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/lit/ - Literature

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7513022 No.7513022[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Most /lit/ school?
Higher education and /lit/ are certainly intertwined. Talk Universities, colleges, professor/authors, and journals/papers from certain institutions.

>> No.7513115

>Higher education
>Most of /lit/
Kek. Just read books.

>> No.7513120
File: 87 KB, 600x450, Deep Springs FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deep Springs College is the most /lit/ college


>all men
>incredibly high academic
>incredibly high motivation
>incredibly high student governance
>incredibly high labor
>very cozy

>> No.7513130

Holy shit. Is the only way to escape by helicopter rescue? The campus is beautiful nonetheless (I'm always a fan of rustic environments).

>> No.7513132

They have a plane- not that you would ever want to leave

>> No.7513134

You forgot
>no one else takes your school seriously

>> No.7513139

Except you transfer at the end of two years to any school you want. You essentially get your pick of the litter

"Harvard draws more of them than any other school. Eight former Deep Springers--more than a quarter of the student body--currently attend Harvard."

>> No.7513150

no you don't.
It just happened that a bunch of deep springs guys did really well at Harvard 15 years ago. The school is regarded as a joke today go look at where graduates end up. Trust me no one takes the school seriously anymore. Ormond trust me go do your own digging.

>> No.7513151


holy shit that course catalog is godly

>> No.7513154



"In recent years, Deep Springs graduates have most commonly finished their degrees at Yale, Brown, Stanford, UC Berkeley, University of Chicago and other well regarded universities and colleges."

what are you doing

>> No.7513164

Try looking up where the people end up in reality instead of the marketing material of their website.

>> No.7513170

2 years ago one went to oxford, 3 to harvard, 2 to yale, one to stanford, one to ucberkeley, one to umichigan, one to reed, 2 to cornell

>> No.7513171

god damn that is based

>> No.7513177

The book California by Edan Lepucki has this school integrated into it under the name of Plank.

Pretty neat place

>> No.7513343

the true heirs to the greeks

>> No.7513352

who cares

>> No.7513383
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>Most /lit/ school?
The University of Western Australia t b h my friends

>> No.7513404

>You came to prepare for a life of service, with the understanding that superior ability and generous purpose would be expected of you.

From the front page. Doesn't sound so /lit/ to me

>> No.7514469
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>> No.7514473


>> No.7514615

>implying /lit/ isnt mostly high school studemts

>> No.7514627
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>He fell for the prestigious university meme

>> No.7514712

Why family?

>> No.7515120

>He fell for the prestigious university meme meme

>> No.7515303

which school and which programs are most avant-garde?

which schools or programs tend to be the furthest to the radical left?

which schools and programs are most 'off the deep end' in terms of readings, theory, postmodernism and writing nearly incomprehensible continental anti-positivist stuff?

>> No.7515309

Reed is pretty far left
St. Johns College is very concerned with reading and the classics
I think that Deep Springs thing posted earlier in this thread is probably quite avant-garde

>> No.7515321

Just got into NYU and Columbia Law, no scholarships offered by either. Which one should I go to, /lit/?

>> No.7515327

>got into two schools
>before applications are even due
>only deadlines were binding early action
am I missing something?

>> No.7515328

>Law you fucking retard it's a graduate school not your pleb fucking undergrad

>> No.7515333

I'm going to be spending the next academic year at Berkeley, anyone here know what its like and what I can expect?
I have a really cosy book group at my current uni and hoping I can find one there too.

>> No.7515335


>> No.7515337


>before applications are even due
>only deadlines were binding early action
> waiting to apply to law schools with rolling admissions periods

>> No.7515342

quirky and liberal

be careful with libraries - if another unarmed black man dies they won't let you in

>> No.7515348

>quirky and liberal

this could be fun i suppose.
hopefully no more unarmed black men die then, i love libraries.

>> No.7515364

you can basically steal almonds from berkeley whole foods, just use the bulk code for popcorn

>> No.7515386

Glasgow University - top 1% of universities in the world... Very much arts orientated and the second oldest university library in Europe with 2.5 million books in it. It's stunning as well

>> No.7515510

NYU for public interest, Columbia for everything else (I'm a Columbia Law grad, though, so I may be slightly biased). You might be able to parley the Columbia acceptance into some money from NYU depending on your stats, or if you've gotten scholarships from lower-ranked T14 schools that could work too, though it's probably an outside shot if they've given you nothing.

>> No.7515616

Fuck em, wouldn't hire me as a writing tutor

>> No.7515620

San Francisco State's MFA program still has a lot of faculty from the days of New Narrative, which was more or less the literary offshoot of the New Left. Bob Gluck, Dodie Bellamy, to name a couple of the big fish

>> No.7515627


>Ranked 11 out of 109 universities in the UK
>Not even top 10% in its own country


>> No.7515672

>UK universities

>> No.7515696

Oxford and Cambridge wish to have a word with you

>> No.7515716
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Fuck my life.

