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File: 276 KB, 790x1200, The_Force_Awakens_novelization_final_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7511822 No.7511822 [Reply] [Original]

What did you guys think of the novelization of Star Wars: The Force Awakens?

I thought it was fantastic. It answered a ton of unanswered questions from the film. Alan Dean Foster's prose was reminiscent of some of the best modern writers such as David Foster Wallace and JK Rowling in how he handled the scope of the lush Star Wars world too. I thought it was probably the best book to come out this year, honestly.

>> No.7511835

Does it explain what the First Order is, and it's relationship to the Empire?

>> No.7511839

Yep. It covers all of that.

>> No.7511843

What is the First Order, and what's it's relationship to the Empire?

>> No.7511850

Read it, it's too much to cut and paste. Think of them as sort of an offshoot of the Empire that existed at the same time but had different ideals.

>> No.7511860

Is Gwendoline Christie's character less of a let down in the novelization?

>> No.7511868
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> best modern authors
>Wallace and J.K. Rowling

>> No.7511870

She at least has a part in the book, unlike the film.

>> No.7511879
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You just had to mention Rowling and Wallace in your post, didn't you?

>> No.7511881

What? They are the two best authors in modern history and it's not even close.

>> No.7511884
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You actually did it

>> No.7511895


The absolute madman.

>> No.7511923

Rowling isn't a very good author. I've never read Wallace

>> No.7511928
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>Rowling isn't a very good author.

>> No.7511929

Rowling is this generation's Kierkegaard. DFW is this generation's Camus.

>> No.7511934

I haven't read Kierkegaard, so I can't comment on that comparison.
But Wallace definitely ins't Camus. Camus wrote short books.

>> No.7511941

Wallace is like Camus x100. Like if you put an R-Type sticker on a Camus book you would have Wallace.

>> No.7511948

>Wallace is like Camus x100
In length, sure

>> No.7511953

Quality too.

>> No.7511974

> Alan Dean Foster wrote a novelization of The Force Awakens which was released in e-book form on December 18. In an effort to avoid revealing plot details before the film's release, the print release of the novelization was delayed until January 2016.

Are they insinuating that nobody reads e-books?

>> No.7511986


The print version has to be shipped to stores weeks early, it would have been in store warehouses being stolen and screencapped by minimum wage fucks before the release.

>> No.7511993

And why didn't that happen with the guys who run the warehouses where they store the e-books?

>> No.7511996

this desu

>> No.7512005
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>> No.7512029

(1) Why did Finn and Rey need to disable that thing in the tower while Han and Chewie set the bombs and why did they need to be present for Han's death?
(2) Why didn't J.J. scrap the aluminum Storm Trooper from the movie entirely?
(3) Why am I supposed to care that the Republic's planets got wiped out by the sun-powered planet laser?
(4) Do all Storm Troopers (including Finn) receive sword training, explaining his ability to handle himself with a lightsaber without getting instantly killed?

>> No.7512042
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>(4) Do all Storm Troopers (including Finn) receive sword training, explaining his ability to handle himself with a lightsaber without getting instantly killed?
It was pretty clearly shown why Finn would have some ability to use the lightsaber, dude.
In the part where they show jus tsome random trooper can kick ass with a baton, implying that yes, Stormtroopers get training to use weapons like that.
Y'know, in the best, most memorable scene in the movie?

>> No.7512046

Except that's the only Trooper who ever uses one, implying that he's not so much "random" as a specialist. Y'know, like how there's flamethrower specialists?

>> No.7512054

no, there's dudes who have flamethrowers.

>> No.7512057


When Finn ditches his armor on Jakku you can see a baton connected to the back of it, so he was presumably trained in how to use it.

>> No.7512064

Thanks m8

>> No.7512071

Finn was a janitor who was also sent on Search & Massacre mission.

I think it's pretty safe to say that First Order Stormtroopers are all-rounders

>> No.7512076
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>> No.7512078

>I think it's pretty safe to say that First Order Stormtroopers are all-rounders
>First Order Riot Control Stormtrooper

Not so sure about that. At the least, it's ambiguous.

>> No.7512079

>Implying TR-8R wasn't transgender

>> No.7512091

They just call him something different so they can justify selling the same figure twice with slightly different accessories.

>> No.7512104

If you enjoy star wars as legitimate cinema, then read the novelizations of such babyish drivel - essentially wiping the shit off your mouth and begging for seconds - you're a irredeemable manchild, and it would improve the world measurably if you ceased to breath and sputter your insufferable shit.

