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/lit/ - Literature

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7518352 No.7518352 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus fucking Christ, /lit/.

Pic related is the new fad in Italy. The "distilled".
Basically, they're novels cut down to 40% or 30% of their original size. Small enough that "you can finish them in the time it would take to watch a movie" (actual slogan).

Some 23 year old assistant editor just cuts hundreds of pages from novels, conserving only the plot and the main characters. The skeleton of the book. And they have the gall to say that "nothing of the original experience is lost".
I didn't even want to believe it, but they're a real thing. What the fuck.

Does shit like this happen in other countries as well?

>> No.7518369

To what kind of books exactly they are doing this?

>> No.7518386

"New fad in Italy" where.
I've never seen one of those things anywhere.
Do you only buy books at the newsstand?

>> No.7518395

ugh, this is more depressing to me than those cheesy textspeak shakespeare things

>> No.7518418

Second post and already we have a twat attacking the OP for no reason whatsoever instead of talking about the obscenity in the post.

No, I don't fucking buy books only at newsstands. I buy them pretty much anywhere. You'll have to find some other way to feel superior to me.

It's a new thing they're just launching. They're gonna do it to both narrative and fiction, from authors of all countries.

>> No.7518443

I went and GIS'd the image, can't read Italian myself so I had to translate. The site looks sleek so I assume they see a fair amount of traffic. So they're going to "distill" 2 books a month for some subscription program?

>> No.7518453

The site for anyone interested:

They're gonna rape 1 book a month, for what I've seen, and sell it for 3.90€ to anyone who feels like stabbing their own soul a bit more.

>> No.7518461

No wait, they're gonna rape 2 books a month.

And they're not saying anything about special subscriptions or anything, so I assume they're gonna sell them in book stores like regular books.

>> No.7518467

The thing is, if you say it's a fad, it means it's a popular thing, and you seem to imply that it is in any way relevant.

Instead, it's a project by a no-name publisher, that is in fact sold in newsstands, and didn't get any sort of major exposure.
Is it shit? Yes. It's the same kind of shit as those digest editions they sell in the summer, or the year some magazine published "the great classics for kids rewritten by modern-day people!".
Is this going to matter in any way, shape, or form? No.
By the way, it's pleb-tier "literature". Mazzantini is not going to change much with a 30% less.

>> No.7518468

They did this kind of shit with sci-fi novels in the "Urania" series. They just cut a good chunk of the books, one sentence every 4 or 5, until they had a book small enough that printing it was cheap and so they could keep their cover price low.

But they didn't have permission to do this shit, so when the foreign authors discovered it, heads rolled.

>> No.7518478

>didn't get any sort of major exposure
I've seen ads on the most widespread newspapers, familia. In a few months I'm gonna see a lot of people reading these bastardized versions of novels, and if you think such a blatant "fuck you" to literature doesn't matter, you're just another 14 year old trying to sound cool by imitating a cynic.

>> No.7518488

Boy, you really love this kind of baby formula, uh?
I guess the full sized books are still too much for you. But now you can be just like the big boys!

>> No.7518489
File: 102 KB, 652x960, 1435386404040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of junk would be quite popular with hipsters if it covered the literary greats. Junk like this gives readers just enough information from a book to pretend they're well read individuals. Can't wait for an even more retarded subset of NIMBYs to emerge in 10 or so years.

>> No.7518503

You're being overly dramatic.
It's fucking books for newsstands. "Fuck you to literature", come on. That is not literature, and you are not going to see them everywhere.
It's not going to last, as it didn't last with countless similar projects in the years, and it is literally nothing to draw conclusions from.

>> No.7518505

You should work on your reading comprehension, kid.

>> No.7518534

this looks like contemporary garbage anyway. i don't like it, but at least they aren't ruining real lit.

>> No.7518547


>> No.7518557

Good. Anyone who buys that shit wouldn't be able to read the full thing anyway, for want of mental faculties.

>> No.7518590

holy fuck this is depressing. Everything an author writes he writes on purpose

>> No.7518593


I thought the new italian fad would be to translate all books to the medium of waving your hands about.

>> No.7518606
File: 40 KB, 680x848, 1446407856966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why stop there? Why not have porn scenes with starlets waving their hands to the tune of Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.7518616

Look, I can't find hard data, only stupid media articles, but it's a known fact that Italy is one of the countries in Europe with the lowest number of readers. This is a commercial move to try and catch some more public. It's for the lowest common denominator, the blurb on the site talks about "keeping all the twists and plot points intact!". This is going to have zero impact on literature, education, or whatever. No need to get anyone's panties in atwist over this.

>> No.7519985

what made italy so illiterary?

>> No.7520212

Either Berlusconi or the commies, depends on who you ask.

>> No.7520548

Sounds like a good idea. I might read Infinite Jest if they cut out the boring two thirds.

>> No.7520558

Sounds great tbqh senpai. If they did this to the meme trilogy i could read all three in a single day!

>> No.7520560

>Some 23 year old assistant editor just cuts hundreds of pages from novels, conserving only the plot and the main characters. The skeleton of the book. And they have the gall to say that "nothing of the original experience is lost".

Sounds like editing, Hemingway style.

>> No.7520574
File: 157 KB, 499x499, 1428380703385-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philistines always butcher great works of literature, even the Bible (especially the Bible)

"First this: God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don’t see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God’s Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss."

"The BOSS said to my BOSS, Be my right hand man while I put even your opponents under control: Therefore let all America know beyond any doubt that God has made the same Jesus whom you LYNCHED, both PRESIDENT and leader . . . Rock said to them, Reshape your lives and let each of you be INITIATED into the family of Jesus Christ so your sins can be dealt with; and you will receive the free gift of the Holy Spirit."

"You've got to give me proof, proof, proof that you've got a changed life and do not feed yourself any of this "we good church folks" stuff. I bet you right now, if God wanted to he could make good church folks out of this pile of rocks right here! Halleluiah! A chainsaw is sitting at the trunk of the tree and every tree that does not perform some worthwile function is gonna be

[makes chainsaw noises]"

"[Jesus after being tested by the devil] I passed. And then angels appeared with a sack of chili cheese dogs for him."


>> No.7520584
File: 833 KB, 1920x960, anon has checked into hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish those quotes were parody, alas, not so.

We all must prostate ourselves at the alter of EQUALITY, and allow the plebeians to dictate what is high and what is low. Everything's twisted around so I don't know which way is up, these plebs need to know their place. Democracy and Liberalism have rotted away out culture so that it is only an emaciated skele held up with lies! and people wonder why we think the West is collapsing, look around you!