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7523743 No.7523743 [Reply] [Original]

What are /lit/'s favorite films?

>> No.7523755

8 1/2

>> No.7523762

The Lady from Shanghai

>> No.7523767

Cinema? Here's the Top 10

1. Leon: The Professional
2. L'Avventura
3. The Boondock Saints
4. 2001: A Space Odyssey
5. Pulp Fiction
6. The Seventh Seal
7. Ikiru
8. Boogie Nights
9. The 400 Blows
10. Citizen Kane

>> No.7523768

These are some of my pics, they're quite arty, so if you're only into mainstream film you may not know them - give them a try though OP, they're sweet.

Fight Club
Taxi Driver
A Clockwork Orange
Inglorious Bastards

>> No.7523774

If we go with only one film per director:
Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (Werner Herzog, 1971)
Sátántangó (Béla Tarr, 1994)
2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968)
Stalker (Andrei Tarkovski, 1979)
Harakiri (Masaki Kobayashi, 1962)
Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa, 1950)
Come and See (Elem Klimov, 1985)
Possession (Andrzej Żuławski, 1981)
La passion de Jeanne d’Arc (Carl Theodor Dreyer, 1928)
Sweet Movie (Dusan Makavejev, 1974)

>> No.7523775

Lawrence of Arabia

>> No.7523780

Apocalypse now
Black Swan
Synechdoche New York
The assassination of Jesse James
Raging Bull

Nice Pics anon, I prefer Solaris and Seven Samurai but I'm with you for the rest

Clockwork Orange felt incredibly weak after reading the book, what did you like about fight club?

I thought Boondock Saints had almost no redeeming features, I like the rest of your picks though, how many other PTA films have you seen?

>> No.7523794
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This is definitely one of them; essential NEETcore. Pic related are some others. Currently working through Ozu's filmography. So comfy~ :3

>> No.7523797

>Clockwork Orange felt incredibly weak after reading the book, what did you like about fight club?
He's not being serious.

>> No.7523798

Where is Chinatown?

>> No.7523824
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>> No.7523826

la femme de l'aviateur
dance party USA
in a lonely place

>> No.7523832
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Patrician list incoming

Nanook of the North
Pillow Talk
The Only Son
My Dinner With Andre
I Am Cuba
The Seashell and the Clergyman

>> No.7523834


>> No.7523837

How does the book compare to this?

>> No.7523840

Whoops, was supposed to name it cinéma.


>> No.7523845


>> No.7523851

>black swan
mah nigga, that shit is so good

>> No.7523852

>My Dinner With Andre
I bought Amarula because of this movie.

>> No.7523853

My favorite is a toss-up between La Règle du jeu (1939) and The Royal Tenenbaums (2001).

>> No.7523872

I want to watch something gritty and, possibly, underrated. Recommendations?

>> No.7523886

I like films that have connotations of exploring vast possibilities on American continent + some insight into human condition

There will be Blood
Days of Heaven
Valhalla Rising

Mixed about Aguirre, I just feel like liking Herzog documentary work more.

Didn't like New World even though Malick is probably my favourite filmmaker

any more recommendation (particularly from older cinema)?

Also Joshua Oppenheimer's Look of Silence is probably best thing I ever watched (its a documentary)

>> No.7523892

>ctrl+f Lost in Translation
DFW is disappoint
Synecdoche NY
American Beauty
Black Swan
Drive, the patrician guilty pleasure

>> No.7523896

What are your thoughts on A Serious Man?

>> No.7523901


Holy shit what's going on here, basic/shit/fedora taste everywhere.
/lit/ used to be the best for cinema

>la femme de l'aviateur

the rest is wonderful tbqhf

>> No.7523904
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> if you're only into mainstream film you may not know them
Tell me, which of those movies is not mainstream?

>quite arty

>> No.7523916

its a bait

>> No.7523927

Farewell My Concubine
The Silence of the Lambs

>> No.7523929


Das Leben der Anderen
Eyes Wide Shut
Love Liza
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
...And Justice for All
Dark City
Taxi Driver
Dr Strangelove
The Way Back
From Russia With Love

Sicario was good this year but generally this year was not that great for film honestly.


Love Hoffman but did not enjoy Synechdoche

>> No.7523934
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Adieu au langage, The Man From London, Aviator, Tropical Malady, The Brown Bunny, Femme Fatale, What Time Is It There?, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Mission : Impossible, Sátántangó, Une histoire de vent, Damnation, The Dante Quartet, Boy Meets Girl, Domicile conjugal, Branded to Kill, Made in USA, Tirez sur le pianiste, L'Avventura, La Dolce Vita, Melody Time, Letter From an Unknown Woman, Man with a Movie Camera

>> No.7523946

maby you can elaborate what are the movies:

im interested in the ones marked with an x

>> No.7523971

The Ascent / O / Goldfinger
O / Ace in the Hole / O
The Man Who Sleeps / O / Tokyo Story

>> No.7523978

Non-pretentious serious answer:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind
Synecdoche New York
12 Angry Men
Spring Breakers
Donnie Darko
Shutter Island
Ex Machina
Fight Club

desu, I was never that much into film other than purely for entertaiment. Also watched Bergmann and stuff but to be honest it's not superior to films of the last couple of decades. Though I love the fact that there is far more emphasis on storytelling than in recent films.

>> No.7523990

>in no particular order
The Idiots
Love Exposure
Cold Fish
Naked Lunch
Into a Dream
Le Temps du Loup

>> No.7523992

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
The Kid
East of Eden

>> No.7523999

>Seven Samurai (any kurosawa film actually)
>Ghost Dog
>Le Samourai

yeah i'm into samurai stuff

>Pulp Fiction
>Fully Flared
>500 days of summer
>Pootie Tang
>The Matrix
>Rain Man
>Ip Man

>> No.7524030

Annie Hall
Love and Death
Hannah and her Sisters
The Purple Rose of Cairo
Crimes and Misdemeanours

>> No.7524055

Why is everybody trying to come off as intellectual? be honest.

Throne of Blood
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Wild Strawberries
Pokémon - Mewtwo Strikes Back
Three Colours Trilogy

Bicycle Thieves
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

>> No.7524056

Ichi the Killer
2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.7524057

How rad is Aguirre though?
>that building paranoia
>that rainforest devoid of promise
>dem boat monkeys!

