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File: 309 KB, 715x350, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7517181 No.7517181[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1. Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!
2. Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams!
3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit!
4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!
5. Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek!
6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic
7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than
those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual
development", has become the most vicious animal of all!
8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or
emotional gratification!
9. Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all
these years!
Christians are unconsciously true satanists, so called satanists are pseudosatanists, and true satanists are alone and therefore not satanists.

>> No.7517192

Based Satan.

>> No.7517195
File: 194 KB, 1732x805, Satan REKT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7517199

such edgy so rebel wow

>> No.7517203

hmm I've been vague.

>Christians (not talking about Kierkegaard, just about typical, normal christians) are unconsciously satanists, the so called satanists are pseudosatanists, and true satanists, those aware of it, are alone, and therefore not 'satanists'.

>> No.7517214

Thanks. Interesting, but superficial (as expected: there's a christian behind it) and full of misconceptions.

>> No.7517215
File: 233 KB, 160x155, tumblr_lxpj6aiEG01qcaomb[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fell for the eternal meme
>not realising God is a tyrant

>> No.7517228
File: 375 KB, 744x774, Last Judgment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's full of misconceptions. Trust me, I'm a Satanist.



>> No.7517240

So you would consider harming other people, something that us Christians would truly desire?

>> No.7517241

I'm not a Satanist, just a child that wants to learn about it. And I've come here to fight, if there's someone to fight against.
Thinking is fighting. And thinking is way moar interesting for me if it is against someone.
Satan means adversary.
Im looking for one. The territory is this subject.

>> No.7517249
File: 26 KB, 358x272, shhh...nothin_personnel...kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan is just a tool of the lord, a judge for humanity.

When you faggots will understand.

>> No.7517252

Harming other people? Really? That's all you can think of?
Answer one question for me, fellow Christian:
One action is 'good' or 'bad' on itself, without further consideration, without future. I hurt you. Now. Is that bad on itself?

>> No.7517253

>low level trolling
>posts picture of anime girl hadakajime'ing anime girl

>> No.7517254
File: 35 KB, 227x320, St. Georgius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those who fight monsters are always in danger of becoming one themselves.

>> No.7517257

Hi Nietzsche, how ya doin?

>> No.7517265

The fuck is going on here.

>> No.7517270

dis: "Before none of your printed idols do I bend in acquiescence, and he who saith "thou
shalt" to me is my mortal foe!"

>> No.7517271
File: 2.11 MB, 330x166, Disdain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche was a syphilitic weakling who used his writing to create a romantic persona for himself as a means of coping.

>> No.7517274
File: 73 KB, 500x333, teen-smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he who saith "thou
shalt" to me is my mortal foe!"

>> No.7517275

you just won the 'Worst Troll In This Thread Award'!! Congratulations!! But be careful, you may lose it in the future!! Enjoy!
you kicked this faggot in the ass >>7517249

>> No.7517278

Would that matter if our text says Jesus died for sins? Humanity found it's difference with Jesus. True Christians and I mean true christians be good, but don't believe it means sending themselves to hell or has any twisted effect, and believe that believing in Jesus leads to peaceful afterlife. You probably don't realize it but all of the people in your church are either dealing with arguing with spouses, cheating, and a lot of other things. You don't know it all.

>> No.7517286
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>implying I'm wrong

>> No.7517287

Also True Christians believe humans are flawed individuals. Everyone on this forum is flawed like us. I said all I had to.

>> No.7517291

nature is a sin.
this world is a sin.
the only truth, the only good, is in an imaginary world. but hey, you gotta wait til death to see it.
that is Christianity.

>> No.7517297

You mean the real one or the one that apostle Paul created?

>> No.7517301
File: 858 KB, 1280x1600, 1450208335535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sin is a product of the will so nature is not sin and we can experience God's goodness in this life because all goodness comes from God.

>> No.7517315

Satan is pretty retarded for trying to go to war with an omnimax being. He can't win, his entire role was predetermined. He and all the rebel angels rebelled because they were preordained to. Every human who "loses their estate" in heaven due to him does so because they were preordained to. Surely Satan knows this, which makes him a complete idiot.

>> No.7517318

>sin is a product of the will so nature is not sin
>implying will and nature are different things
will is nature on us.
will says: sex and violence (that is: 'love' and 'hate'; 'us' and 'them'; yin and yang).
Christianity denies yang. Therefore, Christianity is gay in a deep sense of the word.
rethink, young padawan

>> No.7517320
File: 74 KB, 402x463, Based Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As dumb as Satan is, never forget that he is more intelligent than humanity by several orders of magnitude.

>> No.7517322

read Nietzsche's Antichrist, you may learn interesting things about your religion. believe me Im an engineer.

>> No.7517325

I doubt it, if evidence for an omni-max God existed humans would worship Him, unlike Satan.

>> No.7517326

Im really not sure if shitposting or just autism.

>> No.7517338
File: 2.05 MB, 1020x912, R E P E N T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will and nature are different things. Humanity is distinguished from the animal kingdom by our self-conscious will. Animals cannot sin, a tornado cannot sin but people can sin.

>Christianity denies yang.

Are you familiar with "the passion of the Christ?"

>> No.7517339

OP here.
Satan is not a real entity like God, it's an archetype. I was not referring to the fallen angel in rigurous theology.
Satan means nature, life, war.
Against God, who represents the opposite, the feminine way of conceiving it all.

>> No.7517346

Yeah and you guys who claim to be open minded to other religions bash the shit out of us.

>> No.7517349
File: 70 KB, 640x480, david.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read Nietzsche and here is my estimation of him:


Christians worship the omni-max God.

>> No.7517352

>Humanity is distinguished from the animal kingdom by our self-conscious will

Evolutionary biologist here please be bait

>> No.7517355
File: 91 KB, 945x960, St. Mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you follow the adversary, what else would you expect?

>> No.7517361
File: 202 KB, 1200x1074, 1449415787472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evolutionary biologist

How is that relevant to understanding the human spirit?

>> No.7517362

>self-conscious will
Humanity is not distinguish from the animal kingdom so much. Will, if you dig, is not what it seems. Its instinc. Its basic. Its SATAN. You are just not aware of it.
The problem is, this generates a contradiction inside you. You think you tend to heaven and that you commit a sin when you do what you're suppossed to do by nature, cause your god is against nature.
again, shitposting or you didn't understand shit from N. shouldn't be answering you, low quality troll

>> No.7517363

The point is that most people who are not Christian don't believe due to lack of evidence. If you could show them convincing evidence, they would probably believe. Satan, having actual evidence that is as convincing as you could possibly get of God's properties, chooses to rebel against God in a battle he surely knows he is preordained to lose. How idiotic can you be?

