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7526395 No.7526395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here get happy from pessimism? Reading pic related.

Happy New Years :)

>> No.7526409
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Remember women never engage in intellectual pursuits for the sake of knowledge, they do it only to arouse attention on the basis that they are "different" or "philosophical" which will benefit them by increasing their value.

This thread is a perfect example.

Of course I would still shove my dick between your tits hit me up bae.

>> No.7526416
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>> No.7526418
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this tbqf

>uses nail polish to convince others and themselves that they're a real woman

>> No.7526426

I drank all of the Amarula, but there's still sparkling wine and red wine and vodka and rye and light rum and Kahlua and limoncello and creme de cassis and Frangelico and Chambord if you want to come to my house tonight.

>> No.7526432
File: 104 KB, 407x215, Untitled_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not impressed, Zuckerschnecke

>> No.7526437

Do you really want to start the new year bullying?

What's your favourite pessimist work? :)

>> No.7526438

>not reading in german

>> No.7526447


>be a girl
>buy a book you heard smart people read
>sit on the couch to read it
>check phone
>open book, turn to first page
>check phone
>text friend
>read first two sentences
>check phone
>send text
>get halfway through first paragraph
>check phone
>flip through rest of the book, stopping randomly in the middle
>read a sentence that resonates with you
>think about it for a moment
>check phone
>reread sentence
>go to desk and take pic of self with book, post on 4chan
>check facebook while waiting for replies about how smart you are

>> No.7526450

My favorite pessimistic work is my dick in ur mouth

>tfw alpha so I don't have to pretend to be interested in the blatant lies to increase value that women pull

>> No.7526453

>What's your favourite pessimist work? :)
I want to pet you. :3

>> No.7526458
File: 112 KB, 504x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a hipster gf for a time who would spend all her money on philosophy and literature books just to take pictures of them and post it on facebook

The bitch never even opened one

Analytical thinking is truly devoid in the female

>> No.7526461

Schopenhauer is for posers who can't handle Aristotle's, Kant's or Hegel's systematic reasoning.

>> No.7526467

I hope to read German one day so I can read Mainlander as well.

Why would you discourage people to read?


>> No.7526473


>> No.7526475

>Anyone here get happy from pessimism?

Why are women such liars and theives? They truly are a disgusting animal.

I am happy that I prefer the company of men.

>> No.7526478

Don't you find acknowledging the worst to be freeing in a way?


>> No.7526479

>I am happy that I prefer the company of men.
lol you're gay.

>> No.7526495

You are blatantly deceiving yourself into thinking that it makes you happy when really you are simply depressed and intellectually challenged.

>> No.7526505


only the eternal return changes your life since it means that as soon as you accept dukkha over and over as in a samsara, as soon as you stop despising life, as soon as you stop being a nihilist, your existence changes in accessing a different perspective on existence. the eternal return is a surrender, an abdication of your self before your sufferings and joys stemming form your failure to fulfil your wish to live in hedonism, in avidity towards pleasures and aversion towards pains. once you abdicate, you destroy (mundane) hedonism.

existentialism is a nihilism since it despises life so much that he tries to change it.

pessimism is plebbery

>> No.7526506


who's translation?

>> No.7526507

I think you're special. :3


>> No.7526518
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Fuck off ling pao

Christ and spirit ok not fat Asian man praise the Holy Ghost

>> No.7526531

Guys do this too.

Jesus, for an 'intellectual' board you all are misogynistic as hell, and misogyny is always unsubstantiated and invalid. Look at all of the award winning women creating revolutionary works... and now look at yourself, sitting on your couch holding onto something unmovable to keep yourself from crying into your pizza boxes every night.

>> No.7526537

This is b8, right?

>> No.7526540

Not at all.


>> No.7526549

Maybe 'revolutionary' was an overstatement, but you aren't awarded and Pulitzer or Nobel Prize without having done something of quality. To some extent there are politics that go into choosing these laureates, but, again, you have to produce something somewhat of quality.

>> No.7526551

this 2bh

lady hating get's kinda stale

>> No.7526559

Welcome betas

>> No.7526564



Women think any criticism of any individual woman is misogynistic.

But, in any case, I would agree with you that there is a lot of misogyny on this board, but there's just as much misandry. Modern feminism, of course, is an anti-male, hate-filled bigoted movement full of sexist misandrists, and this has led to a reactionary, misogynistic backlash movement which you can find a lot of on 4chan.

>> No.7526565

I hope you have a very happy night :)

>You are blatantly deceiving yourself into thinking that it makes you happy when really you are simply depressed and intellectually challenged.
I'm not. Realising how bad life is makes me dedicated to helping others and doing so bring me joy, even though I know it's fleeting.

>"In fact, the conviction that the world and man is something that had better not have been, is of a kind to fill us with indulgence towards one another. Nay, from this point of view, we might well consider the proper form of address to be, not Monsieur, Sir, mein Herr, but my fellow-sufferer, Soci malorum, compagnon de miseres! This may perhaps sound strange, but it is in keeping with the facts; it puts others in a right light; and it reminds us of that which is after all the most necessary thing in life—the tolerance, patience, regard, and love of neighbor, of which everyone stands in need, and which, therefore, every man owes to his fellow."