>> No.7524069

Nice coincidence, the book landed on my doorstep this morning.

>> No.7524092

Pootie Tang
Freddy Got Fingered
The Master of Diguise
Ace Ventura
Date Movie
2001: A Space Travesty
The Phantom Menace
White People Can't Jump
Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls

>> No.7524101
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Halloween 2 by Rob Zombie

No Country for Old Men by Coens.

Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia by Sam Peckinpah

13 Assassins by Takashi Miike

Once Upon a Time in America by Francis Ford Coppola.

>> No.7524181


I met Joshua Oppenheimer during a masterclass at the Sheffield Doc/fest and got his signature. Such a softly spoken man. Have you seen The Look of Silence yet? He screened it at the festival and a Q&A was held with Joshua and Adi from the film.

>> No.7524284

The Double Life of Veronique
Mulholland Drive
Perfect Sense
Inside LLewyn Davis

>> No.7524290

Gb2t r/films

>> No.7524298

If I enjoyed the film 'No Country for Old Men', would I enjoy Conrad's books?

>> No.7524305
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Top ten in no particular order

Empire strikes back
Requiem for a dream
Texas chainsaw massacre
Ghost in the shell (1995)
Glenn Gary glen Ross
The sound of music
Battle royale
Metropolis (fritz Lang)
Pink Floyd the wall

>> No.7524311

Shit. I forgot Pi.

>> No.7524318
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reading that made me want to kill myself

>> No.7524321

The Dark Knight Rises

>> No.7524323

There will be blood
La grande bellezza

>> No.7524345

i'll try a top 10

castle in the sky
high and low
beau travail
the son
blade runner
take shelter
umberto d
rio bravo


>> No.7524348

Gaspar Noé is one of the best contemporary filmmakers imo, good choice

>> No.7524366
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No special order:

A Man escaped (Bresson)
Germany, Year Zero (Rossellini)
The Rules of the Game (Renoir)
Sunrise (Murnau)
La Strada (Fellini)
Mon Oncle (Tati)
There will be blood (Anderson)
The Blood of a Poet (Cocteau)
M (Lang)
Breathless (Godard)

I might have had Mullholland Drive, but I saw it yesterday and I haven't enough distance yet.

Two bonuses:

>> No.7524368

I'm tired.

>> No.7524374

Il Conformista
Simón del desierto

>> No.7524385

i used to watch a lot of obscure art house films,then i started reading books and i understanded that all those obscure art films are just the dullest visions imaginable.

>> No.7524387

Werckmeister Harmonies
Les Diaboliques
The Great Dictator
Dr Mabuse Der Spieler
Funeral Parade of Roses
Fantastic Planet
Pather Panchali
The Woman in the Dunes
The Duke of Burgundy

pls no bully ;_;

>> No.7524389
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>> No.7524390

I love A Man Escaped so much and Mon Oncle is a near perfect film in my opinion. Really wonderful picks, anon. <3

>> No.7524426

The Top 10

1. Wild Strawberries (The best movie of all time.)
2. Ladri di biciclette (Hits you right in the gut.)
3. Breathless (Jump-cuts? Yes, please.)
4. 2001: A Space Odyssey (Pure visual poetry.)
5. The Dark Knight (Yes, it's a popcorn movie. No, I'm not taking it off this list!)
6. Modern Times (Chaplin at his finest. Modern times? More like Timeless.)
7. Aguirre: The Wrath of God (Haunting. Stays with you.)
8. The Shawshank Redemption (We're all in our own personal Shawshanks.)
9. Dazed and Confused (I can watch this over and over.)
10. Citizen Kane (Pretty good.)

>> No.7524431

My favorite is a toss-up between A History of the World: Part 1 and Persona.

>> No.7524432
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>> No.7524444

that is his worst film

>> No.7524451

Fantastic film, dreadfully underrated.

> Breathless
> his worst film

But Godard has many films that are much worse than Breathless, anon. Please, no hyperbole.

>> No.7524467

Oh, I'm sorry. One of his worst films.

>> No.7524469

what is godard's best? i think he has an 'oeuvre' that is interesting to look at as a whole but none of his individual films have blown me away as being great.

>> No.7524470

Red Desert
A Woman Under the Influence

>> No.7524476

Agreed anon. This is brutally bad.

These threads attract self-important plebs eager to share their newfound 'patricianhood' desu

>> No.7524480

Le Weekend is unwatchable aside from the famous shot of the traffic jam

>> No.7524485
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>> No.7524493

I think he was joking, dude

>> No.7524495

Sorry you didn't like it. Try not being born in the 90's and being raised by Toonami next time, faggot

>> No.7524500
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>> No.7524504
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Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
Ivan's Childhood
Days of Eclipse
The 400 Blows
Sword of Doom
Die Nibelungen Teil 1

>> No.7524508

pffft, those conventional films are far better than the vacuous Godard/Kiarostami/Formalistic shit

>> No.7524512

Haha totally anon, now let's fire up Moonrise Kingdom in the blueray!

>> No.7524521

but love sucked

>> No.7524529

meh, would rather watch that than list to Kiarostami bloviate for more than a hour about his infantile theories of film (10 on ten). Oh wow another jump cut! Great work on subverting the conventions of film, Godard. Shit and more shit. I will take real directors like Panahi or Truffaut, or even hacks like Bay, over frauds like Kiarostami or Godard.

>> No.7524535

>Bay over Godard
All you needed to say senpai

>> No.7524536

Auteurs are hardly hacks.

Granted Transformers do suck but the Rock, Armageddon, and then P&G are all pretty good films.

>> No.7524539

watchable, yes. Great, no.

>> No.7524541

I'm about to watch Adieu au langage

>> No.7524543

Ron Howard trash is watchable. Bay is good on his own right.

>> No.7524545

Ivan Kupala and Le Samourai, so far.

>> No.7524547
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>> No.7524548

uwe boll is g00d

>> No.7524553

i find kiarostami conventionally entertaining

>> No.7524555

eh, to me he is a poor mans Tony Scott or John McTiernan

>> No.7524560

I can tell the same about Gordard but what's wrong with Kiarostami? Most of his films I've watched are quite enjoyable

>> No.7524562

but he is nothing like either of them..? I do like McTiernan a lot, Die Hard is still amazing.
>tfw Christopher McQuarrie will surpass McTiernan as an overall action director very soon.