>> No.7517372
File: 179 KB, 677x960, 1449372266703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we can choose to indulge our appetites or deny them.

How can you say chastity is a basic instinct? It isn't, it is a product of willpower.

>> No.7517373

Agree with you
Science is not enough to understand.

I will make an effort to consider this b8

>> No.7517377

How is it bait?

>> No.7517378

No we Kan't. Cause Schopenhauer. Then N.

>> No.7517380
File: 488 KB, 1698x1265, 1449450363246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christians do believe in an omnipotent God.

Is English your first language?

>> No.7517383

>proving my point

>> No.7517384
File: 261 KB, 388x532, 1449836719752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've misunderstood Kant if you think he denies our ability to choose to act virtuously.

>> No.7517393

I was playing with words.
Kant --> Schopenhauer --> THEN Nietzsche, and good bye will.
read Dostoyevski: Demons

>> No.7517396

I was trying to say that though not all people are Christian, many non-Christians would become Christian if they could be shown evidence of God's existence.

>> No.7517398
File: 77 KB, 745x672, 1448656858390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute, but will you please explain how Kant's philosophy is incompatible with the notion that we can choose to indulge or deny our appetites?

>> No.7517401
File: 47 KB, 432x449, 1449533385763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you understand the difference between conclusive and inconclusive evidence?

>> No.7517404

No I won't, cause I Kan't, cause that's false, I didn't imply it, you read me wrong til the beginning.

>> No.7517406
File: 901 KB, 500x281, Cuckoo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7517409

The notion of choosing to indulge or deny your appetites as you presumably understand it is nonsense in the first place. What you experience as a choice is a post-rationalization of subconscious phenomena governed by physical laws.

>> No.7517410

Curious question, does Satan ever actually appear in the Bible? Does he ever do anything? Which passages, I would like to learn more.

>> No.7517413
File: 1.41 MB, 301x240, 1449935775879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7517415

this, more or less.
at least one person has something to say in this thread for fucks sake.

>> No.7517417
File: 546 KB, 278x227, tfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all an illusion maaaaaan its just in your head duuuuuudeeeee it's science brooooooo

>> No.7517418
File: 10 KB, 354x142, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a determinist in a non-deterministic universe

>> No.7517420

Im starting to think that the trolls in /lit/ are way worse than the ones in /b/

>> No.7517421

Desires are not conscious. Your desire for sex and food are not decisions you can make. The only true "decision" you can make is to abstain.

>> No.7517423
File: 28 KB, 403x403, Bonhoeffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only true "decision" you can make is to abstain.

That is precisely my point:

>we can choose to indulge our appetites or deny them.

>> No.7517429


>> No.7517431

You don't "choose" to indulge in your appetites, though, I'd argue.

>> No.7517432

So you think that physical laws don't apply to the brain? If not, why not?

There's no good evidence to believe in "quantum mind"-type theories, if that's what you're getting at.

>> No.7517436

Thoughts stop when there's nothing left to deny.
All thinking is constructed to destroy thinking.
The only motivation to think is to oppose, those are interchangeable things.
Well, in this thread the shitposting is undeniable and the true thinking to fight against is lacking.
dat pic. So obvious. Why the fuck does he say it, and why does the pic with that words even exist.

>> No.7517440
File: 100 KB, 640x966, 1451341223672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do choose not to deny them.

I think the brain does not contain the entirety of human consciousness; I'm not a materialist.

>> No.7517442

OP here, gonna buy some beer, don't be naughty in by absence, kids
>You do choose not to deny them.
actually interesting

>> No.7517460

>rule #1: no rules

that's sure to bring in a lot of weak-willed saps

>> No.7517466

Of course humans have desires, and they need to be sated (hunger), due to biological restriction. But man has the capability to transcend a majority of his animalistic urges (for example, using his libidinal energy for painting as opposed to having sexual intercourse).

>> No.7517479

>There's no good evidence to believe in "quantum mind"-type theories, if that's what you're getting at.

no, wtf is that?

I'm talking about how you can flip a coin a million times and never determine the next outcome prior to flipping it. Are you telling me human beings operate on a simpler basic principle than a coin toss? Are you fucking stupid?

At best you can guess at a state of possible outcomes for the coin. Tails, heads, side, coin disappears in anti-matter collision, coin is snatched mid-air by a crow, etc. But (1) you will never be able to enumerate all of these various states for the coin and (2) even if you could, which you can't, and you ran a probability distribution over them all, still you won't be able to tell me the outcome.

Yes your computer does operate on a simpler basic principle that a coin toss. It is a deterministic adding machine. No humans are not computers.

Biological systems just like natural systems display randomness all the time.

/lit/ retards have never taken a single stem class?

>> No.7517480

Kekd but he's still right.

>> No.7517494

elaborate. that by itself means nothing or too much things, which is the same as nothing.

>> No.7517504

you're right, but where are you going?
stablish a clear relation between satanism and hume (you are talking hume here)

>> No.7517507

"A theist and an atheist are the same. Because they both believe something that they do not know."

I think Alan Watts said this, I'm not sure.
As years pass, I realized how true this statement is.

>> No.7517518

Good contribution. I think that is absolutely true and irrelevant at the same time.
>a theist and an atheist, both believe
so? Is there an option? Teach me how to not believe. If you're human, you believe. Even those who believe in nothing, believe.
(btw the original sentence is bullshit cause it says that two things are the same cause they share a feature, that's not true logic).

>> No.7517520

i can't believe that a person would be able to reach any higher level of consciousness without being able to control their own animal instincts. ever seen a monkey meditate? no because they don't have the will to stop themselves from throwing poop at each other. The whole satanic belief is clearly an excuse to indulge in anything. In the case that satan is real it is possible he just wants everyone to be able to do whatever they want but i seriously doubt that. Someone who promotes that kind of shit must have their own agenda.

>> No.7517522

If you set up a machine that flipped a coin with the same force and the same initial conditions every time, you would arrive at the same result. The coin-machine system is completely governed by classical mechanics, difficulties of setting up the machine aside.

Anyway, I had thought you may have been suggesting that human minds were non-deterministic due to quantum effects, since you seemed to disagree with the idea that the brain is deterministic. This dosen't rescue free will, and the brain is too large of a system for quantum effects to play that role anyway.

