it a "holiday", i.e. a day of doing nothing? Why is the first day of the year a day of "rest"? Precisely the time to make a strong start, where dynamism, optimism, etc. are called for, the slave stays at home and does nothing, BECAUSE HE HATES WHAT HE DOES. He can think of no higher gift to give himself on the first day of a new year, than to take a break from his reality. But if a rest day should be taken at all, it should clearly be the last day of the year. The first day should be a day FOR GETTING DOWN TO WORK, and indeed for working harder than any other day. With more zeal, more focus, more determination, etc. It's like making the first hour of the day an hour of — sleep. But you just woke up! And it's precisely on waking that our powers are at their apex, and consequently should not be squandered but fully utilized. The slave, however, never wakes up, and even in his sleep, in his eternal sleep, contributes to what happens all around him, as Heraclitus so insightfully relates to us. "Those who are asleep are fellow-workers in what goes on in the world."

>> No.7526812

happy new year!

>> No.7526820

also who are you?

>> No.7526861

Post your address if you want a signed book.

DJ Orwell, I know you read this board, you can come back to Insomnia, I don't give a fuck as long as you fill your News quota. You're going straight into the GOLD forum when the new site is up though fucker.

Alex "icycalm" Kierkegaard, the man who completed philosophy.


>> No.7526911

Hey icycalm, have you managed to find a gf yet

>> No.7527001

just read from Bloom's canon mate