I wish McTiernan would pull a George Miller and make one final bang, like Fury Road. Too bad what happened with John's life, we got robbed of plenty of good action.

>> No.7524563

>Persepolis and Funeral Parade

>> No.7524568


>> No.7524569

I heard is planning to make new films, though jail changed him

>> No.7524573

I hope there will be a fury road in him left, Miller came out of nowhere (at least for me) with that masterpiece. He was pretty humanistic director from what I remember, wonder if jail made it even stronger in him or if he broke in there.

Now we just have to hope that some producer will still have faith in him.

>> No.7524580

>Christopher McQuarrie
Wrote screenplay for Edge of Tomorrow, directed and wrote screenplay for Rogue Nation, wrote and directed Jack the reacher

Dude's a fucking monster

>> No.7524598

here's some shit i diiiig
>The Ascent
>My Left Foot
>Throne of Blood (Kurosawa meets the Bard yes pls)
>A Report on the Party and Its Guests
>Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
>City Lights, Great Dictator, The Kid, Modern Times (most Chaplin is killer)
>Russian Ark
and of course my man Bergman has to slip in with either Winter Light or Wild Strawberries

>> No.7524605

Ones I find memorable:

Bakha satang (1999)
Tanin no kao (1966)
Bir zamanlar Anadolu'da (2011)
Fukushû suru wa ware ni ari (1979)

>> No.7524614

>Also watched Bergmann and stuff but to be honest it's not superior to films of the last couple of decades.
I vomited a bit. Half of /lit/ really has a crappy taste in film, most of these answers are the same as if asked for favorite books you would say: "LET'S BE HONEST: Harry Potter".

>> No.7524623

>Throne of Blood (Kurosawa meets the Bard yes pls)
I think Ran is even better Kurosawa+Shakespeare.

>Russian Ark

>> No.7524634

>The Dark Knight
Otherwise fine list, but what the fuck is wrong with you? Sure it was entertaining the first time in the theater, but even the second time was boring.

>> No.7524636

I actually haven't made it to Ran yet. I like just about everything that I've seen from Kurosawa though, so I bet it'll be tight

>tfw watched Russian Ark in my room on the laptop with a snowstorm flying around outside

perfect experience

>> No.7524641

I would pick many of those also, but Bergmann has some very watchable stuff. Antonioni and company are unwatchable though

>> No.7524651

>watching anything on a laptop
I'm disappointed.

>> No.7524666

Conan the Barbarian, Last of the Mohicans, The Seventh Seal

>> No.7524667

dumb bitch

>> No.7524673

The Long Goodbye
The Last Detail
Cobra Verde
The Propostion
Waltz with Bashir
Pee Wee's Big Adventure

>> No.7524695
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only the best for me

>> No.7524702
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you prefer the second part?

>> No.7524711
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it has the babysitter scene

>> No.7524735
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>> No.7524746

Jesus /lit/. I don't even know you anymore

>> No.7524752

Mad Max Fury Road

fight me

>> No.7524753

>muh Subaru ennui

>> No.7524767


I always knew we would become /tv/ eventually.

>> No.7524772
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Book of Days
The Deserter and the Nomads
The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
The Roe’s Room
Entranced Earth
The Fiend of Athens
The Counterfeit Coin
Finis terrae
Electra, My Love
La Terra Trema
Great Freedom No. 7
Burying Old Alive
The Vampires of Poverty
The Temptation of St. Tony
In the Presence of a Clown
Let’s Go with Pancho Villa
The Fifth Seal
Romeo, Juliet and Darkness
Black Cross
Children in the Wind
Alexander the Great

>> No.7524787


>Once Upon a Time in America by Francis Ford Coppola.


>> No.7524796
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>This picture
God damn I am crying again..

>> No.7524803


Fuck I had a brain fart there lmao

>> No.7524804

It's by Leone, not Coppola, you retard

>> No.7524809

>Halloween 2 by Rob Zombie
>13 Assassins by Takashi Miike
surely you jest nigger?

>> No.7524811
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>> No.7524823

2001: A Space Odyssey
Days of Heaven
Faust (1926)

>> No.7524842


>> No.7524859

the turin horse
spirited away
my night with maud
mad max: fury road
the flavour of green tea over rice
mulholland drive
leviathan (the fishing boat one)
speed racer
the ghost and mrs muir

>> No.7524862
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pic related

>inb4 dude drugs lmaoo

>> No.7524868

>speed racer

>> No.7524873

shaun of the dead t b h l a d s

>> No.7524877

That's Kanal, not Ace in the Hole.

>> No.7524878
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yeah it is neat

>> No.7524891

hey Samuel

>> No.7524892

>leviathan (the fishing boat one)
It's pretty amazing.

>> No.7524894

To easy to just speak shit about others' favorites movies. I bet you to do a list!

>> No.7524895


>> No.7524896
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>To easy to just speak shit about others' favorites movies. I bet you to do a list!

>> No.7524903

What I like:
The 400 Blows
12 Angry Men
La Dolce Vita
Nights of Cabiria

I'm not much of an obscurist cinephile.

>> No.7524910

you should watch Hiroshima Mon Amor and czech out the Czech New Wave. You'd dig

>> No.7524912

My name's Samuel and I like four of the films he listed.

>> No.7524919

which four?

>> No.7524921

I saw Hiroshima and was kind of bored, but I'm willing to give it another shot.

>> No.7524926

Spirited Away, Mad Max, Flavour of Green Tea, and 3-Iron. I haven't seen any of the others.

>> No.7524929

you should totally watch mulholland drive. consider this a sign

>> No.7524930

Will do. I've only seen Eraserhead by Lynch.

>> No.7524943

hey sam guess what

if youre the one i know who loves the Beatles, you're going to cream yourself over Mulholland Drive

>> No.7524958

I-I do like The Beatles.

>> No.7524962

you'll like the music in Mulholland

and the lesbian

>> No.7524967
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>> No.7525012

Please don't invite your undergraduate comp sci class to /lit/

That's all

>> No.7525019

Damn we /reddit/ now

We had better film discussion this fucking summer. I should never have popped my head in here. Cya plebs

>> No.7525058

I've heard lots of good and bad about La passion de Jeanne d’Arc. I've considered seeing it but have been skeptical. What makes you love it?