>> No.7526570


The women creating revolutionary works aren't the same women doing stereotypical dumb women shit like this thread's OP.

>> No.7526579

This isn't really pessimism, more cynical Epicureanism.
Sounds like you really would prefer Epicurus or Diogenes over Schope 2b earnest.

>> No.7526580

>pulling the misogyny card

reddit must be few tabs away huh

>> No.7526585

These posts are negatively stereotyping women inherently due to their gender, which is misogyny.

>Modern feminism
What? Do you mean post-feminism? Because that's not a part of the school of thought. If you're talking about what you see within culture and on tumblr, that's a different story, and those women aren't education in feminist philosophy if they're also misandrist. So it's not an issue of feminism, it's an issue of trends, which is all that really amounts too.

>> No.7526588


>> No.7526597

See >>7526585

Yes, but a lot of these posts are using those examples of herd mentality to insult women in respect to their gender.

>> No.7526601

I've read the known Epicurean texts multiple times and three of the main academic works on Diogenes and Cynicism. I like them all a lot, but Schopenhauer touches on a despair that's absent in those schools that I find essential. He inspires more compassion, maybe because his work is more grim. And practically Schopenhauer seems a negative hedonist, so sort of an Epicurean.

>> No.7526602

ITT: Woman gets blasted for acting dumb, then accuses everyone of being misogynists.

>> No.7526603

itt; anon gets baited into responding to a bait thread again and again and again

>> No.7526604

Not I ;o

>> No.7526608

>he thinks I'm OP

OP just replies with rhetorical questions and passive-aggressive smilies

>> No.7526613

They're actually sincere friendly smileys :)

>> No.7526635

That's true, Schope certainly focuses on all lives being net bad than either. I'd suppose that Epicureanism is becoming more mainstream amongst the typical middle to upper class American, i.e. life is seemingly meaningless so you should maximize feeling good, whether this means obtaining your "potential" or just materialistic hedonism, while balancing it with sacrifice to other people or to temporary feeling bad. Maybe if it continues the current minds will shift to being more negative a la Schope
>three of the main academic works on Diogenes and Cynicism
I know Oxford and Penguin are two, what's the other one?

>> No.7526653

No, they don't. Stop trying to castrate males.

Call me when a team of females completes something of note without any male assistance or boosterism. It doesn't happen and never will.

Even Marie Curie had her husbands "assistance" and received a joint award.

Stop stealing my resources and glory, roasties.

>> No.7526659


Navia and Desmond are the way to go.

>> No.7526663
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well done /lit/

>> No.7526675

Whoa, wished I knew about this before ordering the Oxford edition through Amazon. Two different sources can't hurt though. Thanks lad.

>> No.7526762
File: 46 KB, 339x398, Schopenhauer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyy baby if you ever feel like getting tossed down the stairs give me a call

>> No.7526771

You're welcome, m8. I found Navia's work in my Uni library when I started looking into Cynicism and I was very happy to find it digital as well because it's fucking expensive.

>> No.7526779
File: 6 KB, 191x255, 1432004040939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when 4chan used to be 4chan? People like you belong on Tumblr or Reddit, all of the serious people are in 8 ch now...

>> No.7526783

>empathizing is for tumblr and reddit

>> No.7526868

hi my name is eddy do u want 2 skype??? :)

>> No.7526874


>> No.7526927
File: 192 KB, 1000x1500, 1431634671667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd suppose that Epicureanism is becoming more mainstream amongst the typical middle to upper class American, i.e. life is seemingly meaningless so you should maximize feeling good, whether this means obtaining your "potential" or just materialistic hedonism, while balancing it with sacrifice to other people or to temporary feeling bad.
this seems more hedonism.

and hedonism is the praxis of the doctrine from the liberal/libertarian.

>> No.7526932
File: 195 KB, 1000x1500, 1424160475260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7526936

>has no idea what epicureanism actually entails
>read 'hedonism' on the wikipedia page and thought they were interchangeable terms

someone didn't start with the greeks

>> No.7526991

I really enjoyed this cartoon. Anymore where that came from?

>> No.7527004

I was just regurgitating what DFW said in an interview. In truth I had no idea what I was talking about. I'm not sure why I said it, but I felt deeply shamed after I posted it and expected someone to call me out. I'm sorry, /lit/.

>> No.7527042

Yeah, go to existentialcomics.com

>> No.7527077

Thanks my man.

>> No.7527119

>woman seeks attention
>men, knowing woman seeks attention, give her attention
well done lads

>> No.7527193

Yeap. Same here. It's a great feeling seeing shit everywhere. Especially in my country which is still underdeveloped. I've built a pessimistic persona that people mistake for being a realist. I get paid shit tons of money to give my opinion on bullshit matters. I see no reason not to enjoy it.

>> No.7527231 [DELETED] 

No, we had our fun. No one really cares what women feels, including what you're saying now.

>> No.7527243

I lol'd, holy shit.

This is trolling at the next level (and it's kinda kawaii tbqh)