>> No.7517535

>reacher a higher level of consciousness
who wants that? I stepped into buddhism years ago and Im still trying to go away from it. Those who stay all their lifes are just idiots. They dont get what is the fuckin price in that game.
>satan as a real entity
again, satan is for me just an archetype. something meaningful, not a real thing.
>own agenda
that is exactly the center of it all, that is the point

>> No.7517549

Not that anon, but there is a difference between having control over your animal instincts, and completely tuning out the world of sense.

I can enjoy a rousing orgy or a night of drinking without being controlled by any desires attached to these activities.

>> No.7517555
File: 39 KB, 598x608, 1451036863431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can enjoy a rousing orgy or a night of drinking without being controlled by any desires

>> No.7517562

More thinking material, fellas: "Since man's natural instincts lead him to sin, all men are sinners; and all sinners go to hell. If
everyone goes to hell, then you will meet all your friends there. Heaven must be populated
with some rather strange creatures if they all lived for was to go to a place where they can
strum harps for eternity.
"Times have changed. Religious leaders no longer preach that all our natural actions are
sinful. We no longer think sex is dirty - or that taking pride in ourselves is shameful - or that
wanting something someone else has is vicious." Of course not, times have changed! "If you
want proof of this, just look at how liberal churches have become. Why, they're practicing all
the things that you preach."
Satanists hear these, and similar statements, all the time; and they agree wholeheartedly. BUT,
if the world has changed so much, why continue to grasp at the threads of a dying faith? If
many religions are denying their own scriptures because they are out of date, and are
preaching the philosophies of Satanism, why not call it by its rightful name - Satanism?"

>> No.7517578

that's actually not true.
if you cant lose yourself in the activity, if you can't be one with your cock, you're just pseudo-doing it. but that's a different subject.

Satanism means self-control, selfconsciousness, recognition of own animal nature, and action in consequence.
Also, it implies (for me) antichristianity, in every sense of the word. That's why a true satanist is never with other satanists, he's alone.

>> No.7517581

if i am able to reach a higher level of consciousness and decide i don't like it i can always go back.

i can understand the own agenda a little. but it seems pretty selfish especially if your agenda involves anything materialistic.

Also not understanding the necesitiy for moral behavior in a society is a pretty big issue. In a world full of statanists we would basically be living in hell.

that's called being in denial

>> No.7517586
File: 494 KB, 500x259, u wut m8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can enjoy a rousing orgy or a night of drinking without being controlled by any desires

>> No.7517593

There's no un-edgy way to say it, sorry. There is a certain level of maturity and Zen that is needed. Perhaps you may understand one day.

>> No.7517594

>if i am able to reach a higher level of consciousness and decide i don't like it i can always go back
no you can't. if you reach a high level of consciousness you are aware of your inability to decide. you just flow with the moment.
buddhism is yin.
that's the point.
>we would be living in hell
there's no 'we'. but yes, it would be hell.

>> No.7517604

>if you cant lose yourself in the activity, if you can't be one with your cock, you're just pseudo-doing it
you got a problem with this, Zen guy? this is zen.
if you are AWARE, your ego falters. that's why is say fuck zen, cause i know what it is like.

>> No.7517612

zen destroys you.
there is no growing in it, cause the whole idea is to destroy the Self, Ego, I, Me. And that leaves you empty, so fucking sensitive, its like being a child again. And when I experienced that, I ran away. And I cannot believe you didn't, if you know what it Really is.

>> No.7517617

I use the word in a casual sense. I shouldn't have capitalized.

Enlightenment isn't retreating inwards, but expanding outwards.

Basically, be at one with yourself all you want, but don't lose sight of how you fit in with everything else.

>> No.7517640

>enlightenment is expanding outwards
no, no it isn't. the Way is to destroy the self. to do that, you become so selfaware that you are able to feel how you're nothing -literally. that selfawareness is
>retreating inwards.
WHEN you are a buddha, THEN you go out and tell everyone and share your 'light'. but til then you move inwards.
tl;dr that is wrong, seriously.

>> No.7517642

if there is no 'we' why do you bother to explain this to me? wouldn't you be better off telling others to be christian?

>> No.7517655

you got me.
you just implied: you're not a satanist. True.
as I said, >>7517241
I want to think together with some of you, with those who can present some real opposition

>> No.7517666

haha ic. well have fun. i'm gonna go talk about things that involve literature.

>> No.7517670
File: 136 KB, 1388x925, rusty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Destroying the self is only ridding yourself of the idea that you are an independent being and not part of a greater whole. You are not "nothing -literally," you are an extension of the Supreme. If you can comprehend even in the slightest the grander picture--going outwards--even in your mundane tasks, then you are enlightened.

>> No.7517698

plain bullshit.
superficial westernalization (probably doesn't exist, but fuck it) of a deep oriental concept.
you haven't got the slightest idea.

>> No.7517706

And now apparently Satan shitposts on /lit/

>> No.7517707

True Detective is beyond your comprehension, as you're showing. Anyways True Detective says a lot of things and then doesn't really explain any. Just references. Then people like you see it and think they understand shit about, for example, enlightenment.

>> No.7517711

/lit/ IS shitposting.

>> No.7517719

What's there to miss? You are part of an incomprehensibly larger whole. Do as you please. Be mindful of whether or not you're going along with the pattern of the universe or not.

I only used the picture because "lol philosophy." Don't think for a second of one of those TD fanboys who think Cohle is the beacon of original thought.

>> No.7517729

>what's there to miss
a life experience.
buddhism/zen/tantra is not just an idea, it's an absolutely personal experience through meditation. that is what you're lacking.
anyways, it doesn't matter. i've been too edgy in that comment and i actually dont care.

>> No.7517756

For me, being a Christian would be the highest level of Satanism. My problem is, I can't. Im not stupid enough.

>> No.7517766

I think it's just as important to be conscious of how you fit in with the world around you. What good is inward reflection if you just end up staying there?

>> No.7517770

My man

>> No.7517784

>I think
Exactly. Now try something different. Meditate. Then you will understand me.
It is absolutely impossible to understand oriental 'philosophy' without experiencing meditation. True meditation changes you.

>> No.7517821

Already do. Already will continue to do. But I already feel myself affirming what I've already said.

>> No.7517840

Do you agree that true experience of enlightenment cannot be contained in language? I feel as though words, metaphors, allegories and ideas dance around it but never actually define it. This leads to the use of the repetition of the word 'it', and you attempt to define 'it' in an abstract sense that arouses those feelings and that experience that 'it' associates itself at. Mistake me if I'm wrong, but is 'it' the thing in itself referred to in philosophy?

I'm a different anon btw.

