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7519283 No.7519283 [Reply] [Original]

Is his critical acclaim only because he's black?

>> No.7519289 [DELETED] 


>> No.7519299

I haven't read Seven Killings yet (I got it for Christmas) so I dunno.
I think he's pretty cool though. I did read an interview with him where he was talking about how he wanted to write a novel about vikings. He didn't like being locked into certain topics because of his ethnicity/sexual orientation and I can respect that.

>> No.7519324 [DELETED] 


>> No.7519328 [DELETED] 


>> No.7519509

No. Seven Killings is BOTY 2015

>> No.7519532

I haven't read Seven Killings yet and won't till sometime middle of next year but pretty much everybody whose opinion on books I care about that has enjoyed it. Even my hard as fuck to please former English prof liked it.

So I can't say with any real opinion of my own but it does seem at least somewhat deserved.

>> No.7519536
File: 126 KB, 640x420, Ta-Nehisi Coates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7519581

no, BOTY 2014

>> No.7519826

I'm glad Marlon James exists because it means we get to stop pretending that Ta-Nehisi Coates is a good writer. Thank God, it was getting really strenuous.

>> No.7519917 [DELETED] 

I think both of those niggers suck balls LOL

>> No.7519939 [DELETED] 

Redpilled /pol/ack coming through.

It sounds like those people have gone through the educational system, which -- needless to say -- is a Jewish brainwashing institution encouraging the outbreeding of whiteness. It's fair to say that they're wrong here. They've been conditioned to believe that blacks can produce art when clearly that is not at all self evident given history in these matters. Same applies to women.

>inb4 I get banned for posting non-PC, anti-white-genocide opinion

>> No.7519942


/pol/ shitposting on other boards used to never be as fucking bad as it is nowadays.

I don't know what brought you fucks to leave your containment board but I don't like it.

>> No.7519950 [DELETED] 

There, there sweetheart, don't get all emotional. Let's have a pleasant conversation without going all 'muh feels' like you people are so inclined to do.

I know truth hurts, but strap on you're big girl pants if you want to debate on an intellectual level outside of you're safe space

>> No.7519958 [DELETED] 

To the top with you, my good sir!

>> No.7519966


I remember when /pol/ reopened and moot said the second it became /stormfront/ again he would axe it.

Fucker never did live up to that promise.

>> No.7519969

Well, has anyone here actually read it? If it's good I might want to pick it up.

>> No.7519971

I think he just stopped caring about this site.

>> No.7519980 [DELETED] 

>if they're opinion differs from mine, then they're nazis

Libcuck logic, everyone

>> No.7519989

please stop it's just tiring to watch

>> No.7520000

But you people actually ARE Nazis!

>> No.7520003

I wasn't even aware he was black until I saw this post. So probably no.

>> No.7520004
File: 857 KB, 240x228, 1434677441595.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading anything other than what was written by white dead males

>> No.7520011
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>to the top

>> No.7520054
File: 85 KB, 586x800, General_Gordon's_Last_Stand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw reaping his old reward
>the blame of those ye better
>the hate of those ye guard

>> No.7520055

>black guy writing about race
can they do anything other than le that?

>> No.7520074


He said that about /new/ actually, not /pol/ which came after. And he did follow through on that.

>> No.7520101
File: 129 KB, 800x769, Chateau_Wood_Ypres_1917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I read his piece about his life in the NYT Magazine a while back and it sounded interesting. My GF's sister (who attends the same college where he teachers) gave me a copy of his Man Booker novel for Christmas. The topic (Bob Marley) made me a bit queasy, and I haven't read it yet.

Anyone else have an experience with the book?

>> No.7520264


And get the approval of white men? No.

>> No.7520273

although ur b8ing thx for posting that reaction image, saved :^)

>> No.7520286

no, he seems to be the real deal, basically this

>> No.7520288

Confirmed for knowing anything about the book

It's great. I'll admit that I find Marley pretty fascinating, but beyond that it's brilliantly written and could provide a pleasurable and engaging read for someone who despises him all the same.

>> No.7520353

Nope, he's fucking based. Seven Killings has Tarantino levels of violence, which is why I think a lot of people like it, but it's not gratuitous. but he is actually a really good writer. maybe it's because he writes in patois, which I like, but even when he's writing normally, he's really good.

Plus he's actually cool irl.

>> No.7520433

It might have helped put him into the spotlight because British critics are continually amazed that black people know how to write well.

>> No.7520557

Yes. It's literally impossible for a white man to get published in 2015. Next year will only be worse. Your personal failure has nothing to do with your chimera-like combination of mediocrity and misplaced confidence. Working a real job is for losers. Developing your sensitivity as an artist, honing your skills, practicing empathy: these are all a waste of time. Moisturize your cock. Eat your Hot Pocket™. Blame liberalism.

>> No.7520615

I'm 315 pages in at the moment (I got it for Christmas) and I'm loving it. He's a very good writer and the patois thing is not just a gimmick like I feared. His characters' voices are convincing and he manages to slip in some sharp imagery and figurative language without coming across as writerly and taking you out of the characters' heads. The novel is successfully polyphonic, and although his white American characters are rather stereotyped it's kind of funny in a "Wardine be cry" sort of way (but with the races flipped). I am particularly impressed by his Nina Burgess character, she rings very true. The story itself is fast paced and full of action but complexly tragic and loaded with strong themes, not just political but also universally human.

>> No.7520652

I've read all three of his books, he is a mad genius. The imagery in John Crow and Night Women is haunting, and seven killings is awesome.

>> No.7520658

He writes about Jamaica, in John crows devil there are no white people, and in seven killings whitey is a journalist whom the author is sympathetic too and the CIA. The really fucking evil monsters are all black in seven killings.

He's my new favorite author, and his next book is a low fantasy epic in a Malian type kingdom, so I'm pretty excited.

>> No.7520677

John Crow's Devil

Book of Night Women

Brief History of Seven Killings

IMO Nightwomen is his best, its about a group of older black female slaves in 18th century Jamaica who become powerful witches. Its sort of Roots meets American Horror Story (in a good way)

John Crow's Devil is about two preachers who battle for the souls of a small Jamaican town in the mountains

>> No.7520682

It can't have hurt in the end, but reliable readers were saying very good things about the book well before it was announced in the prize.

>> No.7520683


Its his current topic of obsession, he has had a lot of trouble publishing because "there is no chance white women will read what you write"

>> No.7520709

I thought Marley was portrayed as an uncle tom who was disrespected by most of the characters in the book.