>> No.7525069

Physics >>>>> Engineering >>> Comp Sci >>>>>>>>>>>> Literature

Even Comp Sci students know better than to praise Antonioni the bore

>> No.7525071

Good contribution.

>> No.7525079

It's very unique even today, mostly comprised of close-ups. Very expressive. The narrative is mostly just the feelings of the characters (usually Jeanne).

>> No.7525093

Do you prefer to watch it silent or with sound?

>> No.7525096

i am not him, and i think it is worth watching because it is an intense emotionally harrowing experience which is unashamedly expressive and over the top and if you get into it can be so beautiful, but you should also make sure to watch bresson's adaptation as well which conversely is simple, understated, and unpretentious, with a steady camera and stripped down performances that end up resonated twice as much for the restraint

it's a neat subject and both approaches work well and i think everyone should see both

>> No.7525109

Richard Einhorn's Voices of Light was composed for it, works great. Why should you watch silent films silent? Almost none of them were ever shown that way.

I really like Bresson's version as well (as I do almost all of his films, should really rewatch them this year).

>> No.7525114

this one was intended by the director to be watched in silence i believe

>> No.7525118

I heard that Dreyer just never chose specific music for it.

>> No.7525121

you could be right
i didn't care for the voices of light one so i ended up listening to faure requiem twice through whilst watching it which worked great desu

>> No.7525124

kek y'all losers get memed by exotic low budget foreign films

>> No.7525130

Thank you. Have you made a list, I could discover good movies if you liked this my list.
Bresson is truly a master, have you read his book or the article about him by Bazin?

>> No.7525159

Red Desert
The Man Who Sleeps
Last Year at Marienbad
Jeanne Dielman
Andrei Rublev
Sans Soleil
The Story of the Last Chrysanthemums

>> No.7525169

they're all good movies but honestly you need a wider appreciation of film outside of miserablist arthouse fare

>> No.7525177

This is "favorite movies list", why should you try to please everyone?

>> No.7525178

i am offering advice on how to please yourself a lot more

>> No.7525180

>Lost is Translation

>> No.7525188

>The Wall

>> No.7525194

You think people who have the time and appreciation to watch 7 hours of Satantango haven't already watched tons of other movies, mainstream or not?

It doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate other kinds of films just because he doesn't mention them as his favorites, you come off as insecure about your own tastes.

>> No.7525197
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the elephant man
conan the barbarian
Inside Llewyn davis
The social network
gone girl

>> No.7525206

I read a lot more than I watch films/movies/etc. I like late Welles a lot though.

I should probably watch some more stuff this Winter Break.

>> No.7525207

hey look i love satantango, and i remember being in that phase where i literally didn't bother with anything that wasn't the heaviest deepest shit ever, but it's important to also learn to appreciate the brilliance of cinema as entertainment and the spectacle and movement and raw emotion it can offer besides 'oh my god existentialism; life is so bad it's raining and love is pointless except for god in a tortuous way'

>> No.7525215

>Arguing about subjective tastes

>> No.7525217

that's what i'm here for

>> No.7525223

>The social network
This is the kind of movie that I'd only want to watch once. How many times have you seen it?

>> No.7525227


I'm not him (or you obviously) but I think that anon could probably spend some time reading some early Modern plays like Ibsen or maybe some good Victorian era novels by Trollope, Dickens, Austen, etc. (not the Brontes)

I think that after Joyce and co. (who I love collectively) we got to see a lot of this "art for the sake of art, be a snob or go home" attitude. Even Joyce wasn't like this. Old school "intellectualism" before 1900 was less of this and more of "I know Greek and can recite 1000 lines of Homer. I know Latin and can recite the odes of Horace entirely. I know..." and even the most "intellectual" minds (like AE Housman) wrote unintellectual poetry or novels. Joyce's Ulysses for fuck's sake wasn't written with a pretentious air, even if it comes off as it.

well I'm probably off track at this point in the post, but I'll go back to my point I probably didn't make: even the "great" filmmakers and writers and poets read mostly for enjoyment, read everything they could (except for trash, but even that gives lessons), etc.

kek I bet this post is a disaster but I don't know how to say what I'm thinking. up for you to figure out I guess

>> No.7525228


>> No.7525232

You think those films are pretentious and can't be watched for entertainment? Go back to your books. (or did I completely misunderstand you)

>> No.7525246

i'm the first critical guy, not the guy you're replying to, and i have literally enjoyed every one of those films apart from the man who sleeps which i haven't seen (and it looks neat and i will see it soon)
i'm just saying, don't just watch one kind of film. yes, you can get a glorious fucking aesthetic hit from watching a sincere troubled tarkovsky monk revel in the creation of pure art in the form of a bell cast by a young idealistic artist, or the restrained tedium of a housewive's lightswitch routine gradually dissolving as her psyche does OR WHATEVER but that's not the only thing film offers. it's close minded to concentrate exclusively on esoteric arthouse fare and it speaks of a narrow taste that is best exploded

>> No.7525267

>(or did I completely misunderstand you)

you did but that's my fault and not yours

I still don't know how to bring across what I mean and at this point it's probably not worth the effort

so happy new years and enjoy books/movies in the new year!

>> No.7525272

How do you guys balance your time between cinema and literature? For the past month, I've seen like 30 films and haven't even finished a single book.

>> No.7525284

Honestly you should shut your fucking mouth you piece of shit

>> No.7525285

And I was exactly trying to say that, even if those are his favorite films, surely he has already seen thousands of films that aren't esoteric arthouse, even just to be able to appreciate them. I'm saying that anyone who has watched Satantango (e.g.) surely doesn't just watch one kind of film, it almost already requires for you to be a film buff who doesn't have a narrow taste, to even be able to appreciate this stuff. THOSE ARE JUST HIS FAVORITES, IT DOESN'T REPRESENT EVERYTHING HE WATCHES. Sorry, I'm a bit drunk.

>> No.7525296

I love Robocop, Braindead and Airplane!, but I wouldn't count them in my Top 10 favorites, doesn't mean I only appreciate B&W european arthouse.