>> No.7517845

I agree. That's the beginning of it, yes.
That's why all this is futile

>> No.7517866

Im >>7517845
I read you too fast.
>the thing in itself refferred to in philosophy
No, it is not. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

>> No.7517894

I've put in a lot of effort to define it as closely as possible through poetry and philosophy. It's nice when you get high af at a party and you meet people who understand it. Drugs became the reason that fueled my need to read and right, namely salvia. The inability to express it kinda frustrated me, yet at the same time inspired me to at least try. Are you a determinist/fatalist?

>> No.7517895
File: 595 KB, 1280x1996, Baal BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7517928

>are you a determinist/fatalist?
I am nothing but myself, I like to think. Most of the time Im not even myself.
I think fate is an undeniable truth, but it means nothing. Life continues to... happen, if you understand what I mean. I can't stay in fatalism. But yes, Im not stupid enough to believe in something that is not inserted in causality...
~English is not my first language, I've read and though about all this in Spanish, and translating is a bit difficult

>> No.7517945

>believing in any kind of deity, the supernatural or the spiritual
>claiming you are capable of critical reasoning
pick one

doesn't matter either way, I see hard determinism as an inescapable reality, so I don't blame you or judge you either way

>> No.7517959

>doesn't matter either way, I see hard determinism as an inescapable reality, so I don't blame you or judge you either way
I agree with the pick one part, but this stuff is fucked up...

>> No.7517967

just out of curiosity why is that? my gf is a christian and she obviously rejects the notion of determinism, I'm wondering if your reasoning is the same

>> No.7517973
File: 75 KB, 850x400, 1443540803285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Christians are determinists m8.

>> No.7517976



>> No.7517985

Of course she rejects determinism. She is a 'she'. The modern idea that women can think as men is bullshit. I have to accept determinism cause I understand its undeniable truth. She has to deny it cause she stupidly thinks that if she accepts it she is denying the capability of human beings to choose between good and evil. But that's superficial as fuck.

Hi Demian, how is your day?

>> No.7517992

Im >>7517985
How does it feel being a 18 y/o? I was like you. Capital letters, Herman Hesse, Abraxas. Then you'll step into Nietzsche and maybe buddhism cause of Hesse. Hope you have fun.

>> No.7518019

>I can enjoy a rousing orgy or a night of drinking without being controlled by any desires attached to these activities.
A bunch of sects have cropped up throughout history with this exact thinking. They all had a hierarchy of "imperfect" followers who were forced to abstain from sex and certain food, and "perfect" masters who were able to indulge in whatever sensual delights they wanted because their spirits were so detached it didn't affect them. This isn't anything new. It's an old delusion. Spiritual pride, thinking that you are pure.

>> No.7518023

>people who are unable to understand the allegories of dieties and religions

>> No.7518027

>muh allegories, muh metaphors, muh non-literal interpretations
>oh but this passage is meant to be literal
honestly why didn't god, being omnipotent and perfect just write the book himself? would have saved a lot of trouble over the years

>> No.7518033
File: 67 KB, 500x334, 4c997e8289282926a59582d6d00cf721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old delusion
>thinking one is better by abstaining from all that

>> No.7518036


And, ironically enough, however it may be for you, I actually read Nietzsche, Siddhartha, and various other tidbits of Buddhist philosophy first–!

All three have had an impact on my outlook, contributing to how I approach Lebenskunst–meaning: "the art of life," a term I learned from a Greek female taxi driver in Munich literally right after I read Demian. But, desu, I was being pretty facetious/tongue-in-cheek with my first post; I just think the whole dichotomy between 'good' and 'evil' (hi again Nietzsche) is bullocks, hence the post.

I also must say that reading James Franco's forward to it made me actually appreciate him as a human, despite his unabashed brand of narcissism.

>> No.7518040


>> No.7518056
File: 66 KB, 484x156, >Serpents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One is better by obeying God.

>> No.7518057
File: 1.11 MB, 595x763, BAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7518065

that's great, now prove that god exists and your reasoning will have some merit

>> No.7518066
File: 82 KB, 636x500, BEHOLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7518070
File: 423 KB, 990x649, Kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He proved it on Calvary.

>> No.7518074
File: 72 KB, 658x358, movies_benreed_t658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There're two kinds of people, son.

>> No.7518080

Everything that exists has been written by a process of god. Even falsities exist as the result of truths. Some people understand it with no religious influence whatsoever, but they distance their notions of knowledge and understanding from religion as much as possible to convince themselves that it's different.

>> No.7518085
File: 2.98 MB, 220x242, Engineer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the sheep shall be separated from the goats.

>> No.7518100

How does one NOT obey God?
Do you think we're capable of breaking laws of physics at will?

>> No.7518104
File: 88 KB, 604x378, Judgment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By sinning of course.

>> No.7518117

We're all sons of "God."

>> No.7518124
File: 664 KB, 2028x1576, Romans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, only those who choose to be adopted.

>> No.7518136
File: 196 KB, 1616x1096, der_rasenmaehermann-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking God is some special good boys' and girls' club
By virtue of existing you are part of the Supreme. Christfag get wrekt.

>> No.7518140

Last comments are mixing in such a weird way different concepts of God...
Why the fuck don't you all identify urselves in your posts as christian (at least say "from a christian perspective") or whatever?
Buddhists or people that look at things in a more scientifical way discussing Christian morals without even identifying what theyre saying...

>> No.7518146
File: 391 KB, 798x1023, JC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only those whose sins have been washed by the blood of the Lamb can call Him Abba.

>> No.7518147

But if you fuck up in society then other people will react and adjust to it for the better.
For example, Hitler's rise to power and death toll lives on as a lesson for us as a society to stay away from fanatical extremism. Committing suicide will lead to you become a statistic in the efforts to combat and prevent suicide. Adultery will lead to sadness, violence, and disruption of family and community, therefore making it appear to be less desirable. Anything you do or anyone will do, no matter how bad it is, will eventually lead to a greater rise than the fall.

I don't mind if you're trolling, I'm actually bored right now.

>> No.7518148

but god is outside time and knows exactly what will happen to everyone, this means he knows full well that good, kind, rational people will live their lives never hurting anyone and by all accounts being good people who simply are not convinced by the arguments in favour of religion, christianity in particular, and he will allow them to suffer for eternity as a result. By anyone's standards this is cruel.

>> No.7518159

I don't see the point in labeling your beliefs with a religion, especially if the belief is existant across numerous religions. The message of religion is to spread these values anyway; differences occur for geographical, political and social reasons.

>> No.7518171
File: 1.37 MB, 1126x1192, 1444743838099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other people will not decide how you spend eternity.

