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/lit/ - Literature

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7517258 No.7517258 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7517260


>> No.7517272

>no Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

>> No.7517288

"/lit/ is for the discussion of literature."

>> No.7517302

Mediocre, too fucking wordy, just pretentiously, stiltedly, and often incorrectly worded

Should include more on what the medium adds that's actually new and why it's interesting instead of saying "well if u read a book in haphazard chunks its still bookread," e.g. illusion of reader involvement in story, illusion of story's immediacy and contemporaneity, something, anything

Selections are mediocre, PST and DE are good but it needs more examples of games with interactive exposition, probably a lot more WRPGs

The non-RPG examples could be replaced by any of a thousand aesthetically complete games from a thousand different genres and be equally unsuccessful at enticing people to play. In fact it's probably a bad idea to try to get readers into games by giving them some random thing like Homeworld and saying "SEE?? JUST AS GOOD AS A BOOK!", instead you should give them something with substantial writing (even as dialogue) that showcases some of the complexity the medium attempts

Writer seems not to have English as first language
>the strength of interactive medium lies in (lack of article)
>entertaimnent (typos)
>where various influences bisect ("intersect," still pretentious)
>where various influences bisect (incomplete thought fragment and fuzzy language in general, author seems to be trying to get at the idea that the medium is an intersection of other MEDIA)
>words can elicit a reaction (badly worded & incomplete thought: you are showing how they are used in vidya *as in* literature, not just showing that they can be used in general, so connect the ideas)
>outline several games (badly worded)
>fall under (badly worded)
>Nothing close to literature ... [W]riters know their place ... simplistic (weakens argument to equivocate, have more confidence in case)

I was going to continue but everything is badly worded and pretentious, and/or doesn't make the case presented

Grade: 70

>> No.7517312

This is like making a list of /lit/ approved operas or /his/ approved board games. Completely retarded.

>> No.7517345


Missing Shadow of the Colossus, for one

>> No.7517368

What is incorrectly worded?

>> No.7517370
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Video games are for children.

>> No.7517386

it's made to trigger you, so...

>> No.7517391
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needs more elder scrolls

>> No.7517412

Well, if mild annoyance counts as triggering...

>> No.7517438

Fucking off.

>> No.7517471

I feel like the word "trigger" is eventually going to replace the word "troll"

>> No.7517474

All of those games suck.

>> No.7517482

Bioshock 2, Kentucky Route Zero, Red Dead Redemption

That's all.

>> No.7517483

>no killer7
>no mgs2
Shit list senpai

>> No.7517485

Not really because being triggered is a sign of mental disability.

>> No.7517488

>no silent hill 2
>no red dead redemption
>no system shock 2
Shit list

>> No.7517490

That's not how people use it though

>> No.7517491

what's so literary about bioshock 2
it's sitting on my hard drive right now

>> No.7517497

>Kentucky Route Zero

>Bioshock 2, Red Dead Redemption
No, not this garbage, fuck off

>> No.7517503

Annoying nerd shit

Those games are shit

>> No.7517515
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That's because they perpetuate a culture of fear with corporate backing.

>killer 7

Master, we're in quite a fix. I'm going to regurgitate unskippable dialogue to great effect. Just let me explain endless menu items to you in short outbursts of repetitive prose underlined with modem quality sound because we couldn't afford voice acting.

>mgs 2
Let me tell you how endangered species should go extinct in order to keep the population levels at a record high. Oh by the way I killed your parents because how else am I going to be a villain?

>silent hill 2
My wife's killer... IT WAS ME! Pizza.

>red dead redemption
Now go on a fetch quest No. 243213423 and enjoy the open world, gringo. Oh no zombies.

>system shock 2
I am the evil AI. Please oh god I'm in pain end my wretched existence but don't forget to remember the Citadel.

>Bioshock 2
Has better gameplay than 1?

>Kentucky Route Zero
EQUUS tumblrjack

>> No.7517525

Complex characters with complicated ideologies. Even Andrew Ryan receives more depth via audio tapes, whereas the first game just made him an aquatic Yosemite Sam.

Morality isn't as simple as pressing x or y to be good or bad. I don't want to spoil anything, but the game gives you some really fucking good reasons to do some things that would be construed as bad.

Themes of fatherhood and inherited morality are presented well. You don't just determine your character's behavior, but that of people around you.

>> No.7517532
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>complicated ideologies


>> No.7517538

No you fucking retard, themes are not presented well when the character is a walking stereotype of various traits you notice and congratulate yourself with a wank job. I bet you enjoyed Fargo season 2 as well, you smartie fucking retard.

>> No.7517559

Lel I hated Fargo season 2, Asspained Angus. And I meant that the game retroactively complicates 1 by humanizing Ryan and introducing Lamb. Which character are you referring to?

>> No.7517565

Have no idea, I only remember setting traps and defending an objective in Bioshock 2.

