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7521242 No.7521242 [Reply] [Original]

What does /tv/ think about the lack of women in comedy? Is humor inherently misogynistic? How problematic is this on a societal level?

>> No.7521258


>Is humor inherently misogynistic?


>> No.7521266

>What does /tv/ think

Wrong board

>> No.7521307

>/tv/ posters browse /lit/
should we just nuke /lit/ in an effort to contain this or what?

>> No.7521310

i t'ink so, mahn

>> No.7521325

Women are testably less funny

>> No.7521371


>> No.7521378

Common contemporary western humor relies on being edgy to some degree, maybe a lot.

One of the biggest contemporary social problems is sexism, and being sensitive towards social problems mostly contradicts being edgy.

Therefore, common contemporary western humor has a very hard time being entirely non-misogynistic.

It's telling that some of the most famous female comedians heavily rely on self-devaluing humor.

>> No.7521382


>Is humor inherently misogynistic?


Reality is what is inherently misogynistic, and it is exceedingly problematic. I propose we abolish it.

>> No.7521386


There are a great deals of avenues of humour that do not rely on being "edgy". Further, not all edginess has to be sexist. I don't see any support at all for your notion that contemporary humour has a hard time steering clear of sexism.

Men do self-depreciating too - it's fairly common. I don't see the point.

Have I been successfully trolled?

>> No.7521388
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Current social reality is misogynistic. It can be changed.

Note how there is a lot of non-misogynistic humor in some other cultures.

Nichijou is a good example of a comedy anime with an all-female cast, with no sexualization or self-devaluing (well, there's a "silly/stupid" stereotype, but it's unrelated to her gender or sexuality), and which made me absolutely shit my pants laughing.

But then that's anime, not a real living woman, so maybe that just escapes the issue.

>> No.7521396

>Have I been successfully trolled?
No, my analysis was made up on the spot and most likely insufficient.

A different explanation might be social power. Women are kept in a low social position in western culture. In terms of how serious you can take them, and how much they are allowed to "be themselves" in the social sphere, and how much they can speak their mind. Everything done and said by women, unless it pleases men, is seen as stupid, cringe-worthy, worthless, and so on. It's a deep sexism.

>Research finds that work by men is often subjectively seen as higher-quality than objectively equal or better work by women compared to how an actual scientific review panel measured scientific competence when deciding on research grants. The results showed that female scientists needed to be at least twice as accomplished as their male counterparts to receive equal credit[82] and that among grant applicants men have statistically significant greater odds of receiving grants than equally qualified women.[83]

>female scientists needed to be at least twice as accomplished as their male counterparts to receive equal credit

Sexism in western culture is pretty extreme. The fact that most people don't notice it is only because it's so incredibly normalized and internalized.

>> No.7521569

Thank god, a thread that can intelligently discuss this issue without MUH SJWs. Some of you guys are alright.

>> No.7521624

>>>/tv/ >>>/tv/ >>>/tv/ >>>/tv/ >>>/tv/
sage goes in options

>> No.7521689

I think great comedy is probably a perfect storm of being able to rapidly abstract a concrete situation to make an absurd / witty comparison, having the balls to quickly be incisive the instant the opportunity arises (comedy is 90% timing blah blah), and having the balls to bust balls without worrying you're going to make people cry or upset the "social fabric."

Women typically though not always lack all three, and at best have one or two. Worse, the few women who have all three or even the capacity for all three tend to get recognised VERY quickly, and very disproportionately to their actual achievements, because any comedic talent in a woman is instantly interesting, but this causes them to stagnate. Most male comics get zero attention because they suck ass, but there is a decent middling tier with lots of male comics getting almost zero attention, but not quite, which encourages them to painstakingly improve. Most male comics who are worth shit are either visionary geniuses, or languished in obscurity for seriously upwards of like ten or fifteen years. The vast, vast majority get stuck in that languishing phase. Women quickly get artificially rocketed to a level of recognition that leaves them stranded and cut off from the pressure necessary for real growth, and then they are partly excluded from the kind of camaraderie that comes from being in the trenches with fellow men for those ten to fifteen years. In that situation, any normal person 99.99999% of the time is going to seize on what is available to them (aforementioned free attention for being a GIRL COMEDIAN), and play it up (make your act more woman-focused, "sell out" like Amy Schumer did).

What the fuck else are you going to do? Accept your 0.1*(already shitty baseline male chance of success)? Watch what male comedians do whenever they hit on something that seems to give them disproportionate amounts of success - for example, a catchphrase, character, or schtick that appeals to plebs and gets them easy laughs. 90% of them "sell out" and go all in with it, type-casting themselves in the process. Look at Dice.

The whole problem actually epitomises the problems of feminism. Women are very, very, very subtly excluded from vital male networks of support and criticism, because all men treat them subtly differently and kiss their asses, but at the same time men are also giving them fuckloads of false praise for being barely competent. The result is a bunch of I'M A GURRRRRL COMEDIAN, WOMYN POWER!!! idiots who have no real talent but everyone sincerely pretends they do, and sincerely tries to convince themselves it's the truth because that's !!progressive!!

>> No.7521697

Christefedora Hitchens was right about this issue.

>> No.7521773
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>The whole problem actually epitomises the problems of feminism. Women are very, very, very subtly excluded from vital male networks of support and criticism, because all men treat them subtly differently and kiss their asses, but at the same time men are also giving them fuckloads of false praise for being barely competent. The result is a bunch of I'M A GURRRRRL COMEDIAN, WOMYN POWER!!! idiots who have no real talent but everyone sincerely pretends they do, and sincerely tries to convince themselves it's the truth because that's !!progressive!!
Liberal feminism maybe.

Radical 4 lyfe m8.

Have some Andrea Dworkin humor. But then it comes from her jadedness, which one could say gives it a "masculine" tone after all.

Maybe that's the ultimate paradox of Dworkin? That what made her writing so powerful was that she adopted a masculine tone? Or perhaps "powerfulness" can be extracted out of masculinity.