God's ways are not our ways. We cannot judge Him because we do not have the same perspective He does.

How can you judge a thunder storm?

>> No.7518172

you're an innocent optimist.
your mother loved you didn't she. doesn't she.

>> No.7518176
File: 97 KB, 477x353, Abigail_Arcane_Swamp_Thing_1991_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spread my semen on the faces of dames and laugh at your rigid sense of morality while doing it.

>> No.7518177

How can a thunderstorm judge us?

>> No.7518185

this is irrelevant to my post, I genuinely don't understand it. I was saying that, if you're going to talk from a buddhist perspective of God to a Christian, you should identify from what perspective are you talking.

>> No.7518188
File: 627 KB, 1500x1610, 1450223081296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my pity and my prayers.

The Creator can judge His creation.

>> No.7518191

that's great, now prove that he created us and your reasoning will have some merit

>> No.7518194

Of course, she rings from time to time to see how I'm doing, chattering a way until she waves a good by.

>> No.7518198

Through self-realisation.

>> No.7518202

This guy just proved himself wrong so effectively...
nature against God, that's the subject here.
but God, as a human construct, cannot win -'he' doesn't even exist.
then the thing is: am I denying my nature by calling 'sin' all that I feel the need to do?


>> No.7518207
File: 87 KB, 544x700, 1448953743504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He told us He did and He never lies.

>> No.7518212
File: 45 KB, 320x231, 1449797290328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is not a human construct and whatever you choose to call "sin" does not change what sin actually is.

>> No.7518213

mine didn't, that's why I'm a ''''pessimist''''.
I can comfort myself by thinking you'll never have the sense of distance and perspective that I have, though. But that is a poor substitute for something that was not given to me at the right time

>> No.7518214

that's great, now prove that god exists and your reasoning will have some merit

>> No.7518218
File: 81 KB, 500x600, How droll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7518220

>what sin actually is
Sin = Nature
If you could dig deeper into your own fucking religion you would see it. But you clearly can't.

>> No.7518222
File: 83 KB, 569x720, Eve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sin = Disobedience

>> No.7518224

that's pure logic. which means its a tautology. which means it doesn't properly 'mean' anything. its just beautiful. poetry, maybe.

but not truth.

>> No.7518225

how does that prove it?

>> No.7518227

>I'm shifting the burden of proof and no one can stop me!

Theft, murder, and incest are "nature"? kek

>> No.7518228

wanting to do that is so irrational. morality aside what is the point of doing that other than humiliation? trendyness? don't you see how pointless your actions are?

>> No.7518231

disobedience to a god that defines himself as an opposition to what's real, natural, true: nature.

>> No.7518232

the burden of proof has and always will remain with the positive claim

>> No.7518234

That's nice. While I'm "sinning" by indulgence, you are probably judging and disenfranchising others with your entitled sense of divinity. Go get fucked.

>> No.7518235
File: 194 KB, 585x913, The Way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ is the truth.

It fulfilled His promise to save humanity from sin and death.

>> No.7518238

but it doesn't prove that god exists

>> No.7518241
File: 396 KB, 800x772, Conner-ImageF.00003-800x772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God created reality.

You do not know me.

>> No.7518246

>all these replies to bait christposting
step up /lit/, or are you just bored?

>> No.7518247
File: 157 KB, 406x793, Consider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it does because only God could accomplish what Jesus accomplished.

>> No.7518248

>Theft, murder, and incest are "nature"? kek
Yes. Stronger > Weaker, Higher > Lower, that's REAL, that's nature. Your stupid god transvalorates it all, tries to make high and low equals, and that way 'he' destroys all the noble things in this world. read nietzsche's antichrist if you have balls. and do it calmly.

>> No.7518252

I wasn't taking a stab at you, but was explaining why I don't personally state my background.

Well, I was brought up in a family who were loosely tied to methodism, but we only went to church maybe twice a year. My primary school taught protestant beliefs and we would pray each day followed by a hymn. Later in my pre-teens I became agnostic as I felt that religion felt childish. Our middle school wasn't religious. In my teens I went full atheist, believing that only stupid people believed in religion. In my recent years I did a lot of thought, meditation, and drugs, and realized how uncanny our existence is. I realised that I forgot how it felt to exist as I moved away from childhood, but psychedelics opened up my perception to something indescribable in language, the sort of thing that art, religion and philosophy attempt to depict.
Right now I'd call myself a theist, but I'm not exactly religious. I read the Bhagavad Gita over the Summer and strongly identified with it, but it's only one of many influences.

That's more relevant, right?

>> No.7518253

Bored. Also I'm mad that everybody forgot about the old meme trilogy.

>> No.7518254
File: 571 KB, 1139x877, Le NT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure most are only pretending.

>> No.7518259

>God created reality
of course he did, fellow troll!
and now, answer me a question:
who created God?
something cannot create itself.
so much trolls in this thread and Im falling for every single one for Christs sake

>> No.7518261

why does it prove that only god, your interpretation of the christian god, could have done it?

also the validity of whether or not jesus did actually rise from the dead, considering that that has never occurred ever throughout history is still in question

>> No.7518262

>You do not know me.
No, but already I can make some reasonable assumptions.

>> No.7518264

Holy shit go back to Reddit, you fedora-tipper. Of course I've read Nietzsche.

>> No.7518266
File: 105 KB, 351x398, Halo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is eternal and uncreated; He will be that He will be.

>> No.7518272

Yes, it is. Thank you.

>> No.7518276
File: 24 KB, 306x480, 1442974177774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The resurrection is a historical fact and proves that Jesus is indeed who He claimed to be; the incarnate Logos sent to reconcile humanity with its Creator.

>> No.7518279

well it clearly didn't work, I haven't reconciled with shit

bit of a poor show from god

>> No.7518281

Careful there your fedora almost tipped off your head

>> No.7518286

>of course I've read Nietzsche
Of course I've fucked your mom, cancer.

-same posting quality.

OP here.
I will ignore trolls from now on, if someone has something interesting to say we can talk.
Please ignore trolls (image + less than two lines of texts = troll).

>> No.7518287
File: 199 KB, 459x595, Jesus_094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't have to be that way.

>> No.7518288

>historical fact
tfw I had a seventh grade history teacher that actually tried to shove this shit down my throat.

>> No.7518292
File: 103 KB, 468x538, 035ostrich-head-in-sand_468x538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7518294

well if god could provide adequate proof then of course I'd be a believer, but if he knows me as much as is claimed then he knows that the entire formative process that is my life that has led me to this point has not provided such proof

>> No.7518295

please do not feed trolls

>> No.7518298
File: 118 KB, 528x638, 5706053711_d9e68d6eac_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless him.