>> No.7515724

How is it? My GPA and test scores were too high to go there but it looked interesting

>> No.7515739

Hah, I got accepted to St. John's but went to another school with a similar program instead. I love the idea of the school but the workload seems so intense. Plus the student body is very very small.

>> No.7515780

I'm too tired to discuss it in detail. Let's just say you could easily quarter-ass the entire program and graduate with a decent assessment; a quarter million to $50,000 poorer, and without having anything to show for it. Its rewards are directly proportional to your investment, as is the case with any other institution, except here, as mentioned above, you can, and many do, get away with minimal engagement with the program, which leads to ambivalent attitudes within many students as to either the inherent value of the program, its relative value, judgement of others who have seemingly figured out the game without really investing in the experience, etc.

>> No.7515789

Just fucking go to Baylor in Texas and get a Great Texts degree. Literally the same thing.

>> No.7515826

That is genuinely god amazing. Seems worth applying.

>> No.7515913

I got accepted into Reed after applying because Portland Oregon has checked every mark I require for a place to live, should I accept it? Every time I have attended their classes there (of the three times) they talked without any depth, you could pick up on what they were talking about without reading their books or attending any prior course and still add to the discussion.
Are my expectations too high or do all of their students seem like doltish highschoolers.

>> No.7515924

Don't go to Reed, it's a shithole. If you want Portland and can afford it, go to Lewis & Clark, or if you can't, go to Portland State. Better yet go to the University of Oregon.

>> No.7515933


>> No.7515967

L&C seemed nice by statistics, but it seemed so standard in their teaching that I might as well go to a college locally and get a free ride.
I am more curious about the experience, I have my options for a degree where I live as is.

>> No.7515974

Unless you already live in Oregon, the experience you'll get living here will be better than going to college locally. It gives you a totally different perspective on the country, and you can get away from your prior lived experiences and really grow as an individual.

>> No.7515990

>Great Texts degree
>Baylor University

Will they put a hugely Christian slant on the academics there? I dont want to be taught by some radical evangelicals.

>> No.7515998

I plan to live there, thus the experience attached to Portland will still present if I go to college for 3 years in SC for a free bachelor degree in whatever-the-fuck.
My mother gave me early emancipation so I've rented a play to live there on my own last summer, Austin Texas before that. I've visited a few other cities, in and out of country, before on credit but I like Portland the most. Oregon still has a bit of a meth issue though.

>> No.7516002

friend goes there, she's high all the time. seems like all anyone does there is smoke pot and don't really care about their overpriced degree being paid for by their rich parents. go to state schools, investment is way better overall.

>> No.7516008

Oregon definitely does but not as bad on this side of the Cascades, and certainly not as bad as it'll be in the Midwest and the south in a couple years. If you thought the southwest in the early aughts was bad wait till you see Missouri's statistics. And once meth gets hard to find everyone starts shooting up. It's really bad.

Hence why I'd say go to an Oregon state school. Just not OSU, unles absolutely necessary. Corvallis is one of the more boring cities in Oregon (better than Salem but worse than Eugene Portland and Bend by far).

>> No.7516012

is pot like a college thing in the USA? In canada it is like a late highschool thing (early highschool if you're middle class)

Only pretty huge dorks and people dealing with serious mental health issues 'smoke weed every day' at university.

>> No.7516023

Thats what I've heard, but it boils down to what prices I can negotiate if I were to go there. I still want to see if I can transfer some of my scholarships if it means a nice college to go to, but if Reed isn't all to great of a choice then I wont pay it much heed.

I don't have money strait up but I can make the money, is the experience really not worth it?
Same question as above
US has a thing for drugs, like in comparison to what has already been said here in the southeast LSD, weed, and MNDT or whatever is being passed around to anyone between 12-24. more drug dealers in middleschool than some highschools, but less so than colleges. No heroine or meth, it varies based on location.

>> No.7516048

I'm going to a community college, but I want to transfer to Brooklyn College. Has anyone in this thread been there?
Can you give any advice for this?

>> No.7516055

No, fuck off you fucking faggots.

>> No.7516098

it seems like americans do stuff that other countries grow out of much younger.

basically everything america is is stuff people in other countries grew out of at 16, i mean literally

>> No.7516114
File: 461 KB, 1365x1024, Baylor-bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a slightly Christian slant, but it's less evangelical and much more traditional. There's a lot of sympathy for the Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern periods. Nearly all the philosophy in the classes is Continental, too.

More than one of my classmates converted to Catholicism after going through the course, which is pretty amusing considering Baylor is Baptist as fuck.

>> No.7516125

Hm. I think I'll just go to UT Austin if I want to study English in that case. Or St Johns.

>> No.7516263

For fuck's sake don't go to St. John's, it's a colossal waste of money. UT Austin is fine.

>> No.7516270

Fuck college

>> No.7516360

What about University of Buenos Aires?