>> No.7517570

/lit/ games: grand theft auto, smassh bros , stalker, call of duty,

>> No.7517575
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>> No.7517577

And there's the downside. The gameplay is great but the Little Sister defense blew balls. I stopped doing it in replays.

>> No.7517582
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>grand theft auto


>> No.7517626

Devil May Cry is the most literary video game series.

>> No.7518417

Wait, so you don't remember the game but are still referencing specific events within it?

>> No.7518539
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>mfw people want one medium of art to be like an other

Video games shouldn't be held to the same standards as literature because the two are nothing alike. That's not to say that video games shouldn't be held to high standards, they absolutely should, just that they shouldn't be held to the same standards as books/movies/paintings/etc.

Right now video games are in their infancy and all they really do is copy what films and books have already done instead of utilizing the uniqueness of the medium to create pieces of art that can not exist as any other form of art. Film did the same thing until people started embracing what makes film different from literature.

As far as I know there are very few games that can only exist as games. Gone Home is one of them( inb4 sjw.) Gone Home actually uses its medium as a way to tell a story indirectly through gameplay. As you explore the house you find clues as to what the members of your family are like, subplots that are never mentioned in the main narrative and secrets that reveal information about your family's past. Gone Home would be impossible to recreate in any other medium of art because no other medium of art has input from the person experiencing it.

While it's debatable as to how good Gone Home is I think it's a very forward thinking game and, if the gaming community ever grows up, I think games have to start doing what Gone Home does if they ever want to be taken as a seriously.

>> No.7518603

No need to play it to know how referencing works.

>> No.7518611
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>no mgs2

absolute trash

>> No.7518660

huh? trash?

>> No.7518665

The first few Silent Hill games could give a great amount of insight into developing atmosphere, and they're very good games.

>> No.7518685

basically just saying that mgs2 should be in the top 5 most literary modern video games. it certainly borrows a ton of ideas from post modern fiction.

>> No.7518688
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Mon Negro

>> No.7518694

>Bioshock 2

>Red Dead Redemption

lol k sure

>> No.7518696

Deus Ex and planescape are the only two I have played. They deserve their reputations, but this graphic is shit

>> No.7518704
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I'm pretty sure you haven't even played half of these and I'm certain you just read a wiki summary of MGS2.


>Playing for the plot

Fuckin pleb.

>> No.7518709

mgs2 is amazing you are missing out if you have never grasped its magnificence

>> No.7518729
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>Dat biting satire of modern first-world culture
>Dat self-aware and simultaneously immersive world design
>Dat devestating critique of America at its worst
>Dat sincere appreciation of America at its best
>Dat ability to make politics and media important to a wider audience without outright politicizing the product
>Dat effective use of the Freudian trio in V
>Dat intensive characterization
>Dat daring critique of every demographic including its own audience

Please explain to me how Grand Theft Auto ain't patrish af.

>> No.7518737

huh? post... modern?

>> No.7518740

Gone Home is nothing more than a rehash of the point and click genre with a shiny post modern femist seal on it, it did nothing revolutionary

6/10 troll post. Made me respond

>> No.7518743

Isn't this a /lit/ game thread? Why would you need to play them? Datamine the words.

>> No.7518751

>Deadly Premonition

>> No.7518753
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poes law

>> No.7518754

Yup! Definitely a point and click game, you got me.

>> No.7518757

Red Dead is heavily film inspired, you can pick out lots of little references to cinema (eg recreation of the classic Searchers ending shot through the door).

>> No.7518759

"bait" and its variations already have

off topic thought, but isn't it funny how the "bait" concept is simply a rebrand of the "troll" concept, and an extremely economical one? considering how it effectively relaunched the troll identity, derivative image macros, and related internet cultural products? an meme industry, if you want, which had gone out of work or moved to worse markets ca. 2011 via backlash against its appropriation by reddit, facebook, etc? it's similar to the faith of ">my face when", which relaunched as the even more efficient "tfw" and became possibly the biggest meme industry of our time

>> No.7518769

I thought /lit/ would value old point and click games, TBS and shit like Psychonauts more.

>> No.7518773
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Bruh, it's a fucking interative novel, I've being playing text adventures since I had an Amstad. There are better examples on the DS that actually make use of physical skill and creativity

>> No.7518792

>/lit/ approved non-lit
This is the dumbest shit.
Is this bait for other boards? People will just think it's pointless and not care.

What you should have done is picked pretentious artsy shit that game journos lap up, giving each game a literary analysis. They'd flip a shit if they saw "Gone Home," "Heavy Rain," "Undertale." and all that other garbage.

>> No.7518800

>"It is no nation we inhabit, but a language. Make no mistake; our native tongue is our true fatherland."

Good start, let down in that Kojima and the writers obviously researched nothing of language or nationalism.

>> No.7518804

Is Alan Wake /lit/?

>> No.7518813
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>Dat deluzian revelation at the end

It truely is a doggydog world

>> No.7518827

Undertale is the Star Wars of /v/. If you think they don't love it there you're delusional. I guess it's an American thing.

>> No.7518876

the fuck is undertale?