>> No.7525301

i think i'm mainly just arguing against past me
there was a stage when i was first smitten with these types of film where i decided it was the best thing ever and anything hollywood or fun or colourful was banal fucking shit. i had of course watched lots of other popular films beforehand, but after getting the arthouse bug i decided i had been a fool and taken in by pleb entertainment and that only the best fucking foreign directors were worth watching, the more fucking depressing the plot (or better still, the lack thereof) and expressionistic the visuals the better

now i feel like was a pretentious cunt and i try to persuade what seem like previous incarnations of me to not be such narrow minded pretentious cunts because as it happens i am also very drunk happy new year i'm sorry

>> No.7525308

There Will Be Blood
The Thing (Carpenter's)

>> No.7525309

It's OK, it's allright. Jesus told me so. There's something to live for.

>> No.7525315

The Big Lebowski
Still Life
Paths of Glory
My Dinner with Andre
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Bicycle Thieves
Dr Strangelove
Alien (haven't seen any sequels, though)

Plus here are a few movies I've seen recently and enjoyed, though I wouldn't yet put them on my all-time favourites list:

The Lobster (I have also been meaning to watch Dogtooth, also by this director)
Ein Atem (One Breath in German)
The Daughter

>> No.7525319

Dogtooth is really good.

>> No.7525331

man bites dog

>> No.7525334

Forgot to add Eating Raoul to the second list.

>> No.7525357

Also watch I Stand Alone.

>> No.7525368

The Boys from Fengkuei
Buffalo 66
Man Bites Dog
A Brighter Summer Day
Rebel's of the Neon God
Notebook on Cities and Clothes
Masculin Féminin
The 400 Blows
Tetsuo the Iron Man

I have a couple Chris Marker films on DVD I've yet to watch, I'm waiting to see Christiane F. and The Fan as well, and a couple other of the Taiwanese new wave classics. Will get around to them eventually.

>> No.7525380

Forgot Stranger Than Paradise (most Jarmusch)

>> No.7525396


>> No.7525399

Not that guy, but I've seen it over ten times. I consider it to be a great movie. While there are definitely better movies out there, the Social Network's quality is the kind that you don't often find in big budget releases. Fincher's kind of known for being a director who doesn't make deep or artistic movies, but still makes very well made movies.

His movies are great for watching with friends or relatives who aren't as into film as you might be. The stories are very accessible yet compelling, and the technical aspects such as cinematography, lighting, and acting are far above average.

>> No.7525403

TSN is a contemporary masterpiece in cinema.

>> No.7525408

>Once Upon A Time In Anatolia
>Winter Sleep

>> No.7525411

It's not that great, even just out of Fincher's films.

>> No.7525417

>Once Upon A Time In Anatolia

>> No.7525422

It is Fincher's best by far.

>> No.7525424

delicatessen is such a shitty meme film when compared to ceylan. it's weird that you'd pick that and literally nothing else to supplement those two films

>> No.7525426
File: 168 KB, 920x920, 3s3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /3x3/ here

tv is dead

>> No.7525437

I know, but, I like it's atmosphere, idk.

>> No.7525444

still worse than any of Paul Thomas Anderson's films

>> No.7525445

The Seventh Continent >>7525411

>> No.7525448

TWBB is such a bore. Yeah we get the message and it's shot in a boring fashion, Fincher's TSN is up tehre with Mann, Lynch from US film makers when it comes to handling digital and that movie is pinnacle of cinema digital

>> No.7525463

>and it's shot in a boring fashion
wait no it's not

>> No.7525470

Wait, I meant Paul W.S. Anderson, of course. Always get them mixed.

>> No.7525473

It's a bait (I hope)

>> No.7525474
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The New World
The Master
The Sea Inside
The Place Beyond The Pines
The Big Lewbowski
Zorba The Greek
Beyond The Black Rainbow
Easy Rider
Days of Heaven
The Red Balloon
White Mane

I'm reading Sculpting in Time at the moment and Ihave access to Solaris and Andrei Rublev? What should I watch first? Should I finish the book?

>> No.7525477

What are the films?

3x3 is great for stuff you know but when you haven't seen the films it's a pain in the ass trying to figure out what they are

>> No.7525478

>shot in a boring fashion
There Will Be Blood has some of the most exhilarating scenes of the last decades.

>> No.7525481

>The Big Lewbowski
Why is this so overrated? It's not Coen's best by far. Just because it's one of the rare critically acclaimed comedies?

>> No.7525491

Moonrise Kingdom
Leon the Professional
The Lovely Bones
Only God Forgives
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

>> No.7525492

End of Evangelion

Blue Velvet

>> No.7525494

the big lebowski has such a great fascination with language and the way cultural memes are transmitted. shit like the big lebowski saying 'this aggression will not stand!' or the 'coitus' stuff or whatever. it's such a great movie to watch for people adapting the speech of others without fully understanding it and appropriating it.
it's very knowingly and hilariously done and deserves its place on a literature board

>he's a nihilist? that must be exhausting

>> No.7525497

Paul Thomas Anderson never shoots in a boring fashion. You might say you don't like his pacing, or you think the plot is slow, but don't talk shit about his camera work. It's some of the best I've seen in modern films.

>> No.7525499

TWBB is pretty safe movie. Same old message about USA, religion, money that we've watched since the 1900.

Unironically think he is more daring and has more unique vision than PTA. I do not think he is very good but is more interesting than PTA.

More like some Leone worship in cinematography at start and then couple of 'yup that sure is staging blocking and framing' shit in there that detracts from the movie and adds nothing to it.

>> No.7525506

>Unironically think he is more daring and has more unique vision than PTA. I do not think he is very good but is more interesting than PTA.
Sorry, didn't realise I was talking to an actual pleb.

>> No.7525517

PWSA is auteur, nothing pleb about having distinct and rather unique style.

>> No.7525531

PWSA is like a mix between Uwe Boll and Michael Bay, sure they're all unique, but that doesn't make any of them good.

>> No.7525533

Michael Bay and PWSA both have done good movies.

>> No.7525534

I have only seen the first 2 Resident Evil films, Soldier, and AVP, did not care for them except for Soldier. I have seen some people and critics claim he is the top tier of vulgar auteurs. What is his best film?

>> No.7525536

Is this metamodernism?

>> No.7525537

two thousand and meme: a meme odyssey
inherent meme
Citizen meme
Pulp Meme

>> No.7525540

Paul W.S. Anderson > PTA

Do you by any chance read Armond White reviews anon?