It bothers me not that you exist, but rather that you somehow feel like your opinion counts for something, as if you have experience and context enough to judge anything that's not a cartoon or a sci-fi thriller you found on reddit, and that in this ignorance, you find it acceptable behavior to rob this board of space otherwise used for enlightened discussion and the application of mental faculties infinitely beyond your grasp as a human.

Know this, and know this well, pleb: you are not one of us, you are not welcome here.

>> No.7512108


*Doffs trillby* Well said my good sir.

>> No.7512114

Eheu, I've made a mortal mistake. I used 'a' instead of 'an,' as is grammatically correct, rendering my entire post obsolete.


>> No.7512119

Neckbeards are huge star wars fans, though. This guy probably wears scarves.

>> No.7512122
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you will be missed

>> No.7512125

Being this much of a blowhard trying to hate Star Wars for being too plebbish betrays you as an ultimate pleb.

>> No.7512138

So I wasn't the only person disappointed with this movie right? I liked things about it but way too many unanswered questions and it moved way too fast, sapping all of the emotional potential from the scenes.
Hopefully VIII will save it, since Abrams won't be directing, thank God.

>> No.7512143

It was an enjoyable sci-fi adventure, but the pacing for the last half hour was all fucked up. You don't have time to mourn the death, or celebrate the victory, and the ending is so tonally weird you leave the theater not knowing what to feel.

>> No.7512144

so who is rey

>> No.7512150
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clone of Shinji's mom

>> No.7512156
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an exceptional pilot and mechanic with absentee parents who discovers and develops their burgeoning psychic space powers

>> No.7512164

It's like ceramics

>> No.7512166

Pretty much. It starts off strong but unravels for the sake of ActionMovie. I wouldn't call it anger but that scene really does the entire series and the characters disservice. It really exposes Abrams as a superficial director and if I was Lucas I'd wish I could go back in time and at least guarantee some degree of creative control or influence before I signed everything off.

>> No.7512180
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An underrated traveling surgeon

>> No.7512212
File: 57 KB, 1280x631, wait-is-he-really-redacted-in-the-star-wars-episode-7-trailer-670041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading novelizations

>> No.7512231
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>> No.7512355

This might help

>> No.7512539

Also if you guys didnt know the knights of ren whole objective is to kill luke skywalker, they have been trained to fight against lightsabers and combat it

>> No.7512673

tfw came to /lit/ to get away from sw threads on /tv/

>> No.7512689


What are you, some kind of idiot? None of the Star Wars movies are any good.

>> No.7512714

Where was I supposed to find that out?

>> No.7512719

They never say that in the movie

>> No.7512726

It's kind of implied though. Kylo hunting down Luke is set up in the first scene.

>> No.7512733

Nah, sounds like headcanon to me. You been reading too many forums instead of limiting your intake to the occasional off-topic /lit/ thread.

Unless you came up with that theory on your own, in which case, freely continue to enjoy it, on your own.

>> No.7512748

The First Order is raiding the village to get the map that leads to Luke. My only head canon is them wanting to kill Luke, which make sense. It's not like Snooki would want to keep him around

>> No.7512770


I don't love Rowling but she's a pretty solid world builder and her prose is decent. She got a whole generation of kids to start reading and after hitting it big she still forced her ass to sit down and finish the series in a timely manner even though she was rolling in the dough unlike other authors in that situation who fuck off instead of finishing what they started.

For those two things it'd take something pretty fucking drastic for me to dislike her.

>> No.7512974

She didn't get a generation of kids to start reading, the marketing machine did.

>> No.7513632

you're a fucking moron, bro.
>The FBI is trying to find Abdelkarim Al-Nasser, clearly the FBI was created fro the sole purpose of finding Abdelkarim Al-Nasser

>> No.7513638

Her marketing machine didn't get a generation of kids to start reading, the eyes of the kids did.

>> No.7513651


The thing in the movie I was confused about, was who were the Resistance? But I guess it turns out, the Resistance are a group of insurgents who are funded by the New Republic. The First Order (New Empire) see them both as enemies, naturally, because the New Republic is funding the resistance.

However, the First Order succeeded in destroying those 3 planets. So really, even though the star destroyer was destroyed, the first order had a huge success and really came out on top. I guess a full blown war will ensue?

