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File: 209 KB, 600x400, 10-most-common-sex-mistakes-clam-jamming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7518388 No.7518388 [Reply] [Original]

Prove to me you can write a good sex scene, /lit/.

>> No.7518405

Eliza and Ezra rolled together into the one giggling snowball of full-figured copulation, screaming and shouting as they playfully bit and pulled at each other in a dangerous and clamorous rollercoaster coil of sexually violent rotation with Eliza’s breasts barrel-rolled across Ezra’s howling mouth and the pained frenzy of his bulbous salutation extenuating his excitement as it smacked its way into every muscle of Eliza’s body except for the otherwise central zone.

>> No.7518494

Rob and Rebecca fukt and it was hot.
The end.

>> No.7518498


>> No.7518762



>> No.7519207

--and then he was inside her.
In and out and in and out like a piston on a camshaft traveling mechanically through a cylinder block.
He was a piece of toast popping up and being reloaded and popping up again -- or maybe one of those old fashion door lock stalks on an old Volvo, shooting up, and then back down, and up and then back down, while a six year old boy fingered at the central locking remote of his fathers own personal key ring.
Sex, he was told, was the one thing, if anything, that would make him feel alive.
But he was not alive. He had died a long time ago. So he just floated there, watching the scene play out from above, like a spectator. Her long pale legs projected a shadowy V on the wall, the soft heavenly exhales from each time he pushed himself further inside of her traveled up to the ceiling, and lingered around him, and the 1960's Art Deco style brass fan. And yet, he was not moved.
Maybe if he made an effort to love the woman it would make a difference?..
'Who am I kidding..' The man though. He was just a cog. A meaningless gear, on an accidental planet. How could he love a mistake?

>> No.7519235


>> No.7519242

Someone should really write a book of Nihilistic erotica

>> No.7519252

Like a soft, velvety glove of the perfect fit she slipped in and out of his rectum as the blood came pouring out. "Oh good heavens, me bum!", the englishman said as he moaned in intense physical and mental anguish. "Now that's what I call a popped cherry", she hissed in his ear.

I have to go to bed because I have to wake up early tomorrow. Good night, fellas.

>> No.7519306
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The best and worst experience of Melanie's life. What came after, the attempted murder, the breakdown, that was then an abstract. No afterwards. Just Melanie and Marc lying together in this hotel bed in Geneva free of all pretensions. He had been a lot less sickly then and she had been a lot prettier even without make-up, and he had licked at her nipples and she had teased him for being so noisy like usual, and made fun of the size of his penis, and he had pressed himself into her his body all sweaty and twitchy, the sound of his panting loud in her ear, his cock pushing inside her with very little effort
Melanie remembers feeling so giddy
Her fingers digging into his back, as if she was trying to penetrate him, promote some reciprocity
her breasts squashed against his front
his hands, that had fed her and hugged her and patted her hair when she was sad, now gripping her ass cheeks, toying with them, fingers edging closer to her asshole and teasing it open
hers eventually doing the same, her father shaking his ass, moaning helplessly, his thrusting getting faster and less controlled so that it hurt a little but never enough, he had pulled out, not, he said without speaking, wanting this to end yet
he suckling at her clit and his cock deep in her throat
his cock warm between her breasts, not that fun for Melanie except for that it was him, that he, who had always told her off for dressing weirdly, who had taught her to be guided by the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, to act without sin and be virtuous in all she did, was now clearly getting so desperate to cum on her
in her
in her
not just inside her cunt, nothing so simple as that, but to stain her very soul with semen, to ruin the idealized image of his daughter
already they both wanted to kill each other a little
they fucked with violence, he hurting her so much, she biting him and hating him but you know at once it was more than that, when it came to the climax he slowed down and they kissed, tongues writhing around each other's gaping stupid mouths
a kind of delirious rush of different types of obscenity, a slideshow of everything wrong a human being has ever done being enacted between father and daughter.

>> No.7519313


>> No.7519369
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Here it is (please rate):

Her pee pee went around his pee pee, hers was wet and warm but his was cold like ice but not anymore because they were inside each other, her ass now inside his cock.

He gingerly puts his fingers like a peace-sign up her nostrils and bites her ear to show dominance. This causes her to start farting uncontrollably inside his cock, tickling him.