>> No.7516613
File: 551 KB, 800x456, ubc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grad student here. Vancouver is the least /lit place I've ever been; someone kill me I fucked up

>> No.7516686

>pretending /lit/ is a quality

>> No.7516722

because I'm an "alumni" senpai

>> No.7516805


is WA very /lit/? lived all my life in vic and SA

>> No.7516871

in america we're not expected to be adults until 20-22
Its the late drinking age, late specialization, and just general over-parenting all combining to create a bunch of shitty people

>> No.7516884

Fucking beautiful, I was awarded a scholarship at University of Frasery Valley as a foreigner. Thanks for crushing my dreams.

>> No.7516889
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>my anecdotal experience is representative of everyone in the whole world
come on m8

>> No.7516920

MA at UofT, just finished applying for PhDs at a bunch of Ivies

I have a bad feeling in my ass. Anyone applied to Ivies before? I keep mulling over my applications and how I could have made them better. I'm periodically reminding myself that my GREs/GPA are decent and hoping I can coast on those a bit if my writing sample is mediocre or something.

>> No.7516975

I agree with what you've said, hell I live in CT so the over-parenting thing is pretty awful, but what do you mean by specialization?

>> No.7517113

what did you specialize in for your ma? how is u of t?

>> No.7517117

where can i go and be an insufferable post-structuralist marxist intellectual in north america?

>> No.7517276

I don't know much about the university as a whole, but I got a phenomenal intro to bergson, derrida, and others who more or less fit your bill from a visiting professor from u of oslo

>> No.7517319

Anyone here at Tulane or University of Vermont? Got into both and Vermont gave me some serious money

>> No.7517364

Ivy grad schools are ridiculously tough to get into, however the criteria is based on the amount of talent you can present to them, which is mostly about your past and prospective research. If you have above a 3.0 GPA you should be okay as far as that goes. Your recs are very very important too, so make sure those are good. Make sure the profs dont write about how you're 'punctual' and 'complete your work on time' grad schools dont want to see that shit. Your GREs are important too, but if you're good with reading and writing and critical thinking (as far as testing goes) then you should be fine with that.

However your research and recs, respectfully, are the most important and are the determining factor, just make sure everything else is either average or above.

>> No.7517376


>all men
>very cozy
>picture that reminds of brokeback mountain

>> No.7517439

>Oxford and Cambridge

>> No.7517459


Kek, i want to hear the story behind this

>> No.7517511

Graduated last spring from a local school that offered me the most money. At times I regret not trying just a bit harder in high school (or at the very least not taking my SATs more than once) and going for a more prestigious and out of state school, but what's done is done and you can't dwell on it too much.

>> No.7517734

Fuck, that is the exact opposite of what I wanted to hear. I can't stop mulling over my writing sample and SoP. FUCK.

I hope my recs are stellar. I know the profs pretty well so I think they should be pretty good.

History. I like UofT plenty but I'm a Toronto native and I never toured other schools or anything, so my opinion probably means fuckall.

Also, I had kind of a weird background coming into it, so I can't speak to its difficulty or rumored grade deflation or anything like that. Useless reply, sorry m8.

>> No.7517883

I'm a senior at Tulane. It's definitely a fun place to be and a great school but some of the departments aren't that great and supposedly English is one of them (I'm an Econ major). If you're looking to do B school, public health, or Latin American studies though Tulane is god tier.

>> No.7518163

I did my undergrad there. It's in a pretty conservative town and is a completely different world from Vancouver.

I know the English and Philosophy faculty there, and they are quite good. You would probably like it

>> No.7518904

So, what's the most /lit/ uni to go to, provided you engage with the curriculum? We havent really decided.

>> No.7519691


>> No.7519697

Any deep springs senpai in here, thinking of blowing someone behind the lit building before we go in for breakfast LMK

>> No.7519699

Is it even possible to get into a good school later in life. I'd really love to be educated, but I think I've already missed the boat.

>> No.7519705

It's possible, no age restriction... just that most go when they're out of HS because they dont have any major commitments yet that most older adults do.

>> No.7519716

I tried community college twice and just stopped caring and skipped class reading and smoking pot in the parking lot. I do well and have a desire to progress on Coursera (free or paid online classes) though. Why? What the fuck? Help!

>> No.7519726

Coursera is usually peer-reviewed and the questions are bullshit easy... it's a very good resource to learn from but don't project any prospective performance on your grades there.

The contrasted desire and lack of can be attributed to a lot of things... but mostly that community college is, for the most part, textbook teaching and overall mediocre and kinda boring. Go to a state uni if you want something a bit or a lot (this really depends on professor, but better than CC usually) more challenging.

>> No.7519744

honing in on a specific subject (econ, business).

>> No.7519748

Thank you

>> No.7519772

Or, it could be that you want to learn what you're interested in, and community college has gen-ed requirements that kinda suck the life out of you. Honestly, I would love the gen-eds if the class wasnt just textbook teaching and the professors actually _taught_ not repeated something programmed from a screen.

>> No.7519774

New College of Florida

>> No.7520448
File: 322 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYU anybody? Probably getting in, but should I go? English major, Undergrad. Trepidation: pic related, forgive the mobile, condescension is beneath you