>> No.7518299


>> No.7518302
File: 42 KB, 1000x1100, Keep Calm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek and ye shall find.

>> No.7518303

Her. And yes, God bless her, for teaching fairy-tale shit as actual history.

>> No.7518310
File: 77 KB, 416x431, 1423453092357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is actual history.

>> No.7518318

But not always does one not choose to deny one's desires. What I mean to say is that the natural state of man is instantaneous irresistible submission to his desire. There is no choice not to abstain there, there is only a continuing cycle of desire and satisfaction.

>> No.7518323
File: 38 KB, 480x360, mahabharat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7518324

Keep looking. A lot of people are put off by it because of its religious connotations, but try meditating.

>> No.7518328

>I think that is absolutely true and irrelevant at the same time.

Alan Watts was good at those.

>> No.7518329

>try looking for something and you will find it
this is an artefact of consciousness, of course you're going to find it if you go out looking for it

meditating isn't just going to make me believe in anything supernatural

>> No.7518353

>the natural state of man is instantaneous irresistible submission to his desire
that's extremely problematic.
you say
>of man
but who is that man? you're thinking of mankind, but what about me?
Define 'desire'. You mean sensual desire? (drinking, sleeping, fucking, etc)? I can desire a better Humanity...
do you get my point? You can't... you shouldn't look at Man as just a product of desire that moves in a circle of desire-satisfaction...
there's more to the picture... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cawk2cMTnGo

>> No.7518361

Maybe it won't, but regardless you'll learn a lot about yourself and have some interesting thoughts come to mind. Don't knock it til you try it.

>> No.7518362

>try looking for something and you will find it
>this is an artefact of consciousness (...)
stop feeding trolls please.
what do you think of this? >>7517562

>> No.7518396

calling "trolls" those who are just retards.
found the true christian.
that compassion is almost poisoning me.

>> No.7518413

sure is /x/ in here

>> No.7518416
File: 1.39 MB, 2234x1498, 1448610513812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you didn't.

>> No.7518425

If God exists then why am I an atheist? Checkmate, Christians. :^))))

>> No.7518437
File: 33 KB, 520x349, 7189051_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If God exists and he's absolute love, then why this guy, and me, why lots of people in the world can't accept the true path? are we all going to hell?


>> No.7518440
File: 1.32 MB, 739x952, 1448553043721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verily, you have your reward.

>> No.7518463 [DELETED] 
File: 1.00 MB, 1199x1600, 1451383460723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan is the true path, weak christians:

"The supposed purpose in performing the ritual of sacrifice is to throw the energy
provided by the blood of the freshly slaughtered victim into the atmosphere of the
magical working, thereby intensifying the magician's chances of success.
The "white" magician assumes that since blood represents the life force, there is no
better way to appease the gods or demons than to present them with suitable quantities
of it. Combine this rationale with the fact that a dying creature is expending an
overabundance of adrenal and other biochemical energies, and you have what appears
to be an unbeatable combination".

>> No.7518470

now you weak christians, buddhists and other nihilists, will be so aroused by the look of the woman in the picture that you won't be able to even read the text.
kill urselves, scum on earth
me and my kind will dominate forever
we say YES to our desires but we're not drived by them, we are stronger than weak denialist like you all!

>> No.7518476
File: 64 KB, 360x357, Puke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those bolted on abominations

>> No.7518479

Nothing is exempt from acting due to its nature. I believe that heaven and hell is more of a metaphor of progress. Heaven being the kingdom of heaven, the light which shines upon everything so we can see what they are in their truth, their determinate properties. Hell being the opposing direction, the direction of sin, the direction of failure, the direction of regression and darkness, of unfamiliarity, a loss of control of oneself and one's intelligence - its ruler half man, half beast to symbolise its unaware origins, unable to know itself and its surroundings. If what you do is for the greater good, then living men will look up to you; if you caused suffering and pain then you will be looked down upon. Even our human concepts of up and down are dictated by our notions of progress, or reaching the light of the sun or the darkness of the earth.

I'm not exactly knowledgeable on Satanism, but sins were sins because they lead to downfall. The word sodomite changed over the times. To be a sodomite wasn't to take dicks up the ass, it was to be a person who regressed society to its baser form. A general all-round sinner who stood in the way of progress. Religion developed to philosophy, and from philosophy to science. It make sense for religious leaders now to change their view to fit in with a modern society, because we aren't in the middle ages, and preaching hate to people who no longer pose a threat to society is pointless.
There you go.

>> No.7518507

For dramatic irony.

>> No.7518513
File: 2.96 MB, 960x540, DFW Dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7518516

beauty is in the eye of the beholder senpai, some people like the fake look

>> No.7518519

>Heaven being the kingdom of heaven, the light which shines upon everything so we can see what they are in their truth
You frustrate me so much with your stupidity that I can even express it. You are in a dark room and I see you and I can explain your situation to you for that would be getting you out of the room and the room is your mind and you will die there.
>If what you do is for the greater good, then living men will look up to you
BUT THIS IS A LIE! N will never, never! be popular!
>I'm not exactly knowledgeable on Satanism, but sins were sins because they lead to downfall
Downfall from what you are drove to believe is true! You define high and low, good and bad, depending on concepts imposed by society, and you're not aware of it!
You have an ethical perspective that is not adjusted to reality!
>Religion developed to philosophy, and from philosophy to science
Absolute bullshi!
now, gentlemen, THIS is a troll!!
this! not your bullshit images!
-and I call you a troll for not calling you directly retarded!
anyways, thank you for writing so much, seriously. most of this faggots write to lines and dont say shit. you let me be sure about my judgement.

>> No.7518524
File: 402 KB, 1600x1130, 1449726434391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are attracted to lies and illusions, can't argue with you there.

>> No.7518526


>> No.7518538

So Satan is the original and sharpest edge-master?

>> No.7518540
File: 45 KB, 560x366, Nailed It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7518543

He is.
btw nice samefagging, faggoty faggot

>> No.7518545
File: 99 KB, 408x602, 1450221892850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God is sharper tho.


>> No.7518553

Yep, samefagging.

I'm an admin and don't have to wait a minute to post again.

>> No.7518563

You seem mad, but it's ok, time will heal your wounds.

Out of curiousity what is your belief on embodiment after death? A repetition of what you just experienced, or a transition to somewhere else?
Please refrain from all caps.

>> No.7518567

show you're an admin
ban/kill/destroy/slay/buttfuck this guy: >>7518476

>> No.7518571
File: 66 KB, 251x257, 1447048913303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7518572

Calm down, bud.