>> No.7525542

no inglorious memes?

>> No.7525544

R8 and h8

Full Metal Jacket
Jurassic Park
Blade Runner
The Wicker Man (1973)
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Last Crusade
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

>> No.7525545

Dad rock of film

>> No.7525546

So you've seen a basic thriller from PWSA that was by all rights lacking in any directorial vision and then Resident Evil which he didn't even direct.

>top tier of vulgar auteurs.
Not that good. Not top tier in anything. Good? If you like that sort of stuff, I guess. Director with his own style? Definitely. All of his later Resident Evil films dance around same ideas and themes with direction progressing in each one (it's a pass for me with Retribution and Afterlife which is better).

Pompeii; I've only seen once but it's a worth a shot. The ending, I really want to watch it again for that.


I just happen to enjoy Armageddon and P&G. Bad Boys II aint too bad either.

>> No.7525551
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>> No.7525564

>Who Framed Roger Rabbit
my man

>> No.7525566

Invincible Shaolin
The Fox and the Hound
Fast 5
Inside Llewyn Davis
Star Wars

>> No.7525570

Deadly Prey
Robot Holocaust
Miami Connection

>> No.7525592

Mulholland Dr.
Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me
The Killer
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

>> No.7525597

Good list

Forgot to add to mine >>7525544
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

>> No.7525631

have you seen Lawrence of Arabia, Chinatown, and Once upon a time in America? I think those films would be in line with your tastes.

>> No.7525635
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The Fountain
Blue Velvet
Beyond the Black Rainbow
Inland Empire
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

>> No.7525638

Embarrassing thread so far.

1. Shining (Kubrick, 1980)
2. 一代宗師 / 一代宗师 (Kar-Wai, 2013)
3. L'inhumaine (L'herbier, 1924)
4. [달은 해가 꾼는 꿈] 예고편 (Park, 1992)
5. بادکنک سفيد (Panahi, 1995)

1. The Godfather, Part III (F. Coppola, 1990)
2. Á bout de souffle (Godard, 1960)
3. And a Little Kid Shall Lead Them (Griffith, 1909)
4. Kindsköpfe (Dugan, 2010)
5. Fear & Desire (Kubrick, 1953)

1. Höstsonaten (Bergman, 1978)
2. Hets (Sjöberg, 1944)
3. The Birth of a Nation (Griffith, 1915)
4. 十二生肖 (Chan, 2012)
5. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1891091718191611€€€€&-@ (Sandler, 2016)

1. Mogambo (Ford, 1953)
2. Lost River (Gosling, 2014)
3. ¿Quién me quiere a mí? (Sáenz de Heredia/ Buñuel, 1936)
4. Eyes Wide Shut (Kubrick, 1999)
5. Der Student von Prag (Rye/ Wegener, 1913)

1. Berlin — Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (Ruttman, 1927)
2. Pauvre Pierrot (Reynaud, 1892)
3. Mauvais Garçons (1995, Bay)
4. Avatar (Cameron, 2009)
5. 劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウツーの逆襲 (Yuyama, 1998)

1. Interstellar (Nolan, 2014)
2. L'ascension du chevalier noir (Nolan, 2012)
3. 01010101 01101110 00100000 01000011 01101000 01101001 01100101 01101110 00100000 01000001 01101110 01100100 01100001 01101100 01101111 01110101 (1928, Luis Buñuel)
4. Y Blaned (2015, Scott)

>> No.7525656

No, but I already have them added to my watch list. Thank you for reminding me tho

>> No.7525664

>people who have seen less than 3000 films actually thinking they have a right to think something about cinema as an art

>> No.7525678

End of Evangelion
Full Metal Jacket
The Master
Blue Velvet
Scenes from a Marriage
Paths of Glory

>> No.7525680

how do you know how many films anyone in this thread has seen?

>> No.7525687

Because most of them like crap.

>> No.7525688

You didn't even pick the best LOTR film

>> No.7525695

how do you know that they haven't just decided on those crap films after seeing 3000+ other films?
i don't grasp how someone not sharing your tastes necessarily means them not having seen 3000 films

>> No.7525700

>winter sleep
mein negro

i watched it recently,and it stayed with me.

>> No.7525707

that is normally a problem lol but i think thats the best thing about the threads

Julien donkey boy
two women

news from home

a matter of life and death
bigger than life
die nibelungen

>> No.7525728
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Most of them are westerns and war films.

>> No.7525737

All of Godard's films are shit.

>> No.7525746

Jules et Jim
Not much of a cinephile but there's that comes in mind that can beat these three movies

>> No.7525749
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best film to come out this year?

>> No.7525755

Definitely not that trash.

>> No.7525761
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Beat Takeshi films are my favorite.

>> No.7525764


my solodnz nigga

>> No.7525769

I saw Kids Return a couple weeks ago and I just loved it. I had a bit of a hard time with A Scene at the Sea but I'm liking his calmer films.
I really didn't like Zatoichi and I don't film like watching his newer stuff.

>> No.7525772 [SPOILER] 
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Rate my taste in films, /lit/.

>> No.7525792

that isn't taste, that's just consumption. you seem to have a healthy diet but if you just swallow one after another without processing them you could be just watching the big bang theory and be done with it.

>> No.7525876 [SPOILER] 
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Did you hear that even Sheldon is getting some and you are not?

>> No.7525883


>> No.7525888
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I like pretty much everything from his first film from 1989 to 1999. To be honest I haven't even watched his stuff from 2000 and onwards, because I know it'll disappoint.

My favorite ones are Sonatine and Hana-bi. He uses the same actors and everything.

I also like the fact that he was a comedian and all of the sudden he came on to the scene with these movies with really heavy themes.

Fun fact: he was riding his motorcycle without a helmet and crashed somewhere in the early 90's which fucked his shit up, so when you see his face twitching around in certain scenes that's all due to actual trauma.

>> No.7525890
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All the way

>> No.7525899
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great retort, you seem to have grown a lot with all that consumption of media that people tell you you should watch.
also, while that might be true I'm hotter than that girl.

I'm sort of sad that all his latest stuff seems to be really mindless yakuza fun, which is cool but I wish we could have someone doing what he was doing before. I get the same feeling whenever Sion Sono does some light comedy a la Why Don't You Play in Hell.

