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/lit/ - Literature

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750674 No.750674 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ know of any books about Biblical and/or theological interpretation?

I consider myself an atheist, but I'd like to learn more about the subject. (inb4 'HURR DURR, read the Bible!' I have a Bible, but I don't know very much about how it's interpreted by theologians.)

>> No.750690

/lit/, as always, is showing its lack of diversity.

>> No.750721

Uh, the skeptics annotated bible prehaps?


it's a website that annotates the bible from the skeptics point of view. It points of inconsistencies and stuff and is very pro-atheist if you know what I mean where it points out the bad and mocks the bible, instead of being a serious study of it. If your looking for stuff which goes though the bible in a historical or anthropological sense it's probably not what your looking for.

>> No.750725

You can read that dumb skeptics thing, or you can decide to not be a faggot and check these out: http://oyc.yale.edu/religious-studies

>> No.750730

Get a Penguin Classics Bible. Read all the notes.

>> No.750734

Actually get the Oxford Annotated Bible

>> No.750966

You could familiarize yourself with "Eschatology" and to name a theologian: Rudolf Bultmann.

>> No.750996

I've been interested in purchasing Jeffersons Bible - he went through it and cut out all the bullshit and miracles to leave an enlightened philosophy.

For a different take read Dostoevsky .

"Even those who have renounced Christianity and attack it, in their inmost being still follow the Christian ideal, for hitherto neither their subtlety nor the ardor of their hearts has been able to create a higher ideal of man and of virtue than the ideal given by Christ."

And he's kinda right - the fascist superman failed,the communist everyman failed, and even those who are Godless/secularists seem to follow a kind of Christian morality.

>> No.751090

OP here.


Thanks for the recommendation, but you're right in supposing that it might not be what I'm looking for (I'm really interested in understanding Christian theology as theologians understand it--so I'm trying to get a serious understanding of Biblical interpretation).


Thanks for all of these (I've been looking into all three of these recommendations).


Thanks for these recommendations--I'll definitely be looking into them!

Any more?

>> No.751099

I follow Buddhist principals.

>> No.751125

Schleiermacher is absolutely seminal and essential. It's probably the biggest influence on modern theological discussion and interpretation of religious texts.

>> No.751150


OP here again, and I forgot to mention something: Dostoevsky is probably one of my favorite authors (I especially like Crime and Punishment and have read a bit into the Christian allusions throughout his works). Actually, I've studied existential philosophy (well, the 'pioneers' of it, i.e., Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, etc.) and have a liking for some of it, but my interest as of late has shifted towards analytic philosophy.

Jefferson's one of my absolute favorite historical figures (I can't possibly overstate this); but I've never actually looked into the Jeffersonian Bible, though I've heard of it... I wonder if Jesus is in it.

>> No.751536

Read the 'Catena Aurea' by Aquinas.

It will show you how the early theologians went about resolving textual discrepancies among other things.


>> No.751709

trying searching books (or college syllabi) for the phrase "the bible as literature".

>> No.751732

OP you need to read some Borges. Start with Three Versions of Judas, and move on to the Swedenborg stuff and such.

Here you go: http://southerncrossreview.org/49/borges-judas-eng.htm

Prepare for a mindblowing read.

>> No.751884

I suggest a book called "One Book Rightly Divided" by Dr. Douglas D. Stauffer. I haven't finished it yet, but it's about how to correctly study and interpret the Bible. Tough to find though.

>> No.751887


Jefferson's Bible is, pardon the expression, GOD TIER.

>> No.751906


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>> No.751939

Wikipedia articles on each book.

>> No.752403

"Behold the Man", by Michael Moorcock

neurotic asshole becomes fixated on Jesus, gets time machine, goes back, finds Jesus is a tard, starts pretending to be Jesus, and you can guess the rest.