Philopsophy, as religion, stemmed from man's desire to understand what could be studied empirically. They are co-developments, and stem from the same place.

>> No.7518575

>lol, I don't know what sarcasm is

>> No.7518580

Im drunk.

>> No.7518585

this is some pasta potential right here

>> No.7518591
File: 59 KB, 521x509, He does.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7518602

I love him too
Will butfuck him to prove it

>> No.7518607

do it then.

>> No.7518617

You frustrate me so much with your stupidity that I can even express it. You are in a dark room and I see you and I can explain your situation to you for that would be getting you out of the room and the room is your mind and you will die there. Downfall from what you are drove to believe is true! You define high and low, good and bad, depending on concepts imposed by society, and you're not aware of it! You have an ethical perspective that is not adjusted to reality! Absolute bullshi! now, gentlemen, THIS is a troll!! this! not your bullshit images! -and I call you a troll for not calling you directly retarded! anyways, thank you for writing so much, seriously. most of this faggots write to lines and dont say shit. you let me be sure about my judgement.

>> No.7518622


>> No.7518625


>> No.7518632

Nope, I'm the guy who said gold and the guy who wrote about heaven/hell and progress.

>> No.7518646
File: 793 KB, 939x859, GreatLostBearWTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I trust you
Im the drunk guy who made copypasta material

>mfw wrote that feeling it made sense, read it posted and realised it is what it is ~copypasta material.

>> No.7518658

His Ideas are therapeutic

>> No.7518664

that almost proves him wrong

>> No.7518815

Satan represents selfishness, satisfaction of desires, power, domination (starting with self-domination), difference, elevation, affirmation of nature, superiority...

Of course not all are able to engage Satanism, cause not all are strong enough.

Of course there are false 'satanists' that just want the satisfaction of sensual desires and are actually christians.
As there are christians (the majority) that live following the satanist path without knowing it. I all them self-deceavists...

Satanism is lonely, satanism is just for the true aristocratic natures.

Don't join 'us'.

>> No.7518924
File: 136 KB, 459x499, Christ-Chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7518960
File: 81 KB, 299x480, Baphomet_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7518995
File: 405 KB, 700x825, Umbrella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"At first sight, of course, vice is more attractive. She is sexier, she promises to be better company than her plain sister virtue. Every novelist, and every reader too, has more fun with the villains than with the good guys. Goodness is staunch and patient, but wickedness is vivid and dynamic; we admire the first, but we thrill to the second."

>> No.7519585

Hahaha, oh wait you're serious. Let me laugh even harder

>> No.7519618
File: 283 KB, 625x941, That's heresy!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7519624
File: 998 KB, 500x688, Turnip-Head.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good quote.

>> No.7519635

>muh god
>muh satan

You lads both worship the demiurge.

>> No.7519640
File: 74 KB, 495x778, URGENT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ is not "the demiurge."

>> No.7519680
File: 129 KB, 812x540, Evangelist-Prayer-Circle-Dark-knight-Shooting-Illuminati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tangential question:

If the God of the bible exists, and if the majority of humanity decides that what he does is unethical and rejects him, what happens? Does he damn the majority? What happens if it is everybody, or next to everybody?

I know in the bible that it says that even the rocks would cry out if people stopped crying out in his praise, but what if generation after generation decides that what God is doing is unethical? Does he send them all to hell hoping that eventually humanity repents? Does he punish them on this earth until they decide that he is the almighty and repent? What if this causes more to turn from him and condemn him as an evil tyrant?

Satan knew he had no chance to defeat God, but what if that wasn't his plan? What if his plan was to lose and garnish sympathy from humanity until almost everyone sympathizes with him? If God continues damning all of these people and condemning them as well, doesn't this further Satan's portrayal of God as a tyrant? Was getting caught part of his plan all along?

It's a huge wager, and the implications are horrible when considering what the bible says about the afterlife, but is Satan trying to use humanity as a bartering chip to convince God of the error of his ways? Is he trying to show God that it is not just to punish humanity as he does in the bible by leading as many people as possible astray?

By the way, this is all hypothetical, but I don't think that many people have considered that Satan was employing this kind of tactic in his fall and further deceits. That would be a crazy plot twist if Satan convinced God that he was wrong, but it seems like the only plausible victory that Satan could imagine having against an omnipotent God, and it would only be possible if God chose to let him win, which I guess he could in this case if he changed his mind.

>> No.7519685


Calvin, go to bed.

>> No.7519706
File: 1.24 MB, 1258x1728, 1445202474765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what happens? Does he damn the majority?


Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
- Mt 7:13

>What happens if it is everybody, or next to everybody?

God will save those who belong to Him.

And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.
- Gen 18:26

>Was getting caught part of his plan all along?

With no survivors.

>is Satan trying to use humanity as a bartering chip to convince God of the error of his ways?

No, God cannot be manipulated and neither can He err.

>> No.7519720


>> No.7519736
File: 18 KB, 260x322, Orson-Welles-Falstaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That situation sounds highly unethical though. That's the thing. If God holds steadfast to his doctrine established in the bible, there seems to be a limiting point where it goes from being the just ethical thing to do to being highly unethical. If God continues with the same strategy, it seems that Satan could easily win and many entire generations would reject the God of the bible as unethical. What Satan would be doing in this situation would definitely be manipulative, but if God does nothing to change his policy, it seems clear that Satan manipulates God and forces him to either give in or demonstrate his failure in fostering his creation, which would be a darn shame.

You say that "God cannot be manipulated and neither can He (sic) err" but this seems to clearly be false in this situation. It pretty clearly seems unjust to damn the entirety of creation, or even the majority of creation. In that case, it would be more just for God to take responsibility for his creation and intervene or change his policy. Creating billions of lives just to allow a tiny percentage to pass through undamned seems like bad design and creation, and highly unethical. This would create so much suffering that I can't imagine an omnimax being being comfortable with this situation.

From there, it gets tricky. Obviously, God doesn't want Satan to demonstrate that he is wrong, and he doesn't want to be wrong. If he concedes, this implies some sort of fault within God, and I can understand why he wouldn't want this scenario to play out, but if he does nothing and keeps up the status quo, he is perpetuating an unethical cosmology (or at least it seems so). This is the tricky part. It seems like Satan's fall caused a much more embarrassing moment for God than the bible would want to let on. The event mires both God and Satan, and it's a shame.

Of course I could be totally wrong though. This is speculative.

>> No.7519756
File: 6 KB, 320x320, Touchstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That situation sounds highly unethical though.

