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/lit/ - Literature

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7524468 No.7524468 [Reply] [Original]

I know the alt lit crowd takes a lot of drugs. Have any of them fried their brain yet? I'm talking unable to form coherent sentences and not really being a full person any more, the way Hunter S. Thompson was in his later years.

>> No.7524567

Me I guess. I only smoke up every once in awhile now but every time I do it leaves me feeling a little less of a functional self aware human being

>> No.7524577

>alt lit

Unless you're writing in emojis or Wing Dings there's no such thing, you sheep

>> No.7524587

is anyone remotely associated with the label a "full person"?

>> No.7524591

What makes you say that about Thompson? I've read a handful of his 'hey rube' articles from the early 2000s and he still seems cogent

>> No.7524635

Yeah, HST could still definitely write, it just wasn't new anymore. He got old and stopped having as interesting things to say that were new. He was heavily dependent on the times and depended mostly on being reactionary for his style.

>> No.7524937

>Have any of them fried their brain yet?
I think, regarding drugs, people talk more than they walk. A single trip provides at least forty dozen retellings, all varying slightly from one to the next; same goes with any other drug.

>> No.7524940

Read the "literature" of Tao Lin.

>> No.7525168
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>yfw Tao Lin perfected rape as an art form
>yfw Tao Lin is the greatest alt artist ever to live

>> No.7525234

>Raped a girl so hard she became a man

>> No.7525236

Tao Lin is the spiritual successor to Mishima

>> No.7525241

It happened to hunter thompson, as you say. You probably don't need much more proof that it can and does happen at least to some.

>> No.7525252

It's probably not possible to take, say, LSD more than two times a year without some measure of brain damage. Hell, dabs cause brain damage and this has been shown.

>> No.7525258

like she became self aware and started bettering herself instead of just being a vain little whore? maybe rape isn't so bad after all?

>> No.7525263


I dread to think what I'll be like by that age, if I make it. Only 27 and I'm extremely vacant these days, someone will speak to me and it just goes straight through my head, I can only shrug my shoulders, I can feel the cogs trying to move in my brain but it just shudders to a halt again. Reading about half as fast as a few years ago.

Drug use: 9000ug of acid in past year, alcohol daily for 10 years, benzo addict, occasional speed/coke/ket user. Had to stop smoking because I was vomiting blood.

>> No.7525435

Ya this. If Tao Lin did as much drugs as he'd lead you to believe he almost certainly wouldn't have gotten as much done. He'd prolly almost be a vegetable by now.

>> No.7525443

Not that I know of—HST certainly took went, like with heavy many since 2005, his stuff on Iraq & Bush were dozen in when.

>> No.7525450
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Dude, fucking best just 5 years 3 of his best and shortest back when for. It was like automatic reaction situational typing, and his twitter is just run-off of that.

>> No.7525453
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It wasn't that much being reactionary, but finding things to fight for or against. For example when he ran for sheriff, it was a crazy adventure in which at the end he actually hoped to get elected and do shit. But when you can barely walk, have no editorial support and lost most connections after a pathetic middle age crisis; it's hard to find shit to experience. He should had become friends with burroughs at the very least.

>> No.7525455 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7525475

how what

>> No.7525480
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i feel for you m8

>> No.7525502

Tao Lin's writing style seems very flat. There are no clear errors, but it seems like he's achieved that by never making any peaks or troughs, you know? Nobody ever kicks a table or gets in a real fight where it feels like you're really there. It's like everything's behind a wall of glass.

>> No.7525528

that could be said of raymond chandler but he's a fabulous writer while tao is debatably good. the main issue, i think, is that tao remains tied to what just happened to him instead of trying to understand how people around him live and feel. while chandler closed down a story that actually had a ton of depth, tao just recognizes we can't fully understand the world.

>> No.7525548

the tao that can be understood is not the true tao

>> No.7525557


Not taking drugs is like having a Bugati Veyron and driving it at 30mph. It is an affront to the universe to refuse to test what your brain is capable of.

>> No.7525560


>> No.7525565


Top quality bait right here

>> No.7525716

Is this some post-meta alternative style of grammar or are they just meme-ing Tao Lin

t. someone who doesn't know anything about Tao Lin

>> No.7525724

I love bentos, so /lit/

>> No.7526000
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1-2mg klonopin/day
300-500ml whiskey/day

I just want to die but I can't commit suicide. that's just how it goes sometimes.

