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7516462 No.7516462 [Reply] [Original]

>teacher pronounces it as show-penhauer

>> No.7516473
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>the professor looks confused when i mention the meme trilogy

>> No.7516582

>doesn't use the IPA to convey pronunciations

>> No.7516654

show as in 'show me the money'. now you can appreciate my professor's buffoonery

>> No.7516801

It's pronounced Showp-en-hower

>> No.7516942


It's pronounced misogynist

>> No.7516970

>teacher takes points off presentation for not including enough image macros

>> No.7516980
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My english teacher

>Mor iár-tee

what the fuck

>> No.7516997


I don't think there is a O sound as it appears in Schopenhauer in English.

Closest is probably how Minnesotans pronounce O in O.K. Or that's what I think from a vague recall of the Fargo movie.

>> No.7517042


>> No.7517054

Or the first O in the Ono of Yoko Ono

>> No.7517055

It's "shoop-da-whoop-en-hour"

>> No.7517056
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>professor only acknowledges the first meme trilogy and not the others

>> No.7517065

I'm Irish, it often sounds like "Mari-artie"

>> No.7517090
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>"okay class I want you to read chapters 4 through 11 by the next time we meet"
>I read the sparknotes instead

>> No.7517094


I pronounced so many names wrong for so long. I used to feel ashamed when it happened. Now I don't, but I make a point to correct my pronunciation going forward.

I used to pronounce Camus as "came-us" instead of "cam-ooo".

I used to pronounce Houellebecq as "Hoo-ella-beck" instead of "hwell-beck".

I used to pronounce Le Carre as "Le-Car" instead of "Le-Car-ray".

Hell, I even used to say "pew-litzer" instead of "pull-litzer".

Goethe as "goth".

Borges as "bore-jess".

The list goes on. For shame.

>> No.7517102


Americans will say Ono as "oh no". They cannot into O without making it an oh or ow, they just cannot.

>> No.7517114


>I used to pronounce Camus as "came-us" instead of "cam-ooo".

I've got bad news for you. It's actually an y sound, not entirely unlike as in myriad, but not like that either.

>> No.7517124


explain better. do you mean like "cam-yoo?"

>> No.7517126

>yowkow ownow

>> No.7517127


>> No.7517131

had a jewish professor pronounce apartheid like A-par-theed once. dropped the fucking class.

>> No.7517134


>> No.7517138


its that disgusting french sound.

as if ot were spelled Cameiux or some french fucking nonsense

>> No.7517140


>> No.7517149

its cameeee, mario!

>> No.7517160


Got it. I'm definitely gonna nail it the next time. Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.7517164


No. If you want to roll with the example I gave, it would be something like the ca from cam, followed immediately by the my from myriad.


Closer than most, actually.

>> No.7517169

This is the "correct" one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dGKKAQnHbs

>> No.7517213
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>Anon, there's this book you cited as a source in your dissertation... "The Legacy of Totalitarialism in a Tundra, if I'm not mistaken. I have never heard about it, and it seems to be highly praised in Goodreads. I'll have to check it out!

>> No.7517468

I heard somebody pronounce Camus as "cum-arse"

>> No.7517476

itt: americans trying to pronounce the sch in schopenhauer, which they can't cuz they are illiterate.

>> No.7518528

More like
ITT: Americans trying to pronounce actual vowels instead of their 'ay', 'ou', 'ai' and 'yoo'

>> No.7518756

it's pronounced scope en hower. im german and you're wrong

>> No.7518893


How now brown cow