God defines what is ethical; Euthyphro's second horn.

> it seems that Satan could easily win and many entire generations would reject the God of the bible as unethical.

Satan's desire is to usurp God and that will never happen. Satan will convince many people to destroy themselves but that is simple spite not a victory.

>Of course I could be totally wrong though. This is speculative.

I like you.

>> No.7519794

Even the devil has fake tits

>> No.7519817
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>but that is simple spite not a victory

What I was thinking is that the victory would be in changing God's trajectory, changing his plan. It's a long shot, but if Satan convinced God to change his strategy or doctrine, I think he would see that as a victory. Spiting him by influencing his creation to damn itself would not be a victory. It would only be a victory IFF He convinced God to redeem these people and change his ways.

Of course, this is projecting a lot onto the character of Satan, and any primary text on this subject would be highly biased against such a reading, so textual evidence will be hard to find. Then again, any primary Satanic texts probably won't support this either, because I'm pretty sure most satanists don't believe this.

I guess what I'm saying is, if you are suspicious of what the bible says, you could read this between the lines and create a plot consistent with what the bible says but critical of the bible's interpretation of events, but it requires a very different perspective from what is suggested to be the correct perspective within the bible.

I mean, basically, like other people said higher up, it doesn't make sense why Satan would try to oppose an omnimax being. He would know from the start that he would lose. The only plausible motivation would be more deceptive, which fits his character as portrayed in the bible, and it seems like the only kind of victory that Satan could maybe win.

pic unrelated. Out of pics on this computer because I just fresh installed.

>> No.7519833

Satan please just leave. I will pray if I have to

>> No.7519843
File: 56 KB, 480x480, ?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it requires a very different perspective from what is suggested to be the correct perspective within the bible.

aka not believing it's message

>He would know from the start that he would lose.

Satan is ruled by his passions and he makes mistakes.

>> No.7519885 [DELETED] 

>Satan showing his weakness instead of lying pridefully

>> No.7519895

A sheep in wolf skin? Or a wolf in sheep skin in wolf skin?

>> No.7519929
File: 617 KB, 1536x2048, Satan cast down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying lying pridefully isn't showing off one's weakness

>> No.7520032
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>> No.7520034

Some aspects of Christianity bother me.

Christianity teaches that God created humanity for his own glory. However, it also teaches that God does not need humanity to worship him; he is fully satisfied within the Trinity. Besides, being infinite, adding on the glory given to him by humans through worship will do nothing to add to his overall glory, satisfaction, power, or anything else. Why then create humanity?

Moreover, if God knows all that will happen, he must have known that some humans will bring no glory to him and die without worshipping their creator. Does this mean that some humans were created for no purpose but to rot in Hell forever? This seems unbearably cruel. Would it not be better for them to simply not exist than be predestined for suffering? Those who never had a chance to accept God would surely curse their existence.

God wants us to worship him out of our own free will. If he created some knowing full well that their circumstances will lead them to worship him or not worship him, where then does free will lie?

I'd like some thoughts.

>> No.7520040
File: 47 KB, 585x265, greek vs bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he literally is, as the Logos of John he gave form to the world

>> No.7520266


>> No.7520271

Moment evil appears in the story, God is a failure, God is dead, God is not God.
Its not that Satan WILL win. Satan wins ann have won always, Satan is nature, man is nature, and God is a human creation.

>> No.7520272

Christianity [the Bible and the institution] is full of inconsistencies, outdated rules, and impossibilities.

Only consider Christianity for the culture and for family tradition.

If you actually believe it then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.7520280

Now, maybe there's more in Humanity than just nature. Man is an animal, but is he something more? If I haven't experienced true spirituality, God means nothing more than a lie to sleep at night. If I have, it could represent my will to move beyond the animal and become... what
The man of the future of Kirillov, that will change physically due to its increased spirituality?
Would appreciate some thought.

>> No.7520284

I dont. But I play with things, you know

>> No.7520297

But then again, Christians (not talking about Kierkegaard, just about typical, normal christians) are unconsciously satanists, the so called satanists are pseudosatanists, and true satanists, those aware of it, are alone, and therefore not 'satanists'...

>> No.7520317

To me, traditional, popular Christianity (at least the Protestant sort that I grew up with) seems to be hypocritical and simplistic. Unfulfilling. I still live in a Christian home with my Christian parents, but I'm beginning to really rethink a lot of my beliefs and assurances.

>> No.7520724

>men, because of divine spiritual and intellectual development, has become the most vicious of all animals
this is kinda true....
dat priests fucking kids...

>> No.7520767 [DELETED] 
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Christianfags, answer this shit:
pic related

>> No.7520774
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>> No.7520780
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>> No.7520781

B 100%
A is nasty

>> No.7520786
File: 640 KB, 819x1024, demiurge-snake-lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's true that he created the universe, I was referring to the fact that Jesus is not a lion headed serpent...

>> No.7520797

I like the one on the left.

>> No.7520814

Bumpin cause satan is love satan is life satan is war.

>> No.7520821

Wow, apparently I'm living like satan
Never really saw it that way.

>> No.7520831

Me too. Remember that Satan is an archetype, not a 'real being' like the christians think about their god.

>> No.7520875

Blue board you assholes. Some of us browse from Church or the seminary.

>> No.7520879

My fault.
It was me the 2 posts.
Dont usually come to /lit/, didnt know.

Will do.

>> No.7520901

He gave us life. We are here also to witness Our glory, and Hell is a state of mind, not a place. Check out Conversations With God. This is what I understood from it.

>> No.7520904
File: 33 KB, 400x400, dny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell is a state of mind
>mfw christians now change their view of their own god and the fundamental concepts of their own religion every decade
>mfw absolute shameless hypocrites

>> No.7520915

This image makes absolutely no sense: It says you have the OPTION, something that may or may not be chosen, to have sex with one, but then says that you MUST CHOOSE one. It then absolutely fallaciously pins the logical conclusion of "neither" on sexual insecurity, instead of the fact that neither fit the criteria of a woman and so should not be attractive to the heterosexual male the image says you are. And so the trap is set: You can't deny it without revealing "sexual insecurity", and you can't pick one without revealing sexual insecurity. Of course it's total bullshit because "neither" is a valid choice and only reveals sexual security, instead of the insecurity the image insists you have.
From a Christian standpoint, Paul would rather have you fuck nothing.

>> No.7520930
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you're so gay that you have to write 40 lines to evade giving an answer.

>> No.7520937
File: 22 KB, 425x237, fuck_off_ya_dumb_cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan loves youuu