Tao doesn't seem to care if be dies.
I don't care if people are raped by their friends when everyone is drunk/high and then regret it later. Life isn't meant to be comfortable. Why are people acting like people are going to be good? Why are people acting like people won't have sex with them if they get half a chance?

We're going to be post-all drunk regret sex is rape within a few years.

Tao's whole perspective is basically how you feel on a benzo come down, he'd probably be a fucking normie if he quit tho

>> No.7526010

Whatever happened to that girl in OP's pic?

>> No.7526034 [DELETED] 
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I just want commit to style not lost, not ignored, you know? It's just all this ridiculous shit getting bumped by Vice—history swallow T-Lin & co, we all see.

>> No.7526044
File: 1.49 MB, 2391x3300, Bl42322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want commit to style not lost, not ignored, you know? It's just all this ridiculous shit getting bumped by Vice—history swallow T-Lin & co, we all see.

>> No.7526061

the alt lit crowd is writing in emojis. to an extent.

>> No.7526062

I just took 10mg of Valium to help me go through the hell that tonight will be. My head feels funny.

Next year will be different. I'm really glad my mom's a fucking drug addict though.

>> No.7526063
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If you think that, you're a yo-yo yahoo from some shitty nowhere, educated in woo woo. Brain fun frying your have fun frying you're y-your brain, hahahaha, you are so fucked.

>> No.7526064

>man, there's no such thing as being crazy, don't you see? who among us can truly be said to be perfectly 'sane' anyway? peace.

>> No.7526097
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>tfw 10mg valium doesn't even touch me anymore

i need 30mg just to ward off total madness, 50mg to get to sleep

>> No.7526490

raymond chandler wrote detective novels you dumbfuck

>> No.7526499

somewhere inside you cared enough to share your thoughts instead of shurgging diffidently at this thread and moving on with your life so stfu

>> No.7526520

kek, while I meant Carver I guess Chandler has a pretty dry style too while going for something completely different from Tao. If both had been born at the same time, would Tao and Chandler be the same?

>> No.7526560
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sauce or I'll report you to the lewdness police

>> No.7526575
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There are no good places to order psychs from the net.

>> No.7526596

they admitted they were going through some issues when they posted it and apologized to Tao and they are on good terms again

>> No.7527341

Darkmarket ya dingus

>> No.7527590


>> No.7527599

silly frogposter

>> No.7527599,1 [INTERNAL] 

There is no "alt-lit crowd." There is Tao Lin. No one here has named anyone in the "alt-lit crowd" but him. This whole thread is based on a false premise. Happy new year.

>> No.7528451


>> No.7528486


I believe his brain damage was the result of alcoholism, tbqh. Along with benzos, (I believe he ate halcion/triazolam to sleep) alcohol is one of the very few drugs that can lead to permanent cognitive deficits.

The fried brain meme is kind of misguided.


No. Benzos are histrionic housewife tier and for over-anxious piss-puddles.

>> No.7528499


I'm microdosing their white-on-white acid these days.

It's really great.

>> No.7528509

benzos are fucking fabulous after a long night out

>> No.7528561

>le casual rape accusation meme

>> No.7528629


Google "dab brain," friend. Irreversible brain damage from taking dabs is scientifically proven.

>> No.7528730


I vehemently despise them. They turn me into a complete retard and most have a half-life that means you're going to be impaired for days. Along with alcohol, benzos are the kind of drug that, in my experience, most often cause people to do outrageous, annoying, dangerous or anti-social shit which they wouldn't do sober.

To each his own.


Not that guy, but I just did. What I found was a single DEA agent claiming it without source or reference to a study. In fact, the only study I could find a reference too mentioned the following:

>In fact, the only study to investigate the effects of dabbing found using it may increase tolerance to the drug and cause more severe withdrawal symptoms than, Live Science reported.

Which, first of all, is utterly trivial, of course a stronger concentration of THC is going to raise tolerance faster, and secondly, marijuana withdrawal isn't dangerous or particularly unpleasant, just slightly annoying.

>> No.7528998

you seem boring. that is not an existential point, because other people do not seem boring

>> No.7529029

took some flubromazolam last night, slept like a rock, woke up feeling euphoric

>> No.7529356

>tfw been off drugs for 3 years due to depression
>barely even drink anymore

Sober existence is boring 2bh, thinking about just risking it and getting back on the psychedelics. I'd either kill myself in a psychotic rage, or have a wonderful transcendental experience and re-connect with happiness.

>> No.7529373

benzos are for alt lit fags, real /lit/erates are in to alcohol and opiates

>> No.7529504

lmao psychedelics are some of the safest drugs you can use