>> No.7513664


Are you having a grand old frolic?

>> No.7513671

>Comparing pop fiction to fairly academic non-fiction
>Comparing someone who identifies himself as a novel & essay-writing philosopher to a novelist/essayist with background in philosophy(but not exclusively even)

>> No.7513675

>different ideals
>Lets shoot more planets!

haha this is the worst thread I've seen in months.

>> No.7513678

>reading novelizations
>reading star wars novels
good grief just stop it and eat a bullet

>> No.7513684

>best modern writers such as David Foster Wallace and JK Rowling

OP handing us mortals a master class in absurdism

>> No.7513712


Every single day is a master class in absurdism.

>> No.7513739

Is this why there's a mention of Camus later on ITT? :^^^^)

ohh hehe
tips 1930s french wine glass

>> No.7513748


Well all of SW, even the OT, has awful narrative development and barely holds up to even the worst of sci Fi "literature" that might get posted here.

What made the OT great was Lucas' vision as a director/auteur. The visuals reeked (in a good way) of Lucas, the shots managed, though generally mundane in form, to capture scenes and scales brilliantly, and the costumes of the alien life was incredibly creative.

The new one lacks all of it. It's a bland blockbuster. Star Wars isn't about narrative, and that's all this new one was about. And on its own, its awful

>> No.7514075

Just me that felt The First Order, Republic, Resistance dynamic was obvious and didn't need explaining?

I figured it to be First Order and Republic split the empires territory somewhat unwillingly with lots of border skirmishes and stuff.

Then the Resistance was somewhat funded by the Republic to cause trouble and fight in First Order controlled territory.

Sort of like America arming the Taliban when USSR invaded.

>> No.7514210

>unravels for the sake of ActionMovie
It unravelled for the sake of being a Star Wars tribute act. It was still fun, mind you, but they really should have left things at the level of a few amusing callbacks instead of lifting most of the plot wholesale.

>if I was Lucas I'd wish I could go back in time and at least guarantee some degree of creative control or influence
That, however, would never have made it better. Although I suppose it's true that, after seeing the new movie, the prequels do gain one positive feature in retrospect: the fact that they at least tried to tell their own story.

>> No.7514226

>even trying to call Rowling Socrates 3.0

This generation's Kierkergaard would be a religious post-modernist who managed to dig it out of it's ironic death trap to something sublime.

We'd need some kind of Pynchon-Jesus to get to Kierks level.

This whole thread is b8 though.

>> No.7514230

Perhaps, but Camus was always humble.

That's such a rare trait for gifted writers, and it's that raw simplicity that gives his stories their appeal. He's the emotionally undisturbed French Hemmingway, and there's little pretension in his writings.

>> No.7514240

Rowling is fucking shit... what is everyone on about?

>> No.7514431

I guess so. The destruction of the New Republic's 3 planets set a countdown timer for the Resistance. They'll have to somehow take down the First Order before they run out of whatever funds/equipment they already have.

But again, I couldn't really feel anything about those planets being destroyed, because I had no connection with anyone on any of them. There was no development of even the New Republic as a whole before they were annihilated in a Mass Effect-esque way.

If anything, this movie made it clear that the only thing that Abrams cared about is the micro-scale of this war: the last remaining Jedis and those who support them, battling each other for the fate of the galaxy. Will be interesting to see how the next 2 movies (especially IX) go with the new director.

>> No.7514442

She's a shit world builder. Her world doesn't make sense, and even she has admitted the rules of Quiddich are poorly thought out.

>> No.7514607


Setting up for some kind of STAR WAR perhaps

>> No.7514625

Read Splinter of the Mind's Eye by Alan Dean Foster.

>> No.7514674

She also stole her ideas from Anthony Horowitz: Groosham Grange.

>> No.7514747

ok but what I really mean is who's her dad

>> No.7514828

Kylo Ren. When he was 11-year old Ben Solo, he was 'raped' by a Force-chaser who wanted a Force-sensitive child to protect her in old age. The woman then disappeared before he could kill the baby along with the rest of his Jedi-in-training peers, only for her to end up captured by slavers and forcibly separated from her little girl.

The cycle of patricide will continue in VIII.

>> No.7515039
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>> No.7515135

>that completely out of place 360° helicopter shot at the end

Probably the most embarrassing part of a really shit movie where every STAR WARS™-cliché got vomited back at the audience. Um ehrlich zu sein, Familie.