'Hehe' he says.

She starts shitting in his penis.

>> No.7519385
File: 163 KB, 369x602, Erastes_eromenos_Staatliche_Antikensammlungen_1468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't had a good honest laugh in a long time
thanks anon

>> No.7519388
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>> No.7519400

>I have to go to bed because I have to wake up early tomorrow. Good night, fellas.

filthy casual

>> No.7519433
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Run into boy I haven't seen since high school. He doesn't recognize me at first. Is that Meredith? You look SO different. Touches my hip & says 'What have you been doing with yourself?'

Three hours later, he’s got both of my hands in icy handcuffs, and my head keeps hitting the wall with each punch to my face—he grabs my hair and yanks, throwing me to the floor, and he suddenly has his hand in my mouth, pushing in, making a fist, my throat working to vomit and tongue stroking his salty knuckles as he slowly starts moving it erotically, gently in and out, my teeth sinking into his hand's skin—his erection is out and up and I close my eyes. I try saying Dada but it comes out as: Flpbtbtbttbtt oaahh.

Suddenly, he pulls his hand out SLUPhPhP and slides my panties down over my ass and off and stuffs them in my mouth. Pulling off his clothes like Clark Kent, his erection springs free spraying hot come all in my hair. STOP STOP, I'm shouting, we're done, I told you not to fucking do that! He pushes me to the floor and I tell him I'm serious and he throws a hissy fit, stamping et al. Come in the hair is such a turn off, am I right ladies?

>> No.7519443

Now I'm all for bedroom freakery but when she starts to make noises that can only be described as 'gurgling' or something similar, I'm afraid there's going to be a problem. Strange noises and near-impossible contortions just threaten the structural integrity of my wangus, the keystone of proficient fuckmaking. That being said, you can now understand why I interrupted our diddly sesh, pulled my nosediving donger from your beefwell and covered her face with a nearby couch pillow. She was acting right out of a derivative horror movie about demonic possession, the ones that always seem to be coming out despite the fact that no one watches them. Besides, its not like she had a stellar face--but I guess that's the price I pay for making up for a lack of womanizing skill by trawling the burn ward. It was her body that mattered, and when it wasn't sputtering and jiggling, and when the light didn't make it look like pizza in some places, I'll admit that she made my dongus rise. It wasn't all a loss, she stopped moving and quieted down after a bit pillows really are effective. I guess I came after a little bit, because otherwise the experience wouldn't have felt complete.

>> No.7519554

I have one about a possesed little girl torturing and raping a guy.

But its in spanish.

And yes, its shit.

>> No.7519634
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>He gingerly puts his fingers like a peace-sign up her nostrils

>> No.7519642 [DELETED] 

If you like greek erotic fiction here is a short play I wrote


>> No.7519647 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 400x527, 1101690523_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is how the master, Nabokov himself, wrote of such things. A passage from Lolita:

"As I saw her, saw my little nymphet, my sweet Lo, stretch herself on the grass then stand erect, I felt something else stretch itself and stand erect, something about which we don't usually speak in polite society, something that we keep hidden away like a crazy uncle, until those times, wonderful times, when he is brought out into polite society in all his hideous splendor: that is to say, just as an animal might long to be shot by a hunter in a wild delusion of manifest suicide or a food might long to be eaten, if I can be allowed that anthropomorphism, so my frankfurter longed to be removed from its wax wrapper, held in Lo's hands, and eaten."

>> No.7519657

That's basically what mainstream porn of the 90s was.

>> No.7519713


>> No.7519904

Not exactly what OP asked for, but what does /lit/ think of the following?

>asexual, near-autistic female protagonist paired to work with beta but friendly male researcher
>since researcher is only of few people that's been nice to her, the protag eventually grows comfortable around him
>researcher gets married to chick that is jealous of protag
>out of nowhere, protag has sex dream of her coworker, her first sexual experience
>she craves his cock now and has trouble differentiating her sexual urges from her friendship-centric feelings
>this only increases the dissonance of her friendship with a male who married to a female who resents her, a social concept she doesn't even fully understand
>long story short, some shit happens and the dude dies without her actually ever getting his dick. the dude's widow hates the protags guts forever

>> No.7519913
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Reads like a Nic Cage monologue

>> No.7519916

As they went in to grope each other, he sexed her by the vagina and started kissing her. He could feel the wonderful vaginal juices pouring out. It was a spectacle to behold. As he wrapped her fingers tightly around his erection he sat upon her chair and pushed into her. She was wearing a bright coloured bra that swung freely as he unlaced the knots and laces. He held her up and swung her over his head, feeling her breasts along the way. Her nipples were tender with the moisturizing of sexual organs. He was an hare but he felt to increase to fill her. Her Elephant-Cow vagina was very loose and looked like a £20 sandwich from Arby's. It was very moist though and he enjoyed the tender juices that flowed. It was an exuberant sexual encounter that they did and then went to do. The flatulence could have influenced his erection more.

>> No.7519945

not bad towards the end but horrible beginning.

>> No.7519963

These two were fucking like monkeys generally fuck. It was a hot, steamy monkey fuck session. He aped her rotund pussy like a chimp.

>> No.7520016

21 November Year of Glad

She ^69 went through a motion, like, SHHLLLK SHLLLK SHHHLK. Canadian Nazi's ^420 surrounded her small tight body, which upon closer inspection, had quite a lot of hair and was actually masculine if taking into account the penis which by all measures looked somewhat shriveled from the S.S.R.P. Hormones (sic). It wasn't as if Martin new anything about the game he was in, fourteen or so feet off the couch when he realized, with full youthful revenge, that he no longer could maintain his quote unquote bone-dog that he had relished in B.S. 1669.

>> No.7520109

>Sex, he was told, was the one thing, if anything, that would make him feel alive.
>But he was not alive. He had died a long time ago. So he just floated there, watching the scene play out from above, like a spectator. Her long pale legs projected a shadowy V on the wall, the soft heavenly exhales from each time he pushed himself further inside of her traveled up to the ceiling, and lingered around him, and the 1960's Art Deco style brass fan. And yet, he was not moved.

Damn, family. You need to talk?

>> No.7520119
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>> No.7520130
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>that's the stuff that makes me forget about my problems

>> No.7520142
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>> No.7520473

lol thanks Morrisey

>> No.7520494

Any decent philosopher could write convincing nihilism, it's almost the starting point of our modern thought.

>> No.7520545

Since it was linked here I decided to continue it a bit, it's not as euphoric as the previous one. But this girl is a fucking fantastic lay.


>> No.7520598

The "erotica" part was terrible but made me laugh, I think that was your intention? The end was great.

>> No.7520611


>> No.7520621

>hot come

>> No.7520839

She tugged at his ballsack, unconsciously squeezing it slightly, thinking of hot jets of cum. Tiff's head jabbed forward with each thrust, his cockhead almost going down her throat each time. She couldn't get more than half of his cock into her mouth, it was so big. Strings of bubbly spit began to form on the underside of Frank's cockshaft, and snapped off onto Tiff's right tit, rolling off down the side of her body. Frank suddenly froze, contorted expression on his wide-eyed face.

>> No.7521143

Everything in this thread is so fucking horrible. It's the least erotic thing ever.

It's amazing to me how all of you faggots who spend countless hours reading books about people's feelings proceed to write the most emotionless prose conceivable when it comes to sex.

>> No.7521269
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I have some incredibly emotionally erotic things in mind but I'm blushing like crazy just thinking about other people reading it, even if I'm on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.7521365

>chick that is jealous of protag
Female jealousy, especially written by a male author, is incredibly cheap.

>she craves his cock
Women don't ever crave cock, unless they fetishized western porn. In normal women's erotica, there is barely ever mention of the penis.

>some shit happens and the dude dies
>widow hates the protags guts forever
Forcing the drama too much maybe.

>> No.7521906

>unless they fetishized western porn
That's why you date the girls who have an interest in porn.

>> No.7521964

listen, man, just play along. the nsa is watching, we need to develop a sense of camaraderie to get them off our tails

>> No.7521969

Then bawl your eyes out when they cheat on you, eventually admit to having done things with other guys that you can't stomach, and generally never, ever emotionally connect with you in a meaningful way.

>> No.7522146

"That's because you're blind now, Mildred."

>> No.7522153

Just do it. Literally no one gives a shit about you.

>> No.7522263

Need to sleep now. Maybe tomorrow if the thread is still up and my ideas still work.

Possibly, the things I'm thinking are just attractive to me, and simply cringe-worthy to 99% of everyone who would read them.

>> No.7523902

I grabbed my throbbing member and shoved it into her equally throbbing hole. It throbbed around me like it was alive, but I guess she was alive. What is life? I ask myself this as I pump my member, throbbing with excitement, into her squeezy feel-good compartment, throbbing warmth around my member. My member feels good and I realize that this is life, but then her throbs send me over the edge and I shoot hot white lava life goop into her and realize that I just created life, from my throbbing member. I apologize and lay next to her, member still throbbing.

>> No.7523910

are you the dude that thinks Europe is replacing Chads with Tyrones to fulfill the lack of consumers due to a low birth rate?

>> No.7523912

that's gay

>> No.7523920

>i need a wank /lit/, help me out

>> No.7524029

Do you /lit/eraries have any actual advice on writing good erotica?

>> No.7524051

Read a load and see what's good about it.
Bear in mind that erotica for women is often very different to erotica for men.
I don't know if it's still as easy to come by these days with the proliferation of people with webcams making it redundant, but you might learn a lot from cybersex (with real women) too.

>> No.7524077

Just give it your own twist. Make a sex scene but keep the descriptions brief.

>She laid there dripping and shivering after his embrace.

That's enough to paint an entire scene in someone's mind. Most will think that they had sex and she enjoyed it but you can turn it into

>>She laid there dripping and shivering after his embrace. He loomed over with a face of satisfaction stretched across his stubble. He reached into his back pocket and pulled forth a blade and then he dragged it across her neck. Once again she laid there dripping and shivering.

You really just have to make it yours.

>> No.7524078
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Wrote this a while ago and am using a slightly updated version for kindle porn soon.

>> No.7524114
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She got the deep dickin n she squirt salad dressing purrrr ack catches in the throat like a first time smoker coughing up water lung dog ball. 'Ey up, Malcolm a bullshit fucker, liar liar loins on fire, he just wanks into a sock all day, useless nigga. Never crush the puss, high stiletto heel brain oozer fluid abuser, people pay good money for that shit, don't they?

All that hentai rotted yo head, in the gaaaaame, right? She don't have an inny and you never fucked none, nigga. Most girls hang a little lower, not some Lolita soon-to-be trailer for trailer trash whore chic madame sir-fucks-a-lot dumb bitch, fake tan sizzler on a dick, three-sixty degree swizzler sizzler white trash pole polisher succubus summoned trap spell of forced pregnancy bullshit to cash a quick cheque. You never fucked none, never fucked none; stupid lil nigga fuck one and forever more a cyst from the whore. Dumb lil nigga paying bills, cashing cheques for some lil daddy prissy cunt bitch cannae pay the fuck but get paid to the fuck, a gallon of cum to the mile.

Asshole, don't tell me you got duped, motherfucker. Fucker gone fucked her a mother and never gonna fuck the mother once it done, dumb lil nigga. She a squirter, yeah? Yeah? Squirting that money away, fuck, you aren't even gone done get a job and she spend it all. Her pepper spray cum spit piss, drain a dick, limpid root Saturn crook, dumbass nigga spending every penny he took.

>> No.7524121

> pepper spray cum spit piss, drain a dick, limpid root Saturn crook, dumbass nigga spending every penny he took

I really like this.

>> No.7524136

So some white trash girl is fucking to get pregnant, somebody has bragged about fucking her and now is being told off if he actually has fucked her? A good use of rhythm in this, some passages feel like they're out of a song.

Can't tell if this was a legit attempt or not, but either way it's pretty good. Reminds me of Iceberg Slim's Pimp (assuming you might have already read that).

>> No.7524160
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Become the ideal radical feminist male. (Assuming you're male.)

It will open your mind a gazillion times more than any amount of edgy Lolita reading can, and you will become a master of writing genuinely sympathetic erotica full of sincere emotions and a burning passion for meaningful love of humans.


>> No.7524422
File: 548 KB, 1280x966, 1411923807872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is crude and stupid or surprisingly poetic.

>> No.7524443

> Fucker gone fucked her a mother