>> No.7525904

Der siebente Kontinent

>> No.7525907

Why would you assume I did not process those films? It's not like I downloaded all of them one afternoon. If you want me to write a 1000 word essay after watching each movie, I can assure you, I have better things to write about. Also, hardly any consumerism since I did not pay a penny for them.

>> No.7525908

Once Upon a Time in the West
The Trial
Last Year at Marienbad
After Death

>> No.7525917

>Has been my favorite movie of all time since I watched it
>4channers adoring it makes me ashamed to say I like it
Not too much /lit/ so much as /tv/ and /r9k/.

>> No.7525918

you asked for opinions on a list of things you watched, we could only talk about your consumption. if you see a single film but find multiple simbolic, visual, conceptual levels; then you'd have good taste. anyone can sit in front of a screen for two hours, that says nothing of his taste.

>> No.7525920

The Heartbreak Kid
Die Hard
Tokyo Story
The Last Days of Disco
The Squid and the Whale
Wild Strawberries
Paths of Glory
The Conversation

>> No.7525924

>Still Life
muh nigga, that's a fucking underrated movie

>> No.7525931
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but maybe you do, please don't feel attacked, I was just commenting on the idea of there being any merit in just consuming media as if it were potato chips..

>> No.7525936

No one responded to you so I feel a little bad. Your list made me laugh

>> No.7525940

It is what it is. The dude is old now, and I don't think we're going to see a movie like he was making them in that 90's period, from him at least. And maybe it's for the better.

I'd rather not have a Violent Cop 2: Hana-bi Kids Return Again: Sonatine by the Sea: Electric Boogaloo Edition 3.
The movies exist in their own space, and that's cool with me.

Maybe a contemporary director can do something similar someday, or has already done so and I'm simply unaware, but Takeshi should probably just do whatever he wants until he retires.

>> No.7525943

La Haine
Das Boot
Stalingrad (1993)

>> No.7525946

meme list tbhq

>> No.7525981

La Dolce Vita

Because: "muh Jesus"
"Muh annoying flies"
"Muh angelic hostess by the ocean"
"Muh DD Yankee"
"Muh orgies/ancient creature just staring at my modern sentience"

>> No.7525994

Inglorious memesters

>> No.7526030

logged in just to say fuck you

>> No.7526045

>logged in

try reddit

>> No.7526106

Really shitty. American mainstream. Nice

>> No.7526108


>> No.7526119 [DELETED] 
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The holy mountain
El topo
Enter the void
Synechdoche, New York


>> No.7526128

bottom left?

>> No.7526151
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The Holy Mountain
El Topo
Enter the Void
Synecdoche, New York


>> No.7526169

Fag got
You know those movies are fucking boring.

>> No.7526179
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Santa Sangre was the only remotely ok jodo.

>> No.7526198

Barry lyndon
Dr strangelove
Das boot
The great escape

>> No.7526210

I don't like your list. Jodorowsky, Noé and Kaufman are hacks.
Paths of Glory is the only good Kubrick movie, 2001 is definitely one of his worst.

>> No.7526240

that's not a legit criticism

these are disrespectful

>> No.7526245
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>this thread

>> No.7526252

>Why is everybody trying to come off as intellectual? be honest.
>first film is fucking Nostalghia

>> No.7526285

Oslo, 31. august
The Double Life of Veronique
Woman in the Dunes
Chungking Express
City of Sadness
Still Walking

I watch mostly Asian cinema. I'm not a weeaboo I swear

>> No.7526290

Oldboy, 2003 Korean version.

>> No.7526294

Nostos: Il Ritorno
Anticipation of the Night
The Color of Pomegranates
Sans Soleil
Goodbye, Dragon Inn
Man With a Movie Camera
Tríptico elemental de España
The Fall of the House of Usher (Epstein)

>> No.7526295

>Blue Velvet
Arguably Lynch's best. my favorite film of all time.

>> No.7526305

Hello Kailasha

>> No.7526362

>Stalingrad (1993)
Would you have raped her?

>> No.7526394

can we all agree on that

>> No.7526397

>Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
Totally forgot about that movie. Wasn't bad. Sorta fell apart in the third act, but that was the point wasn't it? :^)

>Love Hoffman but did not enjoy Synechdoche
You have people who agree with you on this and I am one of those people

>Donnie Darko
Someone is going to make fun of you for this and they are right to do so


Both good and if you saw them on TV while house sitting the house your mom lives in with her new husband you'd watch them to the end

Also do you remember in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, there's a long segment of people vomiting upon realizing that some lady has a penis? I saw it somewhere the other day and thought, "shit, people wouldn't fucking do that now." Times change, manng.

Anyway here's a list off the top of my head:
I know but it's fun if you take it as it is, rather than trying to map out timelines and shit like an autist

>Jackie Brown
Most underrated Tarantino joint, probably because of black stars if you don't mind me conjecturing

>12 Monkeys
It's fun and good

>The second batman movie
The other two wouldn't have mattered without Heath Ledger

Also Heath Ledger in a lot of shit. They wouldn't have even made "A Knight's Tale" if it wasn't for him being so fucking good in that. I can't believe he's dead and shitty ol' Jake Jill And Hall is still breathing

>> No.7526429

>L'ascension du chevalier noir

>> No.7526484
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I feel you have either a much more calmer style in people like Naomi Kawase o something much more depressing in something like Sion Sono's Noriko's Dinner Table. No one does that weird introspection with sudden bursts of comedy that Kitano did.

>> No.7526522

I felt it was more of the same, maybe I'll give it another chance once I forget more about El Topo and Holly Mountain.

Sunless and The Mirror are such impressive films.

>> No.7526555

I saw the movie on a torrent site and decided to watch it blind because PSH was in it.

No other film could have prepared me for that

>> No.7526567

Mainstreamer Coming through!

Perfect 10/10:
Barry Lyndon
8 and a half
A Clockwork Orange
Cool Hand Luke
Batman Begins

Underrated films that deserve a 9/10 rating simply because of how much shit is allowed in the 8/10 realm:
Play Dirty
Vanilla Sky
Rock n Rolla
The Ghost and the Darkness
Interstate 60

Other Worthy Classics:
City Lights
Modern Times
Rear Window
The Elephant Man
Eyes Wide Shut
Citizen Cane
There Will Be Blood
Apocalypse Now
Bicycle Thieves
Blade Runner

>> No.7526924

was the catch-22 film good?

>> No.7526940

Just watched two Kim Ki-duk films earlier today, Spring Summer, etc., and 3-Iron. I'd recommend both, if you're into Korean shit but don't want another faggot crime drama. Well, there is crime throughout 3-Iron, but it isn't really the point, in some ways.

Dazed and Confused is my all-time favorite film, which always makes me feel weird because I hear 'normies' quote McConaughey's 'Alright, alright, alright' bit all the time

>> No.7526950

>Dazed and Confused is my all-time favorite film, which always makes me feel weird because I hear 'normies' quote McConaughey's 'Alright, alright, alright' bit all the time

great taste. no sarcasm, linklater's early work is extraordinary and mostly ignored.

>> No.7526970

It really captured all the different characters and absurd humour in the book, so it is funny, engaging, with thoroughly astute social critiques in almost every scene -- if you are looking for them. Great rewatch value.

>> No.7526998

Top 10 in no particular order:

Garden State
The Science of Sleep
Eternal Sunshine
(500) Days of Summer
Scott Pilgrim
Lost in Translation
Moonrise Kingdom
The Dark Knight
Pulp Fiction

I was trying to construct the persona of a vapid girl who pretends to have an interest in film, but no girl I've met has ever been capable of listing more than 5 films, so I just threw in those last two. Girls claim to like capeshit, but not Nolan Batman, I don't think, and capeshit girls aren't normally the pseudo-hipster sort - or at least they weren't when I was in uni. Pulp Fiction, I'm sure, no girl has ever seen, or perhaps even heard of.

>> No.7527012

Check out Lee Chang-dong for the best of what Korea has to offer.

>> No.7527030
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Hey everyone look what I found!

>> No.7527039

Based Bresson

>> No.7527059

yeah it rly depends on what yr wanting out of french new wave stuff, so it varies from person to person. i've mostly heard people toss around breathless, contempt and pierrot le fou but personally i gotta go w masculin feminin

>> No.7527070

Here's my attempt:

Eternal Sunshine
The Lives Of Others
Grand Budapest Hotel
The Planet Of The Apes (original)
Inside Man
Dallas Buyers Club
Life Of Pi
Cabin In The Woods
Bareback Mountain

Dark Knight/Pulp Cinema definitely gave you away. There is nothing for women who like the other movies you posted in them, not even recommendation or appearance points.

>> No.7527172

Tokyo Story
The Passion of Joan of Arc
Last Year at Marienbad
In the Mood for Love
Four Seasons of Children
Humanity and Paper Balloons
Seven Samurai
The Ballad of Narayama (Shohei Imamura)

>> No.7527178


>Jackie Brown
>Most underrated Tarantino joint, probably because of black stars if you don't mind me conjecturing
Yeah, but Hateful Eight and Django Unchained have a straight up 'kill whitey' theme going and those are both more successful. Jackie Brown is underrated because Elmore Leonard is actually capable of subtlety Tarantino doesn't have and many of his fans can't grasp.

>> No.7527186

did they operate on his brain when he was hospitalized in clockwork orange

>> No.7527199

You need to understand that Hiroshima mon Amour is literally a dialogue between a knight of faith and a knight of infinite resignation. The parallels between the characters and those types put forth by Kierkegaard are so strong it's impossible to believe it wasn't intentional. Checkout the Dreyfus lecture about it.


>> No.7527218

Not anyone you were replying to. I have a soft spot for movies like Die Hard and Terminator etc, but if you were to ask me what films effected me the most profoundly, or what films have stayed with me over the years I'm going to say films by people like Bresson, or Bergman. I still like Die Hard, I still enjoy watching schlock films with friends but I find the highbrow stuff satisfying in a way that the others aren't. You may have fallen into the trap of being pretentious but that is something you have done to yourself and isn't a property of the films.

>> No.7527224

I haven't read the book, I'd like to believe that they first gave him the mental shock-collar through propaganda alone and it really worked the way it was shown -- that he wasn't acting or seeking atonement when released.

Then they also reversed it the same way to appease the public outrage, proving that the public believes there is no innate good state only what is forced upon us -- even the forcing of choice -- which logically should lead them to want to reverse it back again.

>> No.7527357


>> No.7527366

I'm not sure being "mainstream" is really the problem here, you're just young and naive. I probably would have considered many of the same films to be my favorites around 14-15 y/o too.

>> No.7527435

Either point us to your pretentious counter list or keep it concealed like your homosexual tendencies.

>> No.7527506

Pandora's Box
Zabriskie Point
Death in Venice
Young Frankenstein
Cria Cuervos
Assault on Precinct 13
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Beyond
Blue Velvet
Morning Patrol

>> No.7527549

Your effeminacy precedes you! or are you a lonely woman? Literally gay, feminist, gangsta, daddy-issues tier.

>> No.7527562

movies are not books


>> No.7527579

Everybody on /tv/ is a retard though. You might as well go to IMDb if that's the level of discussion you want. At least with /lit/ folks it's interesting.
Are you trying to be funny or something?

>> No.7527637

It's a little positive critique on the ideals behind your curation process. Learn to take it and defend it or move on, don't sourpuss like your holes are valuable.

>> No.7528008

I don't watch film much, but I adore Inland Empire.

>tfw you will never be Lynch's maid and get to listen to him ramble about films for hours while U massage his feet

>> No.7528105
File: 202 KB, 678x452, holter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no woman has seen or heard of Pulp Fiction

my first few semesters at Uni I was a huge pleb, gave one of my early presentations on Pulp Fiction. When I sat down, the girl next to me said something like "oh, you'll love this!" and pulled one of those Bad Mother Fucker wallets out of her purse. Had a movie conversation in another class, mentioned Pulp Fiction, and everyone in the group agreed with me (many women included).

Face it, Tarantino is pleb and every pleb loves him

>> No.7528621

Yeah senpai, I feel it's Boyhood's acclaim that drags attention away from his earlier stuff. That, and the fact that most people only knew School of Rock beforehand.

I've already seen Oasis.
>tfw no retard gf
I do plan on watching his others though

>> No.7528625

>Bareback Mountain

>> No.7528710

Good man. Oasis is my favorite. I think Secret Sunshine